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Show QKEai-GENEVA TIMES SCERA CHATTER Last week when we had the stage appearance of Eddie Dean, jje was Introduced by a local young man. So many asked "Who is your attractive and capable Master of Ceremonies?" We are very proud to introduce him to our patrons. He is Eddie Ed-die Durham, a senior at the Lincoln High School and one of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Durham who operates and manages the Lincoln Service Station. In the recent audit of the Scera accounts completed by Snelgrove and Payne, we find a few interesting items. During the last year we were able to retire bonds to the amount of $10,132.00. There was paid in taxes $8,506 08. There was paid into the summer recreation budget $1,426.99. It is always a real pleasure to the Board and the theatre OREM . UTAH Doors open at 6:30 1st Shew at 7:00 2nd Show at 9:15 Friday-Saturday Feb. 8-9 WONDER MAN Danny Kayo and Virginia Mayo It's magnificently crazy and its uproariously funny! Filmed in Technicolor! and "Dogs for Show" - Personodity "Swimming the Swamp" - Cartoon Pathe News Feb. I Saturday Matinee 1:30. COLORADO PIONEERS A Red Ryder action picture starring Will Bill Elliot and Bobby Blake! Because of the tremendous Interest In-terest of the kiddies in "Little Beaver", we are bringing the second of this popular western series. and "Swimming the Swamp" Cartoon "Canine Casanova" Cartoon "Ranchhouse Blues" Comedy Serial PURPLE MONSTER Monday - Tuesday Feb. 11-12 SUDAN Maria Monies - Jon Hall - Turhan Bey A dramatic love story filmed in Technicolor with an Egyptian setting! and -FRISCO SAL Susana Foster Turhan Bey - -Alan Curlis Entertaining story of San Francisco's Barbary Coast with tense moments, good comedy and excellent singing! and Pathe News Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Feb. 13-14-15-16 THEY WERE EXPENDABLE Robert Montgomery - John Wayne - Donna Reed Chosen as the movie of the month-Life Magazine, Dec. 31, 1945. "Will be one of the best contenders for the 1945-46 Academy Award". Boxoffice. "One of the most brilliantly produced and best photographed photo-graphed as well as the most interesting story of all the post war pictures" Showmen's Trade Review tjw IU""IJ .minim The Home of Finer Service 1 In Provo it is becoming increasingly evident to people who have attended funeral services that Berg's is truly the home of finer service. From comments and compliments we have received, we know that people recognize and appreciate a personalized service, carefully Planned and thoughtfully conducted. S3SP' management when a call can be made for the redemption of bonds as many of the people who bought the bonds at the time of the construction of the building, did so at a sacrifice. This week cards are being sent to 50 bond holders to bring in their bonds for redemption. At our staff meeting Sunday, Mr. Leeman Bennett said to the staff, "I feel it a real opportunity op-portunity to serve as doorman door-man on the Scera staff. Not for the compensation that it offers but because I am helping to make possible a finer and better place of recreation in the community as well as the opportunity it gives me to meet our many friends who come to the theater." We are certain that Mr. Bennett Ben-nett reflects the spirit of the Scera staff. Recently one of our girls missed an outstanding school party in order to fulfill her appointment ap-pointment as usher. Her comment com-ment was "You couldn't have hired me to have missed this date tonight but we have such a pride in Scera and the importance im-portance it Is to the community, that I couldn't do anything else Dut De nere." TThursday, February 7, 1946 With Our Service Boys & Girls HOME AGAIN Tech Sgt. Harold J. Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Olsen has received his honorable honora-ble discharge after 2 1-2 years in army service. He has spent the past year in France and wears two battle stars and the presidential citation. PLEASANT VIEW The Relief Society next Tuesday will be work and business and a quilt may be sewed, President Edna Hansen wants everyone to bring her own sewing also a friend with them. Mrs. Nita Bone Park has a baby girl, born at Utah Valley Val-ley Hospital. Mrs. Helen Wakefield Is at the Utah Valley Hospital with a baby girl. Mrs. John Bone and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bone are visiting with their friends and relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKell attended a ward reunion at his former ward in Spanish Fork, Tuesday evening. A special invitation in-vitation was given all who had returned home from the service. serv-ice. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. McKell Mc-Kell and daughters Jean and Ann and son David spent several days visiting with his brother Chas. McKell. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hunn spent the week end with their folks Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunn and Mr. and Mrs. Sharp Gillespie. Gil-lespie. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hunter and children spent Friday at the home of Mrs. Elaine Nielsen Niel-sen Shaw in Murray. Hardy Bean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bean, has landed in Panama. His camp is near Panama City, and it is a nice camp and he ejoys his work in the office of the company. He also reports that there are several Provo boys there, which makes him feel more at home. While Panama is a beautiful beau-tiful city, he says he would rather be home. Sterling Cluff and two sons, Rulon and Lloyd and Harold Petersen and daughter, Colleen, are visiting in California while their fathers are on a business trip. They are touring San Francisco, Los Angeles and reluming by way of Phoenix, Arizona. Rollo Jones has returned from the hospital and is -convalescing at his home. Mrs. Reed Crane, who has been ill with pneumonia, at Utah Valley Hospital, has returned re-turned to her home. WRECKER SERVICE PHONE: PROVO 055J4 OREM MOTOR CO ATTENTION, FRUIT GROWERS Get your order in for the famous Stark trees and shrubs early. It is reported there will be a shortage of good nursery stock this spring. H. J. LEWIS Authorized Agent 740 Starr Ave., Provo Phone 2147J od 89 Word has been received from Pearl Harbor, that Howard T. Downs, AMMC1C son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H- Downs, is one of 896 high-point Navy veterans who is returning to the States for discharge aboard the USS Petrof Bay. The USS Petrof Bay participated In the battle of Palau, Leyte, the second sec-ond battle of the Philippines, Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Iwa Jima and Okinawa. This ship is now operating with the "Magic Carpet" which at the close of 1945 had returned a total of 1,947,995 Army, Navy, Marine and Coast Guard veterans to the States. Japan's defenses and lines of communication and sunnlv which led to complete surrender before actual invasion of the Empire home islands. LOCAL SOCIAL ITEMS Mrt. Kent Fielding (Dorothy Stratton) and small daughter, Dorothy Kay, left Thursday night to Join her husband, who is stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama. She plans to be away indefinitely. LLOYD P. CANFIELD. PIC USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Canfield, is one of the 1,059 Navy veterans returning to the States for discharge abroad the USS Hornet, a carrier of the "Magic Carpet" fleet This ship left Guam, January 15. The USS Hornet participated In Pacific Fleet assaults on Palau, Truk, the Bonlns, Guam, Lhzon, Manila Man-ila Bay, Okinawa, Iwa Jima, Formose and Tap as the U. S. offensive crossed the Pacific, island by island, destroying LOST: $25.00 reward for return of Gruen Ladles Wrist Watch, Ruby Ring and Bracelet, lost at Lincoln High basketball game last Friday night. Phone C40R2. IBM An Invitation to join the thousands of users of White Fawn Flour. "White Fawn Leads Them AirCarried by leading Merchants. FOR... PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING SEE cleve Mcdonald 486 Emery - Beverly Place Orem Phone 080-J-1-2 INSURANCE LOANS and REAL ESTATE SEE FRED E. RAY Office: 70 South. Second West TAILORING Ladies' and Gentlemen's FINE TAILORING Both SUITS and GOATS at $25 up REPAIRING ALTERING REMODELING See MITCHELL 491 South 2nd West Prove TIRE REPAIRING VULCANIZING BATTERIES BRIMHALL BROS. 121 W. 1st N. Provo Phone 200 Shoe Repairing at Louis Eelsch & Son Rear of Booterie 4 West Center Lt. Col. and Mrs. W. E. WiUey of Salt Lake City spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Novokovich at Chris-teele Chris-teele Acres. Lt. Col. Willey Is home on furlough from France. He plans to return to France in a short time and his wife will join him there in the spring. Lt. Col. Willey was hi charge of the supply lines back of General Patten. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Car i lyle Bunker Thursday evening. Relief Society will be held at the home of President Mabel Bunker Tuesday afternoon. Two quilts will be made and the visiting teachers will be honored. honor-ed. All women of the ward are invited. With the organizing of the ward choir Monday even ing, singing will be revived in Vineyard once more- Taylor Allen heads the music emmittee with Joy O. Clegs manager. Mrs. Helen Allen, organist, and Howard Anderson director, we expect to have a very fine choir in the near future. Ward conference will be held Sunday evening, and a new Bishop will be voted on. All ward members are urged to attend. at-tend. The new Stake Presidency will be in attendance. Mr. and Mrs, George A. Jenk ins of Salt Lake City spent the week end with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Novokovich, and the group attended Leadership pro grams at BYU. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George McPhle was nam ed Donald Garth, and James the son of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Jenkins was confirmed member of the church, Udell Clegg and Lynn Holdaway was advanced from teachers to priests In the Priesthood quorums at the FastDay ser vices Sunday. The Youth Leadership group held their monthly meeting at COMfLfeTE RADIO SERVICE RALPH'S RADIO AND APPLIANCE 63 Ne. Ualv. Ave. Phone 611 The Home ef Guaranteed Service DR. ARTHUR VANCE VETERINARIAN 156 West 3rd North Phone 953-J Provo, Utah FOR QUALITY CLEANING University Cleaners OREM PHONE 048-R11 Pick-up and Delivery FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accordions, Guitars. Gui-tars. Phene 940K, Prof S. W. Wflliaras, 308 E. 3 South. Provo. J bay, sell, rent, and teach. DRIVE OUT AND SAVE We pay more for good used Cars and Trucks. Orem Motor Co. Dealers in Essential Transportation OREM :: UTAH Phene: Provo 055-J4 LI SPEAR LUMBER COMPANY PHONE 34 See Us For ASPHALT ROOFING 193 W. 3rd South PROVO Funeral Service For Melvina II. Lunceford Bishop Weldon J. Taylor con ducted largely attended and Impressive funeral services for Melvina Hansen Lunceford, a resident of Lake View for the past fifty years, who passed away Friday at the family home following a lingering heart ailment, at Lake Viey ward chapel Monday at 12,30 p. m. Mrs. Arvilla Jeppesen played processional and recessional music and the opening prayer was given by P. Robert Olsen. The speakers were P. W. Mad- sen, John L. Nuttall and Bishop Taylor. A male quartet com posed of Golden Taylor, Joseph. Taylor Jos. Ahlander and August Aug-ust J. Johnson sang two numbers num-bers and Mrs- Emma Olsen sang two solo;. Clarence Zobell offered of-fered the benediction and Del-bert Del-bert Lunceford dedicated the grave at the Prove Burial park. Pallbearers were sons and sons-in-law of Mrs. Lunceford. Melvina Hansen Lunceford was born Aug. 21, 1873 at Swendinge, Denmark and came to Utah at the age of 18. Her parents were Andrew J. and Hansine Jensen Hansen. She married John H. Lunceford, March 11, 1895 at Provo Bench, and they have resided in Lake-view Lake-view since their marriage. Mrs. Lunceford has been an active L. D. S. Church worker, being be-ing a visiting teacher In the Lake View Relief Society for more than 20 years. She is survived by her husband, hus-band, four sons, Melvin J. and Delbert O. of Brawley , Calif; Elmer C. of Pleasant Grove and Dean of Lake View; four daughters, Mrs. True Scott, of Provo, Mrs. John Brandt of Edgemont, Mrs. Vern Young of Pleasant Grove and Mrs. Jack Kavo of San Diego, Calif., one brother and two sisters, 36 grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. FARM INCOME RISE IN UTAH BOOSTS NOME DEVICE MARKET A gain in the annual cross In. come of the average Utah farm family from $2,074 in 1940 to $5,736 in 1944. as reDortod hv the United States Department of Agriculture, nas created a powerful pow-erful buyers' market for home labor-saving devices, according to a manufacturers survey of this market since V-J Day. Spokesmen for industry via. uaiize a vast new outlet in rural areas for equipment such as washing machines, electric refrigerators, re-frigerators, automatically controlled con-trolled central heating systems, kitchen stoves and vacuum cleaners, etc, according . to an analysis of the farm market. The desire for automatic devices de-vices goes hand-in-hand with the general movement to modernize mod-ernize and is expected to re suit in an estimated annual expenditure ex-penditure of $250,000,000 for farm .home remodeling In Ihe United States for the next five years. Based on the valuation of farm land, buildings .and equipment In Utah as $166,750,. 000, the annual outlay for re modeling in this state is ex pected to total $1,145,000 for the next five years. Reflecting this demand, manufacturers manu-facturers are steoDing ud outDut over prewar levels, it is report ed. A shortage of some materials mater-ials and labor difficulties have retarded production somewhat. but sharp .upturn in volume Is expected early In 1946. FEBRUARY ' Flower Primrose Y Birthstonej Amethyst" ' Friday 8 Boy Scout Anniversary Anni-versary week (8-14) ; . Saturday 9 Red Cross conceived con-ceived by Henri Dunant, com. mlttee appointed 1869. - Shoe rationing order, 1943. -' Monday. 11 .Thomas A. Edison born " ' 1847. Daniel Boone, pioneer born, 1735. Tuesday 12 Abraham Lincoln Lin-coln born, 1809.-,-..Thursdayj 14 St. Valentine's Day. Bell and Gray patented telephone," 1876. Yanks captured captur-ed Cavite and Nochols Field on Luzon, 1945. Friday 15 Battleship Main blew up, 1898. Peace Treaty between be-tween Great Britain and U. S. congress was ratified by Congress, Con-gress, 1815.. 3rd selective service ser-vice registration (20-44) Feb. 15-16. 1942,,. Cherry Week. (15-22). ....' RELIEF SOCIETY The Theology program will be given in Sharon ward, with Mrs. Mary Watts and Mrs. Sadie Elder In charge, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. TIMPANOGOS WARD: President Mary Williams announces an-nounces a quilt will be made and asks the ladies to come at 12 o'clock to work on it. Regular Regu-lar work and business meeting will be held at 2 p. ni. with a rug demonstration; also teachers' teach-ers' topic given by Mrs. Nina Stratton, and teachers reports will be taken. Meeting will be held Monday. All other wards of the stak will hold their regular work and business meetings Tuesday afternoon; Edgemont ward at 1:30 and the others at 2 p. m. GENEVA WARD Meeting will begin at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. A. H. Chrlstensen. Visiting teachers will report and teachers' topic will be given by Mrs. Clara Rowley. Quilting Quilt-ing and sewing will be done. VINEYARD WARD Two quilts will be made at the home of Pres. Mable Bunker. Bunk-er. Teachers' topic will be given giv-en and teachers honored. Refreshments Re-freshments will be served. WINDSOR WARD Classleader Vlda Lystrup will be In charge. VERMONT WARD Classleader Grace Washburn will conduct the program. PLEASANT VIEW WARD Mrs. Preal Jones and Mrs. Rose Hansen will be in charge-LAKEVIEW charge-LAKEVIEW WARD Bessie Nelson and Iris Johnson John-son in charge. GRANDVIEW WARD Classleader Golda Davis in charge. Mrs. Verl Stubbs was hostess to V Bridge club Wednesday afternoon at her home. A delicious delici-ous luncheon was served at "nail tables following the game, Valentine motifs being used In idecoratlon. -t Sorryy Folks! feui, M, caitoot claim any curative, .powers ,'for the economic condition of our nation," through the use ot SHELL PRODUCTS W 'J' Hdwever, we can deliver to our customers ' only the highest grade products, which have met the approval ap-proval of the state laboratory tests repeatedly. According to state records this can be' regarded as a great SHELL achievement. Lower grade competitive com-petitive brands fail to maintain this standard, as they are quite often procured on the open market, and cannot obtain the same equality at all times, s' Support the war relief drives. 1e ic Help Sweden, Denmark, Poland and England, etc., as only we American people can do. Even though we have been the supply house of the wbrlcl in these past u war years we still can claim the right to be called the most progressive nation of the world through the right of freedom of private enterprise. v,, We'll be pleased to serve you. LINCOLN SERVICE VIC DURHAM, Proprietor . low is the me era TO REPAIR THAT ROOF! AT V Simmons Lumber and Hardware Co. (Your Trading Center) Has Everything You Need In ASPHALT SHINGLES, ROOFING AND ROOF COATINGS, ETC. Phone 048-J1 Orem C Entered as second-class matter November 19, 1937 at the post office at Orem, Utah, under the Act ef March S, 1879. ; Published, every Thursday '2 ; By Utah Valley Publishing Company, Prove, Utah. |