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Show I I I I 1 Five From Orem Perform In Pageant When 100,000 people travel from far and wide to Palmyra, New York, the week of July 24-29, to witness the spectacular Kill Curaorah Pageant, they will see as 5 of the performers residents resi-dents of this area. Palmyra Is about 25 miles east of Rochester, New York. The local residents honored by being chosen as performers are Elder Dallas L. Raty, 284 East 1838 South, of Orem son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raty, Elder Steven M. Curtis, 652 South 500 East,of Orem. son of Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Curtis, Elder Lyman S. Hymas, 374 North 750 East, of Orem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mirl 'B. Hymas; ElderSterlingF.Lar-sen, ElderSterlingF.Lar-sen, 440 South 850East,ofOrem, son of Mr, and Mrs. DanLarsen, Elder Brent C. Richards, 467 North 550 East, of Orem, son of Mr and Mrs. Calvin R. Richards. They are all members of the Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day ofLatter-day Saints (Mormon) and at the present are representing the Church as missionaries in the upstate up-state New York area known by the Church as the Cumorah j L..:..,i I 11... I - i I Ui ' I i. mm ii mm Elder Steven Curtis REPORT OF CONDITION OF Orem State Bank of Orem July 20, 1972 in the State of Utah at the close of business busi-ness on June 30, 1972. ASSETS Cash and due from banks (including $ unposted debits) 563,310.65 U.S. Treasury securities 382,823.22 Obligations of other UJS. Government agencies and corporations 682,334,00 Obligations of States and political subdivision .... 233,000.00 Other securities (including $ corporate stocks) .... NONE Trading account securities NONE Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 400,000.00 Other loans 5,875,734.74 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 97,487.02 Real Estate owned other than bank premises 142,442.01 Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated. . . ... NONE Customer's liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding - NONE Other assets 8,168.80 TOTAL ASSETS 8,385,300.44 LIABILITIES Demand depostis of individuls, partnerships, and corporations 3,235,210.00 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ............ 3,260,230.98 Deposits of United States Government ........ 152,244.69 Deposits of States and political subdivisions .... 390,204,95 Deposits of commerical banks 75,000.00 Certified and officers' checks, etc 379,781.11 TOTAL DEPOSITS $7,492,671.73 (a) Total demand deposits .... 4,032,233.29 (b) Total time and savings deposits 3,460,438.44 Other liabilities 389,013.18 TOTAL LIABILITIES 7,881,684.91 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS rulings) 55,692.45 . TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES .. 55,692.45 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Equity Capital total (sum of Items 36 to 40 below) 447,923.08 Common stock-total par value 150,000.00 (No. shares authorized 3,000) (No. shares outstanding 3,000), . 125,000.00 Undivided profits 172,923.08 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 447,923.08 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 8,385,300.44 MEMORANDA Average of toal deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 7,481,013.48 Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 5,835,983.65 I, M. Warner Murphy, President, of the above named bank, do solemly affirm that this report of condition is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct-Attest: M. Warner Murphy Directors: John M. Gillman M. Dover Hunt Rex Thomas (SEAL) State of Utah County of Utah ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of July, 1972. David J. Stone Notary Public STATE OF UTAH Department of Financial Institutions I, W.S. Brimhall, Commissioner of Financial Institutions do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the statement of the above named bank, filed in this office on July 20, 1972. W.S. Brimhall Commissioner of Financial Institutions Published in the Orem-Geneva Times, Thursday, July 27, 1972. Elder Dallas Raty Mission, named after the re-nouned re-nouned Hill Cumorah near Palmyra. The church is the sponsor spon-sor of the Pageant. OVER 500 PERFORMERS Because the Hill Cumorah Pageant employs more than 500 performers, 25 stages, the latest technical paraphernalia, a magnificent mag-nificent sound-system, specially written music, and all the artifice arti-fice of stagecraft, to dramatize the rise and fall, of an anceint American civilization, it has been called America's most elaborate religious spectacle. The Pageant is presented at night to permit the us,e of eye-Illling eye-Illling lighting effects with colored arc lights playing on curtains cur-tains of water. This year more than 100,000 visitors from over the nation and even from foreign countries are Elder Lyman Hymas expected for the six nights of the great outdoor drama. CITY DESTROYED The Hill Cumorah Pageant pro-trays pro-trays the story of a band of Israelites who are enabled to escape the destruction of Jerusalem Jeru-salem by special dispensation of the Lord and who establish a civilization in the New World 600 years B.C. There are alternating periods of turmoil and tranquility. tran-quility. In one famous scene, the City of Zaraherala is destroyed by earthquake, lightning and fire, in punishment for the sins of its inhabitants. 1 The climactic scene illustrates the Mormon belief in the appearance appear-ance of Christ to his followers in America following His death and resurrection in Jerusalem. This illustrates the Mormon belief that Elder Brent Richards the Book of Mormon is America's witness for Christ in the Holy Land. Admission to the Pageant is free, as is the parking. Hill Cumorah is located on State Route 21, four miles south of the Village of Palmyra, and two miles north of the Manchester Manches-ter Interchange, Exit 43. DUCK STAMP INCREASE BRINGS REVIEW REQUEST WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Duck Stamp increase from $3 to $5 recently brought the wildlife Management Institute to suggest a congressional in-depth review of the current status and future of the national wildlife refuge system. Elder Sterling Larsen PUBLICATIONS PRINTED For Schools - Clubs - Families - Churches - Cities. No job too small or too large. Orem-Geneva Times Thursday, July 27, 1972 - Pacesetter in Education Set In California A high school curriculum guide prepared by California's Alameda Alame-da County schools has been selected selec-ted as a national'pacesetter. by editors of Drug Education Report. Re-port. Editor Peter Hammond suggests that if more school systems used such a guide it could herald the beginning of "long overdue reforms in America's Amer-ica's school system. The guide puts the major burden bur-den onthe student to learn through inquiry, he reports, while "teachers "teach-ers are only resource guides, not programmed prophets of myths, innuendos, half-truths, and sen-sationlism. Check Our USED CAR Prices 71 IMPERIAL LeBaron 4-door hardtop. Completely equipped equip-ped including air conditioning. Leather interior. $4993 Your Satisfaction Is Our Guarantee!! Dean Evans ijfl.RYSI.KI.il Chrysler - Plymouth - international 241 West Center, Provo, 373-7980 Formerly Anderson's Open Evenings lli iiTi Kni "moil ' 1 ThUs'at.r' & SI y-iL JuJJ.li!io FAMILY SCOTT ifflFI . rJlS!rt V S I I ' TT"- W m m H -KI S a ...... I" . .4 FAMILY SCOTT M BATHROOM TISSUE i 4 ym - x t .a r KOU.5 " - PEANUT BRITTLE Our Reg. 47' LIQUID PRELL I ROUX FANCI-SHAMPOO FANCI-SHAMPOO FULL RINSE 650 t-ply thts Hiw pf toll. Strang Scott bath- Ei-i-V j:-,vs - -j s.; room titsu in whit and attorttd colors. ,',.w,.,.. a,... jfj kotex . y-y ja FEMININE NAPKINS f , Our Reg. 1.49 I IN ; ILk - ' V? "y i s- NjJ 8ig 40 count boic in tuper of regular. Slock up now at ' ' 'Sf 1 hii monsv tavor from Skaaat Drua Centon. iferfrJ m-TlSHB,i V DA 111 DADDCII f k 1 Our Reg. 1.39 FARRIT CHFTFNFR ?; u.s. ' " I "S". Eitralarg 70 ounco plattk jug. Johnsom havo a special Vnril""W7 V- oHro( $2 25 worfh of coupon thy wttlmait you rf yor V jr Vr J IW ' t moil Ihom tho label off tho roio barrol. Vv? ''3 IFM k v V 4 'WstFWWJPW v -1yF UNFINISHED y"G.l" ELECTRIC CAN OPENER 'fji f; SM YOU SAVE AT SKAGGS t v Vv '! Cuttom Eltctric tan eponor with oaty-cloan s sJ s? I romovobh) cwHor Mdl KZ4AV. Oo you havo a NV . fhowtr or wedding coming up stopal Skaggtand Savo. NSjc a. BOUNCE JUICE GLASSES STYROFOAM I INSTAMATIC ICE CHEST COLOR FILM ZJJ For J U Vvy Our Reg. 17' Ea. Our Reg. 2.99 Our Reg. 1.39 II L- Vmih. f-L, yMU -y 2 lMtiM mw4i frT W it juicfl S 4 quart capacity wirb lattol iMHcHti m4Z Fikiw !? iiitaMlk nrtrii ftla. : I.Tm . iT. ..ii lb. "tH, T tfi JilidlB J I1 i "In A fetal lift Z Tight lilting lids. Slynlaam knii li ; tipaiatn nicl ilic.l-llt l r'7 a Our Reg. 95' SQUIBB i UPJOHN ASPIRIN KAOPECTATE 1 Our Reg. 59 Our Reg. 1.29 IA IummI tk. in AA fimii " iac1im im.Im.m Iwi imhiik hair- 2S0 Cauat S irams Mch lobUt. Sib At S 170MfiiKMtctaU ti trMtmaiit af tall ikoawaaMltai aiii fiaa SkaMi IcaUriaf. Waul (aia-caa ba iamaad aicialatlail poiii taliaf-l. plaitii baltli. ; diaithaa. Hit yam nilcaia M Una Caatan. ! ikoiHaaiM. - I aacaliaa lac Ika kiai. Our Reg. 15.88 Strong and iturdy big-wood pknk labia with DELUXE CHAISE LOUNGE t; a gg Our Reg. 15.88 Strong aluminum frama on whaah with tuftod pad. Anothar Skarjgi grant buy. 18 INCH BARBEQUE Our Reg. 3.99 Strong, lightweight and portobli II" sitilor Bor-B-Ouo Grill. 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