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Show V Li A , I t 0 a s . J Our motto : filter. If t 1 NEW STflTEI VOL. 5. NO. SO. SPRING VILLE, UTAH, FRIDAY, FEB. 29. 1896. PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR "8 "" ' '" INDEPENDENT. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Mm ADSOLUTEEY PURE EDWIK LUCroS WHITING.. When tne news cumc that Bishop Edwin Lucius Whiting hail p:ssed to "the shining shore," willing hands tame to the meeting house, and gave It a thorough renovation to receive liiru for the last time. The interior was then beautifully draped in cream color and white, with the appropriate motto, "Loved hy All," in white ox- rye daises, hanging in the arch above tand. Friday the day of the funeral, was a typical spring day; the bright warm rays of the sun in strange contrast con-trast to the sad hearts of family and friends who had gathered to pay h last tribute the departed. Many beautiful beau-tiful floral offerings lay on the white casket. Every available seat was taken while hundreds remaiued near the opun door and windows outsido. Chorister Geo. Harrison of .Springville conducted the beautiful singing. Consoling Con-soling words to those who mourned, with praise of the honest, upright life ot deceased was given by W.T. Tew, David John. Edward Partridge, B. T. Nlanchanl and James E. Hail. In answer to th many inquiries, "Why should one, who had always lived a true Christian life suffer so, at last? ' 1 ho speakers replied "Did not Christ suffer untold anguish?" Six brothers of the deceased acted as pall bearers ,and followed the hearse on foot. Then came the family, relatives and friends The funeral cortege was Over two miles in length. As the snn was sinking sink-ing in the west, flooding vale and mountain in a peaceful golden liglJt. ho was lowered to his last resting; place in Evergreen Cemetery. Bishop Whiting was born-JV,. 22. ! 1845, in INauvoo, ifl.? came to 'w&if in '49 and lived in Mauti, Sanpete : county, until 1852, when his parents moved to Springville. Shortly after his mirriage he made a home in the broad expanse of sage brush which covered the plateau then known as Union Bench. December 5. 1885, the little settlement was called Mapleton and Mr. Whiting was chosen Sunday school superintendent. August 21, 1888, Mapleton was declared a separate separ-ate ward from Springville, and he was ordained bishop. He was the father if 18 children, and had two grandchildren. grand-children. A benefactor to the poor and distressed, ready and willing to aid In counsel in fcoirttual and temporal tem-poral matters. Ills death has left a vacancy in the hearts of all who knew him, and "those who knew him best loved him most." Louisa M. Johnson. Mapleton, Feb. 24th. Did You Ever. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted adapt-ed to the relief and cure of all Female Fe-male Complaints, exerting a wonder ful direct Influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, Constipation, Head ache, FalntlngSpells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled with dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need Health and Strength are guaranteed hy its use. Only fifty cents at C. J Peterson's Drug Store. A KICK. Editor Independent: Those rocks that have spruug up during the winter arc very auuoying 1 wonder is the man Loynd would take a hint and have them raked off csDeciall v on main street, where we are compelled to travel in the street Bike. Fililmiat f PropaMj. StT Lake Citt, Feb. 14, 1899, Editor Independent ' Commenting on your remarks In your Issue of Feb. 7th, aoent a certain party having been ' returned to the Stoat by the new State: I was informed by a person who was tartilUr with the Prophet Joseph that he laid, In talking over these matters tftjtwhen the tlrae ca'.r.e that rtie Latter Day Saints would choose their own officials, that all kinds of men would have to be represented by their peers an.l consequently some scoundrels scoun-drels would have to be chosen. I certainly cer-tainly think that the party in powe r has shown an inclination to carry out this part of the program whether intcntiomlly or not I do not pretend to say. Yours, etc., Wm. J. Silver. None but Ayar t at the World's fair.' Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraordinary extra-ordinary distinction of having been the only blood puririer allowed an exhibit ex-hibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparillai sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, hut they were all turned away under the application applica-tion of the rule forbidding the entry of patoHt medicines and nostrums. The decision of the World's f-iir au thorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Sarsapar-illa was in effect as follows: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. nos-trums. It is here on its merits." 8oia'i Artists. It is a genuine pleasure to write of the charming and accomplished girls who arc the vocal and violin solo strength of Mr. Sousa's tour. They win the hearts of the public wherever they sing or play by the sheer merit of their work. Miss Myrta French has a faultless method and a perfect technique, with a fine, sympathetic and flexible high soprano voice, united to great charm of manner, , perfect ease and a graceful stake presence. action, never failing to carry her audience with her amid storms of ap plause. Mis French is a finished pupil of Sbriglia of Paris, and is in every way worthy or ner iiiu9tjious teacher. As for Miss Carrie Duke, she Is the pride and pet the Mile du regiment, so to speak of band and director. Both by her beauty and skill, she takes quick captive all who listen to her playing. She was for years a favorite pupil of the great Joachim, and he made of his talented protege a delightful artist. She is the daughter of Gen. Basil Duke of war renown, and is a typical representative of the daughters of the Sunny South, and one of the mo?t irresistible of our charming American girls. As a solo violinist she is one of tlte trio of dc lightful artists consisting of Maud Powell, Leonora Yon Stooch, and her self. Her playing will afford exquisite satisfaction to all who. hear her. Doctor Canny.a prominent physician of Missoula, Montana, says: "I regard Doctor G. W. Shores' Complete Ca tarrh Cure as the best treatment on earth for catarrh and the many ca tarrhal chronic diseases. 1 know per sonally of many wonderful, complete and permanent cures effected by it uso." It is the grandest discovery and perfection of medical science Catarrh is both a local and a constitu tional disease' -And ' Doctor G. W. Shores' Complete Catarrh Cure, being bothloeal and internal, completely and permanently cures, where all other remedies lave failed. Full size (one month's treatment complete, both local and iuternal) $1; tripl sir1, (one week complete) 25c. For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson, Springville, Utah. TJnequaled Service-Pcnver Service-Pcnver to Chicago via Kansas City is given via the Union Pacieic and Chicago and Alton Railways. Through Pullman Sleepers, Pullman Pull-man Dining Cars and Free Reeling Chair Cars leave Denver daily. The Union Pacific is the great through car line of the west. Ask your nearest ticket agent for tickets via this line. . E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. . Omaha, Neb. Firman Attention. Money loaned on irrigated farms at li pr cent per anoutu. Write or ap X)iy personally to Samud Coruar.y f'f'JBleri Fork-,rtih. Not Quit IMpwitl, Cholly (disconsolately) Yau, aht wefnsed mo, and she lawfed at me, too. If it wasn't foh one thing, I'd dwown myself. . , Friend You still hope? Cholly No, but the watah would tako the cweases out of my twousea, you know. Good News. Notiat ta Britk Bayers. I will make good all brick broken or those which prove to be too soft for use, when contract calls for first-class brick. J. W. Fkiel. Ssnsa Band Concert at Prro. March 7th. The Rio Grande Western West-ern will sell tickets to Provo and return, re-turn, good until the 8th, as follows: Silver City, $1.50 Mammoth, $1.50 Eureka, 81.60 Goshen, 75 cents. Payson, 50 cents. Springville, 20 cents. Special train returning will leave Provo at 10:15 p. ru. of the 7th, im mediately after the concert. UTAH, PAST AND PRESENT. When the weary pilgrims, Led by Jehovah's hand. Entered these sterile valleys This long forsaken land; They tound a dreary desert Where savage bea.Usof prey And the wild, untutored Indian Meld undisputed sway. They fled from persecution And mobocratlc power, Titer left their friends and kindred To seek a home afar. To make a habitation. And cultivate the soil. And reap a compensation For .all their arduous toll, They passed through scenes of trial And often lacked for bread. Adversity's sore vials Were poured upon their heads. But still the Lord sustained them And shielded them from harm The'r help and their salvation Was His almighty arm. Now we observe the contrast Behold the wond'rotHtciNtDfce Wo seen fine towns and cities. Where e'er the eye can range; The fields bring forth In plenty The products of the Boll To bless with every comfort The hardy sons of toll. Since Statehood Is awarded And Utah's claims confessed. May It ever be recorded That "he has done her best May wisdom rule her councils And bring her safely 1hrm&ymj L. M. Morwor. SIMMONSX 4 (REGULATOR THE DET J SPRING MEDICINE ltslMlur)NC I rVFR RFrjIILATOR tlon't forget to take it the Liver gets sluggish aunng inc winter, jusi nt-.e ai natuic, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheumatism. Rheuma-tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver Regulator to do it, It also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body Invigorated. You get THE BEST BLOOD when your system Is in Al condition, and that wlH only be when the Liver is kept active. Try Liver Remedy once and note the drfterence. But take only SIMMONS Liver regulator it is Simmons LIVER REGULATOR which makes the difference. Take it in powder or In liquid already prepared, or make a tea of thi onufW WWe Simmons Liver Regu- ipeyilt tlK ' if T".-' Bic2e Repairing of all kiuds. Also a line of Bicycle Supplies. WM. H. MARCH - Springville. YOU CAN GET. AJLarger Loaf -rrw .AND BETTER BREAD Whitehead BrosV New Bakery Fresh Bread Daily Notice to Creditors. I th matter of the estatd of William H. 'tiBiNlqn. deceased : , Notk',e In herohy (flrtn by tlie undersigned idmintHtratrlx or the eatato of William H minion, deceased, to the creditor of, and ill pertkn having claims ttcainst the said looeased. to exhihlt them with llie nurfH&niv ouoliers, within four niontln after the first uDiiction of this notice, to the said administratrix, admin-istratrix, at her nwldence In r'pringvlile, Cth county, State of Utah. C'ELKSTIA SFMSION. Administratrix of the estate of William II - Suuislori, deceased. . raed Feb. 14. Th'irman & Wedgwood, attorney for plain- . ', m SOUSA'S BAND GONGERT lie 3 A. WILSO ?s ' 1 Hut; a t. t Springville C'vS S bit ... . T? j ifl 7TH OiVfJi-H.MJoiiis o ann Provo, Utate S a el Chior ines Caffr p-fhoir. I SPRIIILLEnowBed Lady J fURlE PUKE, SODSA. Director. II. nductor of choruses. .fi, Business Manager. 11. 1 ontr A STiy Sim n AT CITY HALL Utah County favorites Peh. 29. Popular Prices v . 8 a o a , o WW III I II Don't forget to call ON II 1 Reynolds & Co., and see about that new range. THE WESTERN STOVE CO. Make the best and .Reynolds & Co. have Stoves and Ranges Spring March 3. S. S. Jones Company PROVO, This Space is Reserved JL b. PATT, All Kinds of Sewing Machines, E.J. Ward & Sons, "Wholesale and Immta and Building Jlatefial, We also keep in Stock a full line of Consisting of Sections, Frames, Hives, etc. etc Tel. No. 82. Provo, Utah. ;Ira If. Kemarfl, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Room 2 over Ilinei drug store Photo Citv, Utah- New Process Rubber Repairing J. P0ULS02T, Shoemaker, Hft tinallty of work nt living irl".. m Opening, UTAH. Retail Dealer in E. WEBB, The Butcher, Dealer in-All in-All kinds of . Fat CalTes Wanted. spr.isv.Tirr.R'. rrvH. |