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Show V CLASSIFIED DEPART M EN T AUTOS, TRUCKS & ACCESS. -ft Nr. Eli ".j. - -v. SAM i t1, - EN RADIO STftGE-CSCRE Releasad by Western Newnpaper Union. By VIRGINIA VALE DRITISH screen star Ann U Todd was the most nerv ous person in Hollywood when she made her first American radio aDDearance on "This Is Hollywood." co-starring with Ray Milland in "The Seventh Veil" (and what a fine picture that is!). Milland tried to reassure her, but she just stood and shivered till she walked out on the CBi stage; then she was all right. When he found nothing he could say could help her, Milland spent the rest of the time while waiting for the in troduction by doing calisthenics. 'Time to Remember," Milton Ba con's CBS program weekday mora tags, is one of the best of the day A BLIND EAGLE SCOUT . . . Flrat Rnv Srout In history to become Facie Scout, although totally blind, is Ronnie Sanders, 16, of Culver City, Calif. In addition to fire-maklne- the Toulh bad to learn to save a drowning person and earn 21 merit badges. J Y ii ..... i left 1 shown walking down gangplank with Grover Whalen, New York's official greeter, left, and mem-Ta mem-Ta the Russian delegation, when the liner Queen Elizabeth docked at New York City. Molotov was one lithe 150 delegates who came on big ship for the opening of the United Nations' general assembly. J&?f ripply ' ft . a I I K. . ; t..VJv v i j . J i ' ,1- css 1 - i: jxi- MILTON BACON L ' L- f - j If - ' NIliJL i 5 USED Cam MARKETS M WESTERN AMERICA mm -utaikA'? vet . MORE NAZIS FACING TRIAL . . . Ilere are some of the topflight i -v itti fnr. trial for the Dart they played In the Nail gamble for world power. Top left, Field Marshal General Albert Kesselringj top right, Field Marshal General Erhard Milch, who was Goering's air deputy bottom left, Col. Gen. Von Dem Bach Zelewskt, chief of the ,'Super3estapo,, and, lower right, S. S. Obergrnppen-Fuchrer Otto Oblendorf, chief. Nail secret police. HOMES Oil WHEELS New and Used Horn Traifera 20 Factory Built Models to Choose From 25 laf Mocfef Used Cars MORGAN MOTOR & FINANCE CO. 714 South Main Salt lake City, Utah Phone 47701 MEN NOT AT WORK . . . When the member, of the National J Mr way, as one can see from this panorama 01 marcnmg men , wrkers paraded from 17th street and Broadway to the offices of the American Merchant Marine Inst, ute 11 Badway, New York, where they staged a mass picket line It lasted two r purpose of the demonstration was to bring pressure on ship owners to sign an agreement to end the itriie, j J ; . . time tiroerams: day after day he presents fascinating and little-known little-known stories about places all over the country 10:45 to 11:00 a. m. E-isT. RKO's "The Bachelor and the Bobbv-Soxer" is the first picture in which a slant Constellation will ap pear. Cary Grant ust happened to mention that a big transport plane was needed, and Howard Hughes promptly lent them one. "Claude Rains should change his name to Claude Reigns," a New Yorker remarked recently; Rains' name was up in lights on the mar-auees mar-auees of three Times Square thea ters. He was co-star with Vivien Leigh In United Artists' "Caesar and Cleoriatra." co-starred with Paul Munl in their "Angel on My Shoulder," in which Anne Baxter also aDDears: co-star with Bette Da vis in Warner Bros.' "Deception." - A little matter of $50 a month kent Gene Autrr from becoming a professional baseball player. When he was nlavinar nro-ball. In the ZD s. Branch Rickev offered him a Job In the Texas league. But the sal ary was S100 a month, and Autry was making $150 as a railroad telegraph tele-graph operator. Autry says "Besides, "Be-sides, I was a player that might be referred to as good hit not much field." niTI.ER BELIEVED ALIVE . . . Lt. Col. W. F. Heimlich, Colum bus, Ohio, army Intelligence offl-who offl-who directed search for Adolf Hitler. He believes that the for mer Fuehrer and his mistress are still alive and In hiding. 'SBw Si MAY BE AMBASSADOR . . . Monica Milne, 28, daughter of a London surgeon, has been named Britain's first woman diplomat with an appointment to the per manent staff of the foreign oi-, fice. She may become England's first woman ambassador. Ohio's Governor Frank J. Lausche is one of the radio fans of Joe Sodja, gigantic electric guitarist on the Fred Warina show over NBC. Sodia used to be one of an Instrumental trio accompanying Josephine Lausche, vocalist, on a program over a Cleveland station. The oth er two musicians were Dr. Bill Lausche, pianist, and Charles Lausche, violinist. nriimi n . . . m. TTUlpr la shown In his uu Aucm cii.in.on. ... Smnyside, Queens, N. Y., home after denying that he was anyone m a displaced person trying to get nome. nis wc Mm. Elsler has been accused by a former Communist as being the eUef Comintern agent In the United States. They are awaiting further fcvelopments following cancellation by the state department of Its Permission for them to leave the country. it f r 0 ROYAL VISITOR . . . Pretty Lady Iris Mountbatten, cousin ef King George, makes an attractive picture pic-ture following her arrival aboard the luxury liner, Queen Elisabeth. She was one of 2,314 passengers who arrived from England. 8. DELEGATION TO UNITED NATIONS . . . Members of the 1. 8. delegation attending the United Nations general assembly at Hashing Meadows, JJew York City, talk It over before session. Left right at the meeting are: Rep. Charles A. Eaton, New Jersey? Mrs. Bwner Roosevelt, widow of the former president; Warren R. Btm Vermont, senior representative; Rep. Sol Bloom, New Terk, and Rep. Idea Gahagan Douglas. California, CALLED TO WHITE HOUSE . . . Lt, Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, American ambassador to Moscow, shown as be left White House conference con-ference with President Trnman. Berne Surrey scalded Peter Lorre to death in a turkisb bath, struck Robert Montgomery dead with a bolt of lightning, gassed Dana Clark and staged a train wreck to get Orson Or-son Welles. All done with sound effects, of course, on the CBS "Sus pense." Of course the 'stars don't eet hurt, but Surrey sometimes does as when he fell across a table full of dishes to sound like Marsha Hunt collapsing. The 1946 Thanksgiving Day "Two Hours ef Stars" uf getting under way at i;ua; as usual, music, comedy com-edy and drama will be featured, the show will originate in Hollywood ana oe snonwsvea au over uie globe. Don Amecbe, Laurlts Mel-color Mel-color and Jack Benny are the first stars to be signed, with Amecbe act ing as host, as usual. This Is Ame-cbe's Ame-cbe's fourth year in that capacity. Prnrtnrpr Carev Wilson. Director Victor Saville and the cast of "flrepn Dolphin Street." as well as other Hollywood celebrities, will ap pear as themselves in a magazine serial now being written by Leslie Ford, the well-known writer of mur-Ar mur-Ar mvsteries. The set of the pic ture and other parts oi ine m-u-m studio will provide the background, and there'll be at least one corpse, of course. nnns Jn FVnS h't renorUd that Greta Garbo hat refuted an offer to do a network dramatic teriei at SWflOO a thow. . . . Edward ArnoUTt a contract D layer oi Mj-M, but he facet the color cam-trot cam-trot for the firtt time in "The Birds and the Beet". . . Henry Morgan may move hit air thow to the Wett coatt; ....! wttntmtt nirtitrm comoaniet are nfter him to make a film. . . . Marion Shockley, ttar of "Road of Life" toon her first radio job on the strengin oj her ability to impertonata Judy Gar land and Katharine ttepourn. . . . loan Fontaine is booked for her second appearance ap-pearance on "Hollywood Players.'' ( mm I IIIMIIMl"111"11 "I'l'MIH v MISCELLANEOUS WB BUT AND SELL Office rurnltura, FU. Typawritari, Ad Ins Machines, Safes, Cash Registers. SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE SB Wast BrMSwsr. Salt Lake CUT. VUk. Buy and Hold Your U. S. Savings Bonds ill f lilsssiWtllTiyiT Ja. UNIT CITATIONS AWARDED S CARRIERS . . . Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal awarded onlt citations to five aircraft carriers for Inflicting "terrlflo losses" on the Jap navy during th war. The ships commended were: Cowpens, Enterprise, Hancock, Langley and the Wasp. Forrestal Is shown at left. The five other men shown are officers of the aircraft carrier, Wasp. FOR WORLD PEACE . . . Study of President Harry S. Trnman as he opened the United Nations general gen-eral assembly in New York, welcoming wel-coming the diplomats of 51 nations. na-tions. . - '' A n id. i 4 r i J , - J f?f rr 1 -: 'f.itll 'ill $ i , t..- LaSW.. liJii" ia - Cre f M - V -'.V 'A K J l! J V u : I MM,MM ail 'I llfflfl III I STAG AT BAY IN WOMEN'S COLLEGE . . . Men appear for the first time In 40 years on the campus of the Florida 8tate College for Women, Tallahassee, Fla. Jerome Allen, Is the target for vulpine whistles emanating from coeds. -"" I jsaisw ... I ?" TfJTj VhenYourlnnards" are Crying the Blues WHEN CONSTIPATION makes yoa fed punk as tha dickens, brings on stomach upset, soar taste, gassy discomfort, take Dr. CsIdweU'i famous msdidne to quickly pull tha trigger on lasy "innards", "in-nards", and kelp you feel bright and chipper again. DR. CALDWELL'S Is the wonderful Sanaa San-aa lazatiT contained in good old Syrup Pepsin to auks it se easy to take. MANY DOCTORS use pepsin preparations prepara-tions In prescriptions to make tha medicine medi-cine mors palatable and agreeable to take. So ba sure your leisure is contained con-tained in Syrup Pepsin. INSIST ON DR. CALDWELL'S the favorite fa-vorite of millions for SO years, and fed that wholesome relief from constipation. constipa-tion. Even nnicky children love it, CAUTION i Use only as directed. DR. CAIBVELLS SENNA 1AXATIVE CONU.W0 m SYRUP PEPSDJ How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulslon relieves promptly Because Be-cause lt goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed In-flamed bronchial mucous membranes. mem-branes. Tell your druggist to sell you bottle of Creomulslon with the understanding un-derstanding you must like the way 11 quickly allays the cough or you art to have your money back. CREOMULSIC-N for Couehs, Chest Colds, Bronchitu One of the best home ways to QG 0EL68D If you lack BLOOD-IRON you girls and women who suffer so from simple anemia that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" this may ba due to lack of blood-Iron. So try Lydla . Plnkbam's TABLJSTS ona of the beat bom war to build up red blood in. such oases. Pinkbam's Tablets are ona of tha greatest blood-Iron tonics yo can burl At all drugstores. WNU-W 45-40 GOLFING AT ONE HUNDRED . . . Nathaniel Vlckers, 100, ef Forest Hills, N. T., water color-let, color-let, architect and golfer, celebrated celebrat-ed bis 100th birthday anniversary with nine holes of golf. Moderation Modera-tion in all things Is bis code. FANCY PANTS! . . . 8l-months-old Nancy Sue Fohn, daughter el Mrs. L. i. Fohn, San Antonio, Tex., wears an expression that saya "Tup, It has come to this," as she scoots around the bouse in hei new gaily-decorated three-cornered pants. MaterUI shortage brought about the startling change. Mothers In San AntonSe took advantage ef sale ef hand towels, hence the labels, "Sunday. Monday, 1. etc.." and In the case f twins there is always the "Us" and "her. lielp litem Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Tear Maners are aonetaatly Utarhs waste nutter Iross tha blood atresia. Bos todaers sometimes wg la their work da sat sot ss Nature Intended sS I ta re- more Impwitiee thai. U retained, mar Dolsoa the system and body peat the whole BTmotoma may ba Bagging bsekaeha. persistant headache, attacks of Ustoese, getting ap algem. swjESiZ uder the eyee-e, faeung of amslety and use of W ff Othi algas of kidney er "ladder i seder are sometimes bommg. sasBty as too freqaant arlnadoB. There eboald be ao dori ttatjjwojt treatment k) wtaer than aew irlends f smora Shea 2JSS The aaa a aatieuwwtde repeteBWei. AJommeided by grateful owietbe aoantr orer. AtM "NWO, |