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Show LARK NEWS Jackie D;dley Phone 901-J1 Mr. find Mrs. Keith Wclib and daughters, Janet and Pamela, of Bluffdule enjoyed dinner Sunday ut the home ol Mr. anil Mrs. Everett Allinson and soils, Danny and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Clyrlc Gillam and daughters, Susan, Saily find Carolyn Car-olyn returned liunic last Iricl.iy from a very enjoyable two weeks vacation in California. I hey visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Willough by and family of Lajolla, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Canifield of San Diego j and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cain- I field of Los Angeles. Sunday morning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Max Love II and family, Lucy Jane, Dee and Marilyn were Mr. and Mrs. Kldon Lovell of Delta. Mr. and Mrs. James Reed and daughter, Sonja, and Carolyn Jones, Jon-es, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ray-mond Jonej of Oakley, left August I 7 for San Diego, Calif., to attend the Buick convention. They returned return-ed home Sunday. Lark Ward Junior Cleaners attended at-tended the dance "Moonlight Capers" Cap-ers" at West Jordan Second Ward Tuesday evening. Those who went j were Lois Fahrni, Mrs. Roberta j Rasmussen and daughter, Sheila, and Pat and Jackie Dalley. Mr, and Mrs. Max Young and children, Carta and Chuck, of Salt j Lake City visited with Mr. and : Mrs. James Dalley and family Sun-! Sun-! day evening. j Lark day was held Monday at Lagoon. It was under the direction of the Lark Athletic Association. Besides the concessions, there was swimming, races, picnicking, dancing danc-ing and drawing for money. A delightful time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fahrni and daughters, Lois and Jeanine, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fahrni and son Junior of Kearns left last I uesday for a few days vacation in the high Uintahs at Sulphur Camp. They returned home last Friday. |