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Show SATURDAY .Trn, SATURDAY, JUNE' 4, 1927 AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN - - 1 ! 1 i i 1! A if Feed Prices Higher That's More Reason For You Watching Your . Peed Buying. , Oiir car lot buying and quality feeds insures you - ""of tjao best feeds and best prices, Compare our prices with all others for same - v quality feeds. Know what U goh.g into yW mash and what - . -yon- are paying. " " " " : Ilighest Quality, Lowes Prices. . " " ' Accredited Poultry Medicines. A. W. Pulley & Sons Feeds Coal Produce. elephone 172 American Fork I Mb r iSiMvmutlmbmi urn. MrrafldHarlTronnDurVant of ' flood to her bed for several daya this week-with lllnesi. - - Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Puller were Mrs.. James Morris and her two daughters of Og-den. Og-den. -: --i- ' Mrs. Neldon Ita and two children of Casper, Wyoming,are here visiting with Mr, j lim'a mother, Mrs. Mary Webb. ' : - : ' Mrs. Freda Larson and two child-.ren child-.ren from - Barley,- Idaho are visiting this week with Mrs, Larson's slater, Mrs. Frank Grastlet and family. Mr. and Mrs. . Jack Long of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Hyde Willis of Kemmer, Wyoming, were Decoration Day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bates and daughter Cleo. - - Mr." and Mrf . Eslle Bennett and and Monday visiting with Len Harrlng ton and Mr. . Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett Sunday and Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Varney were Mr. and Mrs, Heber Cutler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Con. dor and family of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Parley Smoot of Provo. Prof. Fitxroy of the Brigham Young University has commenced his third annual summer's wort here is the city. His studio Is again at the home of Mr. Ben Moffet. Pro! Fitaroy will give a course of twelve lessons during dur-ing the summer season. He still has room for two more studen'tsInfor- Spanish Fork were visiting , with friends and relatives during Decora-lion Decora-lion Day. T : Mrs. Vern Chipman is recuperating from an operation which sheunder-went sheunder-went Wednesday. She had her tonsils removed. , -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson and children of Ophtr, spent 'Sunday evening eve-ning here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor .Myers. mation regarding an appointment may be had by telephoning Mr. Moffet's home, telephone No. 18. adv A novel party was held Wednesday night at the home of Martin Nielsen. The young people enjoyed a motor ride and theatre party and then adjourned ad-journed to the Nielsen home where & fried chicken supper waa served. They enjoyed dancing and musical numbers during the evening. Those present were Harold Werner, Keith and Ken neth Nielsen, Virginia Eggertsen, Ver- Mr. end Mrs, Fred Wright, Mr. and Jeese Wright visited with relatives in 'American Fork Monday from 'Salt Lak City. r --' Mrs. Donald Chipman arrived home from Salt Lake City this week where she has been in a hospital undergo, ing medical treatment. President Stephen L. Chipman re. turned omreflrrTartoTThls week from Provo where be underwent an operation for appendicitis about three weeks ago.' He Is now at home recuperating from his Illness, and Is able to be out and around. : The Baccalaureate exercises held in Provo Sunday night were attended by Mrs. Detta Taylor, Mr. and Mrl Ray D. Nlcholes, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nlcholes and Miss Dasly Bar-nett. Bar-nett. all of this city and Bethyl. Route and Hannah Miller of Salt Lake .City, who accompanied Mrs. Taylor i Mr. and Mrs. J. I Flrmage, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, Mrand Mrs. Claude A. Eggertsen and . daughter Ulele&i attended the wedding reception weanesaay nignt in rrovo given ior Don Thurgood and Miss Lula Price. The two young . people- who were honored were united in marriage in the Salt Lake temple that day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholson and children of Midvale, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cheever and children of Bing. ham, and Miss Mayme Cheever ol Murrayrvtsited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cheever on Memorial .Day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cheever and children were down from Bingham again Mrs. Jarvla Aydelotte was a visitor In Provo Saturday. She spent the day visiting with friends and relatives. ' Mrs. J. L. , Flrmage and Mrs. William Chipman were visitors in Provo Saturday. They visited ; with friends. .' ( Mr. and Mrs. Newel Hophelns were Decoration Day .;., visltora of Mrs. George Meredith. -Mrs. Hophelns wag formerly Miss Zelma Meredith of this city. ' Mrs. Sarah E. Dixon and family have moved back to American" Fork and are residing In their former home prior to their moving away. Mrs." Kennem"rreilUpi''iioTrtwo sons of SpringvUl Canyon, are visiting visit-ing this "week with Mrs. Phillip's par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Adams. - Mr. and Mrs. Norvan h Storrs of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Young of of Salt Lake and their families were visitors of Bishop and Mrs. Joseph H. Storrs Memorial Day, Dinner guests of Mrs. Jennie Cun. ningham on Memorial Day were Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Cutler of Salt Lake Swlnhart and Mrs. Clark ail of River- ton. ' - Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Makln had as Decoration Day visitors, Mrs. Alma Larson, Ervln Makln, Jr., his wife and family, and Mrs. Bert Cunningham Cunning-ham of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Myra Strong of Bingham Canyon.- A letter was received, during' this week from Wayne Fullmer wjio ,I working - in California - by- his aunt, Mrs, H. S. Rasmussen, It stated that he was very weQ and doing exceptionally exception-ally well with his occupation. ' - Mrs. Roy Steele entertained at a dinner Decoration Day in honor of her guests. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. L Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs Fred Henriod and Mrs.' David Smith all of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrei- Joeeph-Walton -and Mrs.-Emma Anderson of this city. The Third Grade of the First Ward Primary Association was entertained at a party given by their teacher, Mr. Bessie Ovarl They spent the after noon in the usual diversion of children's child-ren's sports and games, after which dainty "refreshments were served to nine members of the class. All the little children had a merry time. Carol' and Dixie Reid of Mantl, are visiting this week with Helen and Virginia Eggertaoa. They will leave for their home Thursday. The two Miss Eggertsons wer former , real-dents real-dents of MantL . .. - - ..7 .. STRA W BERR DAY Is Wednesday, June 8th r I : ::::::::: t. r 1 - 17 . V i f f.l- 1 I WM . X "... lt Lh-U-M Nwmm AT PLEASANT QEOVE' mak'e a-banner day1 tor our nei gHb or You may need a new suit for the big day oilcan be fitted here, no matter whalypur,gm na Nielsen and Carol Reid of MantL Thursday night ' "Mr. 'and Mrs. Thorst "Peck -and family fam-ily of Tooele were Decoration" Day visitors of Mrs. Lettle Peck and faintly. faint-ly. On the way home. Mr. Peck stopped stop-ped the car at the point of the moun. tain and went into the store. As he came out, he was knocked down by a caf and lay In an unconscious state for a half hour." His brother, John Peck of this city who wa called by telephone, drove him and his family home. He was found upon examina-nation examina-nation to nave a broken collar bone and to be badly bruised. He is recovering re-covering very welfT - ;X - TOWELS , . Extra Special 18x36 JPWO THREAD Only 23c PANOY CHECK AND BORDERED 15x28 TOWELS 12c EACH JFANOY "RUBBER APRONSH: 1 - HALF PRICE HOUSE DRESSES A New Shipment ". ' . .- -Only $1.19 Each Heavy Fancy LACE All Widths and Shades : 3 Yards 25c SAPQ The Wonder DRY CLEANER Removes All Spots, Grease, Etc. Grocery Specials Cans Sweet Corn. .25c P. rfnns ftni Stntiff Beans 1 25c Large Bojttle Catsup 3 Packages Seedless Raisins t Can Lunch Meat., 20c X32c ,...I.,--5c Can Salad Pish CMlHckles- 20c :ii6c i.i6c I Can Ripe. Olives-..-. 17 Bars P. & G. White Soap-- .25c Fresh Green Vegetables Oranges, Bananas and" Lemons If you don't need' a suit what about a'paxrgf our light trousers to go with your Blue Coat . We are showing a wonderful line of MEN'S STRAW HATS Both Soft and Stiff Rim. We buy them in quantities to give all an ample selection. Call in and have our salesman show you our new styles. o Plill'S: MAIN STREET THE QUALITY STORE r - AMERIQAN FORK, UTAI call .stating Mrs. Luther Giddlngs left Monday tor California where she will stay for an indefinite time with her grand, father. The cause of her hurried de parture was an Instant that her grandmother had died. Soap Special $1.25 value for 98c2 Large White King and 3 Bars Mission Bell Soap. Robinson Grocery. The Bee Orchis Ladies were entertained enter-tained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. T. '-Sheney. The after: noon was enjoyably spent in reading and sewing after which a delicious luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker of Mil-ford, Mil-ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parker of Bingham, spent Decoration Day at the home of their father. Late Park. . . Mrs, Niela - Nelson - ha - gone- to Dividend to visit a week with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Elton of Dividend who were here for the Memorial holiday. Mrs. Nelson retrrned with them. The American Fork Sorosts members mem-bers were entertained Friday at the home of Mrs-i-BertAdameon. Aqent,' musical program was enjoyed during the afternoon after which a tasty lunch was served. Mr and Mrs James Kelly had as Memorial day visitors Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Nlcholes of Deepcreek, arrived nere Wednesday to spend an Indefinite visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nlcholes, parents of Mr. Nicholee. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alma Earl and Mr. and Mrs. David Condor and their families, motored to Heber Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Arson. Hlckena and family. " Mrs. Dell Singleton, Mrs. J. E. Chadwick; and two sons, and Miss Nellie Wilde of this city, and Miss i neima uoaue or Lew, motored"' to Salt Lake today to spend a pleasure trip witn Wayne Chadwick and La Velle Singleton who are attending the Mission school prior to their leaving for a mission in Germany. They will motor to places of Interest and . hav.e lutfeh in Liberty , Park. Card of Thanks For the . many kindnesses shown dnrlng the Jllness and death or our beloved Jiuflband.juid father, we wish to express our sincere appreciation Mrs. Allen Shelley left for Black- foot,' Idaho, Wednesday to spend an indefinite visit there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmstead and family spent the Memorial holiday In Lehl, visiting Mr. Holmstead's moth er, Mrs. Mary Holmstead. Mr and Mrs. J. E. Chadwick had as dinner guests on Decoration day James H. Barratt of this city and Ralph Barratt of Garfield. T Mr. and Mrs. Merrill1 Clayson are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby" daughtenborn Saturday morning morn-ing at the Crane Maternity Home In Provo. Mrs. Clayson was formerly Miss Mary Taylor, daughter of Presi dent and Mrs, T. N. Taylor of Pro-1 vo. Mother and baby are doing very well r'"N0TICE'-":"' TO DOG OWNERS Final notice is hereby given that all dog taxes are now past due and unless payments are made on or h. fore June 10, 1927, for this year, it will be necessary for me to file complaints com-plaints against owners thendelin- adv. WALTER DURRANT, City Marshal. . .Notice For Bids j The Board of Education Alpine School District wID v. bids for the Interior pakthfj calsomlnlng program at their n; meelng June 7, 1927, at 5 p. a are to cover labor only. Spedls may be obtained from the clerl The board reserves the rights Ject any and all bids. ALPINE SCHOOL DISTST Joseph F. WaluM ' - '. if. Bids Wanted Bids wlll .be considered fct transportaflbnrby bus of state the various sections: AlplneKi to AmericanFork: Cutler ti t Grades;. Saratoga to LehU- Manila to Pleasant Grove; Xpc Page to Lincoln High; Lsb7 Vineyard to Lincoln High. catons on any of these rout st obtained from Clerk of the tori Bids will be opened June 1, Sp. m. ': . Tha board reserves the right t Ject any aid all bids. ALPINE SCHOOL DISTIL" 5-14-4t 3.T. WALT0H.C Two Hands are r'r; Better than Gn: There's a feeling of security in driving a I Ford the advantage of the Ford system of control really means something to the - driver. 6 Jord control is equally distributed between hands and feet. Pedals operate gears and brake. Hands are free for steering and 1 signalling and two hands are better than one, when traffic is heavy. Let us show you the new Ford carsmany recent refinements have added- to their eautyr comfort aid oper American FofldotorCd. and thanks. AUTHORIZED DEALER The Peoples Store Mrs. William Kershaw " ' and Family, .. . |