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Show Thursday, July 17, 1947 02EM-GENEVA TIMES Orem-Qeneva Society Ina Smith, Editor Phone 13 Young Couple Plan Late July Wedding At Logan Temple The last day of July has been, chosen as the day when Evelyn Park, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Park will marry Richard j Nimer. The groom is the son of j Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Nimer. 1 Miss Park graduated from the Lincoln High school and attended attend-ed the USAC at Logan, where she was affiliated with Kappa Delta Sorority and the Spurs. Mr. Nimer, also a Lincoln graduate. grad-uate. He served in the army for three years and is now attending the BYU- He is a member of the Phi Eta Sigma, honorary fraternity. The marriage will be solemnized solem-nized in the Logan LDS Temple. A wedding reception will be given giv-en bv the bride's parents on August 1. The young plan to live in Orem. OREM FAMILIES ATTEND REUNION Decendanls of John Rowley held a reunion at Harmon Park in Provo last Sunday. Family members from Orem who attended attend-ed include Mrs. Maud Rowley and son, Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Ktchen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rowley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rowley Row-ley and family, Mr. and Mrs-Wendell Mrs-Wendell Nielson and family and Mr. and Mrs. David Rowley, Jr. and family. Ruth Foster, dauahier of Mn. couple M Verne ThurbeT who hal get I August 14 at her wadding date. She will marry George Rohbock. ion of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Roh bock, in the Salt Lake Temple. STEAD IIEIVLYWEOS lUED AT WEDDING RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Stead (Thelma Marlene Carter) were honored at a wedding reception given by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morlin Carter Saturday Satur-day evening at the new Silver Star Cafe in Orem. The young couple were married at the Carter Cart-er home June 21. About 80 guests were greeted by the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. L A-Stead, A-Stead, parents of the groom; De-Miles De-Miles Beardall, best man; and the bride's attendants, Eva Jean Herbert and Merle Boulton-The Boulton-The room was decorated with gladiolus, delphinium, nasturtium nastur-tium and baby breath. The newly new-ly weds cut a beautifully decorated decorat-ed wedding cake and shared It with the assembled guests. CAMP OREM DUP The Camp Orem DUP met last week at the home of Golda Mangum. Mrs. Lovisa Mangum was honored at the meeting as a Utah Pioneer and was given a corsage. LaVell Peterson gave the life story of Louise Barnes Pratt and a program was presented by several of Mrs. Mangum's children and grandchildren. Songs were sung by Afton and Don Mangum. Gai Mangum and Genieve Mangum and her son, Allan. Gai and Gene Mangum gave readings. Mrs. Golda Mangum Man-gum gave a review of her mother's moth-er's life. The ladies present joined join-ed in group singing. Refreshments Refresh-ments were served by Ethel Dickie, Charlotte Skinner and Dora Snow. Ruth Foster Sets August 14 As Wedding Date Mrs. M. Verne Thurber of Orem Or-em announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruth Foster to George Rohbock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Rohbock. The mar- j riage will be solemnized in the Salt 'Lake LDS Temple, August 14. Miss Foster is a graduate of the Provo High school and the Provo Seminary and has been attending the, BYU. Mr. Rohbock Roh-bock is one of the Rohbock sons at the Orem Flower Shop. He served in the U. S. Army overseas over-seas during World War II and serves as chaplain in the American Ameri-can Legion post. A reception is being planned to honor the young couple August Aug-ust 15 at the Timpanogos ward chapel. SEAGULL GIRLS GRADUATION Primary officers from Orem and Sharon stakes met Monday evening to discuss plans for the Seagull girls graduation exerciser exercis-er to be held early next month. Mrs. Melba Pyne, Sharon president, presi-dent, reports that plans for the graduation are progressing nicely nice-ly and that girls who intend to graduate should contact their teachers. -A n .A 1 4-H Clubs Merrill Farley will leave Friday Fri-day for Gunnison where he will be employed by the government-His government-His wife and baby will join him as soon as he finds living accomodations acco-modations for them- ORIGINAL ZIPPERETTES AT REUNION BREAKFAST Mrs. Karl Bunnell of Lake-view, Lake-view, Mrs. Jim Taylor of Carter-ville Carter-ville and Mrs. William A. Cox, Christeele Acres were among the original members of the Provo High school Zipperette club who held a reunion breakfast at the Virginia Manor last week. After Aft-er breakfast the ladies talked of school days, told what they had been doing since they were last together and joined in singing sing-ing old school songs. L CLOVER LEAF COOKS A new 4H club was organized in Pleasant View Tuesday, July 8 when the club members held their first meeting at the home of their leader, Earlene Foote-"Clover Foote-"Clover Leaf Cooks" was chosen chos-en as the name of the club, which was divided from the Future Cooks of America club. The project of the club is cooking cook-ing and during the first year they will learn to cook breakfast. break-fast. The club membership at present pre-sent includes Mary Lynn Wakefield, Wake-field, president, Carol May Isaacson, secretary, Joan Green, reporter and Virginia Meldrum. FUTURE COOKS OF AMERICA The Future Cooks of America 4H Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of one of its members, mem-bers, Carol Finlayson. Tht girls learned to prepare various milk drinks during the meeting. FUTURE HOMEMAKERS The Future Homemakcrs 4H club met Monday afternoon at the home of Elaine De St. Jeor. Their leader, Mrs. Elden Perry, gave the lesson on stoiage. Club members present at the meeting were Reva May Wall, Donna Brereton, Marie Breretcn, Earlene Earl-ene Foot, Miss St. Jeor and Mrs- Perry. SUNDAY SERVICES SHARON STAKE NAVY CHARTS SALT LAKE Recently the Navy started a marine survey of Great Salt Lake and the work will continue contin-ue until the lake depths and all submergedobjeets are accurately accurate-ly charted, it was learned here. The Navy's interest in proper anutical charts vstems from a desire de-sire to use the lakes waters as a landing area for flying boats when needed and also to operate boats to be brougnt here from the coast for Salt Lake City's Naval Reservists. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Stead, who were married June 21 and who were honored Saturday at a reception at Orem's new Silver Star Cafe. Mrs. Stead is the former Thelma Marlene Carter. I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morlin Carter. Mendelssohn Club . Elects Officers Officers for the coming year were elected by the Mendelssohn Mendelss-ohn Club last week. Golden Taylor was named president, Moroni Jensen, vice President, and Claud Knell, secretary and treasurer. The election was eon-ducted eon-ducted by Thomas Griffiths, president of the club. Following the business meeting, meet-ing, which was held at Canyon Glen the club members and their partners enjoyed a steak bake. Mr. and Mrs. Juel Andreason and family are Visiting here from Los Angeles. They are staying stay-ing with Mr. Andreason's sister, Mrs. Mclvin Grant in American Fork. McKay Andreason has been a guest at the home of his friend, Charles Hanks this week. Daynes Celebrates Its First Year in Provo With A Money-Saving Sale. We Suggest Buying Now at Greatly Reduced Prices . . . For Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Etc. - . .. , Use Our LAY AWAY PLAN And SAVE .v.. Costume Jewelry, newest creations, finest fin-est quality, all reduced reduc-ed up to 50 Most Diamond Rings and Sets reduced from 20 to 40 THREE DAYS Thursday, Friday and Saturday -aVrVVrft Men's Zircon rings. Look, like diamonds-Real diamonds-Real flashy, In solid gold mountings from 20.00 Pearl Necklaces, one, two and three strands reduced 30 Men's watches, 17-jewel, 17-jewel, movements Regular price 37.50. Specially priced at only 25.90 JULY 17, 18 and 19 p.s. JEWELRY Remember You may purchase sale items on our lay away plan. Ideal way to solve the Christmas problems, or Charge it to Your Account. Convenient Terms- Engagement of Orem Couple Announced Announcement was made this week by Mrs- Letha Gurr of the engagement of her daughter, Mary Lou to Clifton Asay, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Asay. Wedding Wed-ding plans are still indefinite. Both the young people are graduates of the Lincoln High school. Miss Gurr attended school in Caliente, Nevada before be-fore coming to Orem. Mr. Asay served in the U. S. Navy for several years. He left recently on a mission to Western Canada. Marriage Announced By Bride's Parents Mr. and Mrs. Oliver D. Johnson John-son announce the marriage of their daughter Karry P. Johnson to Cecil L. Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larvin Campbell cf Provo. The young couple were married at Ogden, Tuesday, July 8 by Elder Lavvrer.ee M. Malan. The bride attended the Lincoln Lin-coln High school and Mr. Campbell Camp-bell attended Provo High school. They plan to make their home in Provo. Utah Valley Pictures Received By Sen. Watkins Senator A. V. Watkins ex- I pressed his satisfaction Mon-I Mon-I day over the receipt in Wash-! Wash-! ington. D. C, of six beautiful 1 pictures of the Utah Valley area j which are being hung in the Li-! Li-! brary of Congress as part of the I Utah Centennial exhibit there. in a wire received by the Provo Pro-vo Chamber of Commerce Monday Mon-day he declared "pictures are wonderful many thanks." The pictures are large sizes 20"x24" and include the following follow-ing subjects Joseph Smith Auditorium Audit-orium and the BYU campus, Mt-Timpanogos Mt-Timpanogos from Utah alley; Aerial view of Provo; Bridal Veil Falls, Provo Canyon; River scene in Provo Canyon; Farm scene with Seagulls and Mt. Timpanogos Tim-panogos in background. Senator Watkins, in his letter, let-ter, asking for the pictures, said "The Library of Congress is sponsoring a photographic exhibition ex-hibition in honor of Utah Centennial Cen-tennial celebration. The photographs photo-graphs they now have on hand are inadequate and it is desirable desir-able to obtain, by air express if possible, an aerial view of the city and some representative pictures of the churches, schools and other scenic surroundings of Utah Valley." The project was sponsored jointly by the Provo Chamber of Commerce, Provo City Commission Com-mission and Provo Department of Utilities. , OREM STAKE OREM STAKE MEETINGS Sunday, July 20 10:30 a.m. High Council 2 p.m. Stake High Friests 3 p.m. Bishops Council meeting. meet-ing. Meetings in Stake Seminary. GENEVA WARD Sunday evening services will be presented by the Timpan'ogos Camp DUP. Daisy Nelson, captain cap-tain of the camp, has the program pro-gram in charge. A continuity program and special music have been prepared. VERMONT The new officers and teachers of the ward Primary will present pre-sent the program under the direction di-rection of Mildred Jacobsen, president. pre-sident. SHARON Alex Josie will be in charge of meeting. The subject will be geneology. VINEYARD The geneological committee with Chairman Grant Zalbriskie in charge will furnish the program pro-gram Sunday evening at the church services. HILL CREST The Sunday School will be in charge of the program to be presented- TIMPANOGOS The relief society will be In charge of meeting at 5:00. LAKEVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thorn-ell Thorn-ell who recently came from England Eng-land will be the speakers- Special Spec-ial music has been arranged. EDGEMONT Camp Edgemont DUP will be in charge of the program at sacrament sac-rament meeting Sunday evening ' at 7:30. A special pioneer program pro-gram will be given. GRAND VIEW The Bishopric will be in charge of meeting at 7:30. Special Spe-cial music has been arranged. Quick Meat Loaf To speed up the cooking of a meat loaf, bake the meat mixture mix-ture in individual loaves. Large muffin tins may be used; or the loaves may be shaped by hand and cooked in any open shallow pan, in a slow to moderate oven. Parasites Active About 19 out of every 20 horses and mules in North Carolina are Infested In-fested with internal parasites. "rjr- ) A OREM . UTAH Doors open 7:00 First show 7:30 Friday-Saturday July 18-19 mm HUMPHREY LI2ABETH scoir , k JOHN CROMWELL'S"' Beaa Reckoning J TS tanH ? ill if IP 14 Nil I'll m I W4 $ I, 3 JZ&F Tr"' ' BUY A USED CAR Good Will 50-50 Guarantee for 30 days or 1000 miles at any Jesse M. Chase store in western America. FRIDAY A,ND SATURDAY ONLY 1946 Chevrolet Fleet Master 4-Door Sedan-Beautiful Sedan-Beautiful light grey finish. Low mileage, like new in every respect. Spot light, heatar, etc. Here is a real buy for a sweet running automobile. $1800. 1947 Ford DeLuxe 5,000 actual mileage, dark blue finish. New inside and out. A smart, soupy as a stick of dynamite, automobile. Smooth, quiet and powerful. This car will perform with the best car on the road. See it and drive to today- Guaranteed. 1946 Dodge Custom Luxuary Liner Fluid Drive. Seat covers and heater. Light grey finish. Like new throughout. An extra special car with all big car features, yet still in the low priced bracket-$1945. IS II Ford Tudor-Black Tudor-Black finish, good paint. Tires like new. Perfect mechanically. mechani-cally. Fine interor. Runs like a million $1195. 1910 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan-Excellent Sedan-Excellent shape. Original maroon finish. Tires and interior bet'.er than just good. A one-owner car that has really been babied. Good for a lot oi miles. Guaranteed. 1937 Chrysler Royal 4-Door Sedan Completely reconditioned. New seat covers, tires and heater heat-er like new. Good for a lot of carefree miles. Priced for any budget- Only $641.00. CASH, TRADE, OR EASY TERMS Established 1917 Jesse M. Chase, Inc. 275 South State Pleasant Grove 3891 HUMPHREY BOGART. LIZABETH SCOTT Bogarl is really the tough guy in this picture and performs per-forms along the strong quick-thinking, action man line that has made him a top box-office attraction. An adult drama not recommended for children. S.S.S. FUN CLUB Saturday Matinee 1:30 July 19 PENROD AND SAM Taken from the Booth Tarkington story of two boys who are always getting in trouble. Recommended Recom-mended especially for children. and Two cartoons Chapter 2 of the serial "JACK ARMSTRONG. THE ALL AMERICAN BOY" Mon. Tues. Wed 3 V-aawt. July 21-22-23 r ii fW- Ronald Reagan - Alexis Smith - Zachary Scott A dramatic action lovo story with modern horse-ranching as a background. Thurs., Fri., Sat July 24-25-26 7r THAT HURLS A CHALLENGE ACROSS THE SCREENI 1 Starring 1 f'ZAjyi X 7 J'i 7 Lull ffl.,WJ McCALLISTER Several sequences containing amazing exhibitions of shepherd dogs controlling every movement of sheep during dur-ing field trials will delight dog lovers and astound nearly everyone else. This, plus a tender love story, beautiful photography and some excellent performances add up to wholesome entertainment for the whole family. Filmed Film-ed in Technicolor. A. G. Farnsworth Thursday. July 24. show continuous from 2:30 midnight. until "mas |