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Show alGKiSVA TEES THURSDAY. May 3, 1949 1 J intr OUT OF THE fast . . . Take a look at the races flvlnf jliij , bad time. It't possible yon may be seeing them again this Ing the same sneers bat different uniforms. This picture, i. ' 193. shows two members of the original St. Louis Cardinals "das House Gang," Manager Frankie Frisch (left) and shortshop Leo Dorocher staging a verbal battle at the plate during a tight gams. The boys are back together again, only Dorocher is manager man-ager of the New York Giants and Frisch is one of his coaches. 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Davis .and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bellows Bel-lows spent the weekend visiting with the Barlow Pace family in St. George. 0 Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kitchen are Mr. and Mrs- Melvin Lemons of MacKay, Idaho. Mrs. Lemous is the former Joyce Despain of Lovell. Wyoming and is Mrs. Kitchen's niece. O Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bea-man Bea-man and sons, formerly of Am. erican Fork, have purchased the B. L. Tippetts home and are making their home here. O Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Clegg. Mrs. Lynn Starley and Mrs. George Thomas attended at-tended a wedding reception in Salt Lake City honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Roberts- The bride was the former Gail Clegg. O Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Blackburn, former residents of Orem, visited here on Saturday. O Mrs- Mary Stewart spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Holdaway. Uncle Sam Says -flS2jl Millions of Americans have found their "Opportunity for Security" through an investment in U. S. Sav. ings Bonds. You, too, can supplement supple-ment your every-day opportunity to provide future economic freedom by participating in the big Spring Savings Bonds Drive which opens May 16. The wise person saves his money before he can spend it by becoming a shareholder in the safest, surest, and most profitable investment offered anywhere in the world. VJS. Treamnt D sport meal W A b& a n m One 200 Gallon Orchard Spray Power Take Off Outfit Complete 'Regular 725.00 NOW 500.00 i oi n hoi j I) CORPORATION 255 WEST CENTER PHONE 2070 PROVO, UTAH En Day! tffcoy'ffo Gonnnc: Go IM liiOW! Ify...r Watch For Special Annodncomont 8 3 SALADS IN BLOOM AT SALAD BAZAAR "Where Health and Happiness are surrounded By Fun and Festivity" Homer, sage and poet, who lived in times B. C, raised black radishes in his garden. Cleopatra in her barge sought out -little tily-shoots tily-shoots along the Nile. Napoleon called for cress. And fresh fruit went along on the latest expedition to the Arctic, that the Eskimos might be pleased. All for Salad 1 But only in the past few years has salad been awarded its rightful throne of proud importance in the food world. Now science says the minerals and vitamins and "alkaline reserves" we need are to be found in fruits, vegetabls and greens and our tastes tell us that salads are what we like! From "occasionally" to "everyday," from "maybe" Into "must" has come salad until now we are able ifi present a Fair, a Cavalcade, a regular Bazaar of Salads. MACAROON PEAR SALAD 1. Draia two pear halves. J Hl-ir 1 P-. t c chopped nuts (pkin or walnuts) I ti Mb. table creeaa S. Stuff pear halves with mlxturo. 4. Place stuffed pear oa ban of lettuce, endive or parsley. J, Cover pear with aalad drawing thinned with table cream. 0. Browned, crisp eocoanut or macaroon crumb are aprlnkled aver entire pear. 7, Top pear with tin Ivj or mint leaf snd maraschino cherry. SPRING TONIC SALAD Slice very fine 1 c cabbaje Siirinkie with water, drain and put In air for tft min. to crisp. Combine I fated raw carrots 1 c choDDed tart apples (core but do not peel) e. chopped green pepper 1 small onion grated , Moisten with a little aalad dressing. Add a little salt. Serve on lettuce or eah- hatnt leave CORNUCOPIA SALAD 1. T" potatoes 1 reeked well -drained beets I. AH V, a. green peaa I. Mix well with generous quantity of aalad dressing and season Weil. i. A teaspoon of horseradish may be used In the dressing if you like. I. Take a thin slice of boiled ham and roll Into a cornucopia. I. Fasten with s toothpick. 7. Fill each cornucopia with the aalad mixture mix-ture and place on crisp lettuce leaves. 8. Garnish with olives and parsley. RASPBERRY ARGENTINE , Dissolve in one cup of boiling water. Add- .1 pkg. raspberry gelatin i to. sngar .1 c cold water When gelatin mixture begins to thicken, add 1 prunes cooked, pitted and chopped c. crashed canned pineapple s c pecans broken 4. Pour Into serving pans: chill until firm. 5. Cut Into squares or portions Into sherbet sher-bet glasses or serving dishes. (. Serve plain or garnish with whipped creara.. Modern Egyptian mothers believe be-lieve that an evil eye accounts to any sickly appearance in their babies. It was once believed that Christians might not enter a church to pray without first washing their hands. HOME BUILDERS SEE OUR ALUMINUM WINDOWS . . . O Double Hung or Casement O Attractive O Weather-Stripped O Last Forever " O Economical REQUIRE NO PAINT .. . O Do not swell with moisture O Give Permanent value to your home STORM WINDOWS AT LESS COST SEE THEM AT OUR NEW QUONSET BUILDING U. S. COCK WOOL SALES CO, SOUTH OREM PHONE O10-JI .SyrfJ .s. . ton building a homi BufUUsj new home) I vary much trk belong cake. Ih final result depends upon what yon put talo H ... and how fist various ingredients are prepared and pot toqslhec Conciets) Masonry Is) an all purpose building material which, today, to preferred by msay architects and home builders . , because of outstanding advantages. But bats, again, that Is great deal el dlifenacs la Concrete Masonry Doits although exactly the asms materials may be assd by different producers, t ftaea at our slant era nanufaetnM nemiuia VTRRAPAf! Unite noun aajfry e mads by the exclusive Beaser method, which employs aO wiathk noHTNM lUrecflonal VIBBATIOH while the block Is being molded. This auatJH Msuunoai sUmuutes die posathUity of air holes or other imperlectlona and J'""'",T assures extremely compact perfectly formed Concrete Masonry tow mhosf cost tow exsueAHCi iatH inula with wluch you can buUdsaonie that will be a joy ferever".' ait "nancvm) Discuss details with your architect or builder. KtMrHPWMiSS VBMIN-rtOOfWISS i mvcnaui MAurr SOW SUHSttSS COST tans eowntuenoH Vibrsptc Coocret KSsokj m Yob FREE Writs or call for your copy of this plsts story of C oners ts Masonry Construction CENTRAL UTAH BLOCK CO. 720 South University Ave. Phone 1924 M Provo. Utah i Producon of Besaer Vibrapac Concrete Masonry Units NEWEST V. S. CRUISER TOWED TO COMMISSIONING . . . Tha C.S.8. Roanoke Is shown being Jockeyed np the Delaware by tugs, from Camden, N. to the Philadelphia shipyard for her commission-tor. commission-tor. The Roanoke, another In t'nele Sam's string of great fighting craft, was built at the New Tork navy yard. It if sister ship to tLe C. S. S. Worehesler. NOTICE OF INTENTION Notice is hereby given b iie City Council of Orem City, Utah of the intention of such city Council to make the follow, ing improvements In curb and gutter District No. 2, to-wit: Install In-stall curb and gutter on each side of highway No. 01 in Orem City with the necessary street openings, driveway openings, with necessary relocation ot Irrigation Ir-rigation ditches, with necessary man-holes and appurtenances as follows: '(a) Construct cement curb and gutter on the West side of the State highway known as Highway No. 91 from a point beginning on 3rd North Street and running thence Southeast, erly along the West side of said Highway No- 91 to 3rd South Street in Orem City, Utah. Vhe total estimated cost of the Improvement Im-provement is $14,000 00 or $2.40 per front foot for curb and gutter gut-ter and $7.50 per front foot for driveways. (b Construct cement curb and gutter on the East side of the State Highway known as Highway No. 91 from a point beginning on 3rd North street and running thence Southeasterly Southeast-erly along the East side of said Highway No. 91 to 3rd South Street in Orem City, Utan. ine total estimated cost of the im provement is $14,000.00 or $2.40 per front foot for curb and gutter gut-ter and $7.50 per front foot for driveways- All work to be done as des cribed under sections (a) and (b) ' nponrriinff to the Dlans. profiles and snecifications on file in the office of City Engineer and to defray the abuttors' portion of; the cost and expense thereof by al assessment upon the lots and pieces of ground to be affected or benefited Dy sucn improvement to be assessed ac. enrdine to the front foot oi she properties described above un der sections (a) ana ID), inat a tax will be levied on said parcels par-cels of land at an equal and uniform uni-form rate in accordance with the linear, foot frontage u.on snd in the entire deDth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet and the tax to be levied and assessed up on said parcels of land to meet the cost of aDDroximately ti. 11 Der front foot to be paid for over a period of ten years. All protests or objections to such imDrovements or to the carryng out of such intention must be in writing, signed by the owners of the property affected af-fected or benefited describing the same, together with the number of front feet and must be filed with the City Recorder on or before 5:00 o'clock on the 18 day of May, 1949. The City Council at its first regular meeting meet-ing thereafter, to-wit: 8:00 p.m. on the 18th day of May, 1949, will consider such protests and objections to said Improvements as shall have been made. By order of the City Council of Orem City, Utah Dated April 6, 1949. Orland E. Pyne, City Recorder Winter Kill of Utah Antelope Only Moderate The antelope loss this winter was not what it was expected to be! This statement was made by Mike Gaufin, big game supervisor super-visor for the Utah Fish and Game Department, upon completion com-pletion of an early checkup on the Daggett County and Western West-ern Utah antelope rangelands. The animals went hign on rangelands, and kept out of the drifts, Gaufin said. "In Millard County and again in Juab we have found, only a few have died where they were forced by the storm Into the duft fences, and soon pocketed to where they couldn't move. However, O Sunday guests at tt home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern GJU. man were Mr. and Mrs. John Green of Pleasant Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gillman and Hazel Gillman, O Mrs. Lulu Tanner of Ray. mond, Alberta, Canada is visit, ing indefinitely at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Lowry. Mrs-fanner Mrs-fanner is Mrs. Lowry's mother. most of the animals got out of the valleys and were able to get into highlands where they a. voided the deep snows ana still fed on the browse. Some of them got as high as 8000 feet," Gaufin pointed out The game chief expects to make an extensive air and ground study of the area as soon as weather permits. Remarkable Savings a. NOW YOU CAN AFFORD A MEMORIAL ON YOUR PLOT ..... WE OFFER YOU A SELECTION SEL-ECTION OF FINE GRANITE OR MARBLE MONUMENTS DESIGNED WITH DIGNITY AND SIMPLICITY, ALL COSTING LESS THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED! STOP IN TODAY. Bees ley Monument and Vault Company 51 West 1st South Provo Phone 1064-W 0 John Watts, Orem, recently recent-ly received a fellowship to the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Watts, wil receive his master's degree at the BYU n June, and will begin work at the University Univer-sity of Wisconsin on July 1. His fellowship is in the field of bac terology. Yxrz Mow do$ 4faqirl start w ( on a "man I L.IX2r Vttt I r 'A, : . . , m ' . . r k O TSrrsT'rrE'n s mum Vk V f"" WITH ROSES Gardenias Carnations CHOICE' POTTED PLANTS Better Still REMEMBER HER WITH ROHBOCK'S SONS Choice Bedding Plants For Summer Lorfg Enjoyment I PETUNIAS ASTORS MARIGOLDS - ZINNIAS THERE'S STILL TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR HER MOTHER'S DAY CORSAGE ROHBOCK'S SONS' OREM r7ryso's FREE DELIVERY PHONE 116 OREM "IT HAPPENS EVERYDAY1 MUST AC A WTil cms, wttv amp content- ,YA WrMAT mi AN YAU I61TCHK I fAlM VfUj-H -BOUGHT M tRSAtA CAB"- VUT WMAT VOS H DO WJ7M ir ? By PLOTNER MM Vou Buy OQ WINKS, VO0 cam v&m OW am o GUATlAHftiD CARS fb 6VtY0U mouiMVS of 57-71 sir'sTs... VR4VS. UTAH. awavS SOOO VnaMwcauTtarnnos |