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Show Ace Rents We rent almost anything Baby Cribs Rolloway Beds Power Tools Sports Equipment 1745 S.SL, Orem Ph. 225-4816 Hiss Sktional Teenager Contest Young ladles --plan to compete In the Miss Utah Teen-ager Pageant, to be held at the Holiday Inn. downtown, Salt Lake City. i August 19, 1972. A sponsor fee of only ? 50.00 is required. A contestant con-testant may have more than one 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 Q 0 0 0 o 0 o o o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 Diane Chip man . . David Castle .... LIKE ROOM TO ROAMV This large lot is a perfect Invitation to your children to dig up a sandpile or to relax on the large patio. Cool atrium In the entry sets the stage for a large expensive living room with fireplace. Formal dining area. Kitchen eating and a snack bar. Walk one step to your deep freeze and laundry room. Many more extra's. So, call to see. $36,500.00 Bank terms. PROVO BUSINESS LOCATION With rental units in rear, located just off the avenue. Over $600.00 per month income. Total price $57,500.00. PAYSON ACCESS TO INTERSTATE 15 This large lot with Frontage on Payson's Main Street has many possibilities. Lots of cement driveway and large 24 x 40 foot shop. Four bedroom home with 1 34 bath goes with the property. All for $23,500.00 with terms. Call Pearl at 465-3283. PERSONALIZED SERVICE TO ALL OF UTAH COUNTY JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 148 South State, Orem 225-6650 225-8632 225-6524 Dick Luke .... 225-6580 Pearl Blgler . . 465-3001 o 0 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 sponsor. Anyone or any business may spousor a contestant. Contestants are required to write a 100 word essay on the subject: What's Right About America!'. The essay will be judged at the Pageant. A luncheon with the judges will be held at noon, Pageant day, hosted by Pageant officials. A formal dress will be required for thePageanUThis Is the State Preliminary to the Miss National Teen - Ager Pageant, held In Atlanta,Georgia in late August, 1972. Contestants Contest-ants must be between the ages of 13 through 17.Theywillbejudegd on poise, personality , beauty, leadership and scholastic achievement. These is no swim-suit swim-suit or talent competition. The winner will receive af 750.00 tution scholarship to the modeling model-ing Institute of America, and 1st and 2nd runners-up will receive $500.00 and $250.00 tuition scholarships respectively. The winner will also receive an all-expense all-expense paid trip to Atlanta, Georgia to compete for the title of Miss National Teen-ager in late August, 1972. Teen-agers interested in being a contestant may secure information from Mrs. Fredda Odom, State Director, 361 Binkley Drive, Nashville, Tennessee 37211 or-call or-call (615) 832-1609 or 834-1880. Call or write now for your information!!! Y7 Orem-Geneva Times Thursday, July 27, 1972 Fred Johnson . . ooooooooooooooooooooo GYMNASTICS CLASS Gymnastics taught by professional profes-sional gymnist. Also teaching ballet, floor exercises, and acrobats. Call 225-3915. J29,J16b TRUCK FOR SALE Dodge Truck 10 12 ft. rancho camper, excellent condition. Many extras, See to appreciate. 373-3636. J27B QDDDDIlDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDnDDDDI Frank C. Guercio Frank Guercio Dies At 85 Frank Catio Guercio, 85, of 274 S. 8th W Orem, died July 19 in Winnemucca, Nev. He was born May 19, 1887, in rtiellocosenza, Italy. He married Carmella Fata in Italy. He received his education in Italy and served in the Italian Armed Forces during WorldWar I. He immigrated to the UJS. in 1922 and lived in Sunny-side, Sunny-side, Carbon County, for three years. He then moved to Bingham where he worked for Kennecott Copper Corp. for six years. He then moved to San Francisco Fran-cisco where he lived until 1937, when he moved to Provo where he was employed at Ironton until 1956, when he retired. He was a member of St. Francis Catholic Church. Survivors include his widow, Orem; four sons and four daughters, John Guercio, Provo; Mrs. Ray L. (Margaret) Willinson, Mrs. Frank B. (Jennie) Barton, both of Orem; Mrs. John (Mary) Carfri, San Francisco; Mrs. Robert E. (Julie) Roberts, Reno, Nev.; James V. Guerico, Winne-mxca; Winne-mxca; Victor E. Guercio, Salt Lake City; PaulGuercio,Almeda Calif.; 24 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday July 22 in St. Francis Catholic Church in Provo. Interment Inter-ment in Provo City Cemetery. ltlSURAUCE AGEtlCY QThe Insurance Center 59 No. State, Orern COMPLETES,XSERVICE n n n o a n EH3 n o n n n n n REPORT OF CONDITION OF WASATCH BANK 601 East 1300 South, Orem, Utah All Kcounts iiwured to 120,000 EH n n rj n of Orem, Utah County in the State of Utah, 84057 at the close of business on June 30, 1972. ASSETS Cash and due from banks (including $ NONE unposted debits) 613,385.14 UJ3. Treasury securities 50,119.50 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 300,000.00 Other loans , 217,368.25 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 8,349.99 Other assets 6,072.77 TOTAL ASSETS 1,195,295.65 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 158,031.61 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 162,499,12 Deposits of United States Government 46,964.67 Deposits of States and political subdivisions . . . 496,000.00 Certified and officer's checks, etc. 46,174.52 TOTAL DEPOSITS $909,669.92 (a) Total demand depostis 251,170.80 (b) Total time and savings deposits 658,499.12 Other liabilities 17,760.26 TOTAL LIABILITIES . M 927,430.18 CAPTIAL ACCOUNTS Equity capital, total (sum of Items 36 and 40 below) 267,865.47 Common stock-total par value 100,000.00 (No. shares authorized 300,000 ) (No. shares outstanding 100,000) Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided profits 67,865.47 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 267,865.47 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 1,195,295.65 MEMORANDA Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 708,971.98 Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 198,586.82 I, James W, Brown, Executive Vice President and cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemly affirm that this report of condition is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct-Attest: James W. Brown Directors: S. Rex Lewis Jackson Howard Ralph 0. Brown (SEAL) S tate of Utah, County of Utah ss; Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of July, 1972. Vern Bailey Notary Public STATE OF UTAH Department of Financial Institutions I, W. S. Brimhall, Commissioner of Financial Institutions, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the statement of the above named .bank, filed in this office on July 17, 1972. WJ5. Brimhall Commissioner of Financial Institutions Published in the Orem-Geneva Times, ThursdayIuly 27, . 1972, n n n n n n n n rj n n n n O n n n n O n n n n n n n n cm n n EZ3 n Little League Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE Union Utes Windsor Yankees H illcrest Cardinals Sharon Bees Westmore Tigers Geneva Twins Cherry Hill Oriols Westmore Pirates Sharon Indians STATE LEAGUE Windsor Giants Hillcrest Bombers Cherry Hill Hawks Sharon Senators Windsor Eagles Geneva J-Birds Hillcrest Braves Westmore White Sox UTAH LEAGUE Hillcrest Yankees Sharon Braves Hillcrest Pirates Westmore Wildcats Westmore Yankees Geneva Indians Hillcrest White Sox Geneva Hawks LITTLE LEAGUE RESULTS AMERICAN LEAGUE Windsor Yankees 12, West-more West-more Tigers 4. Geneva Twins 4, Sharon Bees 3. Cherry Hill Oriols 11, Sharon Indians 4. Union Utes Won Lost 11 0 7 4 7. 4 7 5 6 6 5 7 6 7 2 9 2 11 Won Lost 12 2 11 3 10 4 8 5 7 7 4 10 2 12 1 12 Won Lost 10 3 9 4 8 5 7 6 6 7 5 8 4 9 3 10 Legal Notice SHERIFF'S SALE Property at 190 Ellas Dr., Orem, UTAH IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUIDICAL DISTRICT, DIS-TRICT, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY COUN-TY OF UTAH, STATE OF UTAH. NOTICE OF SALE (Real Property) Sheriffs No. 61829 To be sold at SherrlfPs Sale, at the west front door of the County Coun-ty Courthouse in the city of Provo, County of Utah, State of Utah on the 17th day of August 1972 at 10:30 o'clock a.m. on said day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Utah County, State of Utah, described as follows to-wit: Lot 8, Plat A, Sunray Park Subdivision, Orem City, Utah County, Utah, according to the official plat thereof on file in the office of the Recorder of Utah County, Utah Purchase price payable in lawful law-ful money of the United States. Dated at Provo City, Utah this 20th day of July, 1972. RALPH CHAPPLE, Sherriff of Utah County, Utah by Doris B. Wetzel Deputy Vernon Romney Attorney for Plaintiff 404 Kearns Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah Published in the Orem -Geneva Times, July 27, Aug. 3, Aug 10, 1972, Orem Utah. Notice is hereby given that the Orem City Council will hold a Public Hearing at 8:30 p.m. on August 8, 1972, in the Orem City Center, at which time public consideration will be given to a recommendation oftheOremCity Planning Commission that a Planned Unit Development be built at approximately 1600-1800 North and 200 East-500 East. Harvey A. Pace Zoning Administrator Published in the Orem-Geneva Times, July 20, 27, and August 3, 1972. FOR SALE AKC Brittany pups. Males.$35. 601 West State Street, Lehi. 768-2165. J27b FOR SALE 1 34 acre withbuilding permit $7,000. Located in Lindon, All American Realty 601 W. State Street, Lehi, 768-2165. J27B FOR SALE Recreational Lots tor Sale Times, Quakes, Stream and Springs. Beautiful, easily accessible acc-essible year round. Phone 785-2852. J27b FOR SALE 1948 Jeep with 1953 cylinder make. Custom canvas top. $650. Gordon S. Jensen 953 N. 75E.,Orem.225-2956J27?b FOR SALE 1971 Alladin 20 ft. Trailer, self contained (toilet, shower, frig., etc.) 4 tandem wheels, sleeps 7. Paid $3400 year ago will sacrafice for $2395. 262 N. 200 E., PleasantGrove, call 785-3400. FOR SALE Piano. Console Spinet. Take over low mo. pyts. To be sold in this area. Also Organ with Automatic Rhythm. Phone collect 206-CH3-9270 or write Kohler & Campbell Pianos, 427 S W. 153rd, Seattle, Wn., 98166. J27 b LOST Boys, 10 speed, 25 brown Asuki Bicycle in Lindon. Reward for return. Phone 78 5-2437. 5-2437. J27.p 7, Westmore Pirates 0. Cherry Hill Oriols 9, Sharon Indians 0. NATIONAL LEAGUE Sharon Giants 5, Cherry Hill Astros 4. Hillcrest Daulphins 6, Hillcrest Red Sox 0. Geneva Phillies 5, Westmore Dodgers 1. Hillcrest Cubs 4, Cherry Hill Astros 2. Windsor Lions 7, Hillcrest Hill-crest Red Sox 0. Hillcrest Daulphins Daul-phins 7, Sharon Giants 2. UTAH LEAGUE Westmore Yankees 7, Geneva Hawks 0. Hillcrest Yankees 8., Sharon Braves 3. HUlcrestWhite Sox 4, Hillcrest Pirates 3.West- We Aim To Please! 72 FORD Camper Special $4193 V8 engine, automatic trans., air conditioning, twin gas tanks, 23 hundred miles. J ( IIRYSI.HRj ean Evans Chrysler - Plymouth - International 241 West Center, Provo, 3737980 Formerly Anderson's Open Evenings C-US IF YOUR MOTOR OVERHEATS 1 Come in and have your radiator checked by our exerieiiced .I team. We check the J thermostat, radiator' hose, tighten the fan! m oeu, aui ttie proper anti-freeze ofcolbnt J and all at., 9 ' " ft- ..n.i,nir nlTt( AIILANDER'S 4rfiS University - Provo 37.1-r.JKl 7 FOR SALE Choice top soil and sandy gravel till, no compaction neededLCall 756-3895.Noorder limit. J6,13,20B MOTORS REPAIRED Have a factory trained man repair your mowers, tillers, minnie bikes and small engines en-gines at no higher charge. AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE CENTER for: Brlggs and Stratton Lawson-Tecumseh Clinton Engines Chain Saws Outboard Motors We use only genuine parts. Free pick up and Delivery in Orem. Call 225-1805. A 13b For Rent office space in the new Orem Stale Bank Building. Contact Warner Murphey at 225-4090. MISC. FOR SALE-CARPETS SALE-CARPETS stay beautiful despite de-spite constant wear by a busy family. Get Rug - Mate Stain Removing Rug Shampoo. Rent electric shampooer $1. Nelson Paint and Glass Co., 1066 S. State, Orem. 225-4141. tf . CARPET CLEANING . Steamway Carpet Cleaning. Now under new management. Spring Cleaning Special, this W9ek and next wee only. All carpet $.08 a square foot. Call 225-3314 or 225-4469. CAMPUS CYCLE We stock and repair 10-speed bikes, back-pack and all 10- ' speed accesorles, safety levers too, 1455 North Canyon Road, Provo. 375-6688 J15 J15,22,29,J6,13,20,27b FOR SALE 1964 Galaxie Ford 2-door Sean. V-8 engine. Repossession; highest bid takes It. Call 225-2000. J1,8,B GIRLS ATTENTION WEDDINGS - The finest selection selec-tion in Utah County. 546 So. . State, Orem-Geneva Times. FOR SALE One 4x5BushCamera$150.00: One older Speed graphic 4x5. $50.00. Phone 225-8957 M9b MISC. FOR SALE-BE SALE-BE GENTLE, be kind, to that expensive carpet, clean it with' Blue Lustre. Rent heavy daty electric shampooer $3 Utah , Valley Builders Supply and Pro Hardware. 485 N. State, 225-3300.. 225-3300.. tf BUILDING MATERIALS Utah Valley Builders Supply 485 N. State, ph. 225-3300. One stop for all your remodeling remodel-ing needs, wide selection of wall and floor tile. Complete fffiancing through Title I home Improvement loans. tf TIRES When you need good tires, see Don. 375-6363. Premium snow tires, radial tires, fancy tires. 480 W. 500 S., Provo. 014tfb NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1HAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF OREM CITY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC PUB-LIC HEARING ON AUGUST 8, 1972, AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M. AT WHICH TIME PUBLIC CONSIDERATION WILL BE GIVEN TO CHANGING THE FEES FOR SEWER CONNECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY. Mayor Winston M. Crawford Published in the Orem-Geneva Times, July 27, August 3, 1972. more Wildcats 2, Geneva Indians 0. Westmore Yankees 10, Sharon Braves 9. Hillcrest Yankees 5, Hillcrest White Sox 4. Geneva Indians 7, Geneva Hawks 0. Hillcrest Hill-crest Pirates 10, Westmore Wildcats 2. STATE LEAGUE Sharon Senators 7, Westmore White Sox 0. Geneva J-Birds 16. Hillcrest Braves 1, Windsor Giants 7, Cherry Hill Hawks 0. Hillcrest Bombers 18, Windsor Eagles 0. Sharon Senators 4, Hillcrest Braves 0. Geneva J-Blrds J-Blrds 8, Windsor Giants 4. Hillcrest Hill-crest Bombers 7, Westmore White Sox 0. Cherry Hill Hawks 7, Windsor Eagles 0. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN Orem State . Bank Building. Contact Warner Murphy at 225-4095 225-4095 tf FOR SALE Elec. Organ Buy. Organ with Automatic Rhythm. Like new, sacrifice to responsible party in this area. Cash or terms. Also Spinet Console piano. Phone collect 208-343-5641 or write Credit Mgr., 612 N. Orchard, Boise, Idaho 83704. J29j6b TRACTOR TRAILER You can now train to become an over the road driver or city driver. Excellent earnings after short training on our trucks with our driver instructors to help you. For application and interview, call 801-466-4714, or write School Safety Division, United Systems, Sys-tems, Inc., U.M.T.A. Credit Union Bldg., 223 West 700 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84101. Approved for V.A. Benefits. Placement assistance assis-tance available. Over 700 transportation companies have hired our graduates. J5,12,19b NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice is hereby given that the Orem City Council will hold a Public Hearing at 8:45 p.m. on August 8, 1972, in the Orem City Center, at which time public consideration will be given to a recommendation oftheOremCity Planning Commission that Ordinance Ord-inance No. 158 be amended to require street signs be installed before the first home in the subdivision sub-division is occupied. Harvey A. Pace Zoning Administrator Published in the Orem-Geneva 'iimes on July 27 and August 3, 1972. USED APPLIANCES NO - down payment on late-model late-model used refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, ranges - Or use our rental purchase plan. Largest selection in Central Utah. Every appliance guaranteed and we will trade. Used Appliance Ap-pliance Super-market, 127 E. Main, Lehi. JlOtfb RIDER WANTED For downtown Salt Lake or West High School area. Leave 6:30 a.m.- Phone 225-5393. tfp FOUR DIPLOMATS Close out, gotta go, full 10 discount Pearsons, Orem 1525 North State ph. 225-4763 J 13,20,27 WE WILL TRADE for Guns, boats, diamonds, live stock or cars. Get your new camptrailer or mobile home today Pearsons, 1525 No.State Orem. Pnone 225-4763 SPECIAL SPECIAL NOW 14 x 64 Tamarack, 3 bedroom bed-room Serial No. 4547 only $7386.00!! Pearsons 1525 N. State Orem. Ph. 225-4763, J13,20,27 MISCELLANEOUS If you know of something that your neighbors would enjoy reading about in the line of hobbies, functions, family hobbies, hob-bies, reunions, call 225-1340 Your hometown newspaper. WANTED OREM NURSERY SCHOOL enrolling en-rolling now for summer program, pro-gram, ages 3-8. Full or part time. Art, music, science, numbers, special program for school age children includes reading skills, math; etc. Also Al-so enrolling for private Kindergarten to be taught In Fall by certified teacher, small class, accelerated program. 225-6150. WORLD'S LARGEST MOST TRUSTED MOVERS Bailey Moving and and Storage Representing Allied Van Lines 1600 South State, Orem Ph. 225-4545 READY MIXED CONCRETE " 11 " , RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Awaiting Your Call. WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL Driveway! Sidtwolki Foundation Rebar Cement Color Woll Ties Expansion Joints Sonotube Coring Compound Adhesives JBl jif; 'sVs .MN Dial Provo .v,V'v A. - W5 373-10C3 DDDQDODDDDDDDDDDDDIlDDDDnDnDDI 1480 NORTH STATE. |