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Show n Is V Pi t , 4- .-1)3 1 Mr. and Mrs. V. Emll Hansen no . , "A VI'' i I ' V- 1 (!;. j - ' v - - (5 I Sharon Stake Meet Reveals Assignments The Sharon Stake Conference was held May 13 and 14, 1967, with President Alma P. Burton conducting. Sunday services were held at the 12-20-32nd Ward Chjipel with closed curcuit television tele-vision transmitted to the 13-16-3Jst Ward Chapel. Special church visitors were Elder T. Bowring Woodbury of the! Missionary Committee, Elder. El-der. George R. Hill and Sister Katherlne B. Cannon'of the Mutual Mu-tual Improvement Association. High Councilmen, LeeE.Bam-gaiftner, LeeE.Bam-gaiftner, H. Wesley Barry andW. Doyle Cranney were released for assignments to the new BYU Stake , and R. Boyd Greenwood who is moving from the Stake; also released re-leased was J. Stephen Cranney of the Stake Mission Committee; alternate highcouncilmenChaun-cey highcouncilmenChaun-cey C. Riddle, Orlando Jolley, John Bench and Royce P. Fland-r Fland-r o were released and sustained as new High Councilmen. Mew alternate al-ternate High Councilmen sustained sus-tained were Hollis Scott, C. Le-mar Le-mar Berrett, J. Morris Richards and James L. Bean. S. Charles Topham was sustained as Second Counselor In the Stake Mission Committee. 1 In the afternoon, theorem 23rd Ward Bishopric was reorganized,! due to Bishop David H. Yarn be-: ing assigned as a Stake President Presi-dent in the new BYU Stake. New members sustained were Bishop-Ronald Bishop-Ronald G. Hyde; First Counselor-fLouls Counselor-fLouls J. ChatterleyjSecondCoun-selor-John McCoy; Clerk-Curtis Ledbetter, . Speakers during the morning session were President John H. Mangum of the Seventies Quorum on Man's Search for Truth. Brother Broth-er Bowring Woodbury discussed the missionary activities of the pGAL NOTICE 4ft NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given, that the City Council of Orem City, will hold a public hearing on Monday the 22 day of May, 1967 at 8:00 p.'m. in the Orem City Council Chambers, at which time public pub-lic consideration will be given to a recommendation of theorem I City Planning Commission. - i THAT THE FOLLOWING DE- SCRIBED TERRITORY BE CHANGED FROM A-l to H-l All of that property lying be- I tween 800 South and 900 S. I and between the Sandhill Road and 1-15 Freeway. Harvey A. Pace Zoning Administrator jj Times May 4, 11, and 18, 1967. j SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE OF SALE Sheriffs 44032 S (Real Property) 5 NEW FURNITURE I SALE COME - COME j SHARE IN THESE BARGAINS g $ Platform rnelrpre 37. RO Living room set as low as . 97.50 Hide-A-Beds Start at . . . 127.50 New mattress 24.95 Kitchen Set,... .......39.50 Lamps 3.95 Color T.V. 389.95 S or take over payment 3.45 per wk. I MARCO ! FURNITURE CO. 268 West Center Specializing in Repair of Automatic Transmissions WE HONOR BANKAMERICARDS Now you can take advantage of our topflight experience ex-perience in repair of all types of transmissions. Plus Our Usual Automotive Service O 'Motor Tune-Up O Electrical Work O Motor Ovehaul Orem 600 North State - Orem Family Honors Golden Wedding Mr. and. Mrs. V. Emil Hansen of 'Orem celebrated their fif tieth wedding anniversary with a family dinner Wednesday evening. They will celebrate the event further by traveling to Austria for a visit with their children, President Arthur R. and Ruth Watklns who are serving theLDS Church as missionaries. The Watklns Wat-klns surprised their parents by phoning from Austria to congratu late them. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen were married in the Salt Lake Temple. They moved to Orem In 1928 and have held many church po sitions. Mr. Hansen was city clerk for several years, served two terms on the city council and was mayor of Orem for two years. By trade Mr. Hansen has been a painter and interior decorator. At present, he is the executive secretary of the Metropolitan Water District. The Hansens love good music and Mr. Hansen is a member of the Mendelsshohn Male Chorus. A green thumber, Mrs. Hansen Is a member of the Utah Iris So ciety. Their sporting hobby is fishing. Their children are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. (Ruth) Watklns, Austria; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde (Ester) Asay, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Hansen, Orem; Bishop and Mrs. Russell H.Han sen, Orem and Mr. and Mrs. Keith (Geraldine) Farnworth, Taylorsville. They have 28 grandchildren grand-children and two great-grandchildren. youth In bringing the Gospel message mes-sage to non-church members and pointed out the peace and happiness happi-ness that comes from living the Gospel. In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, in and for the County of Utah, State of Utah. First Security Bank of Utah National Association, a corp. vs. Francis L. Johnson, Jr. &DeAnn Johnson, husband and wife, TERRY LYNN McBrlde, a married mar-ried woman NEIL P. HORLACK-ER HORLACK-ER and DELORES HORLACKER, his wife, DOES 1, 11, and 111 To be sold at Sheriffs Sale, at the west front door of the County Courthouse in the city of Provo, County of Utah, State of Utah, on the 25th day of May 1967 at 10:00 sum. on said day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Utah County, State of Utah, described as follows to-wit Lot 1, Block 4, Lake view Manor, Man-or, a subdivision, Orem, Utah, according to the official plat thereof on file in the office of the Recorder, Utah County, Utah. Purchase price payable In lawful law-ful money of the United States. Dated at Provo City, Utah, this 27th day of April, 1967. RALPH CHAPPLE, Sheriff of Utah County, Utah. ByBiUKapp, Deputy. G.E. Ballif, Atty, 84 East 100 South, Provo, Attorney for Plaln-tif. Plaln-tif. Published in the Orem-Geneva Times May 4, 11, 18, 1967. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Orem City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday the 29 day of May 1967 at 8 p.m. in the city council chambers, at which time public consideration will be given to a recommenda- Font End Alignment Align-ment with our visuiahner Auto Ph. 225-3174 Anita Couple To Marry In Oakland Rites Mr. J and "Mrs. EldredL. Wal dron, Logan, Utah, announce the engagement and forthcoming mar riage of their daughter, Anita, to Lawrence Jay (Larry) Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Leslie Bell of Orem. The wedding will take place June 2 in the Oakland LDS Temple, Tem-ple, Oakland, Calif. After the cer emony, the families and relatives of the bride and groom will attend wedding dinner held in honor of the young couple. Following a short honeymoon, the couple will be at home in Sacramento. Miss Waldron is a Junior at Utah State University majoring in art, and Is planning for a de- Daughter Pays Surprise Visit Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Peter son of 921 S. 400 E., were sur prised with a visit from their daughter, Sally, over the past weekend. Miss Peterson is currently working In a bank at Ogden. tion of the Orem City Planning Commission. That the following described territory be changed fromR-l-A to R&D-l. 800 East to Carterville Road, 1030 South to 1300 South freeway free-way access. Comm. 1653 ft. south along the sec. line from the NW corner cor-ner of the SW14 of sec. 24, T6S, R2E, SLB&M; said point . is also 1653.50 ft south along 800 East St from 800 South st. to the north property line of Alice Rollo LeweUen Jones; Thence East 1450.0 ft M or L to the Carterville Road, thence southerly along Carterville Road, thence southerly along Carterville Road 2330.00 ft. to 1400 South St., West to the NE right of way line of 1300 South freeway access; thence on a curve to the left in North Westerly direction for 1370 ft M or L to the sec line on 800 - East st; thence north along the sec. line 990.00 ft. to the point of beginning. Dated thlsllth day ofMay 1967. Harvey A. Pace Zoning Administrator Published in the Orem-Geneva Times May 11, 18, and 25, 1967. "Say, that's a pretty bad cold! Taking anything for it?" "Sure. Anything. Make me an offer!" We Put The Serve In Service- APPLIANCE SERVICE 243 No. 500 E. Orem Win. K. Peterson Pick up & Deliver Phone .225-0796 We Specialize in Fri gidaire Service ACE RENTS We Rent Almost Anything Baby Crib Rolloway Bed - Power Tools Sports Equipment 1745 So. St., Orem Phone 225-4816 Waldron gree in Interior design. Mr. Bell has attended Brigham Young University and graduated from Utah State University with a degree in wildlife management in 1966. After graduation he entered enter-ed Officer's Training School for the United State Air Force, where he received his commission. He is presently a lieutenant, stationed station-ed in Sacramento, California. Mrs. Allen (Patricia Newlyweds Make Salt Lake Home Following a brief honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Allen J.Muhlestein are now at home inSalt Lake City. They were married May 11 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple and honored that evening with a reception recep-tion in the Orem 5th and 20th Ward Chapel. Parents of the bride, Patricia Ann, are Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Graff of Orem. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Muhlestein of Richland, Washington. Wash-ington. For her wedding gown the bride chose imported chantilly lace over satin with soft hooped net. Her veil of illusion fell from beaded flower petals of net and satin. The bridal bouquet featured shrimp ore'dds with a cascade oi talisman roses. Attending the bride were Shauna Graff as maid of honor and Mrs. Emil Jensen, Mrs. Dan Rafenee, Helen Maag and Judy and Susan Graff. They wore empire styled gowns of shaded apricot embossed embos-sed satin and carried white straw baskets filled with appricot pompoms pom-poms and mint green ribbon. p"; nT ''A 1, - . - - '.";i. b 1 ' 1 i ' I Clyde N. Naylor Formerly of Green, Naylor and Associates ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF Aspen Engineering Corp. Consulting Engineers and Surveyors 1800 South State Orem Ph. 225-7474 Jana Atkinson Jana Atkinson To Marry Jerry R. York Salt Lake LDS Temple rites tomorrow morning, May 19, will unite in marriage Jana Atkinson and Jerry R. York. They will be feted that evening with a reception recep-tion in the Lindon Ward from 8 to 10 p.m. - J. Muhlestein Ann Graff) Mothers of the bridal couple wore mint green dresses. The reception line formed before be-fore a crystal chandelier backdrop back-drop with sprays of apricot gladioli glad-ioli and pompoms on either side. Glenn Muhlestein, brother of the groom, served as best man and ushers were Brian Menden-hall Menden-hall and Kendall Anderson. Special guests were grandparents: grand-parents: Mr. and Mrs. Voln Mott Mr. and Mrs. Chester Graff and Zina Selman. A wedding breakfast in Salt Lake City was hosted by parents of the groom. Service Station Is Burglarized Cash amounting to $100 and 49 State inspection stickers were reported stolen from Jay Mansfield Mans-field Texaco Service Station at 400 N. 800 W., sometime Thursday Thurs-day night. Police said entry to the building build-ing was gained by throwing a brick through a window of a sliding slid-ing door. The money had been hidden in a bag behind some oil Miss Atkinson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thelbert C. Atkinson At-kinson of Pleasant Grove. She is a graduate of Pleasant Grove High School and LDS Seminary. She is now attending Hollywood Beauty College. While in school she was affiliated with Pep Club, FHA, Thespians, Fine Arts and A Cappella Chorus. Mr. York is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence York of Orem. He is a graduate of Orem Hieh School and Seminary and has at- tended Brigham Young University. He served as drum major at OHS and was a member of Key Club, Letterman's Club, and A Cappela Chorus. He recently enlisted in the United States Army and will leave to start his training June 5, as an Aircraft Maintenance man at Ft. Rucker, Alabama. While he is training, his bride will remain with her family in Pleasant Grove. Halibut Pork Chops 10 - 1 Ground Beef Wieners - Bacon Turkeys Orange Bottled 464 South Connie Phillips To Be June Bride Planning to be married In sacred sac-red Salt Lake LDS Temple rites, June 9, are Connie Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garn G. Phillips of Orem, and Norman Nor-man Holdaway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holdaway of Vineyard. A reception that evening in the Orem 6th Ward Chapel will honor the couple. The bride will be attended by bridesmaids: Shauna McPhie, "Mrs- Christine Pulham, Cathy - Bloomfield, Becky and Judy Phil- lips, and Janette Holdaway. Wayne Holdaway, brother of the groom, will be best man. The bride elect is a graduate of Orem High School and an LDS Seminary graduate. She has attended at-tended Brigham Young University and is presently attending Utah Technical College at Provo. She was a member of the A Cappella Chorus, National Honor Society, officer of the FHA Club and Fillets 8 3 VALUE SLICED Juice - 9 Milk .- Every Day Low Prices State ALL WE queen's attendant at the sweetheart sweet-heart Ball during high school. She was also state delegate at a 4-H conference. Mr. Holdaway also graduated from Orem High School and has attended Utah Trade Technically stitute. He Is presently serving in the US Air Force and will graduate from Electronics School at Chanute AFB this month. Armed Forces Day Parade Saturday - . Everyone loves a parade. And to prove it about 1,500 tah National Guardsmen will ibserve Armed Forced Day on aturday, May 20, by marching through downtown Salt Lake City. : The parade will start Saturday at 10 a.m. near the Brigham Young Monument. Guardsmen will march south on Main St. to 3rd South, turn left to State St., turn north and proceed to the disbanding area at 1st South and State. a 39. Lbs. $li Lbs. $ j! Lb. 39c Lb. $11 pa 3Sc ADD IS 10 Orem 29c T |