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Show CHIT.r-CIlNTVA TIMES IE.I liDTiOES j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS j ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS i Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education, Alpine School District will receive bids lor furnishing all labor, material, , transportation and services fori the construction of an Addition to the Lincoln High School lo-: cated at Orem. Utah; each bid to be in accordance with plans, specifications and other contract documents now on file with Fetzer c Fetzer, Architects at 415 Ternpleton Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, where they may be examined and copies obtained ob-tained upon deposit of $10 00 per set, which deposit will be refunded upon the return of euch copies in good condition within five days after the bids are opened. Notice is also hereby given that all bidders may submit with their bids, a sworn statement of their financial responsibility, technical ability and experience. Such sworn statement may be required to be furnished before award is made to any particular bidder. Each bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at the Architect's office; shall be accompanied ac-companied by a certified or cashier' cash-ier' check or bid bond for 5 of the amount of the bid made payable to the order of the Board of Education, Alpine School District, American Fork. Utah; 6hall be sealed and filed with the Board of Education, Alpine School District at American Ameri-can Fork, Utah on or before August 4, 1947 and will be opened open-ed and publicly read aloud at or about 7:30 P.M. of that day in the School Board Office, American Fork, Utah. The above mentioned check or bond shall be gien as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract if awarded award-ed to him and will be declared forfeited if the successful bidder refuses to enter into said contract con-tract af;tr being requested to do so by the Board of Education, Alpine School Distiict. The Board of Education, Alpine Al-pine School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof. ELIJAH CHIPMAN Clerk Area of Sharpen! Vlnioo tbt yellow spot of the retina of the human eye, the area cf sharpest vision, was discovered by Soemmering Soem-mering In 1818. S:;rvc taotier meals ... MORE ECONOMICALLY SAVE Food-SAVE Work-SAVE Money vithhhe CO-OP Home Freezer I 16 -' more delicious meal at a savings? -ome freezing is your answer! The Tome Freezer is your best answer v high quality for a lower price at for-profit cooperative! v t better produce stays gar--s are more tender . . . food Preserving by freezing is h'me.' Food is cheaper be-isntity be-isntity at lowest prices, milage. Enjoy better living x CO-OP Home Freezer! SGEilA CHATTER Admission Price Policy Scera It has been the policy of Scera board and management to maintain the lowest admission price schedule that is possible; and yet insure the payment of j current operating expense as! well as allowing a reasonable profit with which to pay off the indebtedness of the building. It! would not be possible to man-; tain the building and grounds' with the excellence that is be-; ing done, and charge the low admission ad-mission price which now prevails pre-vails were it not for the fine service that is given so freely by so many of our people in the community. In the past it has been the policy to reject programs where pictures are being road shown at advance prices or to encourage encour-age special stage attractions a advance prices. Because of this policy, many of our patrons who desire to see these programs have been forced to go either to Provo or Salt Lake City. It has therefore been decided to deviate devi-ate from this policy . Within the next week the picture pic-ture DUEL IN THE SUN will be shown as a special read shoow attraction for two days July 23-29. 23-29. This picture is released by Mr. Selznik who virtually rents the theatre. We have no say as to the adrniss'on price. This is determined b Mr. Selznik-Any Selznik-Any theatre that does not conform con-form to this schedule will be forced to wait at least a year before showing the picture at regular admission. Shortly 20th Century Fox wili release FOREVER AMBER on a road show scale. BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES produced by Sam Goldwyn is also released as a road show attraction at advanced ad-vanced prices. Occasionally our theatre mayj be fortunate to have the urst release in the county of some special picture at which time it is necessary to raise our prices pric-es to conform with o'her first run theatres- In order to help people with families to get reduced rates, we have persisted with a policy of having a reduced matinee rate during the early evenng. We .- l that th'S can effect a considerable con-siderable savL'ig where a famii will make the effort to come early. It toi makps it possible cr young children to get home early at nignt Half-Mile Range 6Kuigla A sealed beam spotlight, recently developed for automobile and marine ma-rine use, boaiu a half-mile range with a glareless ray fuur times more powerful than a sealed beam headlamp. head-lamp. (.. ft., ho'.Js 443 lbs. FLEAS'IIT Ml Edna Hansen 2028-M Mrs. Mary Cluff recently returned re-turned from a trip to Canada. She traveled with her eon and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Muhlestein, They visited with relatives in Idaho and Canada and went through the Temple at Cardston- Mr. and Mrs W. G. Willet recently re-cently enjoyed a trip to Chicago and points of interest enroute. They visited with relatives and Mrs. Willet's mother returned with them for a visit in Pleasant View. Mr- and Mrs. Willard Bandley and two sons from California have been visiting at the John Bone home. Mrs- Russell Steward and children from Studio City, Calif, are spending the summer at the Oliver M. Hansen home. j Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Perry and family are visiting their par- j tuts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry-Shirley Perry-Shirley Ekins has returned after spending several months in Wyoming. Fifteen officers from Lehi stake visited the Pleasant View ward Sunday School last Sunday. Sun-day. The Sunday School class, taught by McKay Allred participated parti-cipated in the Timp hike- Many of the members made it to the top and received the Centennial badge. Twenty members went up to the program and enjoyed a midnight supper before starting start-ing the climb- The ward choir will climax their year's work with a canyon party at Canyon Glen tonight, Thursday. A new ward member, Lars Crandall was the speaker at Sacrament Sac-rament meeting last Sunday. The senior scouts and junior girls held a fireside chat at the Horace Bean home after meeting meet-ing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Tipp-etts Tipp-etts and children from Denver have been visiting here with Mr. and Mrs- H. C- Tippettsand family. Two babies were given names on Fast day. They were Marilyn, daughter of Mr. an,d Mrs. Bryant S. Jacobs and Dennis Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carol Despain. Earlene Foote gave a very interesting in-teresting talk at Sacrament meeting. She told of her trip to Washington, D- C won through her 4H club achievement. She visited the White House and had official 4H pictures taken on the lawn- They also visited the Missouri Mis-souri flood area, Mt. Vernon, Washington's home and Yellow stone Park. The Primary officers are hold ing handicraft and dancing clas- Delivery while they last I ORDfft YOUtS 70DAYI CO-OP VALUE FEATURES: Sealed condensing unit Rust-resisting storage chambers All steel construction Beautiful enamel finish Five-year warranty One-year food insurance Two large sixes New Subscribers Your friends and neighbors who have subscribed or renewed subscriptions for the Orem-Ge- neva Times during the past week include: Olin H. Ririe Theora Pulley Harold K. Nielsen D. R. Eagar Ralph Peters Clive Pulham Leonard Beckman Arden L. Rowley Irving D. Johnson H. S. Snyder Arnold Burningham ' Mary L. Nielson James Norton I C W. Larsen ; C. B. Swan, Jr. Thomas Cordner C. W. Thomas William A. Cox R. G. Gilligam L. C. Merrill ses each Wednesday at 4 p.ra. for all children of the ward. Miss Jean Davis entertained the younger ward members at her home Wednesday evening. She introduced her brother and his wife who are visiting here from California. Lawn games were played and social chatting enjoyed. Bishop and Mrs- BLss Allred and family left this week for a trip through southern Utah and plan to visit Bryce and Zion's canyons. Mr- and Mrs. Grant Richards have returned from a two-week trip to California and Washing ton. They stopped in Sacramento and San Francisco, thtn went on to visit the Carnation Dairy farms in Seattle. Sterling Cluff and Dee Croft have returned from a business trip to Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Peter, son have had guests from Wyoming Wy-oming and Montana. I j I i J For the first time in Orem now you can see, try, buy the new All-Automatic Generel Electric Washer - Ask IRENE to Show You Her Large Stock of G. E. APPLIANCES NOW YOU CAU SEE IT! ravin, buy in No Other Automate Washer Has So Many IMP80YI0 FUTURES Portable No Bolting Down Thoro Washing Top-loading Cover Drier Clothes Filtered Water Automatic Soap Dispenser Water Temperature Control No Oiling ... No Greasing Rinse Water Saved Com in and ask to se this revolutionary ail-airromanc wosner. Now for the firtt time you can see and try the new G-E M AutomaiK Washer. You can ee the G-E All-Automatic do all the work from soaking the clothes to damp-drying them. Here is all you do: Tosj in the clothes, add soap, and set the dials. When the clothes have been soaked, washed, rinsed, and damp-dried all automatically many pieces are actually dry enough to iron 1 And not only does the G-E All-Automatk Washer save you hours of work and attention, but it has all the features you've always wanted in an automatic washer. GENERAL ELECTRIC HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT For G. E. APPLIANCES Visit Irene Next door North of Utah Power & Light Co. OREM Pleasant View Man Takes State Job - Clarence L. Ashton, assistant county agricultural agent here since 1935, has been named state extension horticulturist, it was announced by the agricul-j tural extension service of Utah! State Agricultural College. Mr. Ashton, who has been j specializing on orchard work! and horticulture in Utah county ; will retain his office in Provo and will do orchard service i work in a'i parts of the state, j He reports that about one-half ! of all the orchards cf the state. are in Utah county. j A new assistant county agent to S- R Boswell has not yet; been named. j Mr. Ashton reports that the? county's cherry crop is now tap- j ering off rapidly and another 10 ' days will see the last of the 134? crop. The yield has been smaller than last year and the all-over i price has been slightly less than! a year ago. Next fruit crop to be picked here will be apricots with a short crop in prospects. Peaches and pears are maturing nicely in the county and prospects for a bumper crop are promising. FOR SALE Enameled Round Oak coal stove with water jacket. jack-et. $15.00. 150 South First West, Provo- tf FOR SALE 3 -room house. Wiring done, bath fixtures and kitchen sink included- Will deliver onto your lot- Reasonable. See R. E- WESTWOOD 1 block North of canyon road on 2nd East in Orem. Reconditioned mowers and hay rakes. W. F. Wiscombe Phone 023-J1 tf SWITCH TO OREM REAL ESTATE For All Your Insurance and to Orem business houses for everything else you need- There is a brand new jewelry store in town Barkers Jewelry located in Orem Real Estate Building. They say Mr. Barker is really good; that you can depend de-pend upon his work and his word. OREM REAL ESTATE Phones: 048-J3 082-R2 ij lii l j SHARON Verna Vernon CS&-R11 Mr. and Mrs- C, W. Davb have returned from a tr:p to Idaho. They visited Bear valVr a and fished in Ek Crwk, Mr.' Davis had fairly f.xvi Ivxk -,;. : his salmon fiihir..g. cr.e cf t,e -; salmon weighed rxsirxis. The Sharon ward F.t'i:of &v i ciety will told a ft'. ius..r.ud party ca the chapel lawn Tuesday," Tues-day," July 29. All l?a;es in the' ward are invited and especially : the new rr.em.be.rs. The tcsche-r report meeting will be held and Btmice Faulkner will ti'.k on ' her experiences ia dirxvtir; vis-i itir.g teachers work- I -irs- E-rr:a Basoom and sans j Billie and Lee cf San Francisco i have been ris;ur.g dur.r.g the ! past three weeks with Mr. and i Mrs, Milo Eaiiock and other re-j latives. 1 Mrs. Victor CLxisteEson is reported re-ported to be doing nicely following follow-ing her operation in the Bins-ham Bins-ham hospi:al Her sister-in-law. Mrs. Irtm&n Christer-sea stayed with, her during the first three days as a special nurse. Others from Orem who have visited with her are Mr. and Mrs. W. H GEI.'EVA VAF.D Beth Moon D4-R1 Mrs. George Perkins of Bland- ing, Utah is visiting at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Edna Larsen. Farreil Thackery and her chil dren are home after three weeks in Salt Lake City. The new officers of the ward MIA and the genealogocal society soci-ety were announced and sustained sustain-ed in Sacrament meeting Sunday. Sun-day. Ben Black. Vera Thurber and Glenn Rowley head the ge-J nealogical society. The YMMIA! presidency includes Charles Rohbock, president, Carl Row. ley and Larry Kitchen, counselors, counsel-ors, Milton Littlefield, secretary. secre-tary. YWMIA executives are: Beth Moon, president, Lettie Dixon and Fern Rowley, coun selors and Gloria Mott, sec re-1 - vx... t.w u Donald Dixon, special interest director; Mr- and Mrs. Stanley Farley, dance directors; Grant Rowley, dance manager; Clyde Weeks, speech arts director; Gordon DeLange, music and Sharee Weeks, pianist. Miss Edna Harman of Walla I Walla, Wash., is the house guest at the Lawrence Maycock home. She and the Maycock family attended at-tended the Riding Club parade lor the governors in Salt Jake City Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Alvin Mc-Clellan Mc-Clellan of Mesa, Arizona are visiting vis-iting at the home of their daughter. daugh-ter. Mrs. C. I. Moon. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Graff, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Graff and Montel Graff attended the funeral fun-eral of Chester Graffs father in Santa Clara, Utah. Bishop Wilford Larsen spent Tuesday in Ogden on business. Mrs. Thomas Weaver is visiting visit-ing her mother in Grand June-ton, June-ton, Colo. Diane Dixon has returned from a rtip to Texas where she visited the Novakovich family, former Orem resdents. She also visited Mexico and other interesting inter-esting places. Annette Novakovich Novako-vich returned with her to visit at the Dixon home. The Novakovich Novak-ovich family are visiting in Mid-vale Mid-vale until August. WAy Jfot Set tarried. ? We Have Plenty of WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS At Popular Prices Sales Circulars Office Forms UTAH 57 North First West .Provo T!:.:?ai:go93 T.i!f- Poul&on 010O-J1 Mr. and Mrs- Frank Carrell aad family returned recently fiv.rj a trip through Wyoming, Mvr.ar.a, Washington, Oregon, and Ja&ho. Tney went tnrougn Kofford, Mr. ! i Mrs. Weston Kcford. Mr. and Mrs. Paul TsVir. Mr. end Mrs. Henry Ci-.v.pVl, Mr. Arnold Fauceit and family fam-ily h.-.vc returned from a week at Stinking Springs, where Mr-Fsviceit Mr-Fsviceit is working at the saw-ir.iH saw-ir.iH Purina ih summer months- Which of those Now a Collars does the most for you? The WYTHE for Ung faces. Its short, well-spread points make your neck shorter; features fullerj r r Ail these collars have angle stays to make the collar . lie fiat. Not every collar in every fabric and color right now. But we do have a variety of beautiful, fine quality "Manhattan" Shirts. Tailored to fit like a custom job. Smartly patterned. Wash without changing chang-ing size. (Fahric residual shrinkage 1 or less.) In PRINTED FORMS Letterheads Placards VALLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers of Thursday, July 17, 1947 Yellowstone park and visited with Mrs. Carroll's sister In Nyssa, Oregon. Ida Chadwick of Hawthorne, Nevada is visiting here with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bobbins have returned from a vacation in southern Utah and Mexico- They visited in Los Angeles and San Diego . Mr .and Mrs. Leo Poulson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Booth and family are vacationing vacation-ing at Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. E- H. Johnson left this week for a vacation in the Northwest. Th SETLO for averagi faces. Its medium-length medium-length points and slight spread make the most of your features! The) MANLO for round faces. Its long points make you look taller I Provo Business Cards Envelopes Phone 13 S w ' 1 '-LAKE ASSGCUTISri |