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Show THURSDAY, JULY 28, OREM-GENEVA TIMES 1949 Need Amy of Tliese Services? They re Available in the Orem Area e:::u:::u::::u:::s::::iuu::s::::::::::::i::::::::::::::!"SI Agricultural Implements CBsaiisusR;s:::s::!:iis:ta::::::s:aB)s:t:;::i::::::i:i:::::: Modern Farm Service Your Utah County dealer for Ferguson Tractors and Implements, Imple-ments, Farm Machinery and Supplies. PHONE 056 R2 1804 S. Stale Oram o8Kiimnn:imt:iiaia!:i!i"!i31K,!'aB Patten and Ekins Complete line of farm and orchard or-chard supplies. Case Farm Machinery, Mach-inery, Tractors, Implements. Sales Service Parts PHONE 1744 W Pleasant Viw C3sssts::::::::r.:m:::: :::::::i:s!:a:::::i::sKi::S! Artists BBSBSimanBanwiiusifflnBaJiniB: BUBSHiia Charles Agency Custom and creative art work done by Charles w. nauuru, Jr., Orem artist. 850 South Main St. a:imn8a:::::B:!!!!!:!:!!:::!"i::!:!i:!'i!!Si Automobile Dealers mnrjnB!BBBBuu:BBBB::B:B:BKBBB:aanB: Washburn Service Your Kaiser-Fraser Dealer Delivering new cars Servicing Servic-ing aH makes of cars. PHONE 0767 J3 filh North and Stata Oram IBJItttKSBHEnHJSttBBWSilJIBttRBBKBWTBBSBinBBtl Auto Parts BaanKBBaBiaBH:::aaa:um!KBBBBiBiai:BiB:!t Seely Auto Parts Co. Machine shop service. Brake service, Re-boring. PHONE 0552 Jl 1st South and Stat Oram BBsainBunnaauaBBaBaaaraaBaBBBHHBBBaai Auto Repairing r:BB8:ai!aaiasamaBBBB:Barj:a:iaBBaaiBa:ti Hall Motor Service Automotive and heavy equipment equip-ment repair. Body-fender paint shop 24.hour Wrack Serviea DAY PHONE 021 S3 Nite Phone CCC3 R2 16th South and Stala Oram KBtiaanaiasusBaiananimiRmmnaBnnsaBaaiifl Mount A' Lake Assn. Complete garage service by experienced ex-perienced mechanics. Regular gasoline at service station 24c. Tire sale now on! PHONE 0791 J2 20 South Staia Oram SBBS8UnBBBBUBBUBBBBHUUBBBBU8BnnBB:i Barbers Ericksen Barber Shop Make it a habit to get your hair cut here. You can tell the difference! differ-ence! PKCPTE C8S3 Jl 8th North and Stala Oram asnUUaBnffiBBffiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt Burningham the Barber ::i::::m:::i BBKKaBBBBi)ai::BB::BB:uB:aBai Children's Wear B:uu::B:aamununBBBaaiB:B:u:aa:BBB:BaBBB Erma's Shoppe Infants' and children's clothing and shoes. Shower gifts. Toys, a good assortment of blankets, diapers and diaper bags. PHONE 0546 Jl 675 No. Plata Oram BBBBUiBBBBBBBaBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlB Children's Shoes aBiBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBB"BBUBBBBJO MacDonald's Clothing Phone 0790 Rl We feature pre-tested Poll Parrot Parr-ot shoes for growing boys and girls. Exclusive in Orem-8th Orem-8th South and Stata Oram tBBBaj"BB"B.!BBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBJBaBBBB Concrete B.BBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"! BBB Christen Sand and Gravel Co. Rpadv . Mixed concrete One yard or a million to your own specifications. PHONE 021 Kl 20th South and Stata Orem iiaaa BBBBaBaaaaBBBBBaBBKBBaannaBBa Department Stores UBBBBBBBBBtBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBtBBBBBBiii Christensen's DeDartment Store Clothing and shoes for men and women. Sundries, Simplicity Patterns. PHONE 0550 Rl 670 North Stata Oram aBBBBBMaBBBBBBBBBBBnaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH Electrical Contractors iMB"BB.naatiiatt?BtnBaBBBaaBiasBBaaBBa"iBti Miller Electric FARM 8c HOME SERVICE CONTRACT WIRING Industrial - Rasidantial Moa Fixtures Controls William C Miller PHONE 014 Jl . . - ., - BBBBaBaaBaBB!BaanBBBa:aBBHK:aBB!SBB Geneva Supply Co. Your Westinghouse Daalar Wiring and wiring supplies Residential Industrial lighting fixtures. .Gas and electric appli ances. PHONE 0650 Rl 3 doors South Oram City Hall :i:t:::::::::iBii!::::::::i::::i:::i:::r:::!t::::::::"i:::::n!::::::! Pate Heating & Appliance Contract wiring: Industrial, Residential. Res-idential. Commercial. Air Con ditioning and heating equipment Phone 0552 Kl Drive-Ins BnBBBBBnnBRnanBBBaBBBIBBBBBBBRmBBBnn Kirk's Drive-In Dinners, Lunches, Sandwiches-Fish Sandwiches-Fish and Chips, Chicken Malts, Ice Cream, Car Service PHONE 0569 R2 North Oram isaaimaButaannaBBaaiBBaBaBBBBaaiBBaaBit Bunny's Corner Insurance Beneficial Life Insurance Orem-Pleasant Grove Represent ative: JACK E. HORTON Phona Pleasant Grora 5332 510 East 3rd North. P. G. Phone 0546 J2 "Is Your Life Insurance Beneficial?" Benefi-cial?" BaaBaKBBB8BaHa:aan:BaBaat:BBBBB3B:BBni PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Joseph R. Mills Orem-Pleasant Grove Ageni Phona P. G. 2284 499 Locust Ave., Pleasant Grova "The Prudential has the Strength of Gibralter" :BBBBKKBBBn!BBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBSS FOR THAT GOOD OLD Mutual of Omaha POLICY that pays your doctor bills on your whole family office calls, home calls, or hospital calls, up to $500 on each case. See L. A. HILLS 287 Wast on 8lh North. Oram or PHONE 0546 J2 Photographers Orem-Geneva Photo Center Quality Photo finishing. 24-hour service. Developing, printing, and enlarging. PHONE 0552 Rl Next door to Orem telephone offica Insulation U. S. Rock Wool Sales Co. Insulation for home and Industry. Indus-try. Our fire-proof insulation will reduce your fuel bill one- third and your summer temperature temper-ature 12 percent. PHONE 010 Jl 1690 South State Oram Lawyers Hugh Vern Wentz Attorney-At-Law PHONE 231 4th So. and Stata Oram BtBRBRUaRRRaRRIBBBBBRBBRRRBBRRRBRRRB:) Metal Work BBRBBBBBiBIBBBBaBBB.aaBB::BaBBaBBBB"BIIi Clegg Welding Phone 075 J3 Ornamental iron work. Porch railings. General Welding and fabrication. 1700 South State Orem Millwork Pyne Bros. Cabinet and Millwork Shop Plain and fancy cabinets. Have t made here in Orem. Phone 0657 J3 150 North Stata Orem Tires - Recapping O. K. Rubber Welders Orem's Tire Recapping Headquarters Head-quarters A name you can count on. Famous from Coast to Coast. Phone 0790 R2 8th South and Stata Orem Tourist Courts Chief Timpanogos Motel A grand place to stay. Sealey Air matresses on all beds. Radio in every room. Convenient to stores, theatre. Phone 0791 Jl Across from Scera Orem Printers Orem - Geneva Times Fine commercial printing. Wedding Annoucements, Handbills, Hand-bills, Programs, Menus, Business Forms, etc. Phone 0684 Jl 550 South State Orem Real Estate Ray E. Hanks Co. Phone 0554 Rl, 3642 or 2333 M Buying or selling real estate, SEE "Desiring to serve in every degree." de-gree." Fire and automobile insurance. 265 West Center Provo Repair Shops Ed's Fix-It Shop If Ed can't fix it, It can't be fixed. Sewing machine, bicycle, motor, lawn mower repairs. Phone 1537 Rl 722 North Stata Oram Restaurants Bill and Iva's Cafe Delicious food served in pleasant atmosphere. Chicken, Steak Dinners We Cater to Parties Phone 0575 Rl 3rd South and State Orem Clyde's Coffee Shop Short orders our specialty Hamburgers, steaks Good food served In a hurry Phone 0576 Rl 8th North and Stale Oram Park's Cafe U-m-m-m. eood! That's what everybody says about our fried chicken and sizzling steak din ners, catering to parties. PHONE 0568 Jl 8th North and State Orem Silver Star Utah County's most exclusive ming spot. Steak, Chicken ish dinners. Catering a special Phone 0566 R2 h North and 4th Wen. Orem Twin Pines legalizing in Steak and Chick. Dinners. Our private dming pm available for private ban ets and parties Phone 0573 Jl Vcross from Orem City Hall ptic Tanks - Service A. B. C. Furnace Cleaners pipped to pump or pressure hp any and all jobs. No spill- or odors. Hauled in sealed k trucks. . Phone 0858- R5 Oram Sporting Goods nsBa:aa:a:nBaaaaaaBnaBannaBaassa Burr's Sporting Goods Phone 0789 Jl lis, ammunition, fishing tack-ibicycles, tack-ibicycles, athletic equipment, its and motors- oss from Scera Orem bath of bulls' blood was d as a baptism in the mystr- or Attis, according to the yclopedia Britannica. 1 .(h y ONE OF THE MOB? . . . Mayba Lois Andrews' watchde was a "plaat" ef the borfUrs who took 150,00 worth of Jewelry from her BoDywooA apartment. Anyway "Pus" offered no resistance to the robber. Hint Andrews U a former wife of George Jesse, David Street and Steve Brodle. Dan H. Bigelow of Orem has successfully completed six weeks of intensive training at the Fort Lewis ROTC Summer Camp. Upon successful completion complet-ion of his college coures, he will receive a commission as a Second Sec-ond Lieutenant in the Organized Reserve Corps. An enjoyable afternoon at Lagoon Resort was enjoyed on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. David Illingsworth and Mr. and Mrs-Jack Mrs-Jack A. Loveridge of Orem and Mr. and Mrs- Everett Paulson of Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Don Eldredge and children, who recently mov ed from Buhl, Idaho, have built a home in Orem and are now living here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hass-ell Hass-ell and children and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thackeray spent the weekend at the David Eager home. Orus Johnson, son of Mr, and Mrs- Joseph W. Johnson, made a hurried trip home last week from Los Angeles, to visit with his mother who is ill. Russell Adams, Dee Bliss and Earl Booth spent a week visiting interesting places in Nevada and California. Mountain View Trailer Court & Motel Showers and baths. Complete laundry with mangle for your convenience Phone 0567 Rl 1601 North Slate Orem Upholstering Young's Upholstering Co. Furniture restyling and repairing repair-ing our specialty. All work guaranteed. guar-anteed. Call for estimate Choose your own fabric. Phone 0752 J4 1 Oram s s n in Use Home-grown Fruits for Nutrition Temperature is Full use should be made of home grown fruits, especially the apricots and peacnes now ripening, because of their con tributions to a well balanced diet, according to Ethelwyn B-Wilcox, B-Wilcox, Professor of Nitrition, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. Apricots and peaches are outsanding among fruits in their ability to help build hemo- globni of the blood in cases of simple or nutritional anemia. These fruits contain significant amounts of iron and copper- Small amounts of copper are necessary before the body can utilize iron in making hemoglobin. hemo-globin. Therefore, foods that contain both iron and copper are desirable in the diet. The deep yellow color of apri cots is an indication of their high carotene content. This vitamin is more commonly known as vitamin A which is in the animal form. Carotene from fruits and vegetables is con verted to vitamin A in the oody before its use- One good serv - ing of apricots (fresh, canned, frozen or dried) will furnish from 50 to 65 percent of the recommended d)aily allowance of carotene and vitamin A. These fruits not only aad to the nutritive value of the diet but also add variety and zest to he meal. Use them abundantly while fresh. . Have you iried freezing these fruits? Freeze them in syrup to which a mixture mix-ture of ascorbic acid and citric acid has been added to prevent development of a dark color. It may not be too long in the future before new varieties of peaches that do not become brown on standing after cuiting will be available. Instead of freezing whole apricots, ap-ricots, try freezing apricot puree. It can be used in a drink, in ice cream, or other desserts. Apricot Apri-cot puree may also be canned or bottled. The Utah State Extension Exten-sion Service has mimeographed directions for making apricot velva fruit from the puree. This is an excellent frozen dessert. For variety in the canned or bottled product, try canning apricots whole with or without the peel. Whole apricots can be used in salads or make a beautiful beau-tiful dish of fruit. Halves of apricots with or without the peel are also fine when canned- Small peaches may be canned can-ned whole or sliced- Halves of other peaches make a beautiful canned product. Ascorbic acid may be added to the canned pro duct to prevent darkening of that difficulty has been encount ered. Use canned peaches in salads or for dessert. Either fresh or canned peaches may be used in an upside-down cake for dessert- Mrs. Leona Omer has returned re-turned home from the Utah Valley hospital where she has been receiving treatment. Mrs. Joseph W. Johnson unaerweni a major operation at the LDS hospital in Salt Lake City on Wednesday morning. .r- x 1 1 he Gti-8eir Eoir X&fq EJ1TAEI KL nEFHNHWG COMPANY v.-'-:-; I I I U if PAINTED mm Mr. and Mrs. Industrious, hard-working, civic-minded residents of the Orem-Geneva area are Mr. and Mrs. George L. Boyce of Edge-mont. Edge-mont. Typical of their industry is the trim white stucco home in which they live with their three children. Beautifully landscaped land-scaped with shrubs, flowers and lawn, the neat green-roofed house faces East with a beautiful view of the mountains. It would be difficult to imag ine that this same house several years ag0 was situated some Su odd miles distant at of all places-Soldier Summit. Nevertheless Never-theless it's a fact. The Boyces moved the house' to Edgemont from Soldier Summit about ten years ago, and two years ago began a program of extensive renovation. Mr. Boyce has cone ' Practically all the work in con- nection with the improvement and beautfication program, together to-gether with Mrs. Boyce, and today, to-day, from the white picket fence in front of their yard, to the garage in the rear, the results of their careful planning and hard work are very much in evidence. "There is still a lot to be done to the house and yard before they are finished the way we would like them," Mrs. Boyce Isaid this week, "but this can be done in our spare time." 35-Acre Farm Spare time, however, is an uncertain un-certain quantity at the Boyce household. Mr. Boyce is a shearman shear-man in the finishing end of the plate mill at the Geneva Steel plant. He worked at the plant during the initial construction period and has continued at the plant ever since. In addition to his regular work at Geneva which is, incidentally, , shiftwork, shift-work, Mr. Boyce finds plenty to do on his 35-acre farm. Ten acres are in fruit peaches. pears and prunes and the rest MEET YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS IN THIS CORNER EVERY WEEK Mr. and Mrs- John Dilatush have returend to their home in Kansas after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott of Lake View. Mrs. Rebecca Palmer of Blanding, Utah is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs-Lawrence Mrs-Lawrence Palmer and familv. ' Mr and Mrs. Ron H n,. en of Tooele visited in Orem on Sunday. CLYDE E.WEEKSjfc George L. Boyce are in hay and grain. Three Children Mrs. Boyce (Katherine si usually has her hands full tith uci uuce ueuve cnudren- Jim. my, 15. Barbara Ann, 13 Patsy Kay, 8. Jimmy and fit bara Ann both attend Line high school and are d2? their musical talents rl? plays the bass horn in the seninr nign Dand and Barbara Ann taking piano elssons- Both . WH1U VUUU. Past PTA President Very interested in the devel-opment devel-opment of her children, Mrs, Boyce has been active for m al years in PTA groups. For two years she was president of the riA ai rage school which P Kay now attends, and for ti past two years she has been PTa president at Lincoln high, Ai though she holds no PTA office at the present time, Mrs. Boyce remains active in Parent-Teach er wont. Real Pal Mr. Boyce, an avid hunter, be- lieves in being a real pal to 1 youngsters. For the past several years he has taken Jimmy ; with him on his pheasant and deer hunts. They usually manage to bag their limit of the game birds and are frequently seen coming in with their buck before dark on the first day of deer season. The Boyces enjoy their family and their friends. Three years ago they helped to organize the Edgemont Dancing Club. Each season about 40 or 50 couples get together at the Edgemont Ward hpll periodically for dances and they have a wonderful wonder-ful time. The Bovces. and others lib them, are making this commun ity a good place to live and a 1 better place to grow! Next Week: Mr. Samuel O. Crosby. and Mrs. CONCRETE CHIMNEY FOR UTAH POWER A reinforced concrete unira-ney, unira-ney, 200 feet high with a diameter dia-meter inside the lining of 11 feet Is being built for Utah Power Pow-er and Light Co. at Orem, by the Rust Eengineering Co., Pitts burgh, Pa. The chimney, designed to serve as a boiler house, will be lined full heieht with radial brick. 'V . y |