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Show .OREM-GENEVA TIMES OremniQeneva Soci laa Srailh. Editor Phon. 0684 Jl " Shower Honors Rae Lou Voorhees joAnn McEwan and Yolonda Voorhees entertained at a bridal shower honoring Rae Lou Voorhees. Voor-hees. Miss Voorhees wih be married on Saturday to Dean Elsberry of Pleasant Grove. Bishop Stanley Finch will preform pre-form the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Voorhees. Mr. Elsberry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thom-as Elsberry, former residents of Colorado. Guests at the shower enjoyed games and rerresnments during a pleasant evening. Present were Mrs. T. M. Elsberry, Mrs. R. L- Voorhees, Janice Young, Donna Stolworthy, Shirley Man-gum, Man-gum, Phyllis Williams, Frankie Lou Webb Parker, Genieve Dick ey, tfertna jusoerry, ReNee Orem Jaycee Wives Entertain at Annual Canyon Party A SUCCesful rammn .. 4 , pony was staged on Saturdav J;l Wives and their pup n,L SartyUtd0r dinnCr 8nd dancinS A delicious stpaV c.,.. served buffet style. Table decor- -uons were red, white and iue. Dancing in the open pavilion was enioved fniim.,; with Richard Barnett calling the Mrs. Llovd Pvnp a' .hoi,- , - -'iumuan of arrangements for the canyon outing. She was assisted by Mrs. Rulon West ard Hall. Members and guests present Kofford, Colleen Kofford, Jean L Ca"y party were Mr. McEwan, Mary McEwan. the Richard Park, Mr. and hostesses and the guest of honor. C2' ei mons' Mr- and , f s- Ted Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. I Charles Swan, Mr. and Mrs- Mr. ana Mrs. u. M. Stone xoung, Mr. and Mrs. Gil-had Gil-had as their dinner guests her bert Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Allen aunt, Mrs. Albert Dransfield of Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ogden; a cousin, Melvin Drans- J McKenna, Mr. and Mrs. Don field of Sacramento, California; Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Donald and her mother, Mrs- Elizamth. Tolboe, Mr. and Mrs. Max Ped-Russon Ped-Russon and her brother, Mr. and erson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Mrs. Elmo Russon and fam-iBarnett Mr. and Mrs. Tarval ily of Lehi. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren : (Stratton, Mr. and Mrs. Clif Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kirk Green- Mr- and Mrs. Hy John-have John-have returned home after vacat-'?on' Mr- and Mrs- Rulon West, ioning in California. While and Mrs Dick Burr, Mr. there they visited with Mr. and and Mrs- Hward Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Johnson and fam- .' 1Iie ohnson, Mr. and Mrs-ily. Mrs-ily. Dixon Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. K-arl Terry, Mr. and Mrs- Lloyd i-yne, mr. ana Mrs. Jaycee Wives Officers Meet ine officers and directors of the Orem Jaycee Wives met on inursaay evening at the city nail. . Plans for the hinhurgn i.nm. - ' "J fcwiu- pletion celebration wp Himico. ea at the meeting. Mrs. Richard ram Was named rhairmnn nt iltuil V tne street dance and will be assisted by Mrs. Howard Hall and Mrs. Rulon Wt on Larsen was named chairman of the float committee. The following directors workpH nn iha T rnv. w V. UUOll Chest during the meeting: Mrs. Russell Park, Mrs. Richard Park, Mrs. Rulon West lUro nran Young, Mrs. Charles Swan, Mrs-Ted Mrs-Ted Sorensen, Mrs. Howard Hall, Mrs. Max Pederson, Mrs-Don Mrs-Don Swan and Mrs. Donald Tolboe. Tol-boe. ; NOW Delightfully Air Conditioned! Fountain Service n Delicious Meali CaCo ock, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Bull- Max Peters. Swim Schedule For Teen Canteen Set Teen Canteeners will swim in the Scera pool on Tuesdays irom o:d p.m. to 10 p.m., it was revealed this week by Preston Madsen, president of the club. i Arrangements have been imade with the Scera manage ment to have the exclusive use of the pool during those hours. Admission price is 15 cents- The Teen Canteen voted last week to attend the Timp hike program and trek as a eronn and will leave the Canteen at p-m. Friday for AsDen Grove A 50 cent admission rharuo will ----0w " cover transportation and a weiner roast prior to the hike j. nose attending are asked to bring their own lunches for Sat urday. Mel Briggs and Miss Florence Muhlestein will accom pany the group. Orem Sunday School Workers Enjoy Centennial Outing Past and present officers of the Orem stake Sunday School held their centennial outing at Canyon Glen under the direction of Theron Kirk, stake superin tendent. A delicious out-door dinner was served by members of the commitee, which included Mrs. Vern Thurber, Alene Rowley, George Rohbock, and Hortense Excel!. Elwood Baxter acted as mast er of ceremonies during the program. pro-gram. Theron Kirk welcomed those present and the ODeninc prayer was offered by V. Emil Hansen of the high council. Community singing was led by Blanche Christensen. skit was presented by members of Geneva ward and a story was icioia Dy Mrs. Victor Johnson. Jerry Hansen gave a reading mu musical numbers were pres- emea oy wdon Harding. Russell tfeUows offered th& closing THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1949 ' Parlell Petp LDS hospital suffering from a iiie injury which he incurred last winter. He UnHprwpnf an operation last Saturday and is iijuneu aoing well. Ken Wilkinson, Dorene Holland and Cecil Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wilkinson, Wilkin-son, Garth Wilkinson and Mrs. Beth Garlick visited in Buhl, Idaho with Mrs. Wilkinson's brother, Samuel Gadd and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Za-briskie Za-briskie and family have returned return-ed from a visit in Monroe, Utah where they attended the Black-hawk Black-hawk celebration and the Niel- son family reunion. iDEON PATTEN AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP Miss Deon Patten, who has been attending Woman's Medic al College in Pennsylvania, was this week awarded the Holden-Babb Holden-Babb Tuition Scholarshin for the year 1949-50. Miss Patten is at present va Icationing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra T ratten, bhe will leave early in September to befiin her sonho- more year at the college. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hebertson were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and son of Kansas City. A new SDectometer tells sim ultaneouslv how much of 18 dif ferent elements are in a metalic sample. William Adams, the first Eng lishman in Japan, was honored there by a yearly festival. HOT WEATHER BAKER Y SPECIALS FRESH DANISH PASTRY ICE BOX COOKIES For Your Outdoor Parties ROLLS WE MAKE OUR 017 II JOE CREAM O CHERRY PECAN O ORANGE PINEAPPLE O BLACK WALNUT ICE CREAM TWO-LAYER CAKE 75c At Our Fountain .... THE BEST MALTS IN TOWN! THATO WHAT EVERYBODY SAYS! abb MrS. Adflf FielHinn onA daughter. PolWn ' niiu Fielding's sister, Jennie Smoot of Spanish Fork drove to California Calif-ornia this week and will spend two weeks there visiting with relatives there. Guests at the home of Mrs. Ne he Fowers are Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rno r. t a i. California. Mrs. Roe is the form er j,enore Hart. WHY DON'T YOU READ A MAGAZINE TONIGHT? . MAXIMUM ENTERTAINMENT MINIMUM COST R. FLETCHER NEWS AGENCY 406 West 4th North, Provo ZL, , kNT SVED ' ' ,eWom l,ke "me. A taLT nCMmer' Phaslnr H00 worth f ,vinK. bond. " Winston, D. C. recently , free one-mlnute c.r wash. w.8h I. the first nationwide buine. known by the treasury d Wrtment to have been started by the purchase of savli.fi bond. Mrs. Helena Douros and and baby of Price, Utah visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wall over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pierce and children and Marv .Trnn Miller have returned from a vacation va-cation trip to Bryce and Zion's canyons. Dr. and Mrs. Georcp H. Hansen and daughter. Helen. returned home last week following follow-ing a two week vacation in fh Northwestern states. Love Allred and Tornl Hansen joined the "Weber College Coll-ege on Wheels" for a six-week trip to Mexico City, Mexico. Mr. and Mrs- Stanley Rob erts ana lamiiv attpnripr? tho Tucker family reunion held recently re-cently in Huntington Canyon, near Fairview, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sfriln Cluff and family spent the past week in Boise, Idaho visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon T .nur- ry and family and Mrs. Lulu Tanner spent the nasi WPP lr in (the canyons of southern Utah. WINDSOR blanch Nielion June Colledge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin nnll.-Hun and Geraldine Hooley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooley were confirmed members of thp LDS church on Sunday evening. mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Theron Kirk were among those who attended the stake Sunday School socini on Satuday evening at Canyon Glen. The Daughters of Utah Pion eers were in charge, of the sacrament sacra-ment meeting on Sunday. Captain Cap-tain Emily Long conducted the program. Two soncs were nnnir by DUP members and Vida Ly-strup Ly-strup cave a talk on enriv t. tier of the west. Diane and Kay i-ong piayed a piano duet. Mrs-Blanche Mrs-Blanche Nielson gave the history of the old Geneva resort and gave a tribute honoring Elizabeth Eliza-beth Erickson, who is 83 ,ears of age, the oldest living pioneer in me ward. Lost 0 2 2 3 3 5 Scera Sof tball Scores, Schedules OREM STAKE STANDINGS Vineyard g Vermont 3 Windsor a Sharon a Geneva 2 20-30 Club o JlLbULTS Vineyard 22, 20-30 Club 2 Windsor 6, Vermont 3 Vermont 7, Sharon 3 Geneva 8, 20-30 Club 5 Vineyard 15, Windsor 0 Sharon 9, Geneva 8 SCHEDULE Tuesday, August 2: 7.00 Geneva vs Vermont 8:00 Vineyard vs Sharon 9:00 20-30 vs win,) -w ""uui Thursday, August 4: 7:oo Windsor vs Sharon 8:00 Geneva vs Vineyard 9:00 20-30 vs Vermont SHARON STAKE STANDINGS Won Pleasant View Lake View Oak Hills Timpanocos Grand View Hill Crest Edgemont Lost 0 2 2 2 2 5 5 STOP at the HOTEL ROBERTS A Homelike Place To Stay ::Hi:::muan:: WEEK-END SPECIAL GOOD, OLD-FASHIONED APPLESAUCE CAKE APPLESAUCE CAKE I 57 North 1st East Provo Phone 334 HEED HELP? SEE Intermountain IFinance and Thrift i: I Company v 46 West 1st North. Provo . For Stores, Theatres, Organizations . One of our specialties. Copy and layout suggestions sug-gestions offered if desired, de-sired, many illustrations illustrat-ions available. We are -able to produce any quantity. Quick service. serv-ice. Contact us for estimate. PHONE 0684 Jl 0REI.1-GEIIEVA TIMES Johnson Reunion Held Saturday About 175 descendants nt Jonas and Anna Marie Larson Grek) Johnson met on Saturday or a family reunion at the Tim. panogos ward chapel grounds. Representatives of three branches branch-es of the family, descendants of Charles Johnson, August Gus-tave Gus-tave Johnson and Louisa J. Sandgren were present. Gloria Johnson was chairman of the food committee. Wavne K. Johnson conducted the pamon ana h. e. Johnson and Wilford Stark were in charge of other arrangements. Ed Sandgren conducted the program In the recreation hall following dinner. Jovce MilW piayed a trumDet solo and N. Dawn Johnson Bave a reading. Jokes and stories were told by Mrs. Enid Johnson and Clyde Sandgren entertained with n number of slight of hand tricks. uiiicers were elected for th coming year. FOR SALE Northwest Model 40, Serial No. 3410 Combination shovel and dragline good condition, used. 315 c.f.m. Schramm Deisel driv en portable compressor, new. Hyster 1000 lb- Fork-lift truck with extra scoop, completely overhauled. All Priced to Sell. HEINER EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY COMPANY, 501 West 7th South, Salt Lake City, Phone 33979. A4 RESULTS Pleasant View 16, Hill Crest Timp 17, Oak Hills 5 Lake View 13, Edgemont 3 Grand View 15, Edgemont 2 Pleasant View 9, Lake View 2 Timp 5, Hill Crest 4 Result of playoff game: nmp 20, Edgemont 0 SCHEDULE Friday, July 29: 8:00 Pleasant Viur roir U1S. SENIOR BOYS SCHEDULE Monday, August 1: 7:00 Vermont A v vine. yara 8.00 Vermont R v win Lrest Geneva Bye RESULTS JUNIOR BOYS Geneva 22, Vineyard 10 Windsor 33, Sharon 7 Vermont 13, Grand View 4 Timpanogos 1, PI. View 0 Geneva 8, Lake View 0 Timpanogoi 17, Vineyard 9 SENIOR GIRLS Vermont 19, Windsor 12 Geneva 31, Grand View 1 Lake View 21, Oak Hillg 15 PRIMARY GIRLS Grand View 1, Windsor 0 JUNIOR GIRLS Timpanogos 21, Windsor 11 Vineyard 14, Vermont 6 , Geneva 32, Sharon 29 CUBS Grand View 12, PI. View 10 Hill Crest 11, Timpanogoi 5 PI. View 1, Edgemont 0 Hill Crest 22, Timpanogos 19 SCHEDULE JUNIOR BOYS Monday, August 1 Timp anogos vs Geneva. luesday, August 2 Sharon vs Pleasant View . Wednesday, August 3 Grand View vs Lake View Thursday, August 4 Ver mont vs Hill Crest Friday, August 5 Windsor vs Vineyard JUNIOR GIRLS Single Elimination Tournament Monday, August 1 Windsor vs Timpanogos Tuesday, August 2 Vineyard Vine-yard vs Sharon Wednesday. Ausust a : ir. mont vs Geneva Thursday, August 4 Hill Crest Bye SENIOR GIRLS Monday August 1 Timpan-ogos Timpan-ogos vs Oak Hills Tuesday. Aucrust 9 wtj vs Pleasant View Wednesday. An View vs Lake View Ihursday. Ausust a eva vs Edgemont Friday. Au?nrf s ir vs Vineyard "",wm PTTR3 Single Elimination Tournament Monday, August 1 Timpanogos Timpan-ogos vs Hill Crest Wednesday, August 3 pi View vs Grand View Friday, August 5 Winner of Timrj-Hill r.rt winner of PI. View-Grand View game for tnnmomi ionship. tnamP- PRIMARY GIRLS Saturday. Jul Timpanogos vs Grand View for Primary Girls ImiU i ship. DRY CLEANING FOIt YOUR IIOMS When your home tzrzLl. ings such as ccrtii-3, drapes, rujs and chcLt- ered pieces need re freshing, call on us. Ve'U do a thorough zb and get them back to yoa in J!j time! Fell insurance. MODERIl CLEANERS 8th North and State PHONE 0537 R2 11 RADIANT HEATING SYSTEMS WITH GAS FIRED BOILERS ARE THE LAST WCIU) IN Comfort Cleanliness Economy See THE P. L. LARSEN CO. Contractors of PLUMBING INDUSTRIAL PIPING KEATING and MECHANICAL INSULATIONS jcd pRicmno i '0 imW Xijff t ASSAILANT AND GIRL rEIEND . . . Bath Ana 8teinhs(ea (left), U-year-old ileoorrapber, admitted she shot Eddie WalUuu, Brit bue-asa bue-asa of the PhUUea, la s Chicago hotel room U "utUfj aa urge'; and EiteUe Greror (rifht), Jaekaoa BUthU, New York, abswrlrl, told of a thna-jear frleadihif with tfca haJlplaytr, mortal vheoerv they vera taytac bi tb mm toM wfi Im Cmot tojotfctr a4 orkM r.ELLO, MRS. SNOOGRASi I 5EE. YOU GOT A NIFTY LIKE-NSW USED CAR FROM tinted SALES A SIXV1CI TO GO WITH YOUR NEW SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. HOW 00 YOU LIKE .YOUR NEW SHACK? FINE. CUTIE. I'VE ALREADY FURNISHED TWO ROOMS BY COLLECTIN& C1SAR-1 ETTE COUPONS. aren't YOO FURNISHING THE OTHER N FIVE ROOMS? NOPE. CANS' DO IT. PAL THEY'RE FULL c? cigarett:; Pontiac -- Goodwill Used Cars and Trucks -- Cadillac Weekend Special 1941 Buick Special 4-door Sedan. Radio heater, Excellent condition. Guaranteed. Guar-anteed. $885 1947 Studebaker Regal Commander Club Coupe, very low mileage, one owner, exceptionally clean . $1793.00 1948 Pontiac Sed. Cpe. Fully equipped, with R. & II., very low mileage, premium prem-ium tires, Just Lke new $2015X3 1946 Chevrolet lKzlton dual stake, very clean, low mileage, guaranteed 1(3 1945 International 1-ton, dual whecb, stake body track, good condition 1CC3 1942 GRIC 1 Vi ton, Iocs wheeHe, drd wheels, stake bed, low rrre, tiptop tip-top mechanical condition .... SC5 u;;iteo sales ai:d service 470 West First North Provo Phcae CCS |