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Show ault j or: rM-GENEVA TIMES THURSDAY, APRIL 15, Hill (Cont. From Page Four ... o lirAni from wnXiel of the Bureau of Fire the n ion issued only after an Preven tn roval of the in5peSus materials and meth-'5PnToperation meth-'5PnToperation and the persons charge of operations. Section 13. No person sha'l s,ore use, transport or sell non-5 non-5 ahle compressed or lique-VTt lique-VTt es without a license; his provision shall not apply to ?thli,lans. dentists and hospit- 'using oxygen, nitrous- ox.de 1 other similar recognized and proved gases in their profes-!innal profes-!innal practice, nor to the use T, carbon dioxide. All such gases chall be transported only In congers, con-gers, not exceeding 30 gal-,,ns gal-,,ns water capacity, which have been approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission as to construction, valves, accessories, and all ohter requirements of such commission. Section 14. It is prohibited, to inflate toy balloons with hydrogen hydro-gen or to use toy ballons so inflated. Section 15. Maintenance of Protective and Extinguishing CMtem. Sprinkler systems, st- andpipe systems, and other proactive pro-active or extinguishing systems which have been installed in approved by the building off:. compliance wun any pernm or order, or because of any law or S..ction.l9. Electrical Installations. Instal-lations. All electrical wiring, apparatus, or appliances for furnishing light, heat, or power shall be in strict conformity con-formity with approved methods and practices for safety to life and property. Compliance witli the National Electrical Code, as published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, shall be prima facie evidence of such approved methods. Section 20. Chimney and Flues. (a) Chimneys shall be built of brick, of solid block masonry, or of reinforced cor-crete, cor-crete, not less than threp an.H three-quarters inches thick, pro- viuea mai xor other than dwellings dwel-lings and buildings of like heating heat-ing requirements the thickness of chimney walls shall be not less man eight inches. Chimneys Chim-neys shall be lined throughout with fire clay flue lining or with fire brick, provided that chimneys for gas amilianrps only may be lined with any approved ap-proved corrosion resistant lin ing, chimneys shall be built on concrete or masonry foundations. founda-tions. Footings for exterior chimneys shall start below the frost line. (b) Flues not conforming to the requirements for chimneys oiidii ue usea only if of a type TABLE 2 Floor-mounted Heating Minimum Clearance, Inches and Cooking Appliances Sides and Rear Smoke or Vent Pipe ! ordinance, shall oe maintained in operative condition at all I times, and it shall be unlawful j for any owner' or occupant to reduce the effectiveness of the I protection furnished. Provided tthis shall not prohibit the own-: own-: er or occupant from temporar- ily reducing or discontinuing i the protection where necessary ! to make tests, repairs, altera-i altera-i tions or additions. The chief of the fire department shall be not-, not-, ified before such tests, repairs, , alterations or additions are ; started unless the work is to be i continuous until completion. I Section 16. Roof Covering. i Every roof hereafter placed on ' a building shall be covered with an approved roofing of brick, concrete tile, slate, metal ashes- ) tos, prepared asphalt asbestos-, asbestos-, felt shingles, or built-up roofing ' finished with asphalt, slag or gravel, or other approved mater-; mater-; ial. Except where roofing is of a j character permitting attachment ' direct to steel frame work, it i shall be applied to a solid or i closely fitting deck. j Roofings which are classified I as Class A or B under the test , j specifications of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., shall be accepted ac-cepted as meeting the requirements require-ments of this section. For buidings which are occupied oc-cupied as dwellings, for build ings which are of frame construction, con-struction, or, outside thp fire limits, for other buildings which do not exceed two stories or thirty feet in height nor twenty five hundred square feet in area and are not occupied as mercantile establishments, factories fac-tories or warehouses, roofings which are classified as Class C under the test specifications of Underwriters' Laboratories.Inc, shall be accepted as meeting the requirements of this section. aim msiauea in accordance with rules duly promulgated by the building official. Domestic type ranges and cooking cook-ing stoves. Burning solid fuel in firepot without fire clay lining Burning solid fuel in firepot with fire clay lining or burning liquid fuel Burning gas Space heaters (heating stoves), circulating type burning solid or liquid fuel ................ Burning gas Space heaters (heating stoves), heat radiating type, and laundry laun-dry stoves. Burning solid or liquid fuel Burning gas Water heaters' Burning solid or liquid fuel Burning gas Gas-steam and gas-hot water radiators ,From the fire box side of a range burning solid fuel and from the burner side of a range burning liquid fuel the required clearance clear-ance shall be not less than 24 inches. , 'Combination heating stoves and water heaters shall be considered as space heaters. Section 22. Smoke Pipes. Every smoke pipe shall connect with a chimney or other approved ap-proved flue. No smoke pipe shall pass through any floor or ceiling. 36 12 6 12 12 36 36 12 12 6 18 18 6 18 9 18 9 18 9 6 Smoke pipes shall not pass through combustible walls or partitions unless they are guarded guard-ed at the point of passage by (1) double metal ventilated thimbles not less than twelve inches larger in diameter than the pipe, or (2) double metal (c) Chimneys and flues shall extend at least three feet above the highest point at which they COmP in PAnfaof nrUk AU of th h,,iirn ' "I .01 thimbles not less than eight feet higher thaV:nV;irr ..r, inches larger in diameter than "",7 'UgC Willi- m ten feet of such chimney or flue. (d) The back and sides of fireplaces fire-places shall be of solid masonry, mason-ry, or reinforced concrete, not less than eight inches in thickness. thick-ness. A lining of fire brie at least two inches thick or oth-r approved material shall be provided pro-vided unless the thickness is twelve inches. (e) Fireplaces shall have hearths of brick, stone, tile or other approved inCombnstihiP material supported on a fireproof fire-proof slab or on brick tri arches. Such hearths shall ex tend at least twenty inches jut-side jut-side of the chimney breast and not less than twelve inch?, bp. juuu cam suae oi the fireplace and installed in accordance with opening along the chimney j generally accepted good pract-7u pract-7u eombmed thickness ice having due regard to uear-h uear-h uu and supPrtinS -rchianes, 4ur temperature controls shall be not less than six inches , and other matters necessary :o avoid overheating of comuusti-ble comuusti-ble material under any conditions condi-tions of operation. The provis ions of the Building Code rec ommended by tne .National Board of Fire Underwriters shall be deemed to be the gen- practice the pipe with the annular space filled with mineral or rock wool, or (3) metal or burned fire clay thimbles built in brickwork brick-work or other approved fire-proofing fire-proofing materials extending not less than eight inches be yond all sides of the thimble; or in lieu of such protection all combustible material in the wall or partition shall be cut away (from the smoke pipe a sufficient distance to provide the clearance required from such smoke pipe any material used to close up such opening shall be noncombustible. Section 23. Duels of Warm Air Healing Systems. Ducts of warm air h e a t- ing systems shall be constructed ees in said fire department. All officers and employees in said fire department, shall be subject to removal from office or employ ment by the Orem City Council for misconduct, incompetency1, or failure to perform their duties, dut-ies, or failure to obserw and obey city ordinances. ARTICLE IX VIOLATIONS, CONFLICTING ORDINANCES AND DATE OK FFFECT. Section 1. Penalties for Violation. Viola-tion. A person who shall vio late a provision of this ordin ance or fail to comply therewith, or who .shall violate or fail to comply with an order or regulation regu-lation made thereunder, or who shall build in violation of a de tailed statement or plan sub mitted and approved thereunder, there-under, or of a permit issued thereunder, shall severally for each & every such violation and non-compliance, forfeit and pay a penalty not to exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars. The imposition im-position of a penalty for a vio lation of this ordinance shall not excuse the violation, or permit per-mit it to continue; such violation shall be remedied within a rea sonable time, and each ten days that such violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate separ-ate offense. The application of the above lay dust or prevent being blown about. Section 26. Supplementary Requirements. The 1943 Edition of the Building Code recommended by the Nat ional Board of Fire Under- penalty shall not be held to pre-writers pre-writers shall be deemed to be vent the enforced removal of the generally accepted good prohibited conditions. good practice for fireproof, semi-fireproof and heavy timber construction, safeguards during construction, theatres and other special occupancies, and all other matters not overed in this Ordinance. Section 27. May Demolish Building, When. When a fire is in progress the chief of the fire department, or, in his absence, the officer in command, com-mand, in cases of imminent and urgent public necessity, may order any telegraphy telephone, electric lights, railway or other wires or poles in close proximity proxim-ity thereto to be cut, taken uown or otherwise disposed of, and under like circumstances may also order the demolition of any building or other structure to prevent the spreading of an existing ex-isting conflagration, but neith er the chief of the fire depart ment nor any other officer or member shall unnecessarily or recklessly destroy or injure any building, house or other proper ¬ ty. Section 28. May Blockade 51 at any point. (f) Wooden forms or ceii ers used in the construction of that part of the supporting construction construc-tion which is below the hearth of the fireplace shall be removed remov-ed when the supporting con struction of the hearth is com- erally accepted good pleted and before plastering oi for such ducts. tne underside. ,v . . , , ,. I Section 24. y& nu wouaen ana otner com-w.t p;OPc ,ct;w nr,cit; un , . waier fipes. bustible kept at least two inches from I Steam and Hot Where water heating pipes pass through, combust- Section 2. Validity. If any section or part of section or par agraph of this ordinance is dec lared invalid or unconstitutional it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or sections or part of a section or paragraph of this Ordinance. Section 3. Conflicting Ordin ances Repealed. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon sistent herewith are hereby re pealed. Section 4. In the opinion of the City Council of Orem City it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the best health, APPROVED: J. W. GILLMAN Mayor ATTEST: ORLAND E. PYNE City Reorder COUNCILMEN VOTING AYE: PHILO T. EDWARDS WOODRUFF JENSEN E. II. JOHNSON VIC DURHAM A. A. RICHARDS I. ORLAND E. PYNE, the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Recorder of Orem City, Utah County, State of Utah, do hereby here-by certify that as such official I have the custody of the records and files of the proceedings of the City Council of said City; that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed by the City Council of said city on the 9th day of April, A.D. 1948, entitled: en-titled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION, PRE-VENTION, AND FIRE DEPARTMENT, DEPART-MENT, PROVIDING OFFICERS THEREFORE AND DEFINING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES, AND PRESCRIBING REGULA TIONS FOR FIRE PREVEN TION AND LIFE SAFETY IN CONNECTION WITH HAZAR DOUS MATERIALS AND PRO CESSES. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 9th day of April, A. D., 1948. ORLAND E. PYNE CITY RECORDER, OREM CITY, UTAH. NOTICE OF INTENTION Notice is hereby given by the city council of Orem City, Utah, of the intention of said city to operate, maintain and patrol Lighting District No. 1 in said city comprising the following streets: On the east side of State Highway High-way No. 91 at a point on the south side of the intersection of 8th south stneet and State High way No. 91; thence south on the safety and welfare of Orem City I east side of State Highway No. and the inhabitants thereof that 1 91, a distance of 200 feet, this Ordinance become effect-1 On the west side of State High way No. 91 at a point on the reels, elc. Whenever a fire shall 0rem City ive immediately and an emergency emer-gency is hereby declared to exist ex-ist and on account thereof this Ordinance shall take effect on the date of its passage, approval and publication. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be published once in the Orem-Geneva Times, a news paper of general circulation in chimneys and flues and shall jble floors or partitions or other be kept at least four inches from the back of a fireplace. Such spaces shall be firestopped with noncombustible material. Section 21. Healing Appliances. Appli-ances. Heating appliances shall not be mounted on floors of combustible construction un- In U nUkA. W. r f ... -licaa nicy die ciuici aijyiuvcu. ujr No roofing on an existing roof u. ..-ui hall be renewed or repaired to designed for such mounting 0r a greater extent than nnp-tpnth " . , , . are set on approved Dases oi sufficient to prevent overheating of the com bustible construction, greater extent than one-tenth nf tU - t i i ... ZnTJZ1. exceP.l,ln insulating value -w.wwmtjf wini uie requirements require-ments of this section." Section 17. Fireslopping. ; Firestopping in all classes of , buildings shall be arranged to : cut off all concealed draft open-; open-; mgs, such as at floors, ceilings, wofs and attic spaces, and shall ! form effectual fire barriers hor-j hor-j izontally and vertically. In j buildings of ordinary construc-; construc-; "on and , frame construction, I wood two inches in thickness, i minal dimension, may be us-i us-i in other types or construc-; construc-; Hon approved noncombus lbla i material shall be used. I Section 18. Walls of Frame , Buildings Near Lot Lines or olh- ; et Buildinos. Tn Hull ; frame construction, other than j . 8rase not exceeding six nun- "ed square feet in area and j outslde the fire limits, an ex 5 Posed wall which is less than jj ieet distant from a lot I T ,i L er than a street line-i line-i .a11 have a fire-resistance rat-! rat-! ln8 Of not less than twn hours: 1 Prided "that the material of j me weather surface mav hp ' f milar to that of the other ex- I tenor walls of the building. I In buildings nf framp .-on- ruction, an exposed wall which is less than ten feet dis- "nt from a wall of another uuiiding of frame construction ?.n the same lot, shall have a "re-resista a i. tutuig jx iiun Atjg man two hours; provided that I ne material of the weather j -Urface mav be similar tn that. S .5 e otner exterior walls of S bllding; and provided that en. the aggregate area of the i wo buildings does not exceed jtne ani one-half times the lim-"ng lim-"ng "ea fixed by this ordin- S ,nce fr either building, such e-ijesistance rating shall not Heating appliarfces shall be installed to provide clearances to woodwork or other combust ible material, whether plastered or unplastered, not less then as shown in Tables 1 and 2: pro vided that appliances of special types which have been tested and found safe for installation with lesser clearances may be installed with such clearances as the building official shall ap- prove; and further provided that where a durable form of non combustible heat insulating pro tection is applied to the appli ance or to tne comDusuuie material, installation may be made with such lesser clearances clear-ances as the building official shall approve. combustible construction there shall be an open space of not less than one inch on all sides of the pipe which shall be capped at the ends with incombustible material. Such pipes passing through stock shelving shall be covered with not less than one inch of approved insulation. Wooden boxes or casings enclosing en-closing steam or hot water heating heat-ing pipes, or wooden covers to recesses in walls in which such pipes are placed shall be lined with metal. Coverings or insulation used on steam or hot water pipes shall be of incombustible mat- Section 25 Disposal of Waste During Construction Operations. Op-erations. Waste material and rubbish shall not be stored nor allowed to accu mulate within the building or in the immediate vicinity, but shall be removed from the pre- occur it shall be lawful for the chief of the fire department or the officer in command to blockade block-ade any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk, . or other place if, in his judgment, it is necessary to insure the efficient working of the men, hose, engines, or hook and ladder apparatus under his command and to protect the hose of said department from injury. lie is hereby authorized to request the police department of a detail of patrolmen suffic ient, la ins judgment, meietore, who foi me time being shall act under the instruction of the chief oi mc iii'e department or officer in command. It shall be unlawful for any person to break through or attempt to break through the blockade mentioned in this section or any time to run over or attempt to run over the hose of the fire de- parment with any vehicle. Section 29. Unlawful to Interfere In-terfere with Fire Apparatus. It shall be unlawful any person driving or having charge of any vehicle or animal to permit the same to obstruct, impede or otherwise interfere with the progress or working of any such fire engines, department auto mobiles, fire engines, hose wag ons, hook and ladder trucks or wagons and other movable app aratus of the fire department while the same is going to or re- 1 maining ai a fire, or to cut, imaik -i- other v.. se delate any Passed by the Orem City Cou ncil. Orem City, Utah this south side of the intersection of 8th south street and State High way No. 91; thence south on the west side of State Highway No. 91, a distance of 35 feet. On the east side of State Highway High-way No. 91 at a point on the north side of the intersection of 8th south street and State High way No. 91; thence north on the east side of State Highway No. 91, a distance of 1190 feet. Highway No. 91 at a point on the north side of the intersection of 8th south street and State Highway No. 91; thence north on the west side of State Highway High-way No. 91, a distance of 810 feet. On the north side of 8th south street at a point on the east side of the intersection of 8th south street and State Highway No. 91; thence east on the north side of 8th south street, a distance of 1150 feet. On the south side of 8th south street at a point on the east side of the intersection of 8th south street and State Highway No. 91; thence east on the south side of 8th south street a distance of 1150 feet. On the north side of 7th south street also known as Scera street at a point on the east side of the Intersection of 7th south street and State Highway No. 91; thence east on the north side of 7th south street, a distance of 910 feet. On the south side of 7th south street also known as Scera street at a point on the east side of the intersection of 7th south street and State Highway High-way No. 91; thence east on the south side of 7th south street a distance of 910 feet. It is the intention of the City Council of Orem City to improve said district by maintaining, pa-troling, pa-troling, operating and furnishing with eleclric energy 29 lights of which nunfber 18 are equipped equip-ped with 575 watts, 10,000 lumen mazda lamps, and 11 lights arc equipped with 268 watts, 4,000 lumen mazda lamps The said 29 lamps are to operate from ousk to dawn. The cost of opera tion to be $99.50 per month of which amount $49.75 is to be paid by local assessment upon the property benefited, and the remaining re-maining $49.75 of the cost of operation per month is to be paid by the City of Orem. The cost of operation of the 11 lights of 4,000 lumen mazda lamps of 268 watts each is the stim of $27.50 per month and the cost of opei ating the 18 lights of 10,000 lumen lu-men mazda lamps of 575 waits each is the sum of $72.00 per month making a total cost of $99.50. The abutting property owners cost shall be based on the type and number of lamps used in the area where said prop erty owner has his or hor prop erty. The portion of the cost which is paid for by the Orem City is for a period of three years commencing com-mencing from the first day of operation of said lights. The total cost of the installation installa-tion of said lighting system is to be borne by the Utah Power & Light Company, a corporation, ninth day of April, A. D. 1948. On the west side of State in accordance with a contract made and entered into between Utah Power & Light Company, a corporation, and Orem City, a Municipal Corporation. The only cost that is to be borne by the abutting property owners and the City of Orem is the cost of operation. The cost to the abutting property owners is approximately ap-proximately $ .0141 per month per front foot. The above improvement is in lighting district No. 1 all of said work to be done according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the city en gineer. The abutter's portion is to be defrayed by local assessments assess-ments upon the lot or pieces of ground to be affected and bene fited by said improvements, situ ated within northwest quarter of section 23, township 6 south, range 2 east, Salt Lake Base and meridian, in Orem City, Utah, and the northeast quarter ot section sec-tion 23, Township 6 south, range 2 East Salt Lake Base and meridian, mer-idian, in Orem City, Utah, and the southeast quarter in section 23, Township 6 south, range 2 east, Salt Lake Base Meridian, in Orem City, Utah, and the southwest quarter in section 23, Township 6, south range 2 east, Salt Lake Base Meridian, in Or em City, Utah. Fronting or abutting on the streets above named and to the entire depth of the same owner ship back therefrom not exceed-ing exceed-ing 330 feet, and all within the district bounded as follows: On the north, which is a line running east and west, 1190 feet north of the north side of 8th south street; on the south, which is a line running east and west, 200 feet south of the south side of 8th south street; on the east, which is a line running north and south 1150 feet east of the east side of State Highway No. 91. On the west, which Is a line running north and south, 330 feet west of the west side of State Highway No. 91. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such attentions atten-tions must be presented in writing writ-ing stating therein the description descrip-tion of the property, to the City Recorder on or befre the 10th day of May, 1948. The City Council of Orem City in its first regular meeting thereafter there-after to-wit: the 14th day of May, 1948, will consider such protests pro-tests and objections to said im provements as shall have been made. By order of the City Council of Orem City, Utah. Dated April 9, 1948. Orland E. Pyne City Recorder Lighting District No. 1 Operation First publication April 15, 1943 Last publication May 6, 1948. ..flJfllfl.r'Jl -mm id V,4 - Si- i -7 MM 1 CorbuAibirwaste" and rubbish Prty of the fire departm n, .... , . , , . , &ei.ujii Hi. v.ue to Presence shall be removed at least da.iy. , . . . . , . . 4. " r , x. ii k Ai. oi Rules. It shall be the duty of the No material shall be disposed ire department, sub- of by burning on the PJ, or in the immediate vicirmy. i' . ., f , , . Dry material or rubbish shall be!CltJ Com?aL to make such rules if m and regulations as may be ner- csaai jlul me yi cveuLivil ui liiv: Heating Furnaces and boilers TABLE I Minimum Clearance Inches Above Sides & Rear Front Mechanical warm air furnaces furn-aces with 250 F. temp, limit lim-it control. Burning oil or coal with stoker 3 Burning gas 3 Warm air furnaces other than as above, Burning liquid liq-uid or solid fuel Burning gas Hot water and steam boilers operating at not over 15 lbs. gage pressure. Burning liquid or solid fuel Burning gas 18 13 18 18 6 6 48 18 48 18 48 18 18 9 18 9 18 9 Thp Hearances above warm air furnaces shall be measured from the furnace bonnet or warm air plenum chamber. "Mechanical warm air furnaces with 250 F. temperature limit control" shall be defined as automatically fired warm air furnaces equipped with a fan to circulate the air and with approved ap-proved automatic temperature limit controls that cannot be set hieher than 250 F. and if coal stoker fired, equipped also with an automatic over-run control to operate the fan when the air reaches rtemperature not higher than 250 F. even though the controlling thermostat is not calling for heat. in theatres and other places of amusement. He may a;so, require the owners, aeents. lessees or Smoke or occupants to provide such appar-Vent appar-Vent Pipe atus as he may deem suitable ' j and necessary and require that same be placed at specified points in such theatres and other places of amusement. Such rules and regulations shall be printed and posted in at least two conspicuous con-spicuous places on the stage, and it shall be unlawful for any person per-son to remove or deface the same. See Jon 31. Unlawful to Inle:- lere wilt Appaia.us. it sm.u be unlawful for any person to break, destroy or in any manner interfere with any electric fire alarm register or any wire, pole or apparatus connected therewith there-with or knowingly to send any false alarm from, through or over such a box or apparatus, or through or by a telephone or messenger service box. Section 32. Appointments. The Orem City Council shall appoint all officers and employ- HAKES IT SO'O'0'0 EASY TO PAINT YOUR OWN CAR! Pod-O'-Point is the new, easy, lure way to paint your car aid get a first class, custom finish appearance. Just don that slick Pad-O'-Paint mitt and smooth-it-on and you'll be amazed and delighted at the fine lustrous finish. Better yet, It will wear and wear, and Sears' own famous Testing Laboratories tay sol Follow the easy directions and you will be more than pleased with the results. And remember. . . when you buy the Pad-O'-Paint Kit, you get a complete outfit to give your car the kind of paint finish job that looks like a million, but costs only $9,951 mi 'Tm4mwIu TtM An. Cm-., NEW SIMPLIFIED METHOD MAKES AUTO PAINTING GOOD, CLEAN Ml ! No Mud, No fun, no ipmy gum, no bruihti, no txira qulpmtnt ntttti""! Every thing you n i ' tht com-' J-C c-u in -i Kit. 7 To. Nf Sk. hovo to . i ' ' ' ' ' xperiin d r ii' " rif- n Tr. clot -)b v - i -i lot Vj antw ' :hi now la.toty fi.i.' t". you'll discovtr that it look v,i botttr oftr a ftw wteki. It't mod to lait! Anyone In th family a do III If M plownt afltf- oon's work.' See PAD-O-PAINT DEMONSTRATED Friday and Saturday At Second West & Center Across from Sears EVrrvTHJNG YOU tit.. T") DC T Lafj;a ton of i'tid-O'-Paint 5rmc -l!-On M.lt Utility Cia.n Sandpaper Solvent Cleaner tint Remover Plaitle Filler Steel Spatula 187 West Center mam- $ I i |