Show WORKING FOR STATEHOOD FOR NEW MEXICO April Th who eu In ea obtain statehood for tor X New W o and during the l lest t lie es I dun 1011 ot of I and whose who railed to prove pro III the nat art are not relaxing their prepare tort tr Ito the subject to the Ibe ruhr aton ot of Congress next wI Repe Hamilton of f g gait who will be r I V Ie having the interim df dry conduct arid ord gather data which will aid in n perfect low the land grant nt clauses of the state tat hood bill which passed the house bootie at the last t Ion Mr Ir desires to rho Ih that 1 were lle made e to I the he rea and will iII reintroduce his hie bill at the of tongres onrea In December With Gish a he belle will meet approval The advocates ot of statehood have the of President Taft Tatt that b he will do all nU In hi power to fWd aid In the early or of a statehood eat mood bill |