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Show DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' COMPLETE ATARRH URE. BOTH LOCAL 3 AXI IXTEUXAL. The only rcnedy guaranteed to absolutely cure catarrh and o mpl. le ) criidicr.to the i.caM Irum the Llwid and Astern FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c. Each full vie paikape ci iiteim ooe lull month's U.ca! ireaiment, one full m..i:ih' in i ly ot Caiarth tieul.ng Baltii anJ une full month's iun''y of Cs'-arrh, Blood and Stomach Pills. t' vou biv any 'f thi f ..I'olne svmptntns, Or G. V, Slio'es' Complete Cilan! Cure w II give vou in-tt in-tt n relief cad complftelv and petmi&ently cure you l the mse loprd ut? your nose ais hav ? K ihe nose fire and tenJr? 1 uVrfs'p In Urn' of he.l? P t-awk t,,levr'Uethria'? t- iir throat drv In Hie morn'n?? l u vu sleep wffi yciur moutli oin? K vour hearing Milin? Do vour e.Tt d:ch3nfe? Ii the wax drv in vour ten Tkt you l.ear better some day than others? l your hearing worse when you have a cold? Dr. (I. W. Shores' Couth Car cures all cuughf . tiki anJ bronchi 1 afli'i'iionv Out (lose will slop namoJK" cr.up. Keep a b ttle in ,h louse. Larpt yitt tltle 2V It you have lhse symptoms use It as .llrec'el on the tutte and II will cute you. Have you a couch? l)o you take co'd eal'v? Have vou a ram n ihi' side? Do you rate frotliv niateroTr k vou cnuh in lt-e ir ninijs? Do you spit r Kill chersy lumps? Or. 0. Shores' Tonic and Blood I'm fler clean-at clean-at and putihes the b'ood. gives strength and viRor. cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases. IVce, j? per bottle. It ermajiinliy cures the following vtnpoms; U there nausea? Do you Poltl) us g i? Are you Cnnstif.tte.ir U your lonjfue ciated? Dj you bloat up after eating? llo vou leel you are growing weaker? h there constant baJ taste in the tnnmh? Dr. 0. W. Shores' Kidney and Liver Cure Curjs all d stases of the kiJueys. liver and bladder. Price, SI r;r kuiile. Do you eel dir.) ? have you culi leel? .i you feel miserable? lu you get I red easily? Do you have hot flashes? Are your spirits low at timet? bo uu haverua;blingin bowels? lij your hands and tret swell? 1. itus noticed more at night? ! Ilia e pain in small of back? Has the perspiration a bad odor? Is there pufliness under the eyes? D i you have to get up often at night? i. n ,-.n,,t. in urine if left s amtinc? Don't nRiea' thei signs and risk bright s disease killing you. Dr. ooorrs' Kidney and liver cure will curt yiu it used as directed on ihe boitle. Dr. Q. W. Shores' Mountain age OH stops t'i' worst pain in on minute. For headache, toothache, neuralgia, cramps or Colic use It externally and internally. in-ternally. Prevents and cures diphtheria if used la time Keen a bottle hanJy. Price, .Kc a bottle. Dr. Q. W. Shjres' Pepsin Vermifuge destroys Intestinal worms and removes the little round nest where Uiey hasch and kreed. It never fails. Prica ''Dr.'o'.'w Shores' Wlntergreen Salve cures aU diseases of the skin. liera ives red spots and black rlraples from the ftce. Heals ok! sores in 3 to S days. "fr 0 'w" Shares' Anti-Constipation Pills cure chr mic const'pation. sick headache and bilious attacks. Price. 2Sc a bottle. In all t-isos. if the bowels are constipated take one of Dr. G.W. Shores' Anli-Oinstipation P.llsat bedtime. l vour trouble is chronic and deep-seated, write Dr. C. W. S'ao es personally for It's new symptom list anJ Have your case diagnosed and get his expert advice ad-vice free. , These famous remedies are prepared only by doctor doc-tor G W Shores. Zion's Medl ;al Institute, Salt Lake C ly, Utah. For sale by a'l Druggists, or sent to any address ol rei- 'M of price. For sale by Dr. C Springville, Utah. J Peterson IJfTJlESEDlM times, who" nn hav'nt money to tuy new Spring Wagons or Buggies, bring your old ones to CARTERS, aDd have them made as good as new; and thereby there-by patronize Home Industry. 35 T. Ghild & Sod, DEALERS IS MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone Cutting Neatly and Promptly Executed. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAH. TIMB TABLE rUH SPRIN6TILLI, CTAB. GOING WEST, Ho. 1, Taclnc mall Lv .10:46 a. a to Unit Lake) Ogden and tbe coast. Wo. I, PansenneMoOgden 1. 3:45 p. m No. P, FassoiiRer 1T'. ':,ao p- m No, T, Leare :15 a. m. (mixed) dally except Sunday. Eureka and aU Tlniic point. No. 8, Pacific limited hr. 10:04 p. m. to Salt Lake, Ogden and the coast. No. T, Leave 8:25 a. m., Bait Lake City. GOING EAST. No. S, Atlantic Kxprcss Lv. 9-M a. in U Clear Creek, P. V. June, Castle Gate. No. 8, Pane, and mall Lv. 3:05p . m. From Ogden to all San Tele polnta No. 4, Chicago limited Lv. 9:00 p.m. I). C. DODGE, fj. U BABCOCK, General Mauafter. Trafflc Manager F. A.WADLEIfin. Gen' Pajweniter Ag Obamberlaia'a Bye nd Skin Ointment Is oneoiwlled for Eoeroa, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Salt-Rheum, Scald Head, Sora Nipples, Chapped Hands. Itching Piles, Bums, Frost liitea, ChronieSore Eyas and Granulated Eye Lids. For tale by dniggisU at 25 ceota per box. TO HOaSBOWNBM. Ter fatting a horse In a fine healthy condition con-dition try lr. Cady'i Condition Powders. They tone np the nvateio, aid diction, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, fiviaj new Ufa to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cwrtf rr psrkapo. Fr f1 r rlrnifa 1 -ii -Trrft Al ft? I A BARE CHAMCB- One-half interest In a choice 17 acre fruit ranch on Trovo Bench. Will give time, or trade for Springville property. Cheap for cash. Enquire of John Mknerav. 16-tf . COAL. Leave your orders with H. T. Rey- xous & Co., for the celebrated Rock Springs coal, the very best in the market. Prompt delivery to any part of the city by II. T. Reynolds & Co. NEW SHEET MUSIO. Tle Independent has a nice selection selec-tion of the newest sheet music, con sisting of songs, duetts, quartettes, tc, all of w'.ilcti is copyrighted uud tbe best out. Dr. Price's Cream Baktag Powder A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. Abstracts of Title made to any City lots or farm lands in Utah county by Havercamp & Co., Provo. Leave orders with James Caffrey. Dr. HOLDAWAY DENTIST. . . K00M 5, BANK BUILDING, . . Are prepared to do all kinds of painless Dentistry, including the latest lat-est Crown and Bridge Work. Treatment of Oral Diseases a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed For Sale. CJ.f "VvVVa 50 lbs. Liverpool Salt, 20 Crock Jars. 5 Gallons of Rennet. and other material for MAKING CHEESE. Apply to Isaac N, Whittaker. Springvlle To oil your Harness, Huggy Tops, Boots and Shoes with the Waterproof Oil Blacking it will not come off on your hands nor make your Harness gummy and sticky but gives it a glossy glos-sy and new appearance. JAMES TAYLOR, JR. Sole Agents for Utah Co. Meneray & Co. CITY STORE, SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. DEW MO GRJlpF RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only line running Trxio past Trains Daly to Leadville Aspen, Pubblo Colorado Springs And Denver Effective April 20th, 18W. Train No. 2 leaves Ogden 7.00 a: m. Salt Lake 8.05 a. m. Arrive at Pueblo 6:18 a. m. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m. Denver 10:30 a. m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 6:35 p. m. Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'ville 9:00 p.m. Arrive Colorado Springs 6:53 p. m. Denver 9:25 p. m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado Colo-rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegtnt (lay coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers cn all trains. Take the D & It. G. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest fin-est scenerv on the continent. Shortest line to Cripple Cieek, the great Colorado Gold Camp. Train No 2, leaving Springville, at 9: 36, a. ui, arrives at Cripple next morning at 0: 50. A. S. Hughes, Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, O.V.ttJ. A. Denver, Colorado. B. F.Nevins, Gen'l Ag't. II. M. Cushing, T. P. A. SjltLsk-Oirr, Iltsh. JOTTINGS. At'.he flutigerford Friday, the 17. A. D. S. gave an interesting program aud closed with a social. Chris. Jensen, the tailor was in town the first of the week looking up his old patrons. Chis. finds lots of friends here and reports doing well lu hl business at ScoQeld. When the children have earache warm a few drops of Dr. J. H. McLean's Mc-Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment on a teaspoon and drop it into the ear. The effect will be magical. It stops the pain instantly. Price 25c, 50c and $1 per bottle. LastTuesday a human skeleton was plowed up within one block of the city ball, in the heart of the city, at Payson. It was taken to Townshcnd's drug store, where many people flocked to tee it. It is supposed to be the remains of an Indian. The bones are well preserved and will be wired by Prof. Townshend at an early day. Ouj people arc growing more and more in the habit of looking to Men- eray & Co. for t he latests and best of everything in the drug line. They sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy a t rial and you will be more than pleased with the result. One of the trials that members of legislatures have to contend with is the persistence with which persons who have axes to grind insist upon the introduction and enacting of neasures in harmony ' with their peculiar pe-culiar views or individual interests: and considering the backing that such persons manage to secure from reputable reput-able cithens, it is a wonder that the amount of foolish legislation that finds its way to the statute books is not larger than It is. For, while the legislator may be careful and shrewd, it is not possible for him to be fully informed as to details on all matters he is called to legislate upon, and he must trust to a considerable extent to the representations of those who do possess such information and are of good standing in the community The State Legislature now In ses sion has bad its share of those who clamor for laws that would be unwise or absurd; and although measures have got through one or the other branch seemingly by some sharp prac tice, taking it altogether the mem bers of the lawmaking body have done very well in keeping outobjec tionable schemes by discovering thei true inwardness before final action was taken. Several such schemes have been subverted, and more are unconsciously awaiting the same fate Deseret Piews. "So Boom For Doubt. When the facts are before you, you must be convinced. The facts are that the Union Pact ki is leading all competitors, is the acknowledged dining car route, and great thrugh car Hue of the west. The line via Denvej and Kansas City to Chicago in connection with the Chicago & Altcn Railroad, with its excellent equipment of Free Reclining Reclin-ing Chair Cars, Pullman falace-Sleep-ersand Pullman Diners, demands the attention oj every traveler to the east Ask your nearest agent for tickets via this route. E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Notios to Creditors. In tho matter of the estate of Muvtln P. Crandiill. deceased. Notice Is hereby Riven by thfl unrlerslRned iirinilnltitnilor of the CKtatu of Mui tlii Part on Cramlali, deeeused. to the creditors of. and all persons having claims uiriiliii-t the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten nioii'hs unci- thrtlirst publication of this notice, to the said administrator admin-istrator at his residence in HDriniiviUv, Utah county, State of I'eah. MILAN Li. IK A NO A 1,1.. Administrator ot said KstKto. Dated .TanuarlTth. A. 1). im. feb 28 UBOAL, NOTICE. State ot t'tah.l'tah t'ounty.wi. In the Fourth District cBHj 'Jn and for audi County In th Mat'erTlf tho Et-Ue of Martin P. Crandall.deceased, Order to ahow caus why order of sale of real estate alum Id not 1 made. Milan L. Crandall.the administrator of the estate of Martin I', (.'randall, riix-eased. having hav-ing filed his petition herein praylnK for an order of ule of the wholeof tho reui estate, of said decudeot, for the purpose therein net f'Kh: It la therefor ordered by he District Judge of ald (Jourt that all persons Interested Inter-ested In the estate of ald deceased, appear before he said District Court, on Hatunlay the 31st day of March IstW, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of suid day, at tho Court room of snld District Court, at the Court House In Provo City. County of Utah; to show csns" why an order should not be granted to the laid Milan I.. Cran-dall Cran-dall to sell so much of the real estate of th said Martin P. Crandall di-ceiised, aa should he necessary. And that a copy of this order ho published at least once a wmk for four weeks successively succes-sively In the Hprliigvlllo Independent, a newspaper printed and published la aald Utah county, Utah. E. A. WILSON. Judge. Dated February 13th. 1809. Hate of ('tab. laM County of L'tab. t0B I. E.X. Jonea. Clerk of tbe District Court In and for t tah County, Ktate of Utah, hereby certify that the foregoing la b. full and correct copy of the original ''Order to Show Cause why Order of sale of Real F.state should not Iwmadn' In tbe est ate of Martin P. Crnudull deceased, and now on file and of record re-cord In mv olllce. w ttoc my nana ann aai oi lain uistrict I 1 Court at my office la Provo City Seal Ublaiatbday of February, A. D. iMtt. ( f E. L. JON ES, 'WAIT UNTIL I SHAVE, Junt a momeul-ALBERT always has a rush, but he does Ms work so quickly mid so well LUut it is a plvusure to be thrived by him," HERE'S HIS PLACE, NEXT TO P.O.' G O. E. HOWE, Leading Grocer of Provo. Most Complete line of Groceries, south of Salt Lake. Prices lower than any place in Utah county. 8. R. Thurman. E. A. Wedgwood Thurman & Wedgwood, ATTORNSYB-AT-L.AW. I'rovo City, - lJtr.li. X)R. F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ill Calls Promptly AtteBded Bay or iieit . :- SurpooD R. U. W. K.' II. Office and Resi dence wit i J. W. Brlnthurst. Telephone CHiinecttons. . A. WILSON, Attorrtey-at-Law. Springvillo City Attorney. OrafBooms 5 and 7 1st Nat. Bank, )rl Provo. Utah. James Caffrey, NOTARY PUBLIC. SP1UNGVILLE, UTAH. Contractor 'i and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE VUT1I OR WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Bnildings Repaired on Sliort Notice. SPRINGVILLE. - - UTAH CONTRACTORS ATTENTION! For whitewashing or plastering. For masons or bricklayers. THOMAS BOARDMAN. Between Springville and Provo. Contracts filled promptly from 1 bushel to 10.000 bushels. G. E. ANDERSON, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in FRAMES, PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS In all sizes, Pictures copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family croups, residences, stock or any subjects sub-jects taken on the. spot. Keep youf Money ot Home. SPRINGVILLE . - UTAH. . BRICK I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO-BIES, ADO-BIES, in any quantity at bedrock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Springville. Spring-ville. For terms apply to J. W.. FRIEL. IE! BERKLEY We Are Not Going Out of the Clothing Business. OURS IS ALL BRIGHT, NICE NEW STOCK TO SELECT FROM. 100 pairs of all wool pants'to be sold during the next 10 at $2.00 per pair. 200 Clay Worsted Suit, at $10 per suit. The Finest in the Land. Overcoats for Everbody, at $3 each. H. SINGLETON CLOTHING CO, A. SINGLETON, Supt. THE FITTS BROKERAGE CO,, Sole Agents for WALKER'S FAMILY SOAP, Contains no treo alkali, will not lujure the clothing, skin a paint Warehouses at SaltLake city, Ogden, Park City, Pueatello, Butte, Cheyenn?. Rock Springs, Denver, Colo. Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Al-buquerque, El Paso, Tex. Main Office, 1617 Blacke Street, Denver. Branch Office: 125 W. 1st So. St., Salt Lake City. BARTON SNARR, Local Manager. II J. Ohant, Jobs IIbniit Smith. l'res. Vice Pres. J. F. Grant. Socy, and Treas. Directors John Henry Smith, Hober J. Grant, J. F. lirant, B. F, Grant, Nathan Si-ara. GRANT SOAP GO, OFFICE a. FACTORY 751 To 761 S o WEST St Manufiictn-ersof HIkIi Grade Laundry And Toilet Soups. SPECIALTIES:-! BKE HIVE. ELECTRIC and 5c LACNDBY. Bkk Hive Toibkt: PINE TAR, PERFECT.FLOATING CAHTII.LE, and COMMERCIAL BAR. J. F. Salt Lake City, CRANT, Manaoih. : : Utah. Provo Meat Co. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR . FAT LI7E STOCK' Phil. Speckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN YOU VISIT SALT LAKE GOTO THE HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 West, hlPd Suath Si . This water In amirecure for Rheumatism, Miners' Leading, Indention, Catarrh, On-Htlpation, On-Htlpation, Chronic IHsrrlxea, Palpitation of the Heart and all kidney and nervous troubles. Towels and suits wa-hed hy Empire Laundry. Hotel Roberts Strictly FIret-Claes. conveniences for Commercial All Trade. L. HOLBROOK, Prop Provo, Utah. Shoes Mended! S. P. G. LARSON THE SHOEMAKER. Try a Mend! Next Door to Wood Mer. Co. D. D. Houtz, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OUice, Elderidge Block. Provo, : : : : : Utah. SVAE YOUR TEETH! WLen U Salt Lait City Consult Dr. Ned Hewett DENTIST. He will do better work for less money than any dentist west of Chicago. Chi-cago. Teeth without plates a specialty. special-ty. Don't forget the place. ' 19 4 20 Scott-Auerback Building. P. O. Box 48i. Salt Lake City $1800.00 w GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 ery month given away to any aaawho ap. plies through us for the most meritorious piteat during; the month preceding. We secure the best patents for oar elinta, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors 10 keep track of their bright ideas. At the same tuns we wish to impress upoa the public the fact that IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, inch as tbe "csr-window" which can be easily sfid up and down without breakinr the patseneer's back. "nuce.mn " "roHar-hnllnn " "nutjork? "Wl. nan." "conar-bditon. "nut-lock. stopper, and a thousand other little things that asost any one can find a way of improving ; andthesa aiaaple in ven turns are the ones that bring largest returns to lb author. Try to think of something to invent, IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice ia the" National Recorder, published at Washington, D. C, which u the nest newspaper published ia America in the interests of inventors. We furnish s year's subscription sub-scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prise, snd hundreds of thousands of copies of the "Nations! Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to shear attention the menu of the invention. Jlommunicatioas regarded strictly confiflftilisl, JOHN WEDDERBURN ft CO., 60! kl tors ol American and Forelga Pateata, 618 P Street. N.W.. Box 383. . - Washington, D. C ly- RftrtncdUar qftkit pajrr. Writifrm A.C. BIRD Livery, Feed AND Sale Stables. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH BROWN & WOOD, Tonsorial Artists. We cut Hair In tun Latest Style and Bhavo without pain or chloroform. Ladles' and Children's hair cutting. Pomps dours a specialty GiTj Dt a Call Under ilii BaiL SrRiNoviLLB. : : : Utah Agents Troy Steam Laundry, Proro. All orders should be in Tuesday. THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specific are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the people -with entire success. . iricTTig roe 1-VoveTt Ccaceetlons, Inflsmmsrkvni.. U Warms, Worn lever. Worm Colic... S-TeelklBaTl OoUa, Crying. Wakeratosei 4-Dla.rrbesw of CaUdraa or Adults...... T-Ceaghs, Coids, Brenebitls er-Neorailgla, Toothaeha. raeeacba..M t-Beadaehes, Sick Beadacke, Tertr-. Iv-Dyspetslav. Bulooaaass, Coast! patloav. ll-Sapfreosed orPsttafsl Pertoda... 'i-W'kltea, Too Profuse Periods - 13- Croao, Larysrltta, Hoanwneas...... 14- 8alt Bkram, Erysipelas. ErapUoao.. 13-Ukea mat tans, KhemnaUo Pains 16-Malarla, Chills, Fever and Ague...... laV-Ca.te.rrh, Influensa, Oold in U Bead. SO-Whooplaf Coat h 97-ltldner Dlaeaees) 89-Kerreae Uebllity , aO-l'rlaary Weakneee 31-Sere Throat. Quinsy, Diphtheria.... "77" for HAY FEVER Sold kr nt1a.e e neehrt ef ertee, or s (or II. , ( w be aMrt ' , ! ts, II. el eeir. Da7nrwrT,'lllieKSlrWR1lV"","m uarHasii'iia. 00., 111 lis wtaua,ki.,awTer. DON C. PORTER, Manager, Cor. Main and Brlgham Streets. SALT LAKKC1TY, UTAH, HOTEL TEMPLETON |