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Show OKEM-GENEVA TIMES , . , ' i y " Thursday, August 8, 1946 3 OREM . UTAH 1st show 7 :30 2nd show 9 :40 Doors open 7 :00 Matinee prices 7 :00 to 7 :30 Friday and Saturday August 9-10 THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE Lana Turner - John Garfield - Cecil Kellaway A tense drama taken from the popular James M Can's novel! This picture will appeal to those who like action stories! Not recommended for children! and "Glamour in Sports" Sport Reel "September in the Rain," Cartoon Pathe News Saturday Starts 2:30 p.m. August 10 Summer Recreation Program - Show No charge for children 5-15 and their parents (Regular Children's Saturday Matinee to commence on August 17) Monday and Tuesday August 12-13 One Performance only each night starting at 8:15 p.m. m "A r 3 if V. v it n rilo Ever SEE f MOXO TAKE if I Rabbits out of a hat-I hat-I Fish out of the air-- ! WATCH a Lady Disappear! 1 w I MIT V T Charlie McCarthy's .KflEjEj I Little Brother With tjie Funny Ventriloquis! ! On the Stage In Person! mi 9 I? ADDED SCREEN ATTRACTION ONE WAY TO LOVE Willard Parker and Marguerite Chapman A fast moving comedy that should garner laughs from every type of audience! Advanced prices for these performances: Children 25c; Juniors 50c; Adults 70c, including tax. Wednesday and Thursday August 14-15 PARDON MY PAST Fred MacMurray and Marguerite Chapman A glibly-dialogued, gleeful comedy that the entire family fam-ily will enjoy! and "Barbershopa BaIIads"-Musical Featurette - "Acqua Maids" Sport Reel ' Movietone News OBITUARIES Anna Eliza Hall Funeral services wer conducted con-ducted Tuesday at Pleasant Grove for Mrs. Anna Eliza Hurst Hall, 90, who died Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Gray. Interment took place in the Alpine cemetery. ceme-tery. Mrs. Hall has 201 living descendants. de-scendants. She was born Feb. 11, 1956 to William H. and Lu-cinda Lu-cinda Hurst in Kentucky. The Hall's observed their 67th wedding wed-ding anniversary in July, 1939. with Mr. Hall dying soon after. The family came to Utah in 1910, settling in Alpine. Surviving are ten sons, Charles Char-les E. and Marion L. Hall, Wash ington; Daniel Boone Hall, Kansas; Kan-sas; James B., Albert E. and Herbert H. Hall, Salt Lake City; Oscar H. and Arthur B. Hall, Magna; Julian E. Hall, California; Califor-nia; four daughters, Mrs. Lulu Roberts, Kansas; Mrs. Mannie Watkins, Alpine; Mrs. Bertie Gray, Pleasant Grove; Mrs- Mil dred Kirkham; 96 grandchildren, grandchil-dren, 86 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Clara Cullimore Kirk Impressive and largely attended at-tended funeral services were conducted con-ducted Saturday in the Windsor Wind-sor ward chapel for Clara Cullimore Culli-more Kirk, 71, lifelong resident resi-dent of Linden, with Bishop LaGrand Jarman presiding. Mrs. Cullimore passed away August 1. Mrs. Anita Varley played processional pro-cessional and recessional music. The invocation was offered by ! William Greenwood of Ogden, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Kirk, the benediction by Elwood Baxter and the grave at the Provo Burial park was dedicated by A. L. Cullimore of Provo, a brother. The speakers were J. W. Gill-man, Gill-man, former Bishop Stanley Harris, President Merrill War-nick War-nick of Timpanogos stake, with closing remarks by Bishop Jar-man. Jar-man. Helen Gordon and Bessie Cockran sang "Music in tne Pines", accompanied by Ms. Milton Johnson; a quartet composed com-posed of Eugene Faux, Georgia Cullimore Faux, Carma Jean Cullimore and Russell Harris, sang, "In My Father's House are Many Mansions" accompanied accom-panied by Kathleen Cullimore: Warren Kirk sang "Peace. I Leave Unto You", accompanied jby his wife; Misses Wilma and Nadine Hales sang "In the Garden", accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Norma Hales and Miss LaRue Monson ot Magna sang "Going Home." Clara C. Kirk was born April 18, 1875 in Lindon, a daughter of James and Clara Foulke Cullimore. Cul-limore. On June 20, 1894, she was married to James Henry Kirk in the Salt Lake temple. Mr. Kirk died in September, 1926. Mrs. Kirk was especially ac tive in Primary and Relief society so-ciety work in the L.D.S. church. She is survived by the follow ing sons and daughters: Theron J. Kirk and Virl Kirk:, Orem; Mrs. Belva Simpson, Moroni: Odial Kirk, Magna; Mrs. Zina Tolman, Boney, Idahoj 27 grandchildren and two great grandchildren; the following brothers and sisters: Elizabeth Ash, Lehi; William Cullimore, Lindon; Harriet Cluff, Salt Lake City; Albert L- Cullimore, Pro vo and Etta Greenwood, Ogden. Craven - Pinegar Wedding Plans Announced An announcement of interest is the engagement of Miss Co-leen Co-leen Craven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Craven of Provo to James J. Pinegar, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pine-gar Pine-gar of Provo, former Edgemont residents. The wedding date has been set for early September In the Salt Lake temple, with a recep tion to follow. Miss Craven is a graduate of Provo high school and LDS Seminary, and Mr. Pinegar at-tended at-tended Lincoln and Spanish Fork high schools, graduating from BY high school this spring. He also graduated from Spanish Fork LDS Seminary. The yotmg couple plan s make their home in Provo- Sympathies Same World Over Earl B. Smoot of Edgemont. whose son( Keith H, Smoot, is buried with 10,000 other American Ameri-can war heroes in the Henri Chapelle cemetery near, Brus sels, Belgiam, received a picture of the grave from Belgium, last week. Mary Rocks, 16 year old Belgium girl writes she has "adopted" Keith's grave to dec orate and keep up, and takes flowers to it whenever she finds time. She writes with difficulty, stating she has been "looking In the Dicktionaire for all the words", telling the Smoot fanv ily she obtained the father's name from the marker on Keith's grave. She said "my heart feels with you", and Mr. Smoot got the meaning from her words that she had parted with her loved ones also In the war- Keith Smoot, a platoon leader of the Timberwolf division of the U. S. Infantry, met bis death December 13, 1944 by sniper fire, Just before the bat tle of the Bulge- His mother juj n r L. n a . it. i- ... i uicu mareM it ui uub year. BUNNELL FAMILY REUNION SET Descendants f . ; Stephen I. and Mary Gammon Bunnell will meet in their annual reunion at Arrowhead resort Sunday. Max Blake, general chairman of ar rangements, announce the fam ilies win assemble at 10 a.m. with family picnic dinners set for 12 noon- A fine program and sports have been planned for the afternoon Leave For Vacation Trip Mrs. Pearl -W. Bunnell "and Mrs. Joey W. Marrott left Sunday Sun-day for an extended vacation trip by bus. They will visit in Idaho cities with relatives, then go to Washington and Oregon and down the Pacific coast to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, before returning home. Home Again Sgi. Vera Conder, W.A.C. is at home, following her honorable honor-able discharge from army service serv-ice at San Antone, Texas. Miss Conder has been in service for two years. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Claude C Conder Con-der of Olmsted. She is a graduate grad-uate of Lincoln high school and BYU and has been a member of the faculty at Lincoln, Lehi and Provo high schools. First Anniversary of Jap Capitulation Nears Nation went wild a year ago nexit Wednesday (August 14X with news that enemy had sued for peace under terms of Potsdam Pots-dam Declaration Event marked mark-ed practical ending of hostilities in World War II. -Actual surrender sur-render took place Sept. 1st aboard battleship Missouri, but earlier date is one which sent allied world into carnival of rejoicing re-joicing In light of historic hap penings since, MacArthu, occupation oc-cupation stands out as most notable triumph for democratic principles. . .. a full page Illus trated feature in THE AMERI CAN WEEKLY, the magazine distributed with next Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. COMPLETE RADIO SERVICE AND APPLIANCE RALPH'S RADIO 63 No. Uw. Ave. Phone 618 The Horn of Guaranteed Servlct LONG i A ni M G G0TT GET THOSE If to ILL.-1 8 I't t 'V V f-V li "1 - M1 i- p li IffMKS L Mill Millie ilfieSIH ji Gifts . Baby blankets $1.90 Pictures 75c up Belvedere Table Lamps $10.95 Blue Living Room Suits $189.95 value, now $165.00 QUALITY CARPETING Oil Mops Large Double Action, $1.98 nnnsi LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: WALDEN IRA HAYDEN, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned under-signed at the office of Arnold C. Roylance and Elmer L. Terry, 312 City & County Building, Provo, Utah, on or before September Sep-tember 26th, 1946. ARLENE L. HAYDEN, Administratrix. Publication Dates: July 26th, August 2, 9, and 18, 1946- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate ot Thomas J. Barratt, deceased. Creditors will present their claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Don Mack Dalton, attorney, American Ameri-can Fork, Utah, on or before the 14th day of September, 1946. PETER HANSEN, Executor. First publication, July 12, 194S. Last publication, August 2, 1946. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Francis James Thomas, deceased. Creditors will present claims under oath, with vouchers, to the undersigned administrator of said estate at his residence at 211 East 1st North Sereet, Provo, Pro-vo, Utah, on or before the 14th day of October, 1946. ARTHUR BLAINE THOMAS Administrator of said J. RULON MORGAN, Attorney for said ad-minstrator, ad-minstrator, No. 8 West Center St., Provo, Utah. Publication dates: August 9, 16, 23, 30, 1946. I I I Jf M Xl . II I aW'I I 7 . w- tv w II I. "V- III I 1 1 " - . vv ' 111 ji . n , i. i i r. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sstate of Babette Rieske, otherwise known as Mrs. Samuel Sam-uel Rieske, deceased Creditors will present claims with couch-ers couch-ers to the undersigned at the law office of Maurice Harcung, 232 West Center Street, Provo, Utah, on or before December 10th, 1946. DANIEL RIESKE, Executor. 23, 30, 1946. Publication dates: August 9, 16, S&mta afternoon high spot! HUM M SUMMER ELECTRIC HOUR 'ANNE JAMISON BOB SHANLCY rw $foTunut evAirir .tossr AAAucusrat'j onocnM 1:30 tM. Station KSL Brouflhl to you by UTAK POWER t UGHT CO. I, WS . SUIT LOOK, ? ii,V FOR FA L L v A t II ' MWr;. r 24.75- A- mHr 29.75 ; I f , ' T T Ci.tfa fav?1 Mmatm f1ntfArpT f" I 1 "; i linesthey fasten t the waist , Y jl with i hntton or tie belt ". 1 J I the cardigan; necklines lall I j into place with easy elegance. I "" In wperbwooW 10-20, 9-'", f ' 'i " " ' ' "" |