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Show 1 'Jjj ALTCPJ0A1I rORK CITIZEN SATURDAY, JULY G, 1023 "WHERE ISTHE CRIME CQmiSSnM' Crty aCdiinty Gbmnilslonnrs; ; Go-oparato In Rosd Offing- To Fight Siraviliar m cJ r 1 hST .trurberry crop ? ...i h rrowers ,.ni problem Uciug them ?Which i attacking the ',OTberot fields a great "hough th most Tis th "jutmort proiwunceaVla ima on 7w 7ort serious infestations ,Untssrs ) M marMabl , fruit Th r lves are ;als . dwarfed, i oi of a curlou oppry ifr the., crop to ,ar- persist on -the older fUl, at their, bases, 'jiati sref Wiled outright , iSeetdd ; plants commonly yaicbM. apparently due to $ isl ill of it runners having , ttfetatloo. ' i wrD to rarely found on tt i ThiiT , move to the ? fesves, and are : found la f umbers between, and within jleti mi leaves yet unfolded. a tlw found irttnin tho term-4 term-4 wdowd by the tlpulen. Tderelop from buds in the ill, ud u they appear we 4 fh tho weevil. Under nsu-sdltioM nsu-sdltioM therefore, . runner i Bt be expected to hate the ifeiUtlon u the parent: plant Til mmu to be more active a this another. They more lie older to the younger tlisuee ay hi ienrftlre tO Btronj lljht ippwntlF epread very alowly rot to row. It to known with Mj Oat the weera orer-f orer-f tn the field under our climitlo 'oni. Ia tome instance! they nttred (or - teveral - eeaaone, tt Qtt other. r " " - weeffl lnlury has none Of the lace of that caused by the red er the leaf or root aphlds.4 . wberry breeders are menaced t eerfl far more than the t If the later have Infested tills ' may be destroyed and itock secured, but Infestation original stock of a new variety mora serious matter since no tlon measure is known which sot partially endanger the plant Commercial control, inch as will be given to a number- of 7 the fields on Provo Bench, Is not practical prac-tical for breeding purposes. ;..Tha methods of prooedura which a number of , the" growers Intend to pursue as soon as the crop to (ally harvested seems to be the only way to rid tha field of this pest The tops of Jhe planta will be mowed close to the ground with a, mowing machlna. ' The field will; then : -., be harrowed both ways with dlse har row, cutting the heads of plant open and levelling the fields. ., 8ome of the weevil will be killed with Us dust The fields will then bo allowed to dry A liberal amount of si prepared poison, consisting of dried ground aryle peeling sweetened and poisoned poison-ed ( patent mixture) will be scatter ed ver the field.. The weevil, which is t little maggot, or won , about one-eighth of ta jnch lontv when forced to find food, eat the mixture. A carload of this mixture has been shipped la by the growers' of Provo Bench and will be given a fair trial this year. , ;"r.". . v it has been found by growers thai if strawberry fields are kept -saor tetel the" plants do not dry out near the heart and weevil does not work so readUy. Every locality has 'their problemtjud It Is commendable ' to see berry growers unite in the best methods of berry growing. ... Mrs. C A. Fugal, Mrs. R. .W. Bite-ball Bite-ball and Mrs. Pays Steele of American Ameri-can Fork, vliited relatives in Parson Thursday of last week. v -hi ' c f T'J'te z ' -' - L "" S'r'&.- 'faeasp' enca Cotnrday ssid Czzizy The Tlmpanogos stake will ; hold regular qaarterly conference, July and 7.- Saturday evening t I o'clock there will be a meeUng of all the stake and wart officers, teacher and Priesthood officers. Sunday there will be services at 10 a. m. for all Sunday School child ren and the general public At S p. m. there will be another r caneral session and at 8 p. m. the If. L A. will have charge of the meeting. The public Is Invited to all meet- ion' : Miss Francildia Southerland and Mlsa . Arlene. Soatherland jtt slogan. Earl Southerland of Washington, D. C visited Monday with the. Misses LaRena and Leone Cooper. ',. Mrs. Thelma Ash Fsckerall and chlNren of Tooele, who have been apendfnr the; past:two months with her parents, Mr. ; and , Mrs George Ash, retnnid to their home" Sunday. , -u".. .; . .. . jl l- Mrs. D. B. Ellsworth, Edwin Ells worth Taylor, Mr. , and Mrs Edwin Ellsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ellsworth, and baby of Bay, Arizona, were guest of Mir. and Mrs. .Bulon BrimhaU Thursday of last' week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller of Ray, Arizona; are visiting relatives here this week, ambra TONIGHT Theatr Lake View Chfld ' r 7 Suffers Bad .Cut Gordon Zobell, five-year-old son -of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Zobell of Lak'e View, suffered a deep cut on the knee Sunday afternoon, when he fell from 7 tricycle, his leg striking a broken milk bottle.. Five stitches were required to close the wound. The accident oc curred at the Zobell home. 0 ' Mrs. John Butler, who has spent several months with her daughter. Mrs. Ethel Drysdale, returned to her home in Payson Monday. . Famous Dii F&nfly Entertain At Altebra Mr. and Mr. Lyman Anderson and children of Salt Lake, visited last week-end with Mr. Anderson's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Anderson. SEE, AITD HHAB !:;6 DRIG6S wmm, "iSbewTSJFjSpi'M UuSdans. fflplete change of projrram each night. Also change , ui picture. . 100 BETTER TIIAir A TEAE AGO V : i iore 400' audiences with numerous return. engagements.-. I . , iby ?rdiestraGlco Club and Drum Corps. ,r .mciL u. iiiniTi nirtnnrT iiiit. 11 iiiniiim auu Mr." and Mrs. William Wheeler and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wheel er and children of Springvllle, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Anderson Sunday. ': ; ' , - '' - Mr.nand"Mra:ffi'veterand children, Ruth, Virginia and Eddie, Jr., and Mr. Ruth Ann Er cant) rack visited i with Mrs.; A1U B. - Walker end family Sunday. - ; 1 The Drlggs family ot entertainers are 'back la Pleasant Grove for a return engagement at the Alhamhra Theatr tonit (Saturday July I). This talented family delighted a Urge atfdlenc at the Alhamhra last August Since, they have been la training in Denver, Colorado, and have worked out an entirely different program from the one presented last season, and said to be greatly Im proved with : new instruments ' and costumes.. Especially hav the five slaters ' of the family prepared themselves them-selves along the line of canclag and they will present an elaborate dance revue whkh they hav recently given In several theatre of Denver and Cheyenne, including the Denver Muni cipal Auditorium. hSss Ivon. the youngest daughter, has been offered a star part la the opening revue at the Orpheum Theatr in Denver this coming season, ' :.-t- V ':. " Mr. W. K. Driggs father of, th family, is an old resident of Pleasant Grove having been born here in one of th prominent pioneer families and was identified as a leader in social and educational activities her when a young man. Hi many friends will welcome his return and the re- appearence of his talented family. Miss Bernice Allred, who 1. em ployed by the Hedqulst Drug Co. is ill at her. home with mump.. L- Mr.- arid Mrs. Irving Bullock were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William I Green at dinner Sunday. v Mrs. Helen Carson was th guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. EL Hawkins of Prbvoir6ndaynihd "Tuesday. ' . -: ' I Roy Fugal left July Srfl for Twin Falls, Idaho, on a business trip. He exacted to return within a week. ' vl trams Wf thaw. y i' ........ . .1 i.-.V- What Awful Tales Gome from the Tire Graveyard s gad tales of abuse and neglect. Tires that could have been in service today if their -??. owner had given them a square deal and , ' sent them to us for repairing. ,Our service ' -is one that assures you of economy on your, . tire bills. Check over your tires today1 and bring us the ones that show, advance signs of passing out. - - ' '"-"-: : ' : HAYES AUTO CO. :r Pleasant Grove, Utah ' . J II 1 " ' 1 I.. Early this spring th city Fathers purchased ' a" road grader, and" Since that Urn It has been kept busy. Last season th ' county commlslonrs straightened and put in i shap th road from th mouth of American Fork canyon to th R. D. . Wadley BOaMb' vt..' ..,,.. .- .' .-'n-.-U:,- Th dogway ' at th ' tanyon n-trano n-trano has been maH an easier grade and other repairs hav been mad. Th ' county . commissioners and City Fathers together bar recently re-cently completed this road grading and gravenng, so that It is now a very fin road, from the EtaU high way to th mouth of American, Fork canyon, -' ' Th street from the state tlihway to th tabernacle and tabernacle grounds has been graded and gravel ed.- It wa on of th most needed Improvements In th city. ' ' jPrvmu i Ctrawberry Day tin road from th high school to th ban park was graded and gravelled making mak-ing It much better for th Strawberry Day visitor. Th north drlv of th cemetery has been straightened, graded and gravelled from th ast to th west aid. The center drlv I being graveUed at th present time. ; Other street will com to for their shar of the , Improvement. Good roads show a progressive community and a live city administration. Jit. and Ilrs. , , 7iHl22i D. T7est Ccle- - ; brate Assircrsary f ' "jbsbsisjsbsbb Mr. and Mrs. WUllam D. West celebrated their golden wedding day last Thursday evening, June 17. The house was fllldd with members of the family and old . tlm friend and neighbor. ''.', -l , 7 Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Hawke and two children . of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Jess West and; four children: of . Farmlnftoa, Mr. and Mrs. Lorln West and six children , and Mr. aid Mrs. Tbomai West and seven children ot this city. Also twenty-six grandchildren and one great-grandchild were present The evening was spent in a Radio program and Interesting entertaining features by members Of the family. Dainty refreshments wer served. :f''..''.'.'''9 "" t . P. G. Defeats Ilapleton Pleasant Grov defeated Mapleton. II to X,. In an. Interesting Farm Bureau league tray played Saturday at Springvllle. Th Pleasant Grove batsmen : had their hitting tog on, end Richards, th P. G. hurler, crack, ed out five hit In five trip to the plate,- a-'wH -as- pitching; -splendid baseball all th way. Swenson, Johnson, John-son, Tv Walker and F. Walker all got tour blows apiece, while L. Johnson, John-son, Mapleton hurler, led his team's hitter with three wallops. - ' Snow of Mapleton banged out 7 a horn, run, who Richard of this city included a three-bagger' among his hits. ':' ': - ntTaylcflltadi llerr Ctcro At Prica Th ninth retail fumltur stor . will be opened in Prio Wednesday by Dlxoa-Taylor-Russell company. Utah' mammoth chain fumltur or ganlratlon, according to announo-msnt announo-msnt mad this week, ' Elton I Taylor,' for many years manager ot th company's star ft ' this olty win head the new PrU stor. ''. ;r U: On that opening tiay an ' orchestra will b ia attendance and Cowers will b presented to th ladies. 1 large group ot clerks will be In at ' tendanca. t show th ' viator th new Kn of good which has arrival ' la Prlc from th east epeclaUy ff th opanlns. -,-; Vw. -, . :; , The.startlng of th ninth stor of th Dixon-Tsylor-RusseU company Is evldenc of the progressiva spirit which ha marked th pbenomasil . growth of that organization sine Its beginning her .a few years ago. . ' o . -; r?-v llanlla 7ard At llutiiil "V DeHJcly UCi Th If. L A. of th Manna ward hav planned a very fin - prosraa for every mlnut of their tlm at Mutual Dell, which commence July 11th. The special feature programs wiU be taken car of by Marvel Atwood, Angelyn and LucUl Wadley. -r- Thursday night will be fun night ., and Friday will featur a big boa firs program. , Early Friday morning ' an : unusual hlk to Exclamatloa Point wlll.b mad. Dinner will h serred jeach evening at p. m. " Aa ward member are Invited, with! th promSs f that- something new and different will be going on every minute. ' . ' ' Wiss" Grace , Walker spenC week-end in Salt Lake C?y. i lasf; Ora, Clara and Lynll Ash were Salt Lake visitors th pact week. Th Llndon scout under th direction direc-tion of James A. Cullimor enjoyed a party at Geneva last Friday vnlng. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of Vernal, visited Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives. The Pleasant Grov ; Band In 'full uniform aided in th parade at Provo on July 4th. " " Mrs. Merle Kirk and children ! of RlrertoB-ar "rlBianf Jwlth her "par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Cullimor. UtUe Miss Phylls Hilton is visit Inr indeflnftely at Grace, Idaho, with her uncle, I. H. Hilton, and family. Martha Bullock Wadley of Ogden, Visited relatives her the first ot the week. , -. of Mr, and Mrs. L. P. Richardson Yernal, were guest of Mr. and Mrs. wiirord Anderson last week-end. . Mr, and Mrs. Dean Anderson and baby. Lou! Dean, wer guests ot Mr, and Mrs. Albert Anderson Sun C3SSC.' THAT S! IS SfGCHl5S Buy TIRES : ; "jTom the Iniids OV You caift tell a good tire bj its outside looks. What's inside in-side counts very much. i The kind of cord fabric hidden in the body. . , The body ; ' must take the blows-r-4)end - iu, and ' come back. It must stretch and recover re-cover to cushion your riding. Elasticity that really lasts Goodyear provides "it with SUPERTWIST, their; patented 4;ord fabric I -It Btretches ,6054 farther'"""withbuiV breaking-t flexesJand.rJrecovera almost without limit iu making your car ride easy. , . : : Result r We repair , blovv. outs, sidcTrall breaks, etc., in lots of tires but seldom get a eharice to do more than retread re-tread a Goodyear after a long life'of service. .. GEnyicn CTATI01T Where You and Service Meet Phone J I atio cosiumes ciiauuua wv. day. ' ; Shw starts .7:30 25c and 60c. . |