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Show Orem-Geneva Times- -Thursday, September 15. 1983 J. f f , V i:iI:iiB5iS( loft, )iilsrf;B:4Kkaes'; lifll Orem Postmaster Clyde E. Weeks, left, and Letter Carrier Jana Hadlock point to the Center Street line which divides Orem City into separate sections, each having its own ZIP Code. Starting November 1, 1983, all postal customers located south of Center Street will be using ZIP Code 84058. Postal customers living north of Center will continue using ZIP Code 84057. eMa.7.a.c& urns The continuing growth of Orem City, including both residential and commercial developments, require the assignment of a new ZIP Code to approximately one-half of the community, com-munity, Orem Postmaster Clyde E. Weeks announced today. "Beginning November 1, 1983, the area south of Center Street in Orem will have the new Zip Code 84058," Mr. Weeks said. "All postal customers located south of Center Street will receive individual notifications of this action being taken by the United States Postal Service in order to keep pace with the growth of the community." com-munity." Postal customers in the affected area are being asked to notify their correspondents and ask them to start using ZIP Code 84058 beginning November 1, 1983. All mail with an improper im-proper ZIP Code will be forwarded to the new ZIP Code for one year. Postal customers located north of Center Street will continue using the present ZIP Code 84057. Meanwhile, schools, churches, utilities, clubs, public entities, business firms, publications and all others who do periodic mailings to Orem residents or business institutions in-stitutions should begin immediately to convert their mailing lists so that their future mailings will include the correct ZIP Codes. Mr. Weeks explained that the five-digit ZIP Code enables the Postal Service to sort mail for distribution to various post offices. This primary sort is followed by a secondary sort that prepares the mail for delivery by the receiving post office. Much of this sorting is now done by hand, although letter-sorting letter-sorting machines (which have up to 18 operators are sometimes used. Commenting on the growth of Orem City which has resulted in the need for two ZIP Codes in the community, com-munity, Postmaster Weeks recalled that there were some 8,500 residents in Orem back in 1951 when he became postmaster. "We had three rural carriers delivering mail to the entire community, com-munity, and no one was using house and street numbers as mailing addresses," ad-dresses," Mr. Weeks said. "Over the years we used sedan cars, bicycles, three-wheeled Mailsters and finally, Postal Jeeps to deliver the mail. Today we have 41 letter carriers delivering mail to over 17,000 families and firms in Orem." "The new 84058 ZIP Code for the south half of the city will serve to simplify the handling and delivery of mail in Orem, Mr. Weeks said. "I encourage all those who are affected by this change to give their valuable assistance to the post office by making this change immediately, and by asking their correspondents to do the same," Weeks continued. Mid speaking engagements and appearances throughout Utah Valley this past week Congressman Howard C. Nielson visited Scera Park School to present the school with a United States flag that had flown over the White House. He also presented the school with a certificate to go with the flag. Following the presentation the children sang two patriotic songs honoring the congressman. Nielson then visited fifth grade classrooms, who are studying U.S. history, and conducted a question and answer period. GOP Women Will Host Fund Raising Luncheon Utah County Republican Women will host a fund-raising luncheon on Monday, September 19, at noon at Magleby's Restaurant, 2230 N. University Parkway, Provo. Investment counselor Howard Ruff will be the featured speaker. Members and their guests are invited to the $11 per plate luncheon. According to President Sue Arseneau, the proceeds from the luncheon lun-cheon will be used to finance various organization activities. Arseneau adds that the luncheon replaces the regular monthly meeting. ' 'Because of the Labor Day holiday, holi-day, we decided not to meet as we usually do on the first Monday of the month," she explains. "The luncheon with Howard Ruff is our regular monthly mon-thly meeting for September." Those wishing to attend should R.S.V.P. to either Sue Arseneau, 224-1398, or Colleen Densley, 375-9509. flsn Medicare neimbursement Will Forci Cost Controls , A new method of reimbursing hospitals for medicare patients scheduled to go into effect on October 1 will force hospitals to place much greater emphasis on managing costs. This point was stressed in a study of Health Care Costs and Government Action prepared by Utah Foundation, the private research organization. Instead of reimbursing hospitals on what was expended for the patient's pa-tient's care, the reimbursement in the future will be based on the average cost of treating the patient's illness in similar cases. Foundation analysts point out that this new method of reimbursing hospitals for medicare patients will turn incentives upside down. No longer will there be a direct link between expenses and revenues, and cost control will become increasingly increas-ingly important. The study indicates that hospital administrators will have to closely monitor medical staff members who admit patients, order tests, and determine deter-mine the length of hospital stays. In EJ1 O 0 o A New Muffler Shop In Orem at TAYSOM TIRE SERVICE 651 -North State -Orem, Utah -84057 Life Guarantee 1 Open 9-6 Monday-Friday 9-2 Saturday Closed Sunday Come To Our to Muffler-Shop For Service On Foreign & Domestic Cars We have Tires For Every Need Free Mounting and Balancing Complete Brake Service Front End Alignment Service Shock Absorbers 3? 71 Complete Muffler Service Tail Pipes and Accessories Compare Our Price Before You Buy 10 Off fluffier (With This Ad) i mmm 651 North State - Orem, Utah - Phone 225-6343 "Where Service Is King" nm mi addition, greater emphasis will he placed on finding cheaper alternatives, alter-natives, such as clinics, outpatients surgery, home health programs, and nursing homes, for some illnesses. In addition to the new medicare reimbursement program which will go into effect in October, the Utah State Health Department began using the new reimbursement method for medicaid patients in July. Thus, reimbursement reim-bursement for all medicare and .medicaid patients in Utah eventually eventual-ly will be based on the new prospec tive payment method rather than tne traditional fee-for-service method. It is hoped that the change will help control con-trol soaring health care costs. This year Americans will spend $360 billion on health care services, and if present trends continue the cost is expected to escalate to $750 billion by 1990. By comparison, health care ' expenditures in the U.S. totaled $75 billion in 1970, $27 billion in 1960, and $13 billion in 1950. Alone with these increased ex penditures for health care have come much higher Costs. According 10 me Utah Foundation analysis, medical care costs have risen 31 faster than the general inflation rate in the naaon over the past three aecao.es. since 1950. hosDital costs have been rising 62 faster than health care costs in general and 114 more rapidly than the overall inflation rate. A recent poll shows that Americans are aware of these rising health care costs and are persuaded that these costs are out of control. When asked to assign blame for rising ris-ing costs, special criticism was directed at the following: 1. Purchase of expensive new equipment by hospitals and doctors. 2. Creation of such federal programs pro-grams as medicare and medicaid. 3. Insurance companies that pay claims without questioning if treatment treat-ment was really necessary. 4. Doctors ordering more laboratory tests than are necessary. 5. Doctors permitting longer hospital stays than are necessary for minor ailments. The Foundation report observes that there are 42 acute-care hospitals in Utah with approximately 4,850 beds. For the most part, hospital costs in Utah are somewhat lower than they are for the nation as a whole. Since hospital reimbursement for medicare and medicaid patients eventually will be based on national averages, Utah hospitals could gain from the new pricing structure. Any added reimbursement reim-bursement for medicare cases might be used to halt the shifting of such costs to private patients that has occurred oc-curred over the years. The study shows that $77.8 million in un collected costs have been shitted to private patients in Utah hospitals and that this adds about $100 pir day to the bill of average private patients. msm Save QPJ ALL PaL PRODUCTS pRATT&LAMBERT ) Vapex HOUSE PAINT 4 pRATT&LAMBERT j DISTINCTIVELY FLAT. FIGHTS BLISTERING. EASY CLEAN-UP SALE REG. 2141 I 'ml 1 Ute house atrimfi FAST-DRYING SATIN LUSTER. BLISTER RESISTANT SALE f REG. 2378 pRATT&LAMBERl mo D DURABLE ALKYD GLOSS. CHALK RESISTANT SALE REG. 2623 SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 FORMALIZE HcHJSE&TRIM FINISH |