Show DABBLES IN no Ito Wants to in Know inow flow 1 n Dian nn n and Willer How long will mil a mans JUaB to work rk hold out against a bread and water diet and This Th Is III the t u h Jail JUr has bu b been eft day clay using Murphy Murph to In the lIX moot but the newer is III still Murphy wu was sentenced Feb I 31 under undera II a clam of Gl resisting an aa otar to sam rYe N days dare M at Il yard labor lie Hs Matted In Inon Inon on his hili new nw J job I ot of helping malt sad Md highways with witt a vUn elan that gradually ally Il I yearned a said d lost Its fir until last lut week when M refused to do more In tha th good rued e movement Saturday h he d his hili to work rk so tron ly Iy that he had to be b to 10 a pat patto to tt his hie becoming the thoe lit of general strike among 0 bid lav and Monday refused to 10 even lave lova the jaU with hi his That meant the dungeon for tor him and nd a diet ot of J lee e slices leN of bread and a Pan or of enter for tor each 11 mesh Po tar far hI he ha d m It II and ami today seemed mad to 10 boo be ning equally well II on two IWI sheer of t t bar for and lunch Bat Jailer pI would Ilk like to know just how Ion long 11 he la I going to 10 hold out Murphy his hl pal 1 Limit LAn LAnu fig u in n an Pa In which Patrolman Patrol m man n J Y iii t on wan 1 forced to us I hi his hisgun run gun and which In Lane Lan Inc Ing a at months month Officer Lyon had attested Murphy as a v ca eaM and willie while taking him to headquarters head quarters fen fAn pt up behind and th the nn n the heed In th tho tt tight ht that In which era hol were r fired also alaG n I Lyon Ln end and In to re NO hed pd It a I wound inflicted by the th butt ot of the revolver r |