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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES Thursday, November 7, i946 .Central Market. LEE MENDENHALL - Operators - REX MENDENHALL Across From SGERA Theatre Groceries BUNS ,q Van Camps, in, tomato sauce I O U No. 2'i tin - -.1 PUMPKIN 1Qr Utah Valley, 2'2 tin XLIV CHILI GONGARNE 24C Dennison'a TOMATO SOUP 1Ar Campbells' . X J1 FRUIT COCKTAIL QQr Sacramento, 26 tin - MILK 4gc Bordens, 4 for -.VV COFFEE -S&W Q7r Pound PUDDING Cr Clinton's SHREDDED WHEAT 1CC Nabisco FRUIT CAKE MIX QQr Pound OCJC We have limited supply of Catsup, Pineapple, Pineapple Juice, Syrup, Lard, Pepper, Honey, Jams and Jellies. Meats DELICIOUS TENDER FRESH GROUND BEEF Qftr Pound . WEINERS 29C Pound fciUU SIRLOIN STEAK 50c Pound PORK CHOPS Qr BULK SAUSAGE AQr Pound p?rshen- PRODUCE ORANGES 9qr 5 Pounds tMOj CRANBERRIES AAr Pound X SPUDS -RUSSETTsi 10 Pound Bag J J LETTUCE 7r Pound . ' YAMS 17 2 Pounds X. j r . 1 1 mm i mimi lit New Shoe Shop OREM SHOE REPAHHNG Open For Business Shoes Neatly Repaired While You Wait Located North State in Orem by Prestwich Lumber Company LESTER RIDING. Prop. INDUSTRIAL MOBILIZATION FOR WAR A gigantic network of industrial indus-trial plants is being mobilized by the Army-Navy Munition Board, ready to convert the United States from peace to war within 24 hours, according to Board officials. Acting to meet any eventuality, the board is reported speeding plans for a tightly integrated preparedness system that would have the nation na-tion a virtual "push-button" mobolization plan in the event of another war. Stockpiling of critical materials is being tied in with the general preparedness plan to ensure a steady supply of critical materials. THE FUTURE IN AIRCRAFT In "immediate' prospect" as United States sea weapons are i pilotless aircraft capable of car-I car-I rylng atomic bombs, a Navy re. port recently announced. The ! pilotless planes were described as able to "snuff out the pre- ! scribed target with no help from ; hands and brains" These planes, which are in immediate pres- , pect, would have speeds up to several thousands of miles an j hour, and would be propelled by rocket, ram-jet, pulse-jet, and turbo-jet engines. The report also forecast that "a little farther in the future are satelite vehicles, circling the earth hun-red hun-red of miles up, like moons." "Interplanetar travel," it added, "in case someone feels the urge to visit far Dlaces is only a short step from the satelite vehicle." BLEAK AFTERMATH OF WAR A vivid picture of the after math of war is drawn by Frank Rounds, Jr., in his description of recent trip to Mukden, Man churia, published in World Re port. He says the journey was made in a "Weather-and-war beaten droshky drawn by a mud- clotted pony, whose brisk clat ter was the only cheering sight or sound in the dead city. We passed boarded-up shops and rows of bleak tenement, splash ed through the stagnant overflow over-flow of the sewers, and dodged falling wides under the shadows of the factories' smokeless smoke-stacks. One minute in the muck of Mukden tells the story. In ten months this Man-churian Man-churian metropolis has been sacked and looted over and over by Russians, by Japanese Com- unists, and finally by local mobs. Now there is not a doorbell to ring, nor a door to open, nor a house or factory to enter. WOMAN'S INDUSTRY I up in arms against the priority pri-ority given veterans on sewing machines. Manufacturers with long lines of waiting customers claim some veterans are buying for resale at double prices. Section for Magazines One of the new features in the 11th annual journalism conference con-ference is a section for magazine editors and staffs, meeting from 2:15 to 3:25 p.m. Staff members rom inter-mountain-magazines will give tips to school representatives cn gaged in publication of one or more magazine issues during the year. Chairman for this section is Willard R. Luce, instructor in magazine article writing on the BYU journalism department staff. ft. h rom where I sit. 4 Joe Marsfc Going Fishing? Here's Howl Demonstrations of latest printing print-ing techniques at the Brigham ifoung University Press and ex hibits on a number of phases of journalism are planned as ad ditional informative features of the conference. r To hear Willie Wells and Basil Strobe arguing about trout fish-ing, fish-ing, you'd think it was more important im-portant than the atom bomb. Willie favors dry flies, Basil pooh-poohs anything but wet flies. Willie swears by a Royal Coachman; Coach-man; Basil won't hear of anything but a Silver Doctor. And by the time it comes to steel rods versus bamboo rods . . . IX&Itl But on Saturday, each got back from Seward's creek with a. catch that couldn't have differed by mora than several ounces 1 Each had used his f avorif. u.. of fly. his favorite rod favorite place to cast SoW? friendly gl of lowed as how maybe ther T both right . . . which Uh many arguments should end. From where I sit, if we all spected one another's differ opinions-whether abont trm flies, or drinking beer, or life would be a whole lot pleuufc Copyright, IS 16, United States VrC-lVn '' September 13, 1779, Captain John Paul Jones captures " tha "Sorania " I - ' . September 24, 1789, The U. S. Supreme Court was ere- f ated. September 25, 1493, Columbus f begins second voyage to ? America. - September 26, 1513, Pacific f Ocean discovered by Bal- boa. September 27, 1928, Museum commemorating Edison a inventions started, Dearborn. Dear-born. September 30, 1781, Siege of Yorktown, Revolutionary War. OREM REAL ESTATE INS. AGENCY 0. H. ANDERSON, Broker ( Av , OremGlass&Paint Paints Varnishes Wallpaper Across from Scera Phone 0103J4 KmamamfflmiauniwnmtiiiMMiiiii RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I ruffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. Box 525, Vancover, Washington. Pd. Adv. NUE-OVO Laboratir-ies. r HOME FOR SALE 4 large rooms and bath, and utility room, for sale by owner. , 444 So. 3rd West, Provo. tf ' FOR SALE j For limited time only, kindl-I kindl-I ing and scrap lumber, $1.00 per .load (any size). GENEVA SALVAGE YARD Enter West Gate 8t. I Be sure to hear the new Electric Hour THE "HOUR OF CHARM" ALL-GIRL ORCHESTRA under the direction of PHIL SPITALNY . EVERY SUNDAY 2:30 P.M.- KSL Brought to you by UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. 1 LOANS and REAL ESTATE SEE I FRED E. RAY INSURANCE Office: 79 South, Secend West TAILORING Ladies' and Gentlemen's FINE TAILORING Both SUITS and COATS at $25 up REPAIRING ALTERING REMODELING See MITCHELL 491 South 2nd West Provo FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accordions, Gcti-tars. Gcti-tars. Phene 940R, Prof S W. WH-liaras, S08 E. 3 South Prove. F buy, sell. rent. AND TEACH. COMPLETE RADIO SERVICE RALPH'S RADIO j AND APPLIANCE j 63 No. Univ. Ave. Phone 111 I SPECIALS Ladies' Denim Work Slack Only $2.12 "Fruit Of The Loom' Snuggie Panties and Vests Each 760 Men's Heavy Wool SOX White and Grey Pair 390 Fine Quality SHORTS MEN'S 850 BOYS' 690 Boys' White Sweat Shirts $1.39 Boys' Polo Shirts Fine Quality Cotton Long Sleeves $1.39 Men's 100 Wool Sweaters Button Front $6.00 Values $4.98 Child's Outing Flannel Pajamas Sizes 2 to 6 $1.59 Misses' Outing Flannel Pajamas Sizes 8 to 14 $2.39 Boys' Sweaters Button Front $1.98 Fl 368 West Center St. The Grand Opening of Our New Store last week was overwhelmingly successful suc-cessful for which we are truly grateful to our old, as well as to the many new friends. We have been fortunate in receiving a good shipment of articles suitable for Xmas Gifts, including an excellent excel-lent assortment of Come in and Pick Yours Out Now, lay them away, 25c, deposit will hold them to Christmas. 01 OON Furniture & Appliances c 150 No. Nniv. Ave. Phone 313 IMPORTANT CHANGES in Union Pacific Passenger Train Schedules Effective November 10 For complete information inquire at any Union Pacific ticket office or see your local agent. Be Specific - say "Union Pacific" UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Provo The Horn f Guaranteed Service - ..,.,--,.,T. i'''Tif Tilt1 f r I j |