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Show OKEM-GENEVA TIMES Oak Hills Edith Snow J088-R Mr and Mrs. Charles McKell ' rejoicing ovor the arrival of a baby boy Thursday Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mr and Mrs. J. R. Skipworth from' Alberta, Canada, visited we with their daughter, Mrs. Douglas Allred and family. Mr. Allred accompanied Mr. Skip-worth Skip-worth back to Canada. Mrs Mary B. Davis has returned re-turned home after a delightful 10-day trip to" Canada to visit her son John, who is laboring in the mission field there. She spent one wee m arusiuu where the mission conference was held. She also joined the missionaries in' an excursion through the Cardston temple.. She reports that John is well and enjoying his mission, i . Mr. and Mrs. Roland Tietjen of Monroe are visiting here with their daughters and families, fam-ilies, Dr. and Mrs. Bryant Jambs' Ja-mbs' and Mr. and Mrs. R. D, Cloward. Kathryn and Christine Uncle Sam Says I ' ! Millions of Americans are rededi-cating rededi-cating themselves to the support of our Government by word and action. Nearly 10 million of them are doing their share through the purchase of U. S. Savings Bonds on the easy, automatic auto-matic payroll savings plan. They realize real-ize that a dollar saved is a dollar fighting fight-ing against inflation. And some day, these dollars saved, will be returned to them with interest, $1 for every $3 1 i J mi . . ' ' rH will return home with' ."IV"lc?- lne.?e onas are truly secur- them for a short visit. ing priceSi You can becom"e a"n ,n E. H. Asay of the high cuun-, vestor through the steady accumula-cil, accumula-cil, Lawrence M. Palmer, stake i tion of Savings Bonds. If self-em-missionary, Vernon M. Nuttal,' Ployed, an automatlo bond buying returned missionary, and LaRae SB , yo? thron.?h the . Bond-a-Mnnth nlan at i hint Muhlestein of the Uirls organization organ-ization were the speakers at Sac rament meeting Sunday evening! Gladys Tippetts renaerea a vo. cal solo. I Bond-a-Month plan at your bank. U. S. Treasury Department Those from Oak Hills participating in the Stake Aaron ic Priesthood outing at Aspen Grove Saturday were Bishop and Mrs. John Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Max Snow and son Darrly, John Hall, Donald Muhlestein, Evan Bean, Kent Paten, R. D. Clow ard, Bryant Jacobs, Karl Young and son Dave, Jimmy Webster and Hardy Bean. A fireside chat for Oak Hills and Pleasant View Special Inter est groups was held at the home of Scott Reynolds Sunday evening even-ing after meeting. Nevada Warns Gamblers ward! To Keep Games Honest Police Find That Youth Has Good Reason for Making Trip WILMINGTON, DEL. A member mem-ber of the state police department, depart-ment, working on a traffic survey to learn why peoplt leave Delaware Dela-ware for Pennsylvania, stopped a motor car driven by Pat Nolan, Claymont, Del., high school student, stu-dent, and inquired where he was going. "Marcus Hook Pa.)," - said Nolan. "What's in Marcus Hook that's not to Wilmington?" the patrolman patrol-man asked. "My girl," replied Nolan. "Go ahead," said the state patrolman. CARSON CITY, NEV: A Nevada tax commissioner warned gambling houses today to "put square dice and new decks on the tables." William J. Moore, gambling representative rep-resentative on the state tax commission, com-mission, issued the warning to casino ca-sino operators in the Lake Tahoe resort area. He said that with the summer tourist season approaching the tax commission would put investigators in the field to see that all gambling, which is legal in Nevada, was honest. hon-est. Moore, whose Last Frontier hotel is the biggest gambling casino in Las Vegas, issued his warning to Lake Tahoe gamblers in person. Callinghem in for a conference, he told them: "The dice and the wheels already carry large enough percentages for the house. You do all right withou increasing the percentage." Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bliss are moving to Price- to make their home. Mr. Bliss will be employed employ-ed in the mines in Price. - Utah has the longest season and best snow in all America for skiing. year s sno. SOFTBALL Results, Schedule Jr. girls round robin JETS UNDERWAY Vermont defeated Windsor 8 o 6 in the first game of the sen- or girls championship play-off pries. The game was well play-H play-H and hard fought. Windsor ook a two run lead in the sec- nd inning and held it until the flh when Vermont tied the pre and went on to win wjtn N runs in the sixth. Neither jeam could score in the seventh Inning, Vermont will nU Vi M the PI, View-Oak Hills vs Peneva game Friday, July 30 pr the championship, Windsor f '1 Play the loser of the Pleas-tat Pleas-tat View-Oak Hills-Geneva tilt aursday, July 29 for third and fourth place. I The Junior Boys round robin 7 get underway Monday, August 9. The Junior Girls play-C play-C ?,lU 5131-1 Wednesday, Aug-n.11 Aug-n.11 The first four teams in league will participate in fit round rohin LAST WEEK'S RESULTS JUNIOR BOYS r.jill' ,r.20 Timpanogos over ,7, ew, default. Uly Z1-Geneva 6, Vineyard July 22Vermont 20, Sharon intvL V" Ke Vlew 8- Pleas" int View-Oak Hills 7. :rest 2 Vermnt HU1 JUly 27 t; r0n 2 ""'Pdiiogos 21, &na- SENIOR GIRLS Julv 91 .... 7 -V rieasant View-Oak y i, Vermont 2. Rei 3 22Windsor 20, Grand JUlv 97 m . - . fi r7. vermnt 8, Wind-I Wind-I 6 (championship round). JUNIOR GIRLS 8JU,y 21 Geneva 38, Sharon jy. default. July 26 Hill Crest over Lake View, default. July 26 Edgemont 21, Hill Crest 20. July 27 Vineyard 28, Pleasant Pleas-ant View-Oak Hills 8. July 27 Edgemont 34, Vermont Ver-mont 25 (make up) NEXT WEEK'S SCHEDULE JUNIOR BOYS Friday, July 30 Geneva vs Grand View. Monday, August 2 Hill Crest vs Lake View. Tuesday, August 3 Timjpan-ogos Timjpan-ogos vs Windsor. Wednesday, August 4 PI. View-Oak Hills vs Grand View. Thursday, Uugust 5 Sharon vs Vermont. JUNIOR GIRLS Friday, July 30 Hill Crest vs Timpanogos. Monday, August 2 Sharon vs Vermont. Tuesday, August 3 PI. View Oak Hills vs Grand View. Wednesday, August 4 Geneva Gen-eva vs Vineyard (to be made up Friday, July 30.) Thursday, August 5 Windsor vs Geneva (postponed). Friday, August 6 Vermont vs Timpanogos. GRAND VIEW Lucy I. Clyde 030-R4 Mr. -and Mrs. Eph Jepperson and son, Blair, of Sunland, Cal ifornia left for their home oVi Saturday after visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Carter. Mrs. Nell Taylor of Salt Lake City visited over the weekend with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ida Taylor. A number of ladies met at the amusement hall on Tuesday for a quilting party. They worked on a quilt they are making for the fall bazaar. Mable Tucker was in charge of the work and President Goldie Davis and Virginia Vir-ginia Sandstrom served a delicious delic-ious tray luncheon. Those present were Lillian Jones, Eva Hortt; Ilia Baum, Verena Taylor, Fon-tella Fon-tella Buckner, Lucy Clyde and Thelma Eatough. Mrs. Annie Buckner returned Thursday from a trip to southern Utah and Northern Arizona. She visited Bryce's Canyon, Jions, and Grand Canyon and returned by way of the National orest and Cedar Breaks. Mrs. Butkner was acompanied by her sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth dinger an Mrs. Edith Buckner and Mi. and Mrs. O. H. Anderson of ,3 agna. Mrs. Edith Buckner spei t the weekend here before retiming to Magna. A Book of Mormon study class is being organized i the ward by Mr. and Mrs. J. Petty Jones. The lesson will befeiven by Nile Washburn at the Jones home. The day and the tifrie of meeting will be arran$d to suit those who join. AnyoBe interested in-terested should contact Mrs. I Jones. r I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Buckjer of Ephriam visited with refetives and friends here over the Weekend. Week-end. I' A number of boys from the ward enjoyed the Aaronic f riest hood outing on Saturday. Those Bishop and Mrs. A. Dean buck ner, Mr. ana Mrs. ieKof Taylor, Tay-lor, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eatough, Eat-ough, Rodney Kimball, Hfr. and Mrs. Eldon Taylor, Mr. aid Mrs. Clyde Asay and Mr. eud Mrs. Leland Black. A number of girls irom the ward will spend three days at the MIA home in Prov'o Canyon. They will leave on July 30. Speakers at Sacraihent meeting meet-ing on Sunday weis A. Reed Moss, stake missionary, Wanda Gurr, returned missionary and Ray E. Hanks, high; councilman. A pioneer program will be! presented next Sunday by the I Camp Grand View DUP, undr-r the direction of Captain Laurel Gibson. Stories of Pioneers will be told by Myrl Day and a trib-j ute to our local pioneers will be given. Mrs. Theola Tucker will sing "When They're Gone We'll not Forget Them." VINEYARD Maliceni C. Wells Phone 0893J1 The Sunday School faculty meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins. The officers and teach ers of the Junior Sunday School will be in charge. All faculty members are invited to attend and bring their partners. Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Wells and children and Mr. and Mrs Lee College attended the Philips Phil-ips family reunion in Hobble Creek canyon on Saturday.- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Clegg and sons, Halvor and Wilden, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wells Edith Ann Wells attended the John A. Lewis family reunion at Liberty Park on Sunday. They went by way of Parleys canyon and visited in Heber City with their aunt, Mrs. Janette McMul-lin. McMul-lin. Mr. and Mrs. LaVon Morrill and children visited in Idaho last weekend. . Miss June Allen is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Alen, after a ten months' stay in Oakland, California. Lilian Thurgood, Stake Jun ior Sunday School superintend ent visited in Vineyard ward on Sunday morning. The ward finance commitee is sponsoring a show to be held at the Scera theatre on Wednesday Wednes-day evening. The proceeds will go to the ward chapel fund. Mrs. Howard M. Anderson is vacationing for a month with relatives in Vancouver, British Columbia. ' Genealogical meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Stoddard on Tuesday Tues-day evening. 0 AIMS, Oil ON ATTAINING THE MILLION DOLLAR MARK THIS WEEK Be Sure and Take Advantage of the Final Day of Our Sale 1 U 000 0 nn n n n rv BB 8 Sot LAST DAY T 0 - DOORS OPEN AT 10 A, M. MflS Won't Guarantee That You'll Save A: Million Dollars, But If A $10 Bill gleans Anything You'd Better Come In And Save That Much Anvwav Mcdonald at postmaster convention Orem Postmaster Lyle McDonald Mc-Donald will be among the delegates dele-gates this weekend to the annual convention of the Utah Chapter of the National Association of Postmasters. The convention is being held at Salt Lake City. . Postmaster Gen'eral Jesse M. Donaldson will be one of the speakers. Mr. and Mrs. George Rohbock, Mr. and . Mrs. Bob Rohbock, Frank RoKuock and their father, Carl Rohbock spent last weekend fishing in the Uintah lakes. A word or a nod . from the good, has more weight than the eloquent speeches of others. Plutarch bit ickl- bate fr4 agt Jl in Ut Wi she pic cro ma Ne mo bee olo 1 Ass ing ado pla: of end; hou 1 ine: cor iom G Indi T Uni ated B stan Ame of ti D icistl first; and I of al Tl wris dian hair am 1 If anyt is g bratt the ! presa beforf day help plan He si bratil and re tun ever ran nra cannra .. 3 " b lb Iff if iifl W M YOU CAN SAVE MORE AT TAYLOR'S IN THREE HOURS THAN YOU CAN MAKE ALL DAY ON THE JOB! We Aren't Sure Yet What Will Be On Sale, But You Can Bet Your Last Dollar That Every Item Will Mean Bi Savings To You! EVERY DEPARTMENT REPRESENTED ! MEN'S WEAR SHOES APPLIANCES JEWELRY GIFT SHOP LADIES DEPT. READY - TO - WEAR SPORTSWEAR RADIO AND MUSIC PIANO DEPT. HOME FURNISHINGS RUGS & DRAPERIE mm FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1943 I I I.., -.,-1 ! .1, G u L . n L J Si J C X. X I ! 'II i! 3 i r . - ' tti S3 t&-$ o iaar-" rrri A k. TH 250 West Center Provo |