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Show THE SPHINSVILLE INDEPENDENT Issued every Friday. D. P. KELT, Editor and Mnnnfcer. EnU'red at the Diwt nflicc ut Siirinirvilh Ctab. for transmission through th muiU its OCOIHI-CliLh.H llilllllT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Six months, Three months. $2.00 1.00 KEEP AN EYE ON THE MACHINE. Watch out for administration tricks in the Democratic primaries. If any Utah Democrat shows Bold-bug propensities pro-pensities he ought to be effectually f.quclched and a decided quietusgiven him, for, if he is notadireetenimisary of the administration he is either act-lutcd act-lutcd by a desire to truckle to federal favor or from the mere desire to be "agin" the majority. The gold-bug element knows full well that one Western gold-bug of influence in-fluence Is worth a dozen in the East, and it Is making Its most strenuous efforts to create an anti-Silver sentiment senti-ment in the West, in h'ipr-s of riding down the flood of eiitliusiiMii which seems to pervade (h" country In the Southern, Middle ami Western States. It seems as though the best chance of success for a Silver administration Is with the Democrats and that the issue this campaign will be on this phase of the financial question, viz., Silver and anti-Silver. McKinley seems to be the choice of the Republicans and few if any have the temerity to claim he Is for Silver his silence alone is golden besides betraying the fear of Eastern politicians politi-cians that the Silver question is not nearly so dead as they affect to be-litvc. be-litvc. No, there Is no hope whatever with the the Republicans and when the solid South is with wc of the West and the great Middle States, as all political straws seem to Indicate, it. behooves all true Silver advocates to assist in the cause, Pury political preferences and let lis unite on Silver. We cannot afford to listen to the straddle platitudes of anyone and look out for administration administra-tion traitors to the cause. They can use their baleful influence to greater results even though in the minority -as to population. Popular opinion must crowd them out. Iteware of sly tricks and "Sound Money" sophistries. TWO VERSIONS OF IT. If the rule of the late manifesto be objectionable, men will resist it, and no man needs to remain with the church when Its rules do not suit him. When he leaves the church, it is presumed pre-sumed that he has no longer a voice in the dictation of Its affairs, any more than has any other non-member. Enquirer. How are the foregoing lines to be looked at In a free and American State? Mortuonlsm, ns generally and formerly explained, gives every member mem-ber a free right to voice his sentiments. senti-ments. The idea contained in the above If expressed in Russia would cause tbe serfs to blush for the Czar's despotism. The above answer to the Euquirsr Is from the pen of I). P. Felt, editor of the Springvllle Independent. Mr. Felt is a Latter Day Saint and a Republican, Re-publican, and so Is the editor ot the Provo Enquirer. Yet there Is quite a difference in the way they view matters. mat-ters. The Enquirer says In effect that no one has a right to think for hl-uself and be a Latter Day Saint. The Independent claims that he can be an Amerlcau as well as a Mormon. Mor-mon. Editor Felt Is right and his position will meet the hearty endorsement endorse-ment of ninety per cent of the Mormon Mor-mon people. The Enquirer says in substance one may resist an objectionable rule or practice but he needn't think of remaining re-maining In the church if he does so; then when he leaves the church he has no right to say an j thing about its rules. In other words be can't oppose them without leaving the church and then of course he cannot. Whoever heard of such an Iron-clad proposition in a "land of the free and home of the brave" so-called? The missionaries who go out Into the world will do more good In preaching Felt's version of Mormon-ism Mormon-ism thad that promulgated by the Enquirer. Logan Journal. We thank Brother Warren for his encouraging appreciation of our opinions opin-ions of this matter, and while The Independent Is non-partisan to a de-free de-free that Its editor can be called a Republican, he is aud always has been a Democrat. Tae most disgraceful mal-admlnl-tration of Justice that has appeared on the court dockets of Utah has Just been entered by the verdict In the Morris bribery case. The grand Jury had Just grounds when It brought In Indictments against Morris and his coterie of rogues, every one of whom are guilty, and should have Wen found so and made to 'do a term" in the penitentiary. Everyone knows they are guilty, and it Is hoped they are Indelibly branded they ought to lie jo plainly that social, pdttlrl. corumwrciiil and ecc'einsrlcal ostra cism would be their late, and more marked than iud they paid for their rascality by bein convicted. It is hard to understand just what position the editor of the S inuvilie Independent takes in reg.ird to the manifesto. Wc thought be was for-ninst for-ninst it by perusins; former issues ot his paper, and be now reads us into a heated place for so intimating and says he has a ticket the other way. We will leave him to work out bis own salvation, but will say in conclusion conclu-sion that the people are stiil suspicious sus-picious of his course. Enquirer. Wk are thankful to be lelt to wi': out our own salvation, for if tie: rV-quirerhadthe rV-quirerhadthe work in band it wo .! I be hard to tell where we would In-landed In-landed Regarding our position on the manifesto, Muff sed. We never have been forninst it. See! The Weekly Enquirer lias come to hand in all its odoriferous sanctity of "non-pariisanslii)'! and general holiness holi-ness ':). It appears to be a sort, of a whited sepulchre, w ith a kind of a faint halo encircling the brow of its editorial director. The well known Enquirer snarl is to lie noticed on every page. Everything, everybody aud all that is Democratic, is subject to its snappish attentions, even in church matters.-. fas. K Hall is a ''chinch dissenter-' becu: se lie is a Democrat. q The Inst week's issue or the Castle Valley News was brought-out last week under the management of Will W. Hatch and John V. Long. Judging Judg-ing from the appearance of the sheet, we believe they will publish a paper deserving the support of the people -f Price and surrounding country. Wc hope, that they will Hatch up a good business and remain Long with their present undertaking. SruiNoviLLE has again shown a spirit of progress by the live interest shown In music. The recently organized organ-ized class in vocal music by Mr. R. IJ. George was at the close of the convention conven-tion supplemented by another immediately imme-diately of nearly double t lie membership. member-ship. Springville is strictly up to date In everything from pretty girls to the divine art. And now Salt Lake has another sensation, which, if possible, is on a par with the Durrant case of San Francisco iu many particulars. It seems that religion is used to cover more of the most dastardly crimes aud criminals thau any other agent. This latest church edifice crime promises to be a most complicated aud seusa-tioual seusa-tioual case. Vol. 1, No. 3 of the Piute Pioneer has reached our table. It is a five column folio published weekly at Marysvale and is edited by J. F. Brunei!. It is a neat, newsv sheet. deserving of the support of the neoDle of Piute County. The Independent hopes that the Pioneer may prove a success. Thk Utonian, whose home was Heaver City, but now is Provo, is again a welcome visitor at this ofilee. It will be published weekly by R. Maesar. Wc wish you success in your new home. All Treo. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity op-portunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen A Co., Chicago, Chi-cago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's N'ew Life, Pills free, as' well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which Is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Dr. C. J. Pet ersou's Drug Store. NEWS NOTES. Al. Grosehcek arrived home Sunday, from Deep Creek, where lie has several promising mining claims. Mrs. Snow has had her house re-shlngled, re-shlngled, and Is having it plastered. Geo. Heardall Is the mechanic who Is doing the work and Is making a neat job of It. Last Wednesday morning a small excitement was created by a runaway horse which was ridden by a small boy of Mr?. Hanson's. In turning a corner the loy was thrown off but luckily was not hurt. Unwjvtaled Sorvioe-Denver Sorvioe-Denver to Chicago via Kansas City Is given via the Union Pacieic and Chicago and Alton Railways. Through Pullman Sleepers, Tull. roan Dining Cars and Free Reeling Chair Cars leave Denver dally. The Union Pacific Is the great through car lino of the west. Ask your nearest ticket agent for tickets via this lino. "E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass. iodTkt. Ajrt. Omh, Nek In combination, proportion and process Hood's Siirs.'iparilla is peculiar to itself, and uuequalled in true merit. No other medicine ever possessed so much curative power, or reached such enormous sales, or made such wonderful won-derful cures, us Hood's Sarsnparill:). It is undoubtedly the best iru dicme ever made to purify, vitali...; and enrich en-rich the blood. That is the secret of its success'. Rend this .-tatcrneut: " When my son waa 7 years cf age, ho hfid rheumatis fever aud acute rheumatism, rheuma-tism, which settled iu hU left liip. He was so eiek that no cna thought thero was any help for him. Five sores broke out on his thigh, which the doctor said were soroa. We had three different doctors. Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to bt cut open and the bone scraped, before he could get well. Howard became so low that he would eat nothing, and one doctor doc-tor said there was no chance for him. "One day, a newspaper recommending Hood's BarHanarilln wm left at our door. We decided to try this medicine. Howard wmmeneed taking itthe last of February, after having been nick lor a year and a half. He hadn't taken it a week before I saw that his appetite began to improve, and then he gained rapidly. I gave him five bottles, when the sores wereall healed and they never broke out again. The crutches he had UHcd for four years were laid aside, as he had no further use for them. I give all tbe credit to Hood's Rar-saparilla." Rar-saparilla." Mrs. Ada L. Moody, Fay Street, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that fU Sarsaparilla Is the Onu True Wood Pttriflnr. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by V. I. Hood & Co., Iwell, Mass. , rMl c"rc 'lver Ills; easy to tlOOu S PUIS take, easy to operate. 2EC CHIEF OF SIX NATIONS. Harriet Hiuwcll Convert Posieue Hob- or of a IIih Character. There are very few people even in New York who know that one woman Who moves prominently among them in society is a chief of six nations of Indians. Indi-ans. This woman is Mrs. Harriet Maxwell Max-well Converse, daughter of Thoinai Maxwell, of Elmira. She is prominent in art circles, a shining light among literary lit-erary people and an active club woman. In 1804 Mrs. Maxwell's father, for tome act of bravery, waa admitted into the Deer clan of the Senecas, and later his daughter was invited to uttend the death council held in Buffalo at the reinterment re-interment of the remains of Bed Jacket and five chiefs of the Iroquois. Thia BAKBIXT MAXWbXL OOKTEB8. ceremony was under the auspices of the Buffalo Historical society. In token of the Indian friendship for her she wai immediately thereafter adopted into the family of the chief Tho-no-se-wa, a descendant of Red Jacket. "From the time I was adopted until the present day," said Mrs. Converse to a reporter recently, 1-I have zealonsly watched over their rights and interests, and w hen summoucd not long ago to appear before them at their government council house in Allegheny, as a reward, re-ward, I was taken into the Sene:a nation na-tion and given the name of Ya-ie-wa-noh, 'Our Watcher.' I was then assigned as-signed to a rightful place in the councils coun-cils of the Seneca Indians. The Seneca, Sene-ca, you know, are subject to the authority of the Onondagaa, because the Onondaga have been the law makers' of the Iroquois from the traditional tradi-tional beginning of the league. Lately I was called before the Onondaga at their reservation near Syracuse and there received the distinguished title ot honorary member of the six nations." I Tho apartment that Mrs Converse calls her "den" in her handsome New York house is a most interesting museum. muse-um. The walla are covered with Indian Indi-an relies and the cases are filled with all kinds of curios. Of the two hundred brooches owned by her, one is a badge of the secret medicine society and is the only one of its kind now in existence. It contains sixteen symbols, all known to the members of this society; is hammered ham-mered out of the native silver, and snp posed to be very ancient On one end of her desk hangs a tobacco pouch and knife scabbard that once belonged to Eed Jacket They are made of buck-kin buck-kin and sewed with deerskin sinew. The U. S. Gov't Reports thow Royal B&klnf Powder ivperlor to all others. YOU CAN GET A Largor Loa AND P.ETTHK IULEAD AT Whitehead Bros'. R!ew Bakery Fresh Bread Daily Dress Making MISS LOr&E llOaiCK has opened parlors in the Greosbcri; IHock, up-staiis, where she will tie pleased to meet her friends and patrons who desire work done in the Latest Fasbioiis anil Best Workmansliip SPRING VILLE, UTAH. J. A. REYNOLDS, PR8P- PRICES FOIL CASH. Sutra r, 10 lbs $1 Pioneer Tea half pound lb Coffee. Lion or Arbuckles per pkg Sardines per can Oysters per can Corn per can Snap 7 tars Fresh bread 'i loaves Oat Flake "lbs Riee41bs llaisins 5 lbs .00 Closing out at cost ROOTS. SHOES ROYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS. COR. MAIN and HUNTINGTON STS. , Si'Rixon i luo, - Utah MY. Grocery Co. J. R. BOSHARD, M?r GREEN AND FANCY GROCERIES FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS, Ftc. Smith & Wilson Cigar Factory In rear. PROVO, - - - UTAH Wheeler & Child have moved their business to the residence of Thomas Child, three blocks Eat of Carter & Sons's blacksmith shop, where they will be found on hand to attend the public wants in their line of business Collins and caskets made to order. Hoping to gain a share of the public pub-lic patronage in the future as we have in the past, we remain, yours truly. Wheeler & Childs. iCirieSreeL blamI, Will do your work while you wait, and at the riyht price. IN STOCK Plows, Cultivators, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, and Tools. Extras for all Mowers. Give him a oall-next tha Bank. SPRINGY ILL UTAH. Shoes Mended! S. P. C, LARSON THE SHOEMAKER. Try a Meud: Next Door to Wood Mer. Co. H J. Gkant, Jon.N IIbnhv Smith. I'ros. Vlee-rrei. J. P. (Jk ant. Secy, and Treiix. OlHKCTORS John Henry Smtlh, Hrber J. liruiiC. J. V. drum., H. K, lit-mit, Nullum Srum. GRANT SOAP GO. OFFICE t FCTORY 751 To 781 I io WEST Sr Mimufaotii-tfrsof Wall Grade Laundry Anil Toilet Soups. SPECIALTIES- BEEHIVE. F.LECT1UC nl Re LAtTNORY. Hck HiviToikkt: PIN'E TAK. PERFECT.FLOATINQ CA8TII.I.E. mid COMMERCIAL BAR. J. F. CRANT, Mo. Salt Lakk City : : Utaii Abstracts of Title made to any City lots or farm lands la Utah county by Havercamp & Co., Provo. Leave 'order with James Caff try. OR ER GROCERY TilBY HaY8 A Successor to PEOYO L. M, & B, CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Lumber, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, Rustic Siding,T and G Flooring,Shingles, Lath, Paints and Builders' Hardware, LUMBER SAWED AND DRESSED TO ORDER SCROLL SAWIKG- AND TURNING DONE- UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT. Combination wire and Slat, Fence. D.R.BEEBE.Mgr. OlH -e ami Y;ml n;,p. K. H. Dt'IK't. Tch'pliom: X". 20. I'. O. F...X li, l'ROVO GO THE Prov o Hardware & Iron Co., FOR THE Match less Majestic Range. AND ALL KINDS OF Special attention to mail or telephone orders. Telephone 5fo. 49. PROVO HARDWARE & IRON CO Provo Gity taber Go., M A N U FA CT U RE RS O F COMBINATION FENCE of Everv description, DPALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, MOULDINGS, PAINTS, OILS, Hardware, Lime, Plaster, Hair, AND CEMENT POR HALE'S PAINTontlTOnDHBSSlNO "77". T. R.OBS, Manager. Francis M 5iell, LESSEE jHIvlIIG- CO, Manufacturer of and Dealer in REGAL PATENT, ROYAL, ROSE HUD. GRAHAM. GERMADE, CORN MKAL, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED FEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Grinding a Specialty. Cash paidfor wheat. MILL OPPOSITE SPRING CREEK. 7Utxx. Roylanoe SELLS BICTCLES and bicycle sundries, and repairs wheels on short notice. He invites you to call and see him. Springville - Utah. R-A.DIA.L, President. nTnr u. i. ii.nau.Li.uB, v ice-rremaent. priRejuiffe : BaeHiHg : o. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. 0,plt,l Stools. 03O,OOO. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold and derm Its received subject to check. l ivo per cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding quarterif Monef always on hand for short time loans. The Independent HOT Largo Stock of Ladies aists -AT Dial Bros. St SVlEftDENHALL . B. L. OUMMINGS.Oashitr For Job Printing |