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Show SATURDAY, JULY. C, 1929 v j pleasant Groye Lbpals . i " i f- ' ' ' " ;.. . " j :' ''. , .'" '. '. Mr, and Mrs. Melvln McDanlel end family of Salt Lake, wer gueata of relatives here Sunday; (Mr, and Mrs. Harold NeUonHre re-Joeing re-Joeing over the arrival of a baby girl born last Friday. J' T v ' ' Mr. and ilrs Frank . WhiaUer ar proud parent -of a baby ; girl, born Tuesday at the bom of Jt gxand- Mr. and Mr.f Joaeph Smith and family of Salt Lake, were th .gueata of Mr. and Mr. J. I Theobald Wed- xteaday. '(Mt',i., ' t r- ..... i Mr, and Mra. E. ...A. .Paul ot Magna. . wialted Uifc ,weeku with their daughter, daugh-ter, Mr. Ana Adama, and family. iMr, and Mr Jamea D. Thorn and on. Cyril, apent the Fourth 41 July at, Payaon, William licKili returned with tbem for a fair day tlalt Y Mr. and Via Aaron. Walker and family and Mr. and Mr. Beuben Bui-look Bui-look returned Wednesday night from JStrawberry Valley where they enjoy d a four days fishing trip. . llr. andllr. Archie Boren and Mr. And Mr. Ray Prampton returned but Tburaday eveninx from ' a Mk'i crfp tbrough Yellowstone Park. They report an excellent trip. , ' Tbe Utah Juab . County firemen' association will meet at American Fork, BundayTJnIyT.A numbet of tbe local firemen and their wire will Attend. ' ; . . , Mm. Cbarlea J. Olaon entertained At dinner Friday evening in honor of her husband' birthday. The guest were: Mr and Mra. 01 Anderson, Mr Mi Mra. J. O. Johnson and Mr. And- Mrs. R. B. Thome of Magna. " George L. Smith, Herman , Parduhn LeRoy Thome, Howard Thorne, Ike Hayea and Errol Hallidaj? ; returned Tuesday from a flablng trip to Straw berry Valley. They report an excellent excel-lent trip put they were very reticent over : the number offish caught. Mr. and Mrs. James "CL ' Peterson - And; -famllyr Mr; and "! Mra. ' Owen Thornton, . Mr.: and : Mr. -William Peterson and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. L Johnson and family motored motor-ed to American Fork Canyon Tuesday evening and enjoyed a picnic dinner, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thorne were 8alt Lak visitors Sundays ., Howard X Thorne mad a' business busi-ness trip to Salt Lake Monday. . Mra. Archie Maxfleldandt ttaughterj Ellen were Salt , Lake tlsitore : Fri day. ' R. B. Woolley of Salt Lake, mad a bnainesa trip; to Pleasants Grove Thursday. Mr.' and Mrs. Varton' West " arc proud, parents ot a.llne baby boy bora Tuesday. -, ' " - ': Mra. Jamea Irving was a gueat at the home of Mr. ant Mrs. Archie Maxfleld Sunday. ' ' ;t 'iCrrto Thorne spend part of - th week at Payson, the fuU of rela- utb. , i:,H y ,;. planche Jackson ot Loa JLngelea, u vuiung ror a rev day wt her sister, Mra. J. B. Halllday, u V Mra, Oennlere Ellaworth and children child-ren were the gaeata of Mr. and. Mrs Jamea D. Thorne and family Friday arid Saturday of last weak. Mrs. J." 8. Peterson and . Bra and Calvin Peterson of Brlgbam City. were-Sunday" goeat at Elaine" War- mere home.:. - ...... .'J..'. .' Mrs. Maggie Johnson " ot Pleaaant Grove, Mra, Chriatene Danlelaon and daughter of American Fork - - were guest of Mr, and (Mrs. C. , P.' War- nick Friday. Mra. Annie Holman, Mrs. Martin Moneon and Mrs. Delbert Chlpman or American Fork were gneats of Mr. and Mra. C, P, Warnlck Friday! Mrs. -Annie Holman,-1 Mrs. Martin Monson and Mrs. Delbert Chlpman of American Pork were meat of Mr. and Mra. C. P. Warnlck Thurs day. U la bop and (Mrs. I M. Atwood of the Manila ward, entertained at a Warnlck family . reunion at ,tbe!r home last Wednesday evening,7 in honor, of Effle Mary t Warnkk, who will . leave soon for a mission to the Western. State. , ; - t, Mr. and; Mrs, A. P. Warnlck and family, Mr. and Mra H. B. Warnlck and family, Mr. and, Mnk. Howard Warnlck and . faiml3y and) Mri and Mrs, W.jW.i Warnlck and family enjoyed en-joyed the Fourth of July at. the ;War-nick ;War-nick cabin in Deer. Creek, American Fork Canyon.. s -y .. u. : .piano At A Sacrifice We have in tb .vicinity of Pleaaant Pleaa-ant Grove one ot our best piano. Rather than return tbl piano to Salt Lake City we win sell at a sacrifice or will rent it to a responsible party. Please give full references In first . letter." , CLEM - ; BROS. - ROBERTS PIANO CO., 161 South Main-Street, - Salt lAkr Cltyr Utah;" . 6-2Mt' Mn. George Harris entertained at birthday dinner . Tuesday In honor of her brother, Howard Warnlck. Be-aide, Be-aide, th guest of honor and his wife and ,'baby, . Carol Dawn, the following guests were present: (Mr. and Mrs: II, h. Warnlck and h.tldren,' Ber--nlece and David, Mr. and Mra. Ivan Monson and , children, Vervene and Hannah Beth, and Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Harris. Mr. RoyMeecham and baby. Paul of. SpringvUl.wera gueata thia week with her parent, Mr. and Mr. W. W. Warnlck. ; , ; : Mr. antt Mrs. Glen Wadley are re joicing over the arrival of a winsome baby girl born Tueaday. All concerned con-cerned are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Maxfleld and family motored to Chester, Sanpete Co,, Sunttay and apent the day visiting visit-ing with Mrs.-Ellen Maxfleld Inrlng and family. . ' - - . Mrs. Ethel DrysUale entertained eight ladles -at her home Tuesday evening. The time was spent In social chat, after which a ' dainty luncheon wea served. ' Mlseas Gennleve Fugal, Emma Ludvlgson, Ruth . Eldredge - and Messrs. Roy Smith.- Grant Atwood and. Warnlck Swenson enjoyed the Fourth of July at Heber. : - ,fVy, .; -. Miaa Effle Mary Warnlck entertained entertain-ed a group ot young folk at a house party' Friday evening. " Out ' door game were enjoyed, followed by de licious refreshment. ' Mr. and Mr. Han Williamson and children, Dorothy, Richard and Stan ley, lea Monday morning by auto for Madison, Wisconsin, to Ttsdt with Mr. and Mrs. Williamson' daughter : - and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr. R. C Hoyt. Miss f Efttellar Fenton ; entertained last Saturday evening at a picture show , at! the. Paramount In , Provo. The guest ' were: Mr. Kate Jacob, Mrs. H. B". Richards and Mrs. Thomas Fenton. - Mr. apd Mrs. George E.JX!Jler of Twin Falls, Idaho, and Elder Carter of provo, were gues of Mr. end Mr. Delbert Fugal Frda.:;yr'':-:;;(f.,,.. Mrj, LeRoy Thorne returned home Tuesday evening from the Lehi Hospital Hos-pital bringing a ten-day-old winsome baby fclrl 'i'; J;. , Mr Md Mr. J. h Theobald enjoyed enjoy-ed Saturday night at Mutual pell with Mr.. Theobald's. .parent,. Mr. and. Mra. Georg Richard. P Hazel Aagard of Provo, Is ; the guest of Miss Helen Weeks this week," Bhe Jc4ne4"the Third , ward girls at Mutual Dell, part ot the time. - Mtoa-f TheknA- Shoell retnrned home Wednesday evening from the L. D. 8. . Hospital where she underwent under-went an operation tor goitre about tea ttay prevlon.3:iltJIl . Norma Smith motored to Flab Lake last week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, and family of .NephL They enjoyed a tery pleasant fishing trip. Mlar Joaephlne West was operated operat-ed on for gall stone, at the L. D. 8. Hospital Tuesday. - Al though Tery serious operation, she is reported to be doing as well si can be expected . The Third ward apent ; the first part of the week at Mutual DeU. At on of the evening programs ' there were 150 ward member and gueata prMt ;-TTr-. :-'"7 T ; Mr. : NMa Bradley of Moroni, daughter of Mary B. Hale who has been rlaltlng her mother for the past two week, returned! to her home Monday. " ' f ' i" ' ssaHjnsei ' The ' Windsor Ward M. L A. hare been .at Mutual Dell the past- three das. On July 4th, sixty-eight yuests enjoyed dinner together. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller who bave been visiting the past two weeks with their mother, Mrs. Polly Harris, returned ' Monday to their home in Ray, Arixona, : The following Scouts of the Wind sor ward spent last week at Camp Stewart: Alvln Kirk, Ray Keetch, Wilford Hooley. Clyde Johnson, Ho ward Harper, Milton Smith and Car Lowder. :LMr and Mrs Armond -Webb re turned Tuesday from a week's trip through Yellowstone Park They are visiting for a short time with Mrs. Webb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred a.8hoell-:--4tT: . Z ' : Qtit Good Trait Thst . Village Bad Man Had " Tl lte Cbauncey M. Depew wai n-proviiig a young critic one day for a bank criticism. . , ' j-d like to see more of the Kin Klncatd pirt in your work, my boy, the treat man said. . . -Kin Klncaid. you know, was noted for bis etrty snd loving kindness. Never t slanderous word passed hi "PWefl, tbe bad man of the village died In due course, end they U roasted roast-ed him at the general store the after-noon after-noon of the funeral, tfbey roosted blm hard. They pointed out. that be w a drunkard and a mlaer, a wife beater and s liar, a thief and a scandal-tuon-ger, coward, a usurer snd a rake. 5 -Kin Kineald 'listened to all thai tolk with a Uttle smile of disapproval, disapprov-al, and Anally the general storekeeper aald to blm: Now, Kin, don't you look so hurt Ain't everything wot's been said about that old cus true! Can you name one meritorious trait,' Jest one, thai he ever showed f 1 "Well said Kin, yo boysH hsve to admit that be certainly bad a good appetite.' 7 English Bank Holds " "Relic of Washington In the archive of Barclay's bank in ,omion Is a draft for S pounds ater ling drawn October 2, 1720, on "Jame Oarclay. banker, of Lombard treet mid remitted for the account of one Patrick Barclay in Jamaica. It bear on Its back the signature ot George Vajli)ngtona-part'-of -- Indorsement Indorse-ment The draft 1 In fairly good atate of preservation. Was It th Father Fa-ther of Ills Country who put that indorsement in-dorsement there? . ' . ' --( - Not long ago Robert L, Barclay made Inquiries in the United Bute from which It appeared that th tjreat George Washington's signature when he was eighteen year old (bis 4gMo the date of the draft) was not imiierlnlly different from this one. It Is not Improbable that the draft was sent to Virginia or Carolina, which In JIH.S4) duys were In close commercial lunch with Jamaica. i;ic!ny's bank was not aware until S.year or so ugo of Its precious pot-Mission. pot-Mission. The draft, was discovered by mvo Kirl student from Philadelphia wh. n inspecting some old portfolios l th li.uik. : ' ' ' r - t Great Lawyer ProlUie John B Moore, in bis "Life of Marshall," Mar-shall," states: "During bis period of .... ' : r " . 1 F rfc. " - OhjJIiahVeaternUnW , Ah wants to ride jq? S,r . Ah could fly - - through de"siY ButitS8poeddatAJdc-H Mark ma "red hot mesw Send me dot and dash" " rL : AnVAh.'agotdeSvel Mah Sally wrote a letter - -X ' Says "Why docs y0' ail Oh, Mistah Wireless sSn C Send mo back by radio' ; An air-o-lane jea holdi m i , When Ah wants mah Sajy K A hundred Wsses maybi Is vizi? down South fV KV ' Mistah Western Union, , Can't you send me C, 0. Dt s ' rf 'The ReaaeA'.- A- clergyman was congratulating Himself on a convert from a' rival place of worship. , Why," be asked the good lady, "have yon decided to forsake your chapel for my chorchf I It that you find my sermons of greater comfort to your, ., .,;' ; ,:-v- No," was the reply, "iff not exactly ex-actly .that The fact is thefha? cindered the pathway up to the chapel and I find It that uncomfortable for the feet that I bad to change." Weekly Scotsman. ' - ' Virginia Anne, age three years, was just getting a good atart In tbe pri-' pri-' mary department of a suburban Sunday Sun-day school. Tbe young teacher was John Evans of the Manila ward underwent a serious operation Tues day at the Lehi Hospital; He had been ill with pneumonia which left the lung affected so that an opera tion was necessary, Mr. and Mrs. Jens P. Fugal, Mrs Sten Clayton and John C. Christen- sen motored to Duchesne last Sunday to attend the funeral of a relative. They-accompanled relative to Midway Mid-way Monday where interment was made, returning home Monday evening., even-ing., v.'-'. "y.-. ; ': '' : Mr. an,4 Mra. Mllford Gardner of Afton, Wyoming, visited last weekend week-end with Mra, Gardner' parent, Mr. and Mr. J. P. Fugal. Mr.- Gardner returned the first -of-the week, but Mrs. Gardner remained for an in definite Ylsit Mr. and, Mrs. Vivian Butler - of Provo, visited Tuesday " with Mrs. Ethel Drysdale and family. Miss Beth Drysdale returned to Prove with them for a short visit. , Vivian Baxter and Orin Swenson ot Los Angeles, California, are visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Baxter's parents; Mr. and Mrs. David Baxter. On Wednesday they motored to Magna, Mag-na, accompanied by Mr. ' and Mrs. David Baxter of the Windsor ward and Mrs. Elizabeth Baxter of Pleaa ant Grove. .1 . - service, 105 cases of International law telling the story ot the shepherd and were decided,, Marshall delivered the.!, .wishing to : give especial attention to opinion on 80 of these." Mr. Moore the babies of the class, asked: also states that Of 62 opinion on con stitutional law handed down during Marshall's period of service, 1801-1838, afarsball delivered 80 written opinions. Stcarity In Silent Wilds Where there is nothing of civilization civiliza-tion for 100 miles, not even a telegraph tele-graph wire, one comes to revere that refreshing bit of bravery, the flag, whipping above trees, a aymbol of authority au-thority and order. One thrills at the music of the band, and bugle call add a character-forming stimulation-Lee Crane, in the Atlantic Monthly. '-V'1 ; f Custom Has Endured Adrian WlUaert, founder of the Venetian School of Music, went to Venice to live In 1256. He was made chapel master of the Church ot St Mark, which had two organs facing each other. This circumstance led Wlllaert to divide his choir in two. He thereby established a custom which ultimately became universal. ? ' Picking Mihces Tom, age five, was not very familiar with mince pie. JThe other . day his mother made one and while eating, a piece, he stopped and looked at hi mother and asked: "Mother did you aver see a mine before it wba plckedl v Early English Judges la the Thirteenth eeotury In England, Eng-land, traveling judge, who were cauad Justice in eyre, were appointed to proceed around certain assigned cb cults and to try civil and criminal cases that might be brought before them.'".-'.' "Virginia. Anne, do you know any thing about the ahepberdsr ; 8ure," replied Virginia Anne, confidently, con-fidently, ? know all about "em. They lire right next door to us." Baalae Pregreas ' Th belr to the business had sauntered saun-tered in from his two and a halt hour among the ash trays, bad looked over his malL and at 8:30 bad gone for tbe day..... . .' i v., . "Do yon remember," asked the aO-ver-halred bookkeeper of the cashier, "bow bis father used to scheme to get away once a year to attend the opening open-ing baseball gamel" Creek Chronology Greek chronology wa reckoned m cycles of , four years, corresponding with the periodic Olympic gajoeg held en the plain of Olympla. f Ills No$e Bnkn la a fight with a ick;: Thackeray, the fanwos wn hi no broken and the dr Iatd all bla Ufa Manners Are Lot - A man's manners art a fc which he ahows his UkeMHbe teUIgent ofserver.-Goetha. , ' . . o ... ,,' ' Lop and Letten tore Is the life of friestt ten are th lit of tevsWinal 1L v. s Three Classes ef Mm . There are but three etaMC tbe retrograde, tbe statisaav a progressive. .(, i Eoer-Pretent Expem . There doesn't seem to N c trouble' "meeting " expenset-Hst t them everywhere. Wall ftrat I aaL y :DehnHlon or EUtvj History Is a narrativt ef a man who doe not pwwjMjt them,'' compiled from wrifiasi a er persona, probably nS&tanA ':. ' Never Did Pay . War doesnt pay and It w. erally admitted , that Moots Great and Napoleon were ikt megalomania. T : . 0 Fabric for Fabricate The most elastic fabric t bs is the trout yarn. ' v r'- Tribute to the Child ? Chndren are God's apoatUfcfc day sent forth to preach dm hope ana peace. "" X ;M 'BSO)Bj8 J peiBooi si aaaii Xqsq 000'000'ZI foqi sumuoa opruA t 'Aiearau jsajoi SdXJi s.pijoa 9u HyeejnN aio4 p ;sBji - - j tabic "" - V Gool-Gomfor Athletic Will Not Elp la The Back light GminminoNS snmra, and joibirs JiKwe).: We Have Everythlag Thit Usa and Yocj Men Heed Por Cmatner Wear. " . ThorneV Clothes Sho? 1 ... .. .. ' ' .. . i.v. ' f : ' ' ;: " . i wiewsMiias lawjua iu aswaiaMWJ --- . - " - ' ' ' : : . i -.. :. - : ; . ; ' y |