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Show THURSDAY, JULY 22, 4j OREM-GENEVA TIMES HILL GRES1 Vanese Woffinden 0554-R1 Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Madsen entertained at a fireside chat on Sunday evening. The speaker was Miss Eloise Coon, a missionary mission-ary to the Mexicans and a resident resid-ent of Colonia Dublan, Mexico. Those present were Miss Coon and her sister, Maurine, Sarah Bushman, Helen Woffinden, Gfcorgia Mitchell, Nada Oli-phant, Oli-phant, Josephine Wagstaff, David Dav-id Martin, Jr., Boyd Henri, Willis Wil-lis Brimhall, Walter Cope, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christman, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Madsen. The Senior class in the Sunday Sun-day School, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Blain Perkins, wert on a swiirjming party Friday evening at Park Ro-She. They went to Canyon Glen to eat a picnic lunch after swimming. . A fireside chat was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rowland for the Junior girls and Senior Scouts. Miss Flor Sharon Ward Holds Outing on Welfare Farm Site By Fred Arringion One of the bmt and largest out-door parties of the year was held at the Sharon ward welfare wel-fare farm, located at Fourth West and First North in Orem. The party was sponsored by the ward and was under the direction direct-ion of the MIA. Officers of the MIA, who in charge of arrangements, are Neil Newell, YMMIA superintendent superin-tendent and his assistants, Fred Arrington and John Wightman and Dona Elder, YWMIA president pres-ident and Myrtle Rowley and Arthella Dearing, counselors. The party was a great success! with gallons of punch and dozens doz-ens of weiners with all the trimmings. trim-mings. Neil Newell directed the exercises and Fred Arrington acted as master of ceremonies Those who participated were Janis Young, Geniel Larsen, Dee Jepperson, Louis Simpson, B. L. Tippetts, Alex Josie, Cleve MacEjonald, Alvin Rowley, Art- enr Mnhlestein. a returned emus Newell, Dee Elder, Ger- missionary was the speaker. A'?,ldme Hansen, Lavoir Merrill, pantomine of "Cinderella" waa!Ffed, Amngton, Neil Newell, put on with Nita Doman as CIark Colhngs and Bishop Stan-Prince Stan-Prince Charming; Max Hill, Cin- lev Finch, rfprplla? Dan Bates, the stpnJ Tne threat of bad weather sister; Arthur Woffinden, the did not keeP the PeHle of shar Phyllis other step-sister; and Williamson, reader. The Relief Society held their business meeting on Tuesday. A special Pioneer program was given by Mrs. Agnes Morgan and Merl Anderson. Miss Mary Kirkham of Salt Escaped Bull Stages Classy Lake CUy was a visitor at the j for B Detroiter$ home of Bishop and Mrs. Milton j J Jameson on Sunday. I DETROit.-A bull staged a 40-Amone 40-Amone the dinner guests at )t ! tw.,,,-4.. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank packinghouse district, hooking one on ward from enjoying the party. par-ty. The weiner roast was given in appreciation for the work done by old and young members of the ward in harvesting the cherry crop. v ""VJ aVx- t A: .:) Shown thoroughly enjoying themselves at the Sharon ward weiner roast held at the ward welfare farm Saturday night are a group, of men women and children who help harvest the crops and take care of the farm. Bishop Stanley Finch reports that the party was a big success in spite of threatening weather. It was given in appreciation of the assistance given by ward members in harvesting the cherry crop. Photo by Orem-Geneva Photo Centre is. Wolfinden on Wednesday ev ening were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eug-ene Roberts and Mrs- Se.'ina Roberts Adams and sons Robert and Richard of Los Angelas and Mrs. Dorothy Roberts Fletcher Flet-cher and children, Jeannie and Billy of Summit, New Jersey. Mr. Roberts, the originator of the Timp Hike is here for this year's hike. Mrs. Adams is at- woman tending summer school at the BYU. The following members of Hill Crest ward attended the Aaron-ic Aaron-ic Priesthood outing at Aspen Grove: Floyd Johnson, Laird Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Woffinden and sons, George and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs- Lynn Johnson and family, Myron Thomas and son, Haines, Bruce and Asel Boun, Kirk Jameson, Dean Rowland, Ray Lee Hill, Frank Johnson and David Martin, Mar-tin, Jr. David Martin, Jr. has joined the Navy and left on Wednesday to begin his training.. He was honored at a boniire party on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Madsen. Others present were T.l and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Josephine Joseph-ine Wagstaff, Helen Woffinden and George Woffinden. man in the seat of the pants and terrorizing a woman. A shot from a deer rifle finally ended it The bull broke out of a pen and made a dash for busy Michigan avenue. A few feet behind came George Alexander, chasing the animal ani-mal In a trailer-truck. On a corner the bull cornered a and tore her dress before Alexander and his truck chased him away. The woman wasn't hurt except ex-cept for the fright. Charging into the yard of a porcelain por-celain company, the bull hooked the seat of a workman's pants and tossed him over a light truck. The workman was shaken but otherwise unhurt. Then Edward Frass, an employe, drew a bead and put a bullet through the bull's head. SOFTBALL Results, Schedule LEAGUE STANDINGS SENIOR GIRLS The bulk of the electrical power in the Great Salt Lake Basin is supplied by the Utah Power and Light Company which serves 210 communitiess. Utah's fertile valleys are the garden spots of the Intermoun-tain Intermoun-tain west. Price is known Coal Capitol". as "Utah's FOR PIGFEED That really makes pigs grow, it's BUNKERS MIXED PIG FEED $3.83 per hundredweight (13 Protein) SAVE BY FEEDING BUNKERS FEEDS W L Vermont 6 0 PI. View-Oak Hills 6 0 Windsor 4 2 Geneva 3 S Grand View 3 3 Lake View 1 5 Sharon 1 Hill Crest C 7 JUNIOR BOYS W L Timpanogos 6 0 Geneva 5 l Vineyard 4 2 Vermont Sharon 3 3 Windsor 3 3 Hill Crest 3 4 Lake View 1 4 PI. View-Oak Hills 0 5 Grand View 0 5 JUNIOR GIRLS W L Timpanogos 6 0 Vineyard 3 0 Geneva 3 1 Windsor 4 2 Sharon 4 2 Vermont 3 3 PI. View-Oak Hills 2 3 Lake View 1 4 Edgemont 1 5 Grand View 0 1 Hill Crest 0 6 PHONE 0551-R3 LAST WEEK'S RESULTS SENIOR GIRLS Vermont 28, Sharon 1. Windsor 26, Lake View 10. JUNIOR GIRLS Sharon 35, Lake View 34. Vineyard 18, Windsor IV. Vermont 25, Edgemont 18. Timpanogos 38, Grand Viw JUNIOR BOYS Geneva 6, PI. View-Oak Hills 4. Windsor 12, Sharon 9. -Timpanogos 8, Vermont 4. ' Windsor 10, Hill Crest 8. MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE July 2 Vermont 17,' Pleasant View 1; Windsor 3, 20-30 Club 7; Sharon 3, Vineyard 10. July 7 Windsor 12, Pleasant View 0; 20-30 Club 6, Sharon 8; Vermont 3, Vineyard 15. MEN'S MINOR LEAGUE July 8 Lake View 12, Geneva Gen-eva 9; Vermont 0, Vineyard 1. SECOND HALF MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE July 14 Vineyard 5, Windsor 2; Vermont 2, 20-30 Club 9; Sharon 7; Timpanogos 5. July 1620-30 Club 5, Timp 0i Sharon 0, Pleasant View 10; Vineyard 13, Vermont 2. MEN'S MINOR LEAGUft July 13 Lake View 5, Grand View 7; Geneva 9, Vermont 8; Windsor 40, Vineyard 11. July 15 Geneva 12, Windsor 8: Vermont 6, Lake View 9; Hill Crest 0, Vineyard 17. July 20 Geneva 4, Lake view 11; Grand View 8, Hill Crest 5; Vermont 7, Windsor 4. MAKE UP GAMES July 19 Vineyard 16, Wind sor 10; Lirand View defeated Timp (forfeit). GIRLS SOFTBALL 1. July 17 Springville 6, Orem NEXT WEEK'S SCHEDULE SENIOR GIRLS Friday, July 23 Lake View vs Sharon. Monday, July 26 Geneva vs Sharon. JUNIOR GIRLS Friday, July 23 Timpanogos vs Pleasant View-Oak Hills. Friday, July 23 Edgemont vs Grand View. vs Lake View (make up game). Tuesday, July 27 Vineyard vs PI. View-Oak Hills. . Wednesday ,vJuly 28 Geneva vs Vermont. Thursday, July 29 Windsor vs Timpanogos. Friday, July 30 Lake View vs Grand View. JUNIOR BOYS Friday, July 23 Lake View vs Pleasant View-Oak Hills. Monday, July 26 Hill Cre vs Vermont. Tuesday, July 27 Timpanogos vs Sharon. Wednesday, July 28 PI. View Oak Hills vs Vineyard. ttlursday, July 29 Windsor vs Lake View. Friday, July 30 Geneva bye, More than 40,000 Utah homes are served by Utah gas lines. Ejght major U. S. Higliways enter and serve Utah. Utah s Dixie enjoys a semi- tropical climate. Only three percent of Utah's total acreage is under cultiva tion. There are forty-five state banks and twelve national banks in Utah. iiiimiiiiiiiliiiiiliiMimi Hiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iijiiiiiimmiia iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinii'; " t The PLAINLY MARKED prices in our display room give OKuronce thai you'll be asked to pay no more for any given service than other families fami-lies are paying. 'OHM, si PHONE 378 J(cttuatif 185 EAST CENTER PHONE 378 ANNOUNCEMENT Hiway Garage and Service Under New Management Neldon L. Jensen and Robert W. Laymon have taken over the management manage-ment and operation of the Hi Wlay Garage and Service, 1-4 mile north of Scera. Both are experienced mechanics and automobile men, and invite your patronage for all types of repair work, chart lubrication and complete com-plete automotive service. ; s OPEN FOR BUSINESS MONDAY, JULY 26 CAR AND TRUCK GREASING A SPECIALTY it THAT GOOD WASATCH GAS HIWAY GARAGE AND SERVICE Phone 0561 J 1 1.4 Mile North of Scera " ' """ """"""" "" ""iiiiiiiiiiimiim mimmmmimimiuim nun m imiiniiiiiiiuimiiiniiiniimm n niiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiinmiiiiminiii We realize that in the not too distant future new cars will be "sold" not "bought." And we are endeavoring to earn your respect and patronage now by equitably distributing ie li mired supply of Ford cars and trucks that we are currently receiving. TELLURIDE MOTOR CO. PROVO. UTAH PHONE 1000 GENERAL MANAGER PAUL D. VINCENT EDGEMONT Ere Gillisple 02B-J1 Mrs. Ral Triplett will be nost-ess nost-ess to the Edsemont Literary Club on Friday afternoon, July 30 at her home. Mrs. DeWitt Trotter will give the book review. re-view. All members are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Conder itiii cnnH hpir vacation this week fishing on the Samon Riv er in Idaho, lvr onH Mrs T,pn Hansen are the proud grandparents of a baby boy born Sunday at me Valley hospital to Mr- and Mrs. Lester L. Hansen (Roma Lee). Bishop and Mrs. Orvil Davis are spending some time in Salt Lake City this week. Mrs. Davis' Dav-is' father underwent a major operation on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Boyce have returned from a pleasant vacation vacat-ion to Jackson Holel Wyoming and Yellowstone Park. William F. Wiscombe was honored on his 71st birthday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. R. Gillespie. All his children and crand children were pres ent for the occasion. The even ing was spent with music, games and refreshments. Mrs. Vaun C. Lott and child ren, Steve and Mary Cathrine, left Sunday for their home in Duchesne after spending four days here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Gilles pie entertained their cherry pickers on Friday evening at a swimming party at Park Ro-She. A watermelon bust was enjoyed after the swim fcy the 30 young people present. Mrs. Henry D. Jones is visiting visit-ing in Omaha, Nebraska with relatives and friends. She has attended a number of social affairs af-fairs given there . for her son who returned recently from duty overseas with the Navy and who was married in New York. SUNDAY SERVICES GENEVA . Meeting will be under the nf Leland Gappmayer, one of the Deacon advisors. The program will ' be lurnisnea Dy the Deacons. PLEASANT VIEW The LDS Girls organization will furnish the program, under the direction of Ruth Colvln. Meeting will begin at 7 p.m. GRAND VIEW The program for meeting will be furnished by- the Camp Grand View Daughters of Utah Pioneers. OAK HILLS Several members of the ward will be the speakers at meeting on Sunday. A piano and organ duet will be played by Nila Brown and Helen Clark. Meet ing will begin at 5 p. m. Mrs. Gam Johnson and new baby have left the Park's home in Orem and are doing nicely at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver D. Johnson. The following girls left Mon day for the Girl Scout Camp at Trefoil Ranch in South Fork. Barbara An Boyce, Shirley Miller, Mil-ler, Colleen Ferguson and Bee Wright. Several couples enjoyed a steak supper and dancing Sat urday night at Canyon Glen, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Slaton and Mr. and Mrs- David Green of Pleasant Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Baum of Spanish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bell who are visiting visit-ing here from Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. George Boyce and lr. and Mrs. Ritfiard Grimmett. VERMONT ' r.B.u1. aunday (v ening will be furnished bv tv Orem Camn mm r ' Mf . . ci morn and Sharon wards will meet w at 8 p.m. 'V6Cin SHARON The program will 11 theme "Memories That Uw and will honor Utah PioneeK The Rrogram will be given ht the Orem DUP Camp under Z direction bf Captain Add! Fielding. Pictures of Pio'es in auenaance will be taken af ter meeting. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY iHE-bad- ' ROYAL PORTABLE whh FINGER fOM ' ?yj designed to erad,, your finger Hps! ROYAL. UNDERWOOD, REMINGTON. CORONA SPECIAL $22.50 A. 1. Typewriter Co. T. E. O'Neil, Mgr. 265 W. Center Provo ' Course You Can!' AND, OF COURSE, YOU CAN SAVE MONEY TIME WORK AT SEARS j! , fit Canning Rack 29 Cents Holdi 7 quart or pint j are safely sep-arated. sep-arated. Handles designed for easy removgl Drain- board Mat 1.19 Ribbed synthetic rubber keeps dishes from chipping, sliding. Rea, white or marble black. Covered Kettle 5 1-4 inch Diam. 59 Cent Priced for economy, built for wear, a 6-qt., 22-gaugo sheet aluminum kettle with handy bail handle, Cook vegetables, soup or fruit. l Zc'.izfzctidri rjuorcr or yearmoney b ss ' |