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Show ft the People May Know Abraham Lincoln Although more than four score years have passed . fateiul nignt ui u-u gmw assassins an bullet cut short the earthly career of Abra- i i,ia nlace in the hearts and minds of his trymen as one of the Nation's great heroes was Evermore secure. This tall, gaunt man with the deep-set, brooding was born in a humble log cabin and rose to the ef . office m the land, was no ordinary individual, v t few persons in American history have so embodied the noble qualities of the common man as did he. His genial wit and wisdom, his simplicity and rthtaess his patience and humility-his love of coun-ZZi coun-ZZi humanity-these were the things that have so Jeply endeared him to the people of America. A cold appraisal of the historical records reveals hat Lincoln possessed no magic powers, and that at rr he was bewildered, indecisive and blundering. Cetimes his moods probed the depths of depression, at others, they scaled the heights of inspiration. But through it all through the ebb and flow of hi, spirits, his political and family fortunes-his true Lteess gradually emerged until it reached full expression ex-pression and marked him as an outstanding figure of the ages. In observing his 137th birthday anniversary on February 12, the American people honor him as the preserver pre-server of the Union, as the friend of all humanity. 0XZW ir ii y it nji iv hi ii ii ii iiiklmm i -mi OREM - THE STEEL CENTER OF THE "WEST ttiiirvinn II HEM jiYMCiAnu lil liiui DANCE FEBRUARY IB Volume 13 Number 30 TThursday, February 7, 1946 CLEHOH BOULTON'S HONOR SERVICE MEN Mr and Mrs. aehon Boulton S Lake View entertained at a "patriotic social and dance at the Lake View hall Saturday 'evening for the returned serv-'ice serv-'ice men of the community, iMiniature flags were presented to the twenty-f our service men honored. Two hundred and lilty guests ,twed the gala affair. The hall '"v' - - - - . . artistically aecoraieu u white and blue Hunting, with a large welcome nome rtraned over tne arcn way. Theron Whitely of Windsor dressed as Uncle Sam was master of ceremonies. Patriotic songs were lead by Joy O. Clees: a tribute to the ten fam ny members of the Thomas Boulton family who were .Jn the service was given by Mrs. Ruth Gaffett of Pleasant Grove; readings were presented by Miss Carma Whitely and Miss Maria Whitely; Lee Rogers sang a solo accompanied by Mrs Emma - Holdawav. and the Lorenzo Rogers family sang number. Refreshments were served. The table was draped in red, white and blue, and held large tapers in crystal holders. Mrs. Boulton was assisted as-sisted by her two daughters Murl and Inez Boulton, and Miss Leora Whitley, Mrs. Mer- alda Gottfredson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfreda Williams Celebrates 91st Birthday The ninety-first birthday anniversary an-niversary of Mrs. Alfreds Williams, a pioneer resident of Lakeview ward, was observed Tuesday evening, when Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Nuttall entertained entertain-ed at their home. At the party, Mrs. Williams was surrounded by many reia- tives and friends. A profusion of gift flowers and other gifts were received by the honoree. A delicious dinner was served, serv-ed, a birthday cake and tall pink tapers being arranged on the table. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Gad Williams Mr. and Luzell Robbins and Mrs. Rulon Robbins. Family motion pictures were shown at 8 p. m. by FJdon Got-frorUnn Got-frorUnn of Salt Lake and Steinecker's orchestra furnlsn- ed the music for the aance. Out of town guests Included Mr. and Mrs. James Privitt and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Privitt of Magna, Mr. and Mrs. FJdon Gottfredson and Clare uouixon of Salt Lake City. TIMP, GENEVA WARDS TO HAVE GOLD AND GREEN BALL I Everything is in readiness for the annual M. I. A. Gold and Green ball to be held j jointly by Timpanogos and j Geneva wards in Timpanogos ;ward hall Tuesday evening, ; February 12, at 9 p. m. 1 Proceeding the floor show the two queens will be presented, present-ed, representing each of the wards; Beth Gordon will be aueen for Timpanogos, with Ruth Partridge and Melva Prestwich, as attendants. Helen Bunnell will represent Geneva ward, with Carol Memmott and Nina Lamb as attendants. The floor show will be given immediately following the presentation pre-sentation of the aueens, which is scheduled for 10 p. m. tVia directors of the floor show are RaNae and Clarence Bliss of Timpanogos wara and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rowley, Dean Adams and Catherine Christensen of Geneva ward. The dance promises to be one of the outstanding social events of the M. I. A. season. It is a budget number for both wards, and all members and friends are invited to be present. FARM BUREAU LEADERS MAKE PLANS nirpctors of Utah county farm hnrpau voted Tuesday to throw full support behind the state farm bureau's 1947 mem- herhsio service program, ao- mrrtlnff to LeGrano jannau. corretnrv. Board members also voted to amend articles of incorporation incorpora-tion and make it mandatory for the executives to elect a county executive committee. Directors include presidents of the various community farm bureau organizations, and also presidents of affiliated coo eratives. Officers mciuae wonir Nelson. Spanish Fork, president; Sylvan W. Clark, Lehi, vice president and Mr. Jarman. Primary project of the coming com-ing year will be a campaign to enroll all members in the Blue Cross hospital program. LINCOLN Tft PLAY P. G. FRIDAY Coach Lee Brooks and his Tin.nin Tieers Win meet r --a .. .. Pleasant Grove JbasKewau teams Friday evening on Pee Gee's floor. The sophomore teams will play at 7 p- m. and the visiting boys at 8 p.m. TV. Cavomm came out m 1C front in the Alpine division last week by swamping Lincoln 42-12 in the last game of the first half league play, rieasam Grove comes second with three wins and Lehi third with two wins and two losses. Fireside Chat At Jensen Home The M. I. A. Special Interest nt nonpvn ward is sponsoring a fireside' chat at the nome oi Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen Rnndav evening following sacrament service. The committee in charge tiairo arranged a very interest- in nrneram. All members of the class and friends are invited to be present. Mrs. Ellen Prater Called By Death Excellent Program At Orem Women's Cluh. Members of Orem Women s club enjoyed a delightful pro gram Wednesday afternoon cm innnffe when Mrs. Ariel S. Ballif presented a most interesting in-teresting travelogue; also read uterarv eems from ail over ,e wnrld. eave dance demon w- J 0 strations from the Maori is lands showing several tropnies from these islands- Misses Orpha and Java oxuK.es iagr two flute duets. The program was in charge of Mrs. Donald niTAD and Mrs. btepnen - . . . j i Novokovich, president, conauc- aA the meeting. ----- Mrs. John T- liorenz ana Mn Harold Baser, nosxesse, mii the guests at tne aoor. : i.j Mm Parlell li. rexersuu c in the flag salute and Mrs, naire read the dub litany, Forty ladies enjoyed tne pleas ant afternoon-' - LEADERSHIP WEEK PROVES SUCCESSFUL As the 1946 Leadership Week . . . n J TlVTT was concluded unaay, officials characterized It as one of the most successful ever held in the 25-year history or we event. In attendance it was the largest ever held at the institution. in-stitution. i The success of two Innova-Jnn Innova-Jnn added this year were pointed out by Dr. Germ ae Jnnff jr. Lieaoersmp chairman. "while previous Leadership Weeks were held on ha imver camnus only the of ferings this year utilized the facilities of the hill campus as wtell, with the result that con gestions previously expenenceo were avoided," he stated. "The other new feature, us ing four days to uiciuue satur-A-a and Sunday, was a great . - ,i improvement because n cnaowsu nennle to participate on r - those days who were unaDievo earlier in the week. The Sunday sessions provided a line climax, adding a great spiritual uplift to accompany tne weann of Intellectual offerings Leadership Week." Missionary of ""V V Y Lions Club Program On Military Affairs Thnrsdav evening, Febru- , arv 14. Orem Lions will meet 1 vinevard ward M-Men are B Twin Pines cafe at 7:30 p jn planning a joUy dancing party when a program on, "Military Monday evening, reoruary " I Affairs wiu pe presemcv at Lakeview wara amusement i un(jer the leadersnip oi y - hall. Stieneckert's orcnesxra i Anderson. - will furnish the music, ana pro-i students of Frank . ew- ceeds of the dance will oe usea 0f Lincoln Wgn scnooi wm , to defray expenses-oi me ear discuss the Question i corn-Men corn-Men basketball team. pulsory military training,, with A special feature of tne event jonn Allen, chairman; K.ennein will be the giving away of valu- galser, Lorna Anderson, Joan , able prizes, which will include Loveless. Gale Gammon, Bob three turkeys, lz pounas n Halberslaben ana iiruce wimeir. butter, 4 hams, 4 pair of nylon A patriotic musical program hose and other articles. Ail members oi tne commun-1 it,, invited to attend this VJ gala affair. will be given. Two 2-act Plays at Sharon Ward Tues, INITIATION The M. t A. of Sharon ward are giving an entertainment r..Ainir Avanlnif. Feb. 12. at The business of Initiation of th ward amUsement ball, com. candidates Into the Americans tag at 7;30, This Is to be. Legion Is an Important luncuon. f 0uowea by games and relresn. The American region wwi mentSt four great principles: justice, Freedom, Democracy ana rr;i. prJpcsfa is service to tne i . ".r ANGUS LAMAR WALL Angus Lamar Wall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus L. Wall of Pleasant View ward will be honored Sunday evening with farewell testimonial in tne disabled, the distressed, the Plan Social widowed and the orphaned. , v r The cause of service to commun-1 resident vuKuS . S Sand naUon Is Jealousy of the.High Priest Quorum of SSS and opportunity to Sharon Stake announce, plan, , w .mm j its nom.lei in th tnakinff f or tne an nual party of this group, and Candidates to be initiated asks all high .priests of the Candidates w um i partners be to son Gatt C. iTvele s. liVar readiness for the gala .affair. Evel2s Owen C. Nielson, date for which will be announc, KSS'c.Mcponald, George JSSSl Glen LeEarl Bur, Richard I time, last year. Rnhev. Edward J. Simmons, v ' Nile R UA WW U . . mM -W ' J"'-.'..'. Johnson, Edward W. I Hoyf To ljOCate v ward chapel at 7 o'clock He Slmm0ns, Alfred L. ompson.l lvTnrtll1j1ll ()f Orem leaves shortly for the Mexican marence L. Peacock, Glade lUarsnailS Ul Vicui OTTlvrrl A V SHlltV 11 jn.O leaves shortly lor tne iviexican riarence - I i t .Uk haaslni, after AT I m n'll WamI I . VPTeTW 1 . . . , mission, w ml". Vrturomi, iiv -" i in the past two weens buiuc Geneva Ward Mexico City, where e I son, Don C. Gillman, Russell W. J confusi0n has arisen among the The Mshonrlc oi ueneva lnhftl. ftn LDS missionary, ward invite an iriesuwou Mr, wall is a graduate w members of the ward, to attend Lincoln High School and Shar- a special session at :3U a. m. on gke seminary and nas at- at Lincoln Hign scnooi w w tended BYu, cide on a site for tne cnurcn. At 7:30 socrament meeting rni . held with a Scout Court " . . - TTnnnr heinB held unoer -we direction of Orrel DeLange ana Boyd Davis. TIMPANOGOS WARD Meeting will be at o p. on nrfth President Dale Larsen of the Elder's ouorum in cnarge of the program. Reception Tendered Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rawlines Mr and Mrs. Wm. Rawlings, (Annie Pino) have returned from their honeymoon, spent in Colorado, and were honored Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pino of Grand View, at an informal reception. Mr Rawlings is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rawlings of Vine- The popular young couple were married in Salt Lake city, January 19, with Miss Virginia Dowd and Don Oster and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keele witness ing the ceremony. Mrs. Arfgus MitchelrorXJrenTf' received word of the deatn ox v,- deter Mrs. Ellen Lunce- IICI siawv,- f - fH Prater, of El CemtO, Call- iVH " " fnrnia. Feb. 6. Mrs. Prater is the daughter of the late J. W. and Mary Cordner Lunceford, who were early settlers on Provo Bench. Surviving are ner nusDana, W. J. Prater of El Cerrito, and the following sisters and one brother: Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Mrs. Sarah Gordon, Mrs. Fdvthe Duke. Mrs. Emily Long, Warren Lunceford, all of Orem, mk Alice Snell of Spanish Fork and Mrs. Angle Lewis of Tabiona. w,,norn1 arrangements are pending. Park, James R- Doty, Lowell l n s 0 0rem , who, have de- a. uigeiow, xvcitw sired to get in toucn wun uio MerreU A. Farley, Cyrus C dty arghalls, In not knowing Holt. Robert B. Caider, Jesse where t0 caU when the Orem L. Smith, Jess N. Smith, Grant cit ffi were closed. B. Rowley, view vw,,. jhe officers may DO reacnea Clarence B. Bliss, Clarence I trough the city office on week Bliss, Donald M. Lunceford, 1 day between g lt TO. and 5 p. m. Don F. Cordner, James C.ldaUy MarshaU Harding may Cordner, Blaine coroner, I be reached at other hours or burn S. Carter, Royden V. I durlng the night and on week-Carter, week-Carter, Sylvester L. Siemer.l fcy calllng 0107JH and iMward A. Salisbury, Milton I .....li wnirina hv rallinsr Improvement aikhi wu. Lawrence Smith, Kenneth . ' : present tneir -aweewcwt ".-- Herald Wilkinson, Iteiiet ouwciy GRANDV1EW H. I. A. SWEETHEART BALL Tuesday evening, February Timpanogos Stake Gold And Green Ball Tuesday evening. February 19th has been set for Timpanogos Timpan-ogos Stake Gold and Green Ball to be held at Joseph Smith Memorial building in Provo, according ac-cording to stake M. I. A. offi- TII.1P. VARD - SWEETHEART BALL Timnanoeos . Ward Amuse ment hall will be the scene of the annual "Sweetheart" ball of Lincoln High School, Satur day evening, February tn. This event is sponsored oy the home economics ciass at Lincoln, with Miss Beverly Beck and Miss Elaine ixweiess, ireneral chairman. The hall will be beautifully decorated for the occasion and several delightful features have been planned. Johnson-Workman Nuptials Tuesday An event of Tuesday was the marriage of Miss Viola Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Johnson and Reed GRAND VEIW WARD . IVu." which is expected to be JEffl Farley Gerad I M. Union Meeting Karvev Harward of the ward - tlta -..t-tondin affairs I Franklin L. rwey. I Union Wieeiuii, .yMym H-rSS-S! vrMotrr ward rh.-. Primary organization! -,-mhera of the ward and under the direction of Zlna friends are invited to attend. Ercanbrack, president, wm nresent the program at 8 o clock sharon ward jke View Women Lunch the meeting. Supt. Lorln Mangum, In charge Heads Oregon will give the program at 7 . IIT;i;4rv 0. F. Club At Healyllome Will be held at Sharon Stake seminary-building, at O'cioc. All ward officers and class-leaders class-leaders are urged to plan to be present at this first union meet ing In three years: i cers An and Mrs. Mary Strong, the twotending. A prety three uereu .Liu nr urn. a ,Vittn wedding caKe uvuig uiuuieu oi ivxia- pinK aim " " . , outstanding program is being planned Dy xnose in v., aH Verdi Breinholdt's tions were combined in decorat-: orchestra will furnish the dance a 4 "ho nrPttV : ing the nome iu. reception, where an elaborate buffet lunch was served the .... nd friends at- t rt-t ii i v tr c i i- - v music. Carter-Hill Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. Latayeue uar- liams, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walth- topped with a tiny bridal pair entertained at Grandvtew er, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Bean and daughter Donna, Mr. and Mrs. William Hopkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Jeppson and son Joy. Mr. and Mrs! Paul Ream, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Loose, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Church, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Slaymaker, Vlrl Nuttall, Lawrence Lawr-ence Strasburg, Miss Marilyn Nuttall, Mrs. Esther Williams and sons of Springville. Solos were sung by Rhodes Jeppson, accompanied by his wife. Alfreda Jacobena Nielsen Williams was born January 29, 1855 at Odensa. Denmark, to Maren Jacobsen and Niels Hans Nielsen. The family left Den mark in 1864, crossed the Plains with an ox team company, com-pany, arriving in Cottonwood, n September. 1865. Although Just a child, Mrs. Williams remembers re-members being HI all the way across the plains with typhoid fever, and has no recollection of the happenings on tte long hard trip. She later came to Provo with her mother, working as centered the table and was cut Wgrd recreation hall Saturday by the bride. Mr. Pino gave a evening honoring their daugh-toast daugh-toast to the bride. Lovely gifts , gnd gon ,n law Mr. and ,M received by Mr. and Mrs. , j Hill (LaVetta whn will make their : . . pr united in home in Grar view. - marriage in tne oa The bride t a grauu- - Temple on Monday. Lincoln high Finooi ; reception was a deugm- groom recently reiurneu M affair attenaea Dy more army duty I" France- than 200 relatives and friends. .relv jould assist h schoo keeping up hmne s(rninarv and is a sophomore OI " . T tn work, meex- iax xiu. At the age Salt Lake w"t2:... r- wsn arrived home re- ta- William Griffith wuij - than two whom she marred ' ,ce with the 629th Cottonwood. November v23m years i in tne o'clock pnfttlMONT - ... The Seventy quorum win oe in charge of theprogram at 7 p. m. Bishop J. Golden Taylor will conduct the meeting. WINDSOR WARD The Scouts of the ward will present the program at v.w p- m. Priesthood and L. D. S. Girls Leadership Union Meeting will be held at 2 o'clock in the Scera auditorium, according to President Presi-dent Henry D. Taylor. All officers, instructors and advisors in the Melchizedek, Workman, Jr., son of Mr. ana Aaromc ---Mrs. F. R. Workman, of Pleas- priesthood are urged to be pre- view which was solomniz-1 sent. . i . , 1ff..lH.. Vi nwy n with ea ax xne wuriuiwii ... Bishop H. J. Stagg officiating. Lovely flowers were arranged arrang-ed about the living rooms. where immediate family mem-her mem-her and a few close friends were assembled- The bride chose a lovely royal blue suit, with black accessories for her wedding. Her sister, Faye Dean, was maid of honor and Melvin Gibson was best man. The bride is a graduate of Provo high school and the groom was graduated from Lincoln high school. He was recently released from the First armv engineers, in which he served as a staff sergeant. He served for four years and was in Belgium and Germany. A reception will honor Mr. and Mrs. Workman, rnnay evening at the Golf Clubhouse and after a short honeymoon they plan to make their home in Pleasant View. Marriage Announced Vineyard M Men, first half I karelv rinsed Out 8 .ui..' team. SO-28 1 Tixr PnrTifa Morwie Snow, former ""r IZ-aIW j i in viic kvwu " : Lakeview resident, and daugn- -ete.ed Pleasant View to evening 1R73. To this union live cm- thg In ren were born, 'wo':"' theater. Before 7- Im At Tne EUl!iU"-'r- triris twv vm- a:a in infancy- William E. Williams son, died a y S4 : Williams has always been a faithful member of the church and "JjMtor more than 50 years as a Relief Society officer and teacner theater. Before en tering service he served an Trc mtasinn in the central He is the son of Mr and Mrs. C. E. Hill and a gradu- . Rnnsevelt nign scnoui tX v. and seminary. . .. 1 . I. f,at In One oi tne iuusiuim , . A v... I. nnt the the Lake View r,',.Z Ulcd decWv. hour- xo Emerson eoing into Provo Signals Manner Given 1 All signals herein required given bv hand and arm shall be given from the left side of the vehicle in the following manner and such signals shall Indicate Indi-cate as follows: A. Left turn - hand and arm extended horizontally B. R'ght turn - hand and arm extendi upward C. nn or decrease speed . band and arm extended downward. fhU will be the first L. D. S Girls' Leadership union meeting ever held in Sharon stane withe wi-the new program which began January 1, 1946. Stake and ward chairmen, assistanxs ana secretaries are to be in attendance. EVENING SERVICES LAKEVIEW: Miss Jean Char, student at BYU from Honolu lu, Hawaii, and a convert to the church, will be the speaxer, Patricia Critchlow of Ug furnish the musical vtv... ..... nrnoram at 7:30 V. ttl- f . .... A 4 PLEASANT VIEW Vinnv; m 7 o'clock a missionary farewell will he tendered Elder A. L.a mar Wall, son of Mr. and Mrs Angus L. Wall, who is leaving to labor in the Mexican mis sion. The young man has been attending the mission school in Salt Lake City during the past VINEYARD WARD: Ward conference will be held at 7,30 P. m. under the direction of the Sharon Stake presidency. ter of Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson, was recently elected president of the University of nreirnn lunior dental auxiliary, with Mrs. Edith Bingham Ashby formerly of American ForK, vice president. These two Utah county women wo-men have been prominently as sociated with the auxiliary organization which is comprised compris-ed of more than 100 women. The primary purpose of the dental auxiliary is to provide financial aid for. dental work to under privileged children, and to foster more friendly relationships relation-ships among wives of the dental students. The husbands. Nelson Snow and Sanford Bingham are both in their senior year at the Lni- trer! itv nf Oregon dental col lege and are graduates of the BYU. Betrothal Announced Bv Parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burning-ham Burning-ham announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara to Harold D. Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Park of Provo. The wedding date has been set for February 22, 1946, with a reception to follow In the Timpanogos ward recreational hall. Larger Packages For Navy Personel Postmaster Lyle McDonald announces a new weight and size limit for parcels to Navy personel overseas. Effective, February 1, 1946-, parcels not exceeding 11 pounds In weight or 42 inches in length, . i , mm4 tfirth or 72 mcnes in kusui combined may be accepted ror mailing to Navy personel over- SG3S- No change has been md in the frequency of m-!lirg or other restrictions or exceptions now applying to parcels for navy personel- Wide-spread floods, which this month inundated parts of six southern states, have left mn than a score dead, thou sands homeless and millions of dollars worth of damage in their wake. The Army Engineers ana Bureau of Reclamation are currently engaged In many merc to eliminate such catastrophes but are handicapped handi-capped by lack of sufficient ... tn carrv out all the lUltUC ar projects needed- the other Wednesday game, 35-18. In the Thursday games at Lincoln high school gym, Ver- mont, second place winners in the first half, trounced Geneva, R4.31 and Edgemont trimmea Rhomn newcomers in the league, 32-26. In the Vineyard-Windsor eame. the Wells brothers were the main-stays. Two minutes before the bell, the score was ted, 28-28,4 but Vineyard remained re-mained cool and came through with the winning basket. Bishoo Rodney Kimball was a Dower In the winning Grand- view team. He got two baskets and steadied the team. Pleas ant View just never got going, which is exceptional for them It was Sharon's f'rst game this season, and Ken watts played good ball for the losing Sharon team. Bob caiaer ana Conder of Edgemont both turn Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Boardman of Provo announce the marriage bf their daughter, Ruth, to Bud Neal Mason, son pi Mr, ana Mrs. V. A. Mason of Orem. The event was solemnized,, January 30 at the home of the bride's sisters, Mrs. "Elna B. Weight and Miss Helen Board- man, with Bishop H. J. oiags officiating. Beth B. Morse, sister of the bride and Marvin Mason attended the bride and groom. Pink and white flowers flow-ers and tapers were used about the entertaining rooms. Mr. Mason Is a yeoman 2C and has been serving for 23 months overseas on the USS "Medusa." He is now on 30 day leave. f' Superintendent At Juneau, Alaska' School Mr. and Mrs- Max Penrod 'Anna tinvpmS left MnndaV fo ed in 12 points for high honors. Juneau Alasfcllt where they will make their home. Mr. ana The league games are piay ed each week on Wednesday and Thursday evening at Lincoln Lin-coln high school gym. COURT NOTES The following cases were handled during the weeR in Judge E. H. Johnson's court: James J. Compton. American Fork, speeding, fined $15.00. Milton T. Reese, Idaho Falls, Idaho, speeding, fined 7.50. Walter H. Hendrick, Orem Running stop sign, fined $3.50. Leo Draper, Salt Lake City, sDeedine, fined $18.75. Ross L. Lewis. American Fork, speeding, fined $11.25. Robert Ord, Provo, speeding, fined $5.00. Merlin Myers, Provo, speed ing, fined $5.00. The present moment is all we can call our own for works of mercv. of righteous deal ing, and of family tenderness. George Elliot Mrs. Penrod and children; Jack ' and LuJean have spent the past week here with relatives, In cluding their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penrod and Mr Almira Bfjce, and have been extensively entertained during thf time. ; J They hav spent the past several years at Anadarka, Oklahoma. In school work, and now Mr. Penrod has accepted a position as sunerintendant , of schools In fh Juneau territory. Both Mr. and Mrs. Penrod are natives of this community, Mr. Penrod being a graduate of ( Provo high school and BYIT Mrs. Boyee Is a Lincoln high school graduate and also atteneV ed B. Y. U. 1 -JH'.i' Out of Eternity the new Dav Is born: ' Into Eternity .at night return, ' .." will To those, leaning on the sustaining Infinite, today , h big ;With blessings." " Mary' Baker Eddy . : i i! i i .1 ! t t , i 1; t child for the neighbors, or her children. |