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Show prem-Geneva Times Classified Ad PERSONAL WILL the person who spilled Lime Frappe on my one and only suit last Friday night at an Orem wedding reception recep-tion please be assured that I iorgive you. Especially since my suit returned today beautifully cleaned from Collins Cleaners in Orem. FOR SALE SINGER Treadle $5.95 and up Singer Sewing Machine Co. 268 West Center, Provo, phone FR 3-1830. (tf) FOR SALE ELECTRIC Sewing Machine - Portable and Cabinet $19.95 and up Singer Sewing Machine Mach-ine Co. 268 W. Center, Provo phone FR 3-1830. (tf) FOR SALE LOCKER MEAT BEEF, pork, mutton, lamb, reasonably priced. Meat cut, wrapped, , frozen, smoked. Beal's Packing Plant. Lehl. Call PO 8-2695 or PO 8-2348. Ju 18 tfb JUST ARRIVED Shipment of Hoover Floor Pol ishers. Priced at $39.95 and $49.95 Christiansen Furniture, Furni-ture, 1008 South State, Orem, Phone AC 5-1921. j 2-9 FURNITURE & APPLIANCES NEW and used furniture and appliances. Bought, sold and exchanged. Open evenings and Sundays. B & I Sales, 423 W. 12th No. Provo, Ph. FR3-6787. jl7 58 to J17 Wb SEPTIC TANK CLEANING For quick and dependable service It's A-l Septic Tank Co. Call AC 5-2701 or FR3-4295. FR3-4295. tf niHVinnniiiininiinuiiiiun-.wnniiiiiiniM1uiminiHiniunii MOVING - CALL j BAILEYS I MOVING AND f STORAGE Agent for ALLIED VAN LINES . 1580 South State Orem Ph. AC 5- 4545 CHAIN LINK TPS CHEAPER THAN YOU THINK" Call Us Now For A FREE ESTIMATE Bullock Sales & Service Chain Link Fences Our Specialty 1182 North State, Orem Ph. AC 5-2269 Borrowing from your bank is good business! Tl t . ft XT S VlTllGl When you borrow from your bank and repay regularly, you establish a good credit record. Helps you to be sure of getting money when you need it, for yourself or your business. -v Where? Just decide, "For my money, it's v ( Farmers and Branch of WALKER, BANK The friendly bank that knows our community best. - Member Federal Deposit Member Federal Thursday, July 9, 1959 t ii n riruLPinji. OPPORTUNITY WORK In home - No experience ex-perience necessary - Full or part time - Earnings unlimited - Piece work basis - Join Americas Fastest growing home work force - Exclusive franchise territory now available avail-able in "National Association of Custom Knitting" (Nack). Small investment required -financing available. Write Box 65, Orem Utah. j8 WORK WANTED FREE estimates on Installation of septic tanks, sewer lines, and field drains. Also basements base-ments excavated, back hoes rented, and subdivision development. de-velopment. Phone A-l Septic Tank Co., AC 5-2701 or FR 3-4295 3-4295 tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW! Now available for Orem area. Nationally-proven fran-chised fran-chised Philco-Bendix Laun-dercenter. Laun-dercenter. Self Service, unattended, un-attended, coin operated, never closes. No inventory problems, no credit problems, no payroll accounting. Spend one hour a day earn $5,000 a year or more -call or write, George C. Furgis c-o day-nlte day-nlte Franchise Distributors, 2263 B. South Highland Dr. IN 7-9446 or AM 5-1169. tf ATTENTION OREM MOTORISTS: For Body and Fender repairs, Painting, Aut Glass, Radiator Radia-tor Repair, Wrecker Service, and Used Auto Parts contact Hilltop Auto Works 1785 South State, Orem for quick and guaranteed service, Ph. AC 5-0401. FOR SALE NfEW homes by Johnson Con struction Co., builders of quality brick homes. These homes are located within ?-one-half blocks of West-more West-more School, Lincoln Junior High School and Orem Fifth Twentieth LDS Ward Chapel. One three bedroom home now ready. One three bed room home near completion. For information contact 961 So. 200 E. Orem. Ph. AC 5 1223. A bad habit cannot be tossed tos-sed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time. Mark Twain. FENCE 'lit 1 Merchants Insurance Corporation Reserve System I 1 - .V Directory Building Materials Utah Valley Builders Supply 485 North State, Phone ACS-3300. ACS-3300. Colorizer and Texelite names In floor covering, lumber, ready made garages. Geneva Lumber Co. 740 South State, Orem., Phone AC5-0570. AC5-0570. Stanley hardware, USG Roofing, Dupont Paints Complete line of lumber and building materials. Cabinet - Mfllwork Wesko Cabinet Works, 296 No. State, Ph. AC5-0517. Doors, Windows, Hardware, Kitchen Kit-chen Cabinets a specialty. The Lady's Not For Burning Next BYU Play The cast of the Arena The atre production, "The Lady's Not For Burning," was an nouncer today by Dr. Harold I. Hansen, chairman of the Brigham Young University De partment of Speech ad Dram atic Arts, which is presenting the play. It is scheduled for presentation present-ation in the Arena Theatre, 250 Arts Building on lower campus, July 7-11 at 8:15 p.nu Leads in the Christopher Fry classic are Fred C. Adams as Thomas Mendip, a war-weary war-weary soldier who wished to die but can't, and Martha C. Ryan as Jennet Jourdemayne, an innocent girl accused of witchcraft and sentenced to death. Duane Ryan is Hebble Tyson, the mayor, who has in his hands the life or death of both. Others in the cast are Don Worsley as Nicholas Devise, Sharon Dunn as Margaret Devise, De-vise, Samuel G. Melville as Humphrey Devise, Larry Roupe as Richard, Nan Greene as Alizon Eliot, Jerry Elison as the chaplain, and Lee Scanlon as Edward Tapper coom. The play is set ki a medieval English market town where Jennet is about to be burned at the stake as a witch. She has been accused of turning an old man into a dog. Thomas, tired of living, tells the mayor that he killed the old man and should be hung. The ridiculous situation becomes more impossible im-possible when -Jennet and Thomas fall in love. 2 Orem Students Listed On Honor Roll at U. of U. Two Orem- students earned places on the University of Utah spring quarter honor roll, released this week by Dr. A. Ray Olpln, the University president. Only students with grade-point grade-point averages of 3.5 or higher-in higher-in the range of A-to straight A work-are listed by the hon or roll. A 4.0 average at the University Univer-sity of Utah represents straight A work. Students who main- JAMBJ CROW Crfvaud lb fits! meicn bowbosw IP preierrea bourbon KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Garage Doors Martin Overhead Door Service Rulon W. Lowry, Ph. ACS-1885. ACS-1885. All types and sizes complete and installed $47.50 and up. Free estimates. Painting UTAH VALLEY PAINTING SERVICE, Expert perfotap-ing perfotap-ing and painting. Phone A- A THOUGHT FOR TODAY Never waste your time reflecting reflect-ing on opportunities you have missed, for while so reflecting you may miss another one. tain an average of 3.5 or high er through, their four years in school graduate with honors. The Orem students on the honor roll for the last quarter include: Karl Reno " Clayson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli K. Clayson of 64 W. 400 No., a medicine major and a 1958 graduate of Orem High. Verle 'Albert Gilson, who was also on the fall and win' ter Quarter honor rolls, sophomore majoring In electrl cal engineering. FOR EXPERT AUTO REPAIRS ITS OREM Motor Tune-up Motor Overhaul Automatic Transmissions - Front End Alignment Auto Electrical Work MAKE USE OF OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN I OREM 601 North State Orem Phone AC5-3174 STAT I FARM INSURANCt Harold R. Little OREM AGENT 659 N. State Phone AC 5-4875 T&SEEE THE of historic America's UgbfMild 86 Proof A Minister's Musings - By - Rev. Verne A. Robinson OREM COMMUNITY CHURCH 140 NORTH 4 Til EAST, OREM "TENSION AND PROGRESS" Read II Corinithians 12: 7-10 "I take pleasure", said Paul, "in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses"; and here comes a professor In the N.Y. Medical Med-ical College declaring that "tensions and anxiety are not only products of progress-- they are also factors in its development. de-velopment. Anxiety creates the drives that lead us to progress." It is the same thought that Helen Keller voiced out of her personal experiences: "I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found my-self, my-self, my work, and my God." . I - ' nu nr-rp UArrum JtFF CCbB DI rtlc nurrmHn fTW STABONGINTO If PUTBIGLOU, THEN I KNOW f AND IF THIS , . high f H3 cYfc3 A ftAw "s'KUSfc Hfc l HUW JUVTU ' , PVA 7iWZr--y OF LIGHT SUDDENLY AWAKENS REPORTER THE SAME J mNUiyr r'Sf.rr, A7 JEFF COBB GUV YOU'VE V HIM, SLEEZY DOUGH HE SWIPED, )J(:'f2i. S gvl'J 1 SEEN? fr YEAH-H.... HE WILL END .V 'M ill JJ?T NUT5L CAN'T GET A$. UP DEAD M 1 J kN, ffe k OT ANY SLEEP WITH 1, . J ' H VSsSr TL. Qft f ""I'J JEFF CnHB BY PETE HCtTMAW A HULKING I . . . WHILE, INSIDE. . . . ST"1T1 O H-HE'5 GONE!? ) 71 ( "" FIGURE DEPARTS imm I I 3P , ...BUT WHERE I HURRIEDLY FROM A SKID ROW HOTEL. . . . 1 V COULD...1? ) .x. , . jrafBH j rtegi k I DON'T CARE WHAT gfSV? ? . . , kJZJ&SsS DVW MiLl i DIG LOU DOES!.. SOON d mCk ' i ASIRETURNCODB'S jk auto immmM . JEFF COBB ; ' " ' ' ' ' bi rue nuirmHri WHERE'S I f CTHnLGULP) JUST WHAT I 1 YOU'LL HAVE TO HELP ME j yX tWaS' ' THE CLIPPING ...B-BIGLOU THOUGHT ( FIND BIG LOU DEFORE HWASi HONEST, COBB J OF THE MISS- TOOK IT WITH ) ...LET'S GOt v HE GOES TOO FAR v '&A rnT.-?A ' I DIDN'T TAKE AlNG BANKER? HIM yJJ SLEEZY.' . T . JJ ;j&L Wa auto mm?rfm& mKimm. y II U AT THIS TIME JkO RECOGNIZED ITJf HOCKED IT' "vi WE'LL CALL IT T( J rS&ir kSiJS th sSom J EVEN- , JiHf M ' P SVTi JEFF C088 BY PETE HOFFMAN r SURE, BIG LOU... I BUT I PROMISED f r ffgg&gg J C'R0 mMKH BY PETE HOFFMAN JEFF COBB . . . - . . , , 1 1 n 1 w'usrrzj K f Hrr CAN'T FiiiT WITH THE DOUGH HE J ( tlS " , fTj. TELL YOU I I . ; Jf ... H I . . ' f ""St ir TL I But the benefits are not aut omatic; they depend on how the difficulties are taken. It was the spirit in which Jesus PAPER HANGING 'a Price Free Estimates & Samples Phone FR 3-0332 or AC 5-4197 BY PETE KHrFMVl rffjAI&1 MMmi faced the cross that made it redemptive. Do not pray, then, for easier lives; pray to be stronger men and women. It is impossible for anyone to begin to learn what he thinks he already knows. Epictetus. The more you say, the less people remember. Fenelon PROMPT SERVICE Plumbing and Heating L. C. BAILEY 1724 So. State, Orem, Ph. AC 5-2340 or FR 3-456 Crane Plumbing & Bathroom Fixtures Gas Water Heater CARTER'S SAW SERVICE Phone AC5-3345 U Dull 'Em I'll Sharpen Em 377 W. 4th North, Orem Plumbing Contractor Remodeling and Repairing $35.00 and up |