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Show A-14 Th Park Record Tuotday, December 23, 1999 CYNDI SHARPBILL LIGETY r-pnr JUl n n nnn nn LnJUUUU U Thanki to the mpport of our fine client in & fellow Realtori, ve ire privileged to have participated in the lale of the follovinj properties, plui others, in the list half of 1999 H pPf I iJI' IIHIIII'PW'PIWI1WII MHWIOT I H Alta Vista SOU) - 2 Woodland View Drive SOLD it b3 5 . . 5 J I ... Ilald Eagle Drive SOLD Hellemont Court SOLD - 3 Sliver Luke Drive SOLD Silver Luke Drive SOLD mtir ,,7ll Mill '"BWP" n jj MwiMjfliLxaijMi liellevue Court SOLD Colony SOLD r. Four Lakes SOLD-2 Trails End SOLD This strong sales activity has opened the opportunity for us to represent additional property, May wc help you? Please call, Rtprmntini w mi Htllm of Dm Mq'i end Perk t'tyi FliwuProptrtleiHtnttim Cyndl Sharp 433 647-S042 00-359-5590 Dill Ugciy 43544M0I1 800 221-1656 Prudential CalMMiRMltitati Sunday in the Park By Terl Orr A gift - and a sign - of The. Times Wht w m, m opeclcn, k hopefut. Why tM woiiKI I nit here on th ltt Sunday til lh een-tury een-tury am writs a column that, If th world come to n end, I II never ieef Pid for? If I hnught Into all the futul-wtc futul-wtc tuff, i would hiv old my houte and all my worldly and I'd N propped up on a beach ome-pinto ome-pinto having cut lit lie wmter bringing me nourinh-ment, nourinh-ment, Intend, I am bundled In pM new hkU and wmly dog and fleecy pant, i am muffed within an Inch of thoe panm from the execute of the firtt half of the mnrttthon eittingdrinkingindulgent nean. t have etttcn almost every comfort food in my comfort one, Chocolate, ice crenm, mathed potatoet, nutu, cheeoe bnU, prime rib (with real horteradinh) and feafmvd, Not, however, at the ame meal, My neighbor, the nunie, bought over their infamnu homemade caramel corn with nut urely one of God's perfect food, Another friend hand rolled her own chocolate, Another faced the feared holiday crowd and maneuvered maneu-vered through the liquor tore, Our fcaiting and ccle braling ha Utcd, and promise to la!, for day, And thi year there I a cne of calm to H all, I find my concern with thing being ")ut o" decreac In direct proportion to all my many year pent trying to make thing "jut o," So f thought about thi column, about treat' ing a meaningful piece about the find, the find of the year, of the decade, century, millen' flium, How I got here without ever owning Mingle Celine Uion recording, Mow I regret selling my '47 navy blue Packard, with the map light that mil worked, more than 25 year ago, How sorry I am for the rotten thing I've nid, did, thought, In almmt 50 year of exigence, All that reflective pcronal ituff, to ay nothing of all that ha changed In the world, Great people, great dicoveric, great progre Pilgrim' and other, flut then Sunday morning dawned and out on the rirch without any clatter, came the Old Grey Lady and knew how the morning would be spent, And 10 did my on and hi wife, who were leftover refugee from the holy day before, I brought her inside. Let her have a chance to have the frost melt off her protective coat and then we ge ntly devoured her, The reading of Tim Thm I a ritual that need to be maintained, Need to be encouraged, And ye, need to be nurtured, 't he last major paper to start printing with colored ink on a regular basis, the New York I line got the nickname "The Old Grey Lady" decade ago, (I think it also had to do with some establishment tie but those were lost on me,) I or a West Coast girl, raised on the San I rantisco Chronicle, I wa slow to come to Tht Timti, I or year, people who used to talk about "see Ing It in The Time" were effete snob to me, Little did I Know the world I wa missing, Like so many good friends Fcan'l exactly remember when we met, I only know my favorite part of my first trip to New York at agg ,10 sumttlhlng, wa visiting the office of t he New York lime, (I donl even exchange holiday card with the guy f thought I wa in love with on the trip, but tht Timet and I rarely mi spending Sunday morning under the cover together ) the foreign for-eign new bureau, the funny guy who wrote the obit, the art and leisure itorle that were week in the hop. per, f wa already journalist at the time but rt want until that trip (hat I knew how geriously f had Ink In my blood f inding Tht Timet on Sunday, decade ago in Park City, wa i challenge, You could order It and it would be delivered to your mailbox, a couple day past Sunday. That fix wa good enough for a while, But then I learned one of my friend had found a service that would deliver the paper on Sunday to your house, Look, I have friend who get frequent pedicure, drive well maintained fancy car, go on long exotic vacation treat t donl begrudge them but thing I find slight ly extravagant. Pew of those people find having Tht Timet delivered to them on Sunday an indulgence they dcire, I still like them, mostly, Hut to me, Tht Timet is serious comfort food for the mind, I want to know which book are climbing up the Best-Seller fist. I want to read synopsis of The Week In Review that I wa too busy to have stayed abreast of, it I the only place t ever read sport story because It will be so well written. I will try and find alt the NINA Al Hirshficld ha hidden in hi celebrity line drawing. draw-ing. I'll Iook at the tony d and Imagine a life where I effortlessly shop in those stores, I will laugh at the way don't even even exchange holiday cards with the guy I thought I was In love with on the trip, but The Times and I rarely miss spending Sunday morning under the covers together. " Terl Orr William Safire will play with language and 1 will, at least once, say to myself, "Wow, I wish I had put those word together that way," On Chrlstma Day, my children's Godfather recounted a story about the reaon for brightness of the currently, spectacular full moon. And even though we teased him about being around the last time the moon was this bright, he claimed he read all the Information In Tht Timet , My learned friend from California will be in town thi week and she will ask me if 1 have read the same stories she ha about the arts In the past few week, The Good Sisters of the Cul-dc-Sac read the Sunday Timet, religiously, So, when the time came to find present my son and hi wife would enjoy together and enjoy for more than just a day or two, or meal or two, or a musical moment or two, I had no problem. 1 ordered them a year full of conversations to have about shared stories they have read. A year of recipes to try and new people peo-ple to meet In print. They were pretty pleased with the present and I wa pretty pleased to think of all the conversations con-versations we might share, based on our similar reading material, Besides, It seemed like a good affirmation to shake my fist at the gods of doom and say I plan to be around to pay for this for a year, and I plan for the kids to enjoy this, week after week, for a year, It seems like a solidly, hopeful way to end this year's last Sunday In the Park... , , , . ' Terl On It a former editor wThe Park Record and ' director of tht Park Vlty Performing t lArtt Center: Core Samples Mothers of Invention What is I he inoM important invention In the past 2D0() year?" That was the question posed by Intellectual rabble-rouser mid literary agent John Brockimin to a group of "scientist and techno-thinker" techno-thinker" on this millennial eve. We're lalkin' some deep thinking, here. Better mix me one while you're up, Brockman In the chief cook and botllewasher al Edge, a web forum "for the activities and Idea of those scientists and other thinkers In the empirical world who, through their work and expository writing, are taking the place of the traditional Intellectual In redefining wlto and what we are," Whoal Better make that a double, Actually, the resulting collective brainstorming, which professes to "showliow technology has altered our lives and even helped to shape our thinking" Is rather Interesting fare, Yeah, right I No, stay with me, I'm getting serious here, Remember, not all Nobel laureate lau-reate ate full of that which happens. Most, maybe, but not all, Brockman was able to cajole over a hundred fellow lIuHighliiieislers to respond and It Is to our advantage that we pay close attention. Thai's my story and I'm sticking toil, My favorite pchavioral trait of these Mensa types Is me way tney uisregaru the otlginal question, or rather redefine Its terms: Some among them found the term "Invention" totally disconcerting while others refused to be limited by the "past 2(XX) years" parameter, Come on, Brockman, ask a valid question, tor chrlssake. mmmmmmmmmmm When such Intellectual might ponders the same problem, it comes as no surprise sur-prise that If one percent in them can agree on anything .then ill lima to celebrate. May 1 have your attention? We have a winner, Could Joliann Gutenberg pleasa come to the podium? No big upset here, "Thi Moveable-typa Printing Press" has been chosen by no fewer than two of our judges as the Most Important Invention In The Past Two iliousand Yeats, 1 he silver medal goes to those hard working labfolk who came up with " Fha Pill." Lucky for them that their parents never got the memo on contraception, And In third placi the long anticipated "free pour," that precious pre-cious Bartender mind set that bypasses the metering devices resting somewhat uncomfortably atop drinking establishment liquor bottles hereabouts. Just kidding, Got carried away there bit. t)t minimis mm curat lex (the) law Is not concerned with trifles). Waxing Pomnous-RUs. 'l ite big picture Is given lis due, Organized science, the green revolution, the disbelief In the supernatural, philosophical skepticism and secularism all receive attention, as do Christianity and Islam, the sole mass-movement mass-movement religions born during the past two millennia, millen-nia, The Scientific Method, quantum theory, the battery, bat-tery, computers, the Internet, probability theory, artificial artifi-cial Intelligence (George Dubya Bush come to mind?), differential calculus, Zero and Infinity are debated. By Jay Meehan Cuius reglo tlus relluio (he who controls the area controls con-trols the religion). 1 tils is getting to be fun. Impressive eases are made for the "stirrup" and the "rudder," The former "revolutionized warfare and made feudal society and culture possible" while the latter lat-ter "made extensive sailing end the consequent expansion expan-sion of Europe and lis colonization of the world possible, possi-ble, And let's not forget "hay," which allowed civilization civiliza-tion to move into the northern latitudes. The logic here, i guess, is that "hay," In effect, 1 a mobile pasture, pas-ture, Before "hay," not much was happening on the cultural front north of the classical worlds of Greece and Rome. Mater urtlum nemsitas (Necessity Is the mother of Invention), This type of list most certainly lends Itself to some great juxtaposition, or strange bedfellows, If you will, You get the "place value notation system combined with the use of a symbol 0 for Zero to denote a nonexistent nonex-istent number" alongside "the basket." "Efficient killing technologies" are right there beside "altered patterns of human mating," The same guy stood up for ''the vibrating dlldo" and "spinach souffle." Once again, you cani make this stuff up. Dtgustibus mm din-putandunt din-putandunt (There is no accounting for taste), Pages are devoted When such Intellectual might ponders the same problem, It comes as no surprise that If one percent of them can agree on anything, then It's time to celebrate." -Jay Moshan to items seemingly commonplace and concepts so very mysterious. mys-terious. Chairs and stairs, the mirror, aspirin, board games, the thermos bottle, the clock, television and, my favorite, the MMMMMNMHBMntuEMUi eraser, receive nomination nomi-nation to this exalted space, Thousand Island dressing even gets thrown out there, True story, The interrogative sentence, symphonic sym-phonic music, anesthesia, the spectroscope, the telescope, tele-scope, the microscope (OK, who V using the arthro-scope?), arthro-scope?), the Hindu-Arable number system, flying machines, the steam engine, the electric motor, the hits Just keep on a-comlng, I'arvli t glandlbus auertus (Tall oaks from little acorns grow), What? Ideas are big, "The idea of the idea" was offered, as was the "Idea of the unconscious." What do you think an "Artificial complex adaptive system" might be? Is that robot or a supervisor? "Information as a commodity." com-modity." That interesting, I'll show you mine If you show me yours, Distillation, the "great alchemical invention of transformation in the search to understand under-stand the essence of existence." Now we're getting somewhere, Better distill me another, while you're up. In vino Veritas (In wine there Is truth). My hero Is this guy. After going off for a couple of hours on the Inherent problems with the question (you do remember the question, donl you?) as to what Is the most Important invention of the past 2(XX) years, he responds "nothing worth mentioning." You gotta call 'em like you see 'em. Plscem natare doces (You're , teaching a fish to swim). No. That not it. Mow 'bout this one? Cavt canem (Beware of the dog). Oh, here It Is. Vadt in Pact (Go in peace), j POOR |