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Show 1 T ,7..'.:..r. .' PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW . ,. . . . .J v.:;.: ' ' ' ' 1 '' : : "" ' " : " ' ;"' ' ' I Springs Outpt - By flow from the forty-six P In Hot Sprtdgs National ansas, la 'estimated at 850,-na, 850,-na, with an average tem-0f tem-0f 142 degrees Fahrenheit He'll Catch 'Em itter how bad yon aim, t throw yonr bouquets at they always hit the rTght off ton News-Banner. Sculptural Term ogiyph Is a comprehensive Ion In .Scripture, compar-cycloraraa compar-cycloraraa or panorama In Unflattering ' Ipcator estimates that one , fluo in the United States : elow the average In intel- '. I - .-laurel v American 2 American pronghorn antelope in 3 nowhere else In the world 5a the North American conu- e.n.in Given Honor e first real hospital for the ;" afflicted appears to have established m Spam in To Relieve Thiret ion no water Is available, a te i the mouth Is said to re- tMrst, for a time, at least. Food for the Soul e cultivation of the mind Is a of food applied for the soul of Cicero. r!ation and Depretiion iryfa high hat covers a low '.-Pasadena Post. t Word for the Sparrow : 1 investigators of the Pennsyl-:fta Pennsyl-:fta frame commission have ,.,'A(Hhat the English sparrow, only regarded as nothing but a haf some economic value. They ' . i that the SDarrows attack and i Japanese beetle, plant pest cause considerable carnage ,ted areas. ' . r vr emirrv silmxii. 1 lentholatum In note. Rub bruldy n chest to improve nioou J circulation and prevent. -V congestion. J are WW Vliw tube30e. Your Home and You By Betsy Calluter WHITE THINGS BEST 1 1 riTHIN recent years bright and vt Dleaslni colors have spread themselves about the kitchen and bathroom. We have violet wash clotba and leaf ereen dish cloths. Shower bath curtains that used to be of white waterproof ' duck ate rose pink, sky blue, buttercup yellow, yel-low, ooodv red anything but white. Colored bed sheets are no longer a novelty and table linen more oiten has color than not All this In a nasslne fad that has no effect on the permanent value" of Dure white household linens ana eottons. When Inexpensive house hold linens and cottons are pougnt then white Is almost always a better bet-ter choice because colored borders and edges not infrequently "run" in the wash. This makes it necessary to wash them separately from me white fabrics and this means more work on wash day It Is a eood Dlan to select pure white bath and hand towels. Wash cloths should always be pure white, for wash cloths ought certainly to ne boiled Quite frequently to keep them sweet and white. : il Some women even prefer pure White kitchen aprons. To be sure, the old-fashioned dark-checked aprons do not show the soil, but they become soiled Just as soon, xne pure white apron has the advantage advan-tage to the scrupulous housewife of showing soli., xou can always ten when it should be discarded for a clean one. And the pure white apron can be washed with otner white clothes, and never takes on that dingy look that comes to colored col-ored aprons when they have become faded. - - Mothers sometimes regard It as an extravagance to dress children In Dure white: But the same advan taee that holds in the case of house hold linens holds In children s clothes. This is especially true In the case of very young children and hnhioR- wboRft . domes must oe washed frequently. im. Hit. McOtore Newepaper Syndicate - (WNU Service) " Plumber Joke World-Wide The Joke about the plumber" go ing back for his tools Is world-wide, according to a recent lnvestlgaon in n..rw V ruimlcli In all Rnro- man countries beard from, and has Deen traced to other lands. A cor-KRnnnrifnt cor-KRnnnrifnt in Palestine has' lust re ported that native plunibersThere follow the DacK-to-tne-snop custom. ft J . Thornton W Burgess PETER SEES A CHANCE Never give up. but be willing te try. He alwaye win out wno wiu n ay die. WAS ever anybody in a worse fix than" Peter Babbitt There ha ant Dentine for breath under a pile of brush In the Green Forest with Hooty the Owl percnea on nis vatxh.tnwor last above, and, hid ing" In a hollow log not far away, Shadow the WeaseU oi tne two Peter feared Shadow most He knew that Shadow knew, Just where he was. In fact U It had not Deen that nnnrv had hariDened along Just In time to swoop at Shadow and chase him Into that hellow wg. it is Drobabie that Peter would have been caught before tnis. - it' a luckv thine for me." thought ptr "that Hooty did not come ajpng untU after I had got under this n le of orusn. tie ooesu i swj rm here, and so be won't be watch Ine for me at alt Shadow won't HnrA pome eut until Hooty has gone away, and until then I am perfectly safe. Perhaps I can steal away while Hooty is watching for Shadow. Of course, if I make the least sound Hooty wll hear me. I don't see what Old Mother Nature was think- Ins of to eive him such wonderful ears. It Isn't fair to the resrbf us." Of course Peter duite overlooked the fact that Oooty's eyesfcare of verv little use to him In daylight. and so he must do all, bis hunting at nlcht and must have keen ears to help out his eyes In order to get something to eat .Mother Nature Is never unfair, though It may some times seem so. . . I'm elad." continued Peter to himself, "that there Is snow on the ground, because that means- that there will be no rustling of dry leaves when L move.. It Is dreadfully hard work to walk over dry leaves without making them rustle, awii Is one thine I do not have to worry about. I hope Hooty will be as patient pa-tient aa he usually Is. If he sits there long enough I will get" quite rested. Of course Shadow will follow fol-low my Tracks as soon' as tbe way is clear. He Is the most persist- on fallow of whom . I know. He never gives up until he has to. No mi look about and see what cnance I have eot ta eet away. The sooner I can do It the better. Shadow thinks I won't dare move wniie Hootv la on guard. I'm going to fool him If there is the least chance In the world, and the soon er I do It the better." . . Verv. very slowly and carefully Peter crawled to the edge of the brush pile farthest from where Hooty sat oh bis watch-tower wito pip ' 5 C3 CA o X z o H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 H'" i MY MEMORY T By DOUGLAS MALtOCH - wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'". COOOKK Une Camera r roves a,ium"'1 " . t t THY is It I remember VV-- Things upstairs when 1 am down: Recall some thing I meant to bring When I'm half way to. town? Why is it in the attic I think about the fire, Or, far below remember so What attics may. require! : Whv la it I remember Things downstairs when I'm up? When up I went I fully meant To bring along a cup. Why Is It, when I'm outdoors I think of things within, And, In again, remember then, The things where I have heenT !Icksc " Depreion Chat i in remember when butter was ents a pound and' eggs were 60 a dozen." i, those were the good old Why is It I remember Thinss inside when I'm out My kitchen cares, when I'm upstairs Am I always turned about? Since at the proper minute A thing I can't recall, I wonder why it is that I RAmpmher thlnes at all. !, 193J, Douglaa Malloch.) WNO Service. I Widespread Secret jjrengagementrhh secret18 . everybody is saying." Ghen-hgwa, Ghen-hgwa, Tokyo. iat and Bronchial Overcome Ogden,Utah-"I Yiavn had nuite ft lot of throat and bronchial trouble, would have spells of bronchitis some l kIiihIi a. .... van. , SW - 4 and choke up wkL ii' ivnAVrtwi phlegm' gaid Mrs. ". Wellsof 1071 Sulven Ave. "I took . i ierce's Golden Medical Discovery J . t has entirely rid me of this trouble. iave never had a spell of bronchitis ce taking this medicine, I have o advised others to take it, and they ' t been greatly helped." All druggists. f free adleal edrlee rf to Dr. Cltnl. Bafflo, N. Y., Bria yPm gripped with erery kottle ef . . , Pierce's Discovery Trouble - - " Faihlon'a Slave 'air3 Patfent What would yon ad- i me to do, doctor? illy Physician Either go South . .e winter or else put on more Boston Transcript i ig people of today enjoy lib- ! that young people have never 3d before In all history. ilt Lake City's fwest Hotel 4 j.fX'ii:i!;;;i 1 1 HOTEL TEMPLE j SQUARE j Rooms 200 Tile Baths RATES FROM f 1.50 Wtt 9PsMs4ff atCsWsW TseVslsKsW" NEST C ROSSrrER, Mr Jackie Comes Back 0QOOK)WOWWW t I "f; k V 'i VI 1 ff t wmsmmsm :-"::::::v:v: MEItll, strange as it may seem, A- A you see the fatal plunge or a i i nt.nl.nA In nrltlnh n rinmmed mirmue nniu"o , pilot is fighting for life. Only It Is being done for a movie company at Burbank, Callf and while the plane Is stationary smoke pots, a whirling fan and a camera that revolves re-volves Tlo" the trick."' -r- lit Just a Llttls Way Off Was a 31a Stump. "If I Could Reaen inv Thought Petsr. his. eyes fixed on the hole In which Shadow had disappeared. He took care not to make a sound. Where tbe brush Was very thick he crawled on his stomach through the snow under it And so at last nereacnea the edge where he could peep out Just a little way off was a big stump. . -, "If I could reach that" thought Peter, "without being seen, I think oerhans I could steal away. There la a little hemlock . tree Just be yond, and If I can once get, that between Hooty and me be never will see me in the world, it is my one chance to get away from here. and after I've done that I will navs to trust to luck to Jool Shadow. Hell follow my tracks as sure a winter Is here, once Hooty lets him out. and Hooty isn't going to sit there all night" - - ; Peter looked back over his shoul der nn at the too of the tall dead free which was Hooty's, watch- tower. Klgnt on tne very up-top sat Hooty. If Peter had not known he was there he certainly would have thought Hooty a part pi the tree itself. Peter shivered, and it wasn't the eold - that made him shiver.- Did he" dare to-xross that onen nlace to the big stump right In plain Bight of Hooty if he should turn his head? ,..- by J. Q. Lloyd.) WNtJ Service. WE had to cut down expenses; o my husband did his share by switching to Target and rolling his own cigarettes. I felt kind of torry foAhlm atj nt, but; I notice ha'smore cheerful than ever. a tells tne that Target rolls un fata dsarettes that look and taste like ready-made. Target is the same mixture of foreign ana rfnmMtic tobaccos that the ready mades use. You get 40 special gummed papers free. Iso wonder my husband tells me he's glad he changed. He's getting more ciga rette pleasure than ever, and we re saving about enough to pay for the family's bresd and butter each month." ' ' - HUSBANDS. PLEASE K3TEI You pay le than onelxth tht government govern-ment tax oa rody-madei wbea you raU your own from TARGET. Buy a packofTARQST.RotlyoumlfBfteen or twenty moket.Ifyoo don't ay they ere the beet eigewnee toh m ' moked. return tbe half empty package pack-age te your dealer! end you'U get your dime back. Wranned In noletureproof Cellophane ' Jackie Fields of Chlcago'ls one of thai fpw M-chamDlons of the prize mm who has 'come "back.1 In-a ten-round fight with- Lou BroulUard of Massachusetts he recaprurea me world's welterweight title inai ne lost to May, 1930. OUT OF THE ORDINARY O CCASIONALLY for luncheon or for a suDoer dish one likes a change, something which appeals to the taste, and intrigues the imagination. imag-ination. The dish may be an or dinary one, but. the servlngmakes It different mam: - Herring in Paper. Bonk smoked herring overnight In cold water after removing the heads and tails. Wipe dry and plaoe In a paper bag, those prepared for cookery or In a greased paper. Place on a hot griddle and cook until the paper Is well browned. Serve in the paper with : Maltre d' Hotel Sauce. Pnt a tablesDOonf ul of butter Into a small saucepan over a moderate fire and add to' it chopped parsley and chives. Season with salt and a little lemon Juice and while sizzling siz-zling hot pour over the fish. Another sauce to be used Tar this dish or for any fish Is: , Sauce d' Anchols. I TakeT three or four anchovies, mash them and mix with two table-spoonfuls table-spoonfuls of butter. Prepare a brown sauce with browned flour, butter and milk. Stir to the an- KITTY McKAY By Nina Wilcox Putnam I Try Using These i n 'Srai ' ! Mi ! i H (LBHn j rrv i av villi is i. i- rA ) X c cn p Z o m to Raman Plumbinff -wohousandearsoJn-iheXl . i o a - 1 s i reign of Augustus, we nrsi uniu emperor, nearly every private house in Rome bad its Own water supply drawn from the main by lead pipes. The pipes have such a modern appearance ap-pearance that they might have been put In by a plumber of today. Woman' Feat Recorded The Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce says that Mrs. Holmes of Lawrence, Kan., was the first woman wom-an to hike up Pike's peak. She did it in 1859. Ul Ifc. ... mm i Brows Wittlameon Tobacco Corp. LoulwUle. Kentucky - ioa I Guarantee to MoeeTow WatahT Wth lljr S. Virmon uon bi"" "Probably the rigid decorum ef another day," says retrospective Rheta, "could be attributed to keeping keep-ing polted on a horeehalr-eovered chair." ; First Cosmic Ray Telescope The olrl friend says that the younger generation would have a lot of respectfor gray nairs it xnry could find anyl (A lIJ. Bell ByadleaU) WKU aerviea. ehovy butter mnd Just before taking from the fire add the Juice of half a lemon or more. Dutch Sauce for Fish. Tt two tablespoonfuls of but ter, one and one-half tablespoonfuls of flour, one cupful of liquid In m-hinh the fish was cooceo, one cupful of milk, salt and paprika to taste. Cook the sauce, auaing iwo Tolka. one teaspoonful of lemon Juice antf beat well with an egg beaterTUSt before taning rrom me heat Add a tablespoonrui or mincea parsley and serve. Marzipan. Take one-half cupful of heavy iiffr alrun. warm U ana mix witn tiA.fnnrth nound of almond paste, sdd one-half pound of confectlon- ra ancar and work into a paste. Add a few drops of flavoring and mold Into any desired form, using color and leaves of sngellca; small fruits are easily copied. (ft llll Weetera Koaper Cnloo.) Clear BaaeTe Hietory Visitors to -Cuba visit a rich to bacco growing country. They learn, tnn. that Cube Introduced the band on dgara. Fashionable ladles years ago, afraid that the cigar would italn their fingers, brought out the cigar band for their protection. ieiw.':'jaMMiiawwi! Kv - , t WW 4, ,h Whiek It It, Umpa? Rha was addressing a group of en aar wide-eyed children at the reg ular "library story hour. "Today, hove and irlrls. I am going to tea you a real scary story about a vampire. You know what a vampire U, ooni your Oh, sure," answered one sophisticated sophis-ticated youngster scornfully, "Xou mean the one who decides in a Base ball game." V "Ho, ho," langhed another in aeri- alon. "Listen to him. He's taming about an empire." ' Willinf Helper Tanv vm eiiirer to heln his mother can pears and she said : "Ion better, go play ; they are hard to peel" "I didn't want to peel, out i can help by eating the cores to clean up the mess," replied the willing asslst- ant - - ' P TTT-'-i if mm if f '""Y" i'fi rnrr T--" -Tir i iTtT --"T1 "r-:: 1 1 i tr 1 1 1 ii For Stomachs TEMPORARILY Out-of-order mm with ecupot two alCuflata Tea. A eood old K.klo.d, triod aad Cril remaer, ' Buhae tht atlnulaue latiUh H' ns th. chaary Sood health ot . etomacb. Racommatulad br meay vaan of plaadld, cartala ramlta. Ae good lot cfaiidraa a. U U fol gr ewa-ope GARFIELD TEA THIS U the cosmic-ray teiescope, flrst of Its-kind, which wllLbeJsed to measure the intensity of this mysterious radiation from one part . .. . m ri. rith th atrmtrth of the rays from an 01 tne neaTeua iui wiuFmu .... . - . ... ., t .vi Tha tiiantna haa been deslzned and Duiit otner poruuu v me - . In the laboratory of the Bartol research foundation of the Franklin to stitute at Swarthmore, ra-it ti ror me use oi ir. -. . iKMiMat and director Of the laboratory. Kext summer be will take it to a place of higher altitude, such as the top of Mt Wash ington or Pike's peak, where cosmic radiation Is more Intense. t --.-a Leat Opportunity L Lady Why aren't you a successful business man? Tramp You see, lady, I wasted me time to school Instead of selling news papers. NIP CHEST COLDS, QUICK WITH HEAT OF RED PEPPERS Relieves Almost Instcntly To break op eongeetipn, to reetote free rjrculation and atop cheat colds ... to alleviate the cireulatery paiaa and achee of rheumatiam. ncoritia, lumbago ... Nature ha stored tip in red pep-pers pep-pers a marvelone therapeutic heat that penetrate deeply into the .kin without blietering or burning and awOtly bnnge "aUNow thia genuine red pepper heat is contain" in aa ointment, rah it oa youU feel better. And in 5 Trunute relief come. Dm atore sell Jtowlf Red Ftpper Rab. if W. N. U, Lake City, No. 1-1932 . |