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Show Orem-f?eneva Times Thursday, July 9, 1959 Annual Membership Garden Party Set By B. P. W. Club "F ' f frnnnMi if ... JULY NUPTIALS Miss Roxie Ann Madsen, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Madsen will become the bride of W. Neil Biggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Biggs in July 3 rites to be performed at the Lake View Ward Church. The newlyweds will greet guests' at a re ception following the wedding ceremony. Both the pair are graduates of Orem High School and the LDS Seminary. Semin-ary. Miss Madsen has attended BYU for the past year where she was affiliated with the ladies chorus. The benedict elect hasr attended Snow College for the past year and was a member of the football team. They will be making their home in Provo until fall when Mr. Biggs returns to school. MEMBERS OF SE. AARONIC GROUP OF OREM 12th WARD TO HONOR ROWLEYS Members and friends of the Senior Aaronic Group of the Orem 12th Ward that worked with Richard Rowley, now of Calif orn a, will gather at the North Park in Provo for a Pot-Luck get together. All friends and members of the group which Mr. Rowley was the instructor are urged to attend. The Rowleys moved to California about 7 years ago, Dick is now a bishopric member mem-ber in the California ward where he res'de. The Rowley family are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woffinden while visiting in Orem. Teachers Training Workshop Set By Orem West Stake A teachers training workshop work-shop is being spDnsored by Orem West Stake Sunday School at 7:30 p.m. in the Vineyard Vine-yard Chapel. The workshop began be-gan Wednesday and will continue con-tinue through Thursday and Friday evenings. A member of the LDS Church General Sunday School Board will be the keynote epeaker during the training program. This workshop is especially valuable to teachers and leaders because Individual Individ-ual proglems will be discussed discuss-ed and solutions offered. Teachers of all auxiliaries The Orem B.P.W. Club is extending an invitation to business women, interested in joining the club, to attend their annual membership garden party, which will be held Wed-ne:day Wed-ne:day evening July 15, at 7: 30 p.m. at the 'home of Helen Wen:z. Pot luck supper is on the menu. M.mbers are invited to bring guests. During the evening girls stater, Linda Lewis, will re-attanded re-attanded recently and was sponsored spo-nsored by the Orem Club. The party is under the dir-ectioT dir-ectioT of Pres'dent, Lydia Koran Ko-ran and membership chairman chair-man Lurleen Loveless and Dona Sumner. I.OU ANN CONK TURNS SWEET SIXTEEN Lou Ann Conk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Conk, was plea.antly surprised recently at a surprise party held in her honor at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Willingham. The record "Sweet Sixteen" was played as 15 members of the Christian Youth Fellowship of the Provo Bible Church greeted Lou Ann with surprise birthday cheers. Also present were two special guests from Ojai, Calif., Joan Urie and Janet Ja-net Homer. Lovey Willingham and Steven Stev-en Conk assisted Mrs. Conk in serving refrshments to guests around an attractive table beautifully centered with a large birthday cake decorated in pink and white inscribed upon with "Lou 1 Ann Sweet Sixteen." Guests enjoyed playing bingo and several other games. 4 . 4 The beginning of midshipmen midship-men in the Navy is traced to the early days when each warship war-ship carried a number of younf lads who acted as messengers, rushing orders from the officers of-ficers to the men up for ward. Generally, a midshipman midship-man was regarded as an officer candidate. are invited to attend. Stake leaders urge auxiliary workers to try and attend at least one workshop meeting if unable to attend all three evenings. KK k ; ft ' J Reception Honors July Newlyweds Janet Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker, became be-came the bride of David And ersen, son of Mr. Theodore Andersen in July wedding ceremonies. At their reception 'held in the Orem Sixth Ward Chapel the bride greeted guests wearing a beautiful white gown of lace 1 over taffeta accented by a heart shaped bridal veil. In her hand she held." a bridal bouquet bou-quet of roses and stephonotis. 1 Attending the bride as matron ma-tron of honor was Dixie Carpenter, Car-penter, a cousin to the bride. Brides maids were sisters of the bride, Doris Booth, Hollis Walker and Naoma Boren, a cousin. Serving as best man for his cousin was Bobby Drake. Jack Walker greeted guests at the door. Attending the guest book was Jennette Boren. Refreshments were served under the direction of Millie Johnson by Connie Phillips, Kathy Bloomfield, Susan Dur-fey, Dur-fey, Joan Johnson, Lornell Cullimore, Gail Osterguard, Jan: Fowlke, Loreen Thompson, Thomp-son, and Glenda Shoell. : i I I I $ I BETROTHAL TOLL) Kevealmg plans lor an August 20 wedding are Miss Janice Bliss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Bliss of Provo, and Clark Milo DeWolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. McNish of Ventura, Calif. Plans are being made for a quiet home ceremony at the Bliss residence. The new couple will be honored at a garden reception following their marriage. Miss Bliss is an active member of the Sapere Aude Club at Orem High School. Mr. DeWolf is a graduate of Provo High School and is presently employed in Provo. ' RPRATC WF.rjDTNO VOWS Janet Walker, dauzhter rf Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker, and David Andersen. Son of Mr. Theodore Andersen wed in July rites. They will make tneir nome m itock island, Illinois ionowing ineir honeymoon ' ; Ncedlecraft Xcwsc hy ISmiyy Baxter Talented ladies are fastidious people. That's why they're do-it-yourself fans ... they require items tailored to their specifications. specifi-cations. Precise shade and style are musts for the purpose in mind. Before deciding on a gift, for example, they give lots of thought to personality and wardrobe needs of the recipient-to-be. With this knowledge in mind, I've carefully selected today's feature for that teen-ager who is coming up for a turn on your gift list Y T- . T f f W - U'V -in ii ir ii hp ii ii ii ii i u No Down Payment On Remodeling Up To 5 Years To Pay Special On Redwood Fences STORM DOORS ... . ... . . .$35.00 Central Builders Supply 673 North State Orem Phone AC 5-0340 ' ft v'-'"4V ' gether by single crochet, chain and slip rose, again) was crocheted separately end of each lace unit, we extended the pony tail in back. GO TO THE HEAD Active living leaves little room for encumbrance So, an approach to fashion favored by this age group is consolidation of color and style into small items. Today's hat puts this principle prin-ciple into practice. Smart, although small, it utilizes as many as three different colors to become the focal point of the costume. The color concept shown here is metallic canary yellow joining mid-rose to white. And the making couldn't have been simpler... rows of hairpin lace linked to-stitching. to-stitching. The border (mid-and (mid-and then sewn on. At the thread to form a "phony" NEW! A "MAVERICK SPECIAL" STATION WAGON ONLY ptus optional equipment, transportation, State and local taxet. 572 less than the lowest list price )f any Ford, Plymouth or Chevrolet wagon Seats six Hauls ton of cargo White side-wall "Captive-Air" Safety Tires and choice of two-tone finishes, at no extra, cost JCCp Vehicles by Willys Motors Tune-In - . 8ee ii! iufl If ) ' iVi A V ERIC K8:30 p m-on Smiy 1131 North 5th West - Provo, Utah Phone FR 3-2114 PemmieyS ninn c?9 id a puz TO - SCHOOL DRESSES m Easy-care cottons! Little or no ironing! Dan River! Other fine fabrics! Such irresistible styles, with everything from tiny tucks to big bows I They're in new autumn colors. Burnished plaids. Tawny and bright prints and solids. Every one is in easy-care cotton, made to Penney specifications speci-fications with deep hems, full skirts! Yes, 90-inch sweeps in sizes 7 to 14 ! Don't wait! Get your pick at these savings! Machine wash at medium setting. SHOP PENNEY'S . . . you'll live better, you'll save! Size$7t14 I j 2,25 S1J |