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Show t e S " ! t ! PS ft V ':' ; t'-i VOL. 5. NO. 43. UTAH.''!" 1 ' ;- t $8.00 PEH iiAR. K r3 d . Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report f 1 V', A JM fc3 PTEs. SPEAT YCUS TKIE.3. . , ,; The Pretext Eorticultiual Law Eaacteibyi the Lest Lsgtslatnie. Sec. l.-A State Board of Horti-1 culture i hereby created to eunsist of a president who shall be appointed by j " ' s..v of the Seriate, and one meuibcr from each county, to be appointed by the board of county commissioners; provided, pro-vided, that their comnensation does not exceed three dollars per day for each day actually engaged jn the discharge dis-charge of their official duties, and they must be practical hot ticuitur- ists. The board of county commissioners commis-sioners may, upon the recommendation recommenda-tion of the county inspector, appoint deputy inspectors when necessary, and their compensation shall not exceed ex-ceed $2.50 per day for the time actually actu-ally employed, which shall be certified to before the board of county commissioners. com-missioners. It shall be the duty of cue ijiL-siuenu lo presiue ataiimeei-i ings when in his judgment it is necessary nec-essary to call a convention of the inspectors, which shall not be oftener than once a year, and also direct, instruct in-struct and compel the inspectors to carry out the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. Prior to April 10th of each year, aM and every orchard and vineyard vine-yard shall be thoroughly cleansed of all dead leaves and otherdebria which bhall be destroyed by tire. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every owner, occupant or person in charge of any orchard, vineyard or nursery within the State to disinfect all fruit trees, bushes or vines that are infested with any kind of fruit destroying insects, their larvae or their pupa;, etc., that are injurious to fruits, by spraying , with a poisonous solution or disinfectant of sufficient strength to destroy such insects, their larvae or their pupa?; provided, that .no such disinfection shall be done while said trees, vines or bushes are in bloom. Sec. 4. The duties of the fruit tree inspectors of each county shall be to serve or cause to be served a printed notice or mail the same to every owner, occupant or person in charge; said notices shall state time or limes when it is proper to disinfect the trees, bushes and vines; also give formulas to be used for their disinfection; disinfec-tion; said notices shall be signed by the inspector serving or mailing such notice and he shall note in the stub the names of the persons so notified and the date upon which such notice was served or mailed. Sec. 5. Each county inspector shall annually between the first day of February and the last day of August inspect every orchard, vineyard or nursery in his county if the board of county commissioners deem necessary, . and shall annually report to the president pres-ident of the board of horticulture and to the board of county commissioners on or before the first day of January of each year every item of interest pertaining to his office. Sec. 6. The board of county commissioners com-missioners are hereby authorized to provide for, and pay for the printing of notices and all matters pertaining to the departments of their respective counties. Sec. ".Any person or persons spraying trees, bushes or vines for hi.re shall obtain a certificate from the board of county commissioners and be under the control of the county coun-ty inspector who may call in his certificate cer-tificate for violation of the law and shall be subject to section eight of this act. Sec. 8. Any person who shall in any manner hinder or Interfere with a duly appointed inspector in the performance per-formance of his duties, or any inspector inspec-tor or persons who shall neglect or fail to comply with any of the provisions provis-ions of this act, Rhall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 9. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This act shall take effect upon approval. Approved April 5, 1396. Chngi of Climitt Failed. Miss Ella Hills, the popular and i fahlouable dress designer of 08 West 0&?kt ft fffcK j at 3.-d S- nth Street, Salt Lake C'.ty tys; " I suffered with asthma almost as hinK as , rail lvmcillb(T, wimilier un(, winter alike. My breathing was so difficult at. time it. seemed I could i n,.t i;.- , ,.... ,... i... t would be eon fined to my room. ' 1 nave visueti many in acre in i.'ieai mcs and heal til resort'., in the hope that a j '--'an Maicuottii lias come lo iter pen- change of climatic conditions would!'',';.:""' . , . ,. , , . . ,, , , ii'-:-."K in the change from a ler- rclieveme, but all in vain. It is al- ( riUirUi , ., ..,,. K,,v limi.,u, lh,,v most needless to say that 1 have tri'-d : ei,,iui i . . : i arising di-mand of ail cit 1- niany remedies, but not until I began Doctor Vs. W. Shores Catarrh Cure uud Cough (Jure, did I receive anv permanent relief. 1 will take 'us: ure m recommending this grand remedy to those suiTering." For bale by C. J. l'eterwni Spriujfvilh: Utah. Horrible Accident on tin P.. 0. "W. The boiler of engine No. 142 on train ii. 20 running between lb;per:ed the following art icies of truths: and drand Junction exploded at; Lower Crossing, WV oru-d,iy, at 5 o'i'lock in the afternoon. intantly i killing Conductor Matt Caniibell and! Brakeinan Salisbury, and seriously if ; not fatally injuring Engineer II. , Knold, Fireman Keeder. Mr. Kiml 1 is a brother of Wm. Knold. an engineer engin-eer on the Tintic branch. Tie ac-i-1 iient w;is cau.-ed ny wal r runuing low iu the boilers. Later news announces Mr. Knold is not seriousiv hurl; in fact, is around with slight bruises only. Tree Pills. Send your address to II. E. Bueklen CO.. cnicag.i, an. i get a I ret' sample box of Dr. Kin;:'.-- Ni'iv Life l'i'is. A trial will convince you of their merits These jiills are e.;-y in aeti.ni and a;, particularly CiTeclive in the cui'c of Constipation and Sick .Headache. For Malaria ami Lier troubles t hey have been proved ir.valu.iole. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free, from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not '.waken '.wak-en by their action, but by giving Unw to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate invig-orate the system. Regular sie 2Jk per box. Sold by Dr. C. -J. lVtorsn's Drug Store. JOTTINGS. 'Say Ned, that is a fine photcgn!;di. who took it?" "Why Ed. Ainkiv.-n, of course." Mr John A. Hobbs. the genial prop-prietor prop-prietor of the Creamery is iw tntini, looking up his business affairs Enoch IlniUz hits mad" his ad'..-:it. in trie ranK.s ot wneeliucn, lie i:a new Dellance. Do Nov Dk.-pmu hecaiise yoa have trier! ni'tnv nieii ie i ne.i ami li'it-e :':iil i and have failed : Remember that , to receive beneiir. Hood's Sarsapariila cures when others fail to do any go.nl wiialew. Hood's Rills are the Pest f.uoiiy cathartic and liver medicine. Harmless, Harm-less, reliable, sure. flow to I'reat a Wife. Pacific Halilt JixiiU'il: l-'ir-t. get a wife; second, he patient. You may have great, trials and perplexities in your business, but do not t herefore, carry to your home, a cloudy or contracted con-tracted brow. Your wife may have trials, which, though of less magnitude, magni-tude, may be hard lor her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of Cliaio'o. r-lain's r-lain's Cough Reniedv in the bouse It is the best and is sure to b needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you really care for her and wish to protect her health. For sale by Meneray & Co. An f ra of l a n.-:-l.' J ',Vorun. Su:san 15. An'h :r.- is nf thu opinion that we (ire. in t'i" v re ,' an iraof tin-marrit:.l tin-marrit:.l v.o:m.a O ,c civilintion, slit says, is c!i:v: n I ia'crMer cannot l supported ut 1: v.i and there i nothing noth-ing 'there to busy them. Tho wnim-n uited t.) up! ii nnd wenvo, mke enrpetJi and st:ap, but How all tlmt is done f.yr theni in the factories. Young men lo not ma'.ti' coough money to Rnpport their wives, an 1. there it su li a craze for disaipation amonfr tbem that tin women would riUier go into a tr 'or aluHMtt nothing fat t j nuirry. Ths Springvil'e Damwrasy (Vis fr ' crxia Plwss aci Diagraias of th? Mamfwto. , Til" l.'IMi.C!MtS of S.;riii!Vi!U UiOi I i.i I. ti,.;y i-,r.v,ri.ti-i!! 1 ,il 'l'uesda.v j cfiii.i-,- asiil iiiler (!'.! dfha ; I I u:-.d a !t resold!".;; akint; fi-1 i i.i.'f.' ii.fht oii the mainfert'o i),isioei, j j Tlio f'i:idviiij n-'olui inijs weiQ ad pte.i afier a jr:itet from II. T,'! ! K. ynoh's aul Wliln K. Jo'.iiwou, i tii' se two alo:i'' v itin-j in t-U-j itc'O-i i The p-wrraey of .S'irinifville in I I'riiiiary ( '.in co! ion ass:oii iile,!, ill; I yiatilud ' to an allwise Creator and a jtist regard f-s.- the welfare of all tucui 'do ih .j:lida:. of Ma', itf',:;i. i-fiii-i'i- j Ulh r and a i tlii' 1 1 ' J iWIIUJJ . j by the patriotic and un- iimii-' atiors of the Jemooraev o! ; .en-I lu ir I'mi and complete allegiance ; to t lie !:i.v Mat vVhi-iva-. then' lias been iiudareji different c-iiisi i ncl ions , laced uivmi' I tin- afH !ii:ig of the late manii'iio. ! ; s'waiini, 'j-.,;i(! iiv the Church of j. .!i'MH l.a'.ter . .samU by ! t- 1-iih charch arid inm-church ineuiln rs ; 'j1 and s", Whr-ivae. the Democratic party of: : Utah in i c-corivcned convention at'j"' Sail Luke Cit v. ():!. 22nd. IJ'Sta. ailonl- (Here fo!i;,ws the declarations refer - red lo.) " - - - Ami whereas, that grand old Amer- j ', ican .citizen. Wilf ird WoodruiT. as i . pr.'sideui of the Church of Jesus I - Christ, of L-.tler Day Saints, did iiiike fZ-. answer lo the following questions. j , rV, te.-wit: '.-:.: J.'.- Qei" 1 ion I lot the rh'.ireh rluI'M't 1p ! i ril in I-t I-t .ti.-tiiitt to lis Uit'iii Oi i-s iii iHilkicc) iijat-; '(-r:? - . Kv. -v ). rmi w In. slieil si, ft' or Answer-I'he ehureh tines not clulm any i !! in rwi m !. .-'lin , .i . u: liii.-h v ;)( i ,,.r '' r'sht. ' feil-ii-.-.l i.iiii :! ii.-mi ni- le-i.-in pi.,t hl.-d ,,t- V.- 1 Inn. hi'Hia tine, r.re w to ini.ie.s!iie. lt..,.vn ; fiol.-n-.e .:tnei . .11-,. or o that tie .-liuieii will nut ii-s.-rt, anv r.'aiil 'olVa-ei il'e-. t,i, '..!-. itn v. i.i I. -1., ..'.u -...-. c-mitrol t e) rikht to e.in'tol ile; i.oiit leiil 1 1' a-.-. 1011 of i he ii.-i.i? i r- in th" fuiun-'f ft A. T.i:" S -,t ii:ii. wish to Ctinvt-y, tlill'i h-ite o,i uii..f,;and. .- oi.-.-rs of Umi, chu.-i-it v,e Ui.-e!aiiu lh,;ri.ht. 10 -.ntr.il :h( j '.-1 ptiiitieal aeti.ni of i he 1.1. nilito of our hotly, j ckv An.l wiiereas, tue liiiaiieia! condi- tioi!tii in.; htate. hue that of the va! p. ins M'ir.-reii fnost crinaj- IV 1 hroiigh 1 lie tlelii'.n:.'ti;',nl ion ilver i:i I 'T.'i !.v. which can V I he Reo lil.l. on'v !..( aided i. .is. :ii iiiei j,at inn. Tiierefotf he it ib's ilveii. that we acknowledge Mutlj.ffH'if'iaii. Divine hand nf wNlom yuiditigjtbvMi1-' "-'''r- W-'-.-r'! - rof s-vnnirviii... ill S.ali IlOoCi to Liall, ranee Anii-mliiiif 'it.-,- X V t,f (l.e la-vN, .1 itt'-oi'.eu, i.n.ii we eiuior.se and reaffirm re-affirm the prineipies euiinci.iti'd at tic ic-conven.-d (Jgdeii conventii-n; llesolved, i ,;. t a complete separation separa-tion of Church and Slate is es-o-niinl ; to t lie ei ni ! lined '-XistenOi' i;fa Ref.'il-i Ref.'il-i lie.i'i Pu in of (.'.vei inio-nt, aiei to the i coiii inuny of the p.afeful vxi-tentv : .,f any c'niiicl) within such a tepubiie i as the I'ni'.ed Slate!,: I It -solved, that the" State is indebted I to the Christian churches as riont!- izir.g agencies, and it. is only moral ree.ij-Hicit.v that Christian mm"'..n, whose. wh;de time is umleti by t!v ir ehuiclit's. sh.iiid be excuse. I from such ot !nT dU! ICS as woulo sei 'ioli-ly impair !li.-ir luefuim-ss as minister-K minister-K it tit' crmrclvs owe the did y lo t he Slate to designate the claws of lhir miiii-feis they fb-jire to be I'tctr.ed iioai any m.im , ion, si:: . ,'o ,'.ih 'i.i-- iglO). ...ni. i.-.t to a'-y oi.'h .!e-.::;.ai e:l win-never ;e-.t.'! ;e,iii7-, iv, i ii i.r ant di-eiini- j ilKII ;-. i I i!-'-;e,-. latevi r: 1. t hat we re,,'. ted 111-- ' ,- Cillle I on r i -.miciI i.v t or the Church . I .'liter Dav S i:': lid cii'i:.-!'. . ' ;.iy he ie--.-i:o mini tr -1 1 ,i .. o oeouliV SO''! S: iu,, 1 'h: ; (' I'-. I c.;i:oi :o . i'S ot?! . . i ,'). !'-. - .M e. i'Cted t ions as m.i y nun:! ir t heir u as luillisl ei-.', of the (i .-':.n I, only regret, that th.-v ii'.'n ,,i t he clashes of elujrrh oilie o 1 1 sire to have excused i i..;o a tiv S'.ate, and m li..re thai a, I ;. j ia our ii..w Si, ito are willing '. even curtesy t.n anv chun-li l It It, ; liee s to! c!:ii'-ei .i!Vio-'e-, vheneve" ! it, will eXoh'. 0 lis ije, ie in sueh p.rr-i ( ". i'S w 1. 1 ea 1 1 sc ur p it i-. t . ;, . j, i , i -: . ! - : 1 hat there ".m i,0 f,' . ;.; ; ; , i ., , . i ,,, i i by tin' church, in an sirs ': .M :!. ! between any imli i. ;tl p.iriie.; ami b. , if lin t her I Hi Resolved th,;! ih cu ,-: i ie-s-.n ioi j ii.ii-: i o i. f ue ! ... . being the p,iiatv,;i:,t America;! p. oph . w. ib-tiri!! 1 'lip f I and unlimited cutng. of bci h s.'v.-.- and (told into pi i n r- !oo,..o' .!' mi i-i i-i male redempt eni at 1 1 a . t it i i ..f in i o j 1 and that we elect camliuaies o'i'v M the State ant .vniona! nuivipSK who are willing to and do pl.-.r themselves to work for such coi!,;..'e of Silver and io!d alike its primary money. AN ORDINANCE, An;niNfi ('n in:ri XV or tiik Ithmh 'IIDts- .-. or s cm. I i.i v. Ih' II. no la: I !. ll,.. Mat,, ! :o, 1 I'iM tani. ll of ,--il'0.;'t lle lino C,,., . ,,. the It. 'V i-.i-i 1 1 Ii -10 : ,., of S,i:i l t all.- '.! . . ,. the siiira. u l,i-i-, l.t uiinsieh i so ,n i IVlUl i., lis foil. nt Seei i.ai l. Tl.t ttKhail hi. h.t.oliilMl hv lie f'uy Coiia.-ll of s.ii In-,- 111. ,n, ,,;, , , -year, u Hi.k 'Ins t olle.-ior ttlm-hi.ll ,.. r a uei .Ii,li,-sa ar, pi,,t ,-., pv t. ,.,n ,..i.,, of tll'.i ell-i'tl,.., an, 11,-', ; lieli'i.fl. i i. linpos.-. 1HK..1 hlin I v i.r.leniii.''.. pi !.! ,. i. , ,. lo Hipeoll.i-tlotiof ii ila-r inx 'till. In I ne ei' y li' fchall iniilic ii full iokI e.,i,,(;,.i,' n-coi-i i.f his iilllelul iliiliu-.. io th,- cli y , -mm. ' lo..nt li h ' i iMer on tin- thlr.l Monilii v In S.- . :.i tier of I'H.-h dnil I'f.ov year un.l !mU i.-v ovrrone hulf ul ihw tii.jnli.t 'lttt-lved hy l.liii i ' ; 'li'ii i H I r 1 v' 'UiOil'v t :.-iiimie.; of ". . ,.iil1.i . i, I in- .!':. I I'Miu ., j.i ! -a '. nJii.e ::!; t.x.T t.s- : i) irn'v lor. ( . t) ' ll, .'il .' : -TV llili i I'll. !..t!,:l.,, "' (in- i;n I'- i.'!lll) I'll lul'll'.ii-. Ills ri'y i r i ri . i i I , ' i i i .' : ; : -- !:s Vli ' i.' -tn: , ir''ji! !' .' a " llilSlS!!'!;!;; rOt' -,l!l..:t !'' I -inv.l it . : v ;.i:i- Or l.r I- -llO i! ir : i.-tvtiSi.- pl.-tii-..v .-I.,--;, hi f, It- .r .-, -.-; t. f,i,-.,:s)., .1 ' i :!'! !: -!i li:tll !. l.-.o'-i V Mini! .-( :-i: i-..-:j. :ii.i:i! - v i t ! i the ') i :(',-. ilf .!(' i-,-v:is!-M all i" I Ii- 'In: t of Itn- 'Olv '!'-ix -S-...II as pi-. -c-f'v-t-l- lift. ? Hie Ni "I'l e.-ri -- I e ,;,v ,-f lulv. "i ' .V"' '' l l-'' i: -ill il.. 1' -I Il ls ii, c 'l-.lillf S-"' l fl.'l i ni'. if e.-iiilie-l.- i I. il i i Ml. Of I , ,l. " f ' i. ' 1 1 y 1 h'.y !" 1 uli p..kl , :0 III- lI -oyii I ;.5 1 in cnsii (l. (.'.iir. i .::! hv H'in i ill." .!-si; I ' i. :!1 ll. i I ii i 'i.o ll: -'v.'i : i it i in v-1,ur I ; ' .'i-i itt I . .0 !!?! V.'jJ H I iiy A 1 ; !:' 'Ki'!i'. if ll.,- .in, a-14 i-i ..-I. -:i--li .ij-. .ij-. ' i : n i: ' r.in i-i -vv ..- I -r Hi.- Is .'a-, .. . ..'O :i n-1 wi.l.i.:i ' i'U- I : il.i'A l;tl-i,' l;tl-i,' v I ".r l inns I iie (l.iv;:' It II! I'l-Teor re v .., -r, t fi ir - li.eir- tin- IL.: T:i 'It ! he .-.-I in e; "i limy ;:i-.-.1.1. ir:- I- fur.. ;if!: : I -in. 1 1 :0 Ml nolle :.:.! e-,e J -11 ,l,e f - ... .-p V I :: ii r--. i 1 1 ' .i:ilj. .e :l I:.l 'e ;ii-!i i :iv, r '-ai-:.. 0 i, i 1 ! I'" i ti ' e fie.ai.i ! . r '.i -:' V l:n;v IH- e ' i- - reitii ..f ti- i I- ' ::i' mi )!" : -- ; e. I. ii.. i. in'.e '. , l. .i i. et . I:.-. I:.-. ' 1 '! Of ii -, . . - i'!.f n :ir i lie in - Je-!' c- ! '' e : i.. I i.f -::i::i i "I h.v net 1 i r. i i -r line .t-el: O, nn j i . i-.in. i-.in. line., :ii, nr ( f. . -. 1 lie :.,-i ii, e. i- f. ;'t .'i-i- ju nem t, .hit!! ),'jirive :i ! Ji-' :.f i!j,-ei!:ii- m- , ,tt t Jt' r-ei ,- 'I IT-' II J!!.?. I. ,KI.! II i l-.-.l. (.i-.n'tv " ' '' '''" IMfl ee'.t'iel i.,n tli.-i-ei'.j .- ! . ie.i.l:- I ... t'.e- I:. :,-,y ,-ii , v 1: ! ii ::l 1 i ! I - - i -.. I . , . I.I '.' -MH-fU wa.t, oi'ulli-vlii this ..i ai.-l t M-H H'; a .'t.li-ill .'t.li-ill any ! i r to :t I ,! '. oi- e.iiil., Illls.'l.f lifly : ll iiiie!!i-i in it r-i -, i-.a v neit' lino-' t-e,-. t.teilil.. l.ll I.f : i pr . iv:-'i' fiom i.eul t-1 : t ' . iiii'.l im: fin t.iililiMit U fil liin: f n 'a rtinniie: al Ian.'.-, ei. !.i'o.-i..ni:u ion have I- . n ( hour- ti.ar ..r hlled I- ' ' liit'."-P! ' in- eh y . i xeet th" uic'.y i.,ivli .1. n.:ij he .-.lain hy r.uy p.--r.vti. i;-.ai..- of ''tali. tironi.-in.-iii or s;jr.ivij... nnwil ,y t ily ( o.m -itofsBiilji v. A;.ni 2ti. Hafi. 1.1 1 ie-. -jj-V.h... ,,f. ( ,ve Ie rami!. ra-mi!. . s--- n.v iianil ati'l iotii-i th" SEAI.1 i--a! of -,:o, ,-ily. hi, ;':), (Jltv. )lf Ajii'll, A. p.. ., A. .(. Socin-.t'ie.K, .'iiy Keem-.i. r. -- i . Ve .-.'' ' -, 'A l-v. v.-."'-'-.i rfrh"ijrTfj'B M i...-. - '-. ..! j.-.- - " p; v s 1 -' ' i ; v i : , - .r ni"! ,, ; .v,.t: U v..' r e i y o i Oi t - '. : l.i.i-!... ' 7 :ui- -Vst( ;, '. !. jl.' he 'i is in Al ce: i to" :. !'.'-". '. i iv i ; w , J"- ' j ; Wi. ": n t..:.t il-'ll Uic I.i. ii a i.i ir h' T.iCJ oi.:;: e; L.' i I iV,'-' . 'it t.e-ie -fli.-'o 'l AIXM? . ''.U'P :!.Aro; v, i. -. '! -he It i.i l:tu-.ct j ..i.i ti, t'i ie i. P'le.'i'M; l!:Ua!.e'A' LAiON. You'll f ifti i i . .MAIM' 'N find the 1- i.i i. i a t , Pi'.'Ka..r. .no,; t)r it. J. U. ZeilJu it Co., I,lii!iitel,.j.i.i, KEW SUEE1 Till' If, !ci. Ildt'lit h:i- ,'i nice s, lee-tion lee-tion of the newest sh, . t eli--ie, c(,n-sistmg c(,n-sistmg Of tut.gs,' din t Is. oil il lettes, etc, , all i.f which i.. c .ps filled and the be.st out. Eldent-llflthy? I uhoulJ any It u Why, thcru'it vnly been ou doath here in ten yearn. Visitor Who . it died? Reildmt -Dr. BurUer; died of turf-lion. turf-lion. Life. A I'oro. MfUille tumbled dovt nRtoiri and cot-red cot-red Muitr'f wdlU ncrnl- In and bruie. "Hut I don't ear," 1." oai 1, proudly; "peoplo'U think I've bein iu a footbalJ j ; j j " IT IS IMPORTANT for the tannin nf j Springville to understand that we lead all ! others in importing and selling at wholesale and retail general merchandise, such as Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Ladies' Wraps, Notions, Carpels, Curtains, Linoleums, Staple and Fancy Groceries, CROCK RRY, CLASSWARE, CHINA, RAMI'S, etc., ROOTS, SHOES, IMFA Saud HOY'S CROTIIINti, ROY'S and CHILDREN'S HATS and CARS, MIII.L1NKUY, TRIMMED HATS, STRAW GOODS, iFARDWAIIR, STOVES, KANCES, FENCE WIRE, TOOLS, etc. I-I 1 0 i -"Vns-, rovo, 3itm O BARGAINS BARGAINS! n ft f b a u."ui asau wJLs W iPliiiir PltOVO, UTAH, Havti Received for Spring Trade " 'f ie. drooin and Pailor Furniture, .I.i. Mi ai ds i.i Carpets, .Viii nans of Lace Cm tains, .Swiss Curlaius, Irish Point, PUioo Roll., (, Wall Paper, I Cur Chicago Cottage Organs, 1 Car Emerson Pianos, I Car Universal Sloves and Steel Ranges. Call and see these goods, get their prices and you are sure to buy. Provo pleat Go. Flirijihire Jvlx COMPLETE Cured LIWES IVIcfts Of all kinds. Highest Cash Price paid for fat live stock. -I CK.STKK TltEET, PKOVO - - - - UTAH. Dr. IIOLDAWAY DKNTIST. . EOCM 6. BANE BDILDINO, . . Are prepared to do all kinds of lainless Dentistry, Including the latest lat-est Crown uud l'.i idge Work. Treatment of Oral Dlseanes a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed ynoids & Co. Shirt Waists AT- Utah. ros. Co. Grain Taken Id Exchange for Goods. Molen, Reynolds & Co. SPRINGVILLE - - UTAH. lam prepared to furnish Brick or adobies in any quantity at bedrock prices. I will make good all brick broken or those which prove to be too soft for use, when coutract calls for first class brick. KVAt the old Cook & Frlel yard, south of Springville. J. W. FR1EL. .' |