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Show Iftfie 1 4X1. "PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1932 NUMBER 2 j Loans Are V Be Offered Any farmer of Utah Who 0 of a seed loan for spring lia eligible to make . appll- the federal 'government for irdlng to a communication ; J Saturday . from OV W. vjon, director' of extension i- t the United States depart-jeff depart-jeff agriculture, r by Director te eterson of the Utah State oral College. V'i4ln yur state will be made f" n off ice to be located in the eaf future in Salt Lake City, director Warburton. "This will IM 'be known as the Farmers' Loin " office:" "There- was ho jtio of the proposed person-K person-K Tie office. Director Peterson V l tc.t-'t Warburton pointed out ict -that the legislation this (authorizing "crop production tb,be made' to farmers-any- who are unable to obtain production credit from other pa, the only . condition being preference is to be given to Ao hat? crop failures - in riment printing presses are j rjing out application blanks; , mortgages, and -other heces-fonps heces-fonps and these will be made S in the counties of Utah there is need for, seed loans, rr supplies for the applica- ijl be sent directly to the Relief Society Will Hold Social Service ',. For a 'number of years the three ward Relief Societies of Pleasant Grove have been holding the Social Service -meetings each month conjointly. con-jointly. Last Tuesday a. discussion was entered info in' regard to the advisability of each ward: taking care of .this meeting in their own ward. Officers in charge decided to try this plan for awhile and if the wards wanted to unite again they could do so. Stake President Ella M. Cragun told the wards they could do as they wished, It will be necessary to have a class leader for this subject in each ward. Some of the executive officers thought the . attendance from each ward would be better and thus assist the average attendance at-tendance In the yearly report- Each ward . will . take care of their own Social Service meeting unt'il decided de-cided otherwise. ... - . . BUT AT HOME Relief Society To : -Present Play George Washing ton Programs at Manila Ward Second Ward Me I. A, Play The Book of Mormon play "Zada,' written by Niel C. Clegg, of Ogden, is to be presented by the Timpan- r Peterson has been advised, j egos Stake Relief Society on March 2nd and 5th in -the Pleasant Grove High School Auditorium apents where ttifey will be The cast of characters include Available to farmers who, Zada Mulki, daughter of Judge ing aid. Applications will . Jned by a county seed loan i committee Who' will " be Mulki . '. . Sytha Johnson Judge Mulki, Judge and" Genera . . ... . .". . ... . . . . . . .Niels Fugal u-ted by the extension service Gamonhi, Qamanite Captain aiif in-many cases the same .Lafayette .Wright mi$ will be retained as that'coraha Mulki, i made up the committees fori , loans, isela, :re uncertain yet Just bow m'oney will be available for litis , year", said Director urfcn. TI riaes $50,000,000, Act definitely Last year O.OlO was loaned to farmers in -oiigth and storm areas of the ! States." ' ! borrower is urged to keep ai&down to a minimum alii al-ii (lie maximum loan has been from $150 to $400. ' The it of the loan will be based on ge of specific crops to be J by the-borro wer In the ; of 1932 and on the requD-e- of the .individual borrower plies necessary In the proof pro-of these crops. The Inter I to be chargredbyih;or-f chargredbyih;or-f in all cases will be Eft anties in which fertilizer Is linonly used the - maximum if acre will be $3 for all crops i truck crops, on which a max-rate max-rate of $12 is allowed. Where is necessary for crop pro-nthe pro-nthe maximum rates are $6 1 crops except truck crops, the "4 this is . $20 per acre. Not f L$jjer acre of loansjnade f these rates may be used f crap production . other eqa, fertilizer, feed for work-afld work-afld fuel and oil for tractors, s Jr. Warburton. Aunt of Zada - ........ Jane Walker girl friend of Zada..... . . . , .Helen Gammett :ial provision is made for ad-. il loans for -ttie purchase mate ma-te protect crops from in-ahd in-ahd plant diseases where v4 or dusting is necessary, loans will be at ratesr not to 14 for truck crops. -Loans it be made to persons who did ' rage in farming in 1931 nor iors. Loans for summer fal- Sre not authorised, the regis reg-is state. .... farmer who desires to obtain ill make application on a revided by the county agent committee appointed to act the county. BUT AT BOMB ;hters of the Pioneers To Give Program Samona, Nephite Captain and .Judge . . .... . . .Legrande Jarman Aurum, court caretaker, . " ...Halven Fair Umah,. guard of Samona. .Leo Pierce Gadi, church worker. .Brown THales Lemaha, brother of Sela-. . "' "'".V- ' Arvel Anderson Zamoray soldier-... ....... . Soldiers. ... Act I Garden at Bountiful Courthouse, Act n Home of Judge Mulki. Act HI Army Camp. iIZ Act -i rv Garden at Bountiful Courthouse. SYNOPSIS , , . "Zada's" father wished her to marry Captain gamonai-'--hlS friend. whom she despises.' Before ; her father dies he tells her to marry whom she pleases. She Is , very much In love with a "Samanlte," Captain Gamonhi, but Captain Samona Is-very jeakusHf his rival and.- transfers - him hundreds of miles away to the southern army. Before. Gamonhi" leaves, he and Zada meet and a very beautiful lave: seen takes place- They become engaged and promise to wait for each otheiy though Ht be forever; j Samona' 3 guard Is hiding behind the tent, hears everything and reports re-ports to Samona. At the close of war Gamonhi Is . cast Into of the Pioneers Daughters u: their - regular monthly S Sunday, February 28th, at . in the Third Ward chapel. Muis Bastian family will r i program In charge. Bio- of the grand parents of the! the prison. Samona wins Zada's affection af-fection by strategy, and she consents con-sents to marry him. The' day of the wedding Gamonhi returns' and all ends happily. . BUT AT HOME SECOND WARD REUNION - Every seat of the Manila Ward Amusement Hall was' occupied Tuesday evening when, the people of the ward assembled to enjoy the patriotic preliminary program given giv-en by the M. L A. The program was sponsored by Ruby Warnick and Alex Wadley and consisted of the following numbers: Community singing "Our America".; Ameri-ca".; prayer, Stake President W. W. Warnick; inspirational talk on life of George Washington by stake superintendent sup-erintendent of M. I. A., A. P. Warnick; War-nick; one-act play, "Martha and George Washington Return" with the following cast:- "Martha" Mrs. Lillian H. Ellis; "George" George Monson; "Another Martha" Mrs. Inez McDonald; ."Another George" Kenneth McDonald; '.'Flag Bearer" Loraine Swenson; "Flag Bearer" Merlin Wadley; . director of play, Mrs. C. L. Warnick. The costumes worn by Mrs. Ellis, Mr. Monson, Miss Swenson and Mr. Wadley were beautiful in true colonial colo-nial style and added much to . the effect. The dancing of the minuet was an oustandlng feature, of the play, The entire act was one of color and dignity and much enjoyed enjoy-ed by all of those present. . Plana Ttfnrlf Ynllnwprt tha nmernm ' and was conducted by all the class Gold and Green leaders with the exception of the adult department. Miss Emily Wright of- the Domestic Science de-partment de-partment of- -the P. G. H. S. gave Next Tuesday ; ''Fickle Fortune," a comedy In three acts, will be presented by the Second Ward M- I- A. lii. the Ward Recreation Hall next Tuesday even ing. The action of the play revolves re-volves about a six million '..dollar fortune which- changes hands a number of times and get all concerned con-cerned into a mix-up, 5 The cast Is as follows: , Mrs. Warren. ......... . .Gwen Farr Cuppers . . . . .. . . .Guy j Hillman Gloria Warren ....... Maybelle Farr Roxanna Blossom j ' ' . . . . . ; ; . .Katherln Gleason Antoinette Warren . . V . Mae; - Bullock Bront Allen."..... ..Jennings Peay Emmerson - Hawley . . . . . I, ............ Blaine jRichards Stevens' . . , , . . , , , . . Sara1 Walker Sadie Tweed.... Eva Mari4 Conway Mrs. Merry, .Margaret Whllttagham Lily, ....... . , . ... . , . . . 'i'. Jeaq "Smith Maggie .....Arva'Nelson Mrs. O- E. Grua is the director. " Family tickets are good' for this entertainment! which is number four "of the "five featur" series. Fpr all those not holding family tickets a small admission will be charged. - . . v . Pleasant Grove-i Grove-i Lehi Game For Unemployed Committee Ask Everyone , .-.' . T Attend i.. v -BUT AT BOMB the lesson to the adults. Her siib ject was "Balancing the Family Ration", enjoyed Ball Proves Outstand-: Outstand-: : "ing! Affair The annual Green and ield-Ba41j sponsored by the M. I. A., was held A large class thoroughly1" the Pleasant Grove High School the session . and If ellthe gynasium Monday, February 22 lesson was one of vital importance. MANILA WARD REUNION The Ball this year was Jgiven" as the first of the six big feitures of 1932 presented by the M- I. A- to recall .to the minds of American will be eitizen8 the Bi-centennial l of ; .the Friday, February 26th, celebrated in the Manila Ward rti- r.t r,, rir,t. The. Pleasant Grove high school is turning over the proceeds of the Pleasant-Grove-Lehi game In the P. G. Gym to be' used to furnish work for the unemployed. The committee requests that every sport loving fan be sure and attend. at-tend. You will see one of the best games of the season as the Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove-Lehi teams are old foes and are sure to put up some scrap when ever they get together. Then to, it will be your last chance to see the P. G. team, the best basketball team in the state, In action on their own floor. ...... BUT AT HOMB , Basketball News Pleasant Grove pratcically clinch ed first place In the Alpine district Friday evening when Lincoln High School was defeated by a score of 45 to 23. The local school had little difficulty In defeating Lincoln although the Lincoln boys played an exceptionally good , game, especially es-pecially in the first half. The scores -by quarter were 11-5, 22-11 and 36-17 with 45-23 as final score. West and Gourley were high point men for the locals and' Payne for the Lincoln five. The' game . between . Pleasant Grove and Pnovo, played last Monday Mon-day evening atProvawasanother victory for the locals- This score was 35-23. - Lehi's win over American Fork gave theinhdisputedreoridplace in the league. v i-ae; AT-HOMB- . Entertainment Enjoyed Pleasant Grove Locals TV. a J.. xt . Amusement Hall as an annual ward 1jlpB.A n J. n,t,, , C 1 uu'1 cu" Peram mis frvr-rr-xvr lkXF lacciesj3if the unfinish- week consisted of a special enter- H.-tinn , h M T A. finmmiini. I ed P01;' of George Washington , tainment instead of regular classes, ty Activity Committee The ward 'ere ea m0tlfS for ecora0" The program consisted of a one-act ly Activity - Lommiuee. ine wira , hiVi ho, nQtfnnnr .- , . v..w ..Uw.vufeM v"" uiti v vvnen Marina. Ann i j.-v,-iri ' Mrs. Ira Seffler of Heber, visited Thursday and Friday of last week with her father, James A. Nelson. , " -' ' "iuf A BOMS Mrs. Ida Smith of Salt Lake, and daughter, Lucille Smith Harding, of Idaho, came to Pleasant Grove Saturday evening to attend, the Second ward reunion. ; , BUT AT BOMB yMr. and Mrs. Walter H. Moore, of Siianish Fork,-Mr. and Mrs. Eleanor Hayes, of Provo, were Sunday "d toner to-ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Johnson and family. : BUT AT BOMB Hostesses at the Senior and runlbr TUgfi school ' faculty party, held Friday at the Leland Clark home, were Miss Emily Wright, Mrs. William Parkington and Mrs. Le-Iatid Le-Iatid Clark. The decorations throughout .the rooms and carried out "in the luncheon were valentine motifs. The evening was spent in competition educational game Those present ' were, " Messrs - and Mesdames A. P. Warnick, E7 R. West, H. S. Richards, E. A. Beck, S. A. Kirk, Ford Poulson, Lyean Johnson And - the Misses ArvlUa Clark, Estelle Fenton, Emily Wright Mr. Wm. Partington and Mr. Leland Clark. BPT AT BOMB Four Pleasant Grove . : Students Apply For Gradua- " tion From College Logan, February 20. Marlln Lewis Dittmore, Delbert J. Fugal, Dean V. Johnson, and Glade C. Linebaugh, all of Pleasant Grpye, seniors at the Utah State Agricul-tunit Agricul-tunit College, have applied for graduation . at the -coming - May Commencement with degrees 6t Bachelor of'SclehCeiraecSfdihg': ,to an announcement last week from the Registrar's office. " ; 'Ht.' Fhjrenoe Thorne Brown : of . Salt Lake City, , was visiting Tueer- i day . with h'erT sister, Mrs.- Leon Smith, and family. - BPT. AT BOMB Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Valton Mortensen, of Ephralm, spent Saturday and Sunday Sun-day as guests of their morther, Mrs. Ine Olpin.. They were present at a farewell program for Miss Donna Olpin, who left Monday morning for the mission home in Salt Lake. BUT AT BOMB Mr. and Mrs. - Herman Greene, Mr. and Mrs, G. W, Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams,; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ben-jamin Adamsr Mr, and Mrs. W.- L. Greene, Mrs. Amel Greene and Mrs. S. J. Greene attended the funeral for Lloyd Greene, which was held in Salt Lake last Friday, . BUT AT BOMB The Primary officers and teach ers of the Third ward were enter tained by the Misses Reva Christiansen, Chris-tiansen, Merle Carlson and Evelyn Smith at the Smith home Monday evening. After the meeting a social hour-was enjoyed by the following. Milton Adamson, Mrs. Margaret Adamson, Mrs. Helen Bunnell and the Misses Elaine," Reva and Fern Radmall, Melba Young, Reva Niel-. son, Gwen West and Leah Fugal. . mvr AT BOMB Democrats Perfect - Organization -AtTt Democratic meeting - held -Wednesday -evening - the following officers were elected to direct the party affairs for the coming year: Chairman, Frank B. Newman; vice chairman, J. Macfarlane; secretary, . C- O. Newman; eounty committee-, man, L- M- Atwood. . . , " This committee will line up their- campaign committee for the fall election. bishopric is a committee on invita tion and-all members of the ward are cordially invited to be present. were artistically draped. I queen's throne on the west ine Returned" with the following cast was ; Elda Neves,-George Larsen, - Deva The.banquet committee consists ofVnSqBf- -. the members of the Old Folks com-, , 7""" ' reaamg oy oeraiame Macfarlane, ewm Biue was ""ununaxr-repre-TjilJIuerdan!&irtyTC group of eighth sentlng a large torch. -The back-! erade bovs and Irls: tromhon boIa mlttee and' Relief Society officers. I They have made -an assignment to each family so the banquet will be a community affair with everyone helping to furnish their portion. A very Interesting pregram cow- grouna was maae or rea, wnue and Samuel Smith: sword dan. Kvi Diue stripes arranged In Hie shape Linebaugh, Kenneth Bullock. Ray of a large fair with various sizes j MUls, Dale West. Mark Gammett, or stars nere ana tnere to add to ; Pnflnw Waikr m.t sistlng of readings, talks, toasts, and singing will be given during the banquet and Immediately following fol-lowing by special request "Martha and GeorgeReturn" will be repeat ed. m. On Saturday afternoon the Pri mary and Sunday School officers will, be In charge of a dancing and refreshment program for all child ren under M. I, A. membership age. the attractiveness"'" ,:- : At 10 o'clock, four couples dressed dress-ed In colonial costumes marehed to Clovls Jordon, were also given and In conclusion the one-act play "The High Heart" with Jesse Peterson. the throne and formed an Isle for George Larsen. Letha Walker. Sam 1L . A. -.1. iL a a . ' I ' ' vu quen , pass wrougn. am Smith, Harold Armistead. Phvllis Dancing will begin .t ; jO-pJ-sina: nefauenaantjate i WadleyortBt'-Leavltti Wendell irem oi mem, tne gins courtesied Keetch and Arnold Swenson was ana tne men bowed. When-whe was staged, seated, they danced the Minuet.! . , inea wiiQWN a aemonstrauon or BA..t Bij.i. rt quiiuua Dbuueiibs uuserve UT AT BOB MANILA WARD RELIEF SOCIETY PRESENT PROGRAM The Relief Society of Manila ward gave a patriotic program on TuesdajLafternoon.whichwaa-jex ceptionally well attended. President Mary .Monson was" in charge and Mrs. Adena Swenson as class lead er presented the program and les-sorirThe les-sorirThe 1 'following :-ftumber;,were given: Singing "America"; prayer, " Mrs. Christina Warnick singing. "Amer ica, the Beautiful"; Roll call with an Individual response, giving a. saying ef or tribute to Washington; SQlo-'Tberere. Many -Flags," Mrs. WELL ATTEN DEO. Nettie Warnick; reading, "Martha jand George Washington at Mount Vernon, Mrs. C. L. Warnick; piano. solo "National Airs," Mrs. L. - M. Atwood; lesson from - Journal, "George Washington", Mrs. Adena the contest dance by some of the best dancers In the Tlmpanogos Stake, - - -' -. - Tlie music was ideal.' Everyone responded to its Invitation todance and everyone enjoyed himself. TheQ ueen, Helen Bi-centennial Anniversary on February zz, in -commemor ation ef the George Washington Bi centennial, the Pleasant Grove ohn8on,' looked Central SchooTpresenied a patriotic beautiful iii her colonial costume. Program entitled "George Washing: Her attendant was Leo HalesTha! ton Portraits-" About two hundred minuet dancers . werefF Archie j children participated. Wright, Lola Robbins, Edna Bul-I A little minstrel act, consisting lock, Jennings Peay, Loraine Sweh-N of a. chorus, dance and song act, oh. .Mpriyn . .WadleyFern Weeks, ' was ery welLxendered by the First Donald Wright, Lou Ciel Miller and 'and Second Grades as the opening SamuM ShiiW."" Those Who deTOOff--; strated the. contest dance so ably were: Emily Peay, Sam rWalker! Gwen Farr, Lawrence Farr, May- - The Third Grade entertained with a flag drill and songs, creating creat-ing the patriotic, atmosphere for More than 350 people were served serv-ed at a sumptuous ward 'dinner Saturday evening at- the Second ward chapel. This event was one of the principal features of the annual ward - reunionJ. The meal was prepared by the Old Folks committee com-mittee and the Relief Society and served by the M. I. A. girls. After the dinner had been served a patriotic, one-act play was rend ered with Mrs. May Grua directing. A fashion show was RjJt onJby men of the ward in ladies attire. It belle Farr, Maurice Farr, Louise! the following numbers: Christiansen, Arlin Bustian, Emily i The theme of the progTanvdepjct-Wright, progTanvdepjct-Wright, Sherwln Olsen, Leah Fugal, ! eT the main events In the life of Ira Huntsman, Grace Llm, , Ray George Washington, which events Deveraux, Mae Shoell, Elvin Downs, were explained before each picture LaRue Gillman, VerlTClrk, Lynile , by readers, typifying Columbia and Ash, Earl - Cullimore, LaVernlUncle Sam. Songs by a well train - Cobblev. Lvnn Culimore. Lucv Wad- 6d chorus of one hundred ah ten" Swenson; solo, "Home Again', Mrs. iey Harvey Davenport, Beatrice supplimen ted - the portraits and Jesse Wadley. Monson, Carl Pack, Cora Harper narrative. in memoer present brought a 'd Le0 Pierce. beware-of imitations Look for the nam Bayer and t& word genuine on U package at pktured below when yoflTtur Aspirin. Then you win know that yon are getting 4he gtnulnt Biyer product thousanda of physician prescribe. - Bayer Aspirin is SAFE, as millions mil-lions of users have proved. It does notdepresa the heart, and no harm- Bayer Aspirin is the nniversal antidote tor pains of all kinds. Headaches Colds Sore Throat Rheumatism Keuritis Neuralgia Luml.nga ful after-eflectr follow its use. Toothache . Genuine Bayer Aspirin asoltfat all drugists in boxes of 12 and in bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade--' rnmk of Bayer manufacture manu-facture of monoacetic-. monoacetic-. guiiesler of salicyhcacid. scrap book made up of a collection of stories, pictures, etc. on the life of Washington. caused much merriment. Some of the characters were hard to define, they so resembled the feminine sex. Outstanding in the characters taken tak-en were," Dr. C O. Jensen and Ford Poulson as bathing beauties. Talks were given by "Bishop B. H. AJami or bouthern Utah will be' and J. D. Thorne. During the din-sd din-sd a fine musical program 'ner several duets were rendered by r arranged for the occasion, favlted-- r -7 Mrs. Lee. Fern Hicks and ..Mrs. Orson s on't Pay f or Guess Work ... - - -. I FOR A gnOT OF GREASE t's Why CHECK CBAET Specialized Lubrication I Is Better. Get This Service At . f Arrowhead Service. Station - - - PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH 34 MANILA M. I. A. PROGRAM --1 FOR TUESDAY EVEN ING The program of the M. I. A, for Tuesday evening, March 1st, will In- " Ruby Williams. -Bt'Y AT BOMS- ATTENTION SCHOOL "The portraits shown Were asfol lows; ' The christening of George Wash ington, boyhood play; ' George ----- - BOYS AND GIRLS chooses a career, carrying the mes- - . !sage, his' only surrender, his marrl- iJurlng the .winter monms l tne age, mlnuetTTPhosen commander hi school boys and girls have been chief, Betsy Ross, crossing the Dele- T elude special short talks of interest to M. L A. members by Elroy West and Stella Fenton of the M. I. A. stake board. The project for the month of March will ''be given In the adult department by Mrs. Amy L. Jones, head of the Home Economics Eco-nomics - Extension work of Utah making pathg across tne city raric ware, at Valley Forge, his Inagu- lawns. When the grouna was irpz-; ration, leaving, the White House, en it did not do very much damage back to Mount Vernon. but as the warm weather . begins Th hlnlM f .m..i. these winter paths" should be aban- Ljven by the chorus, who stood at1 doned. . , attention while taps were sung oy' : Continuous walking on the Uwns tho doubie mixed" quartet j will kill the" grass as it begins .to I Tl. i tu ,i. il 1 Tin'"":-"- grow. A word to the wise Is suf- County. Her subject will be "Theflclent and no other notice should, value of the home garden. '' . - be necessary. Try a Face Massage, a Face Bleach or a French Pack AT- Lee's Barber Shop IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAIN STREET - - PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH The scenery used -fa the portraits was-painted by the students of the art department- The" program wasrfginatedr the Central SchooL - SECOWaWARDI.IArGIVES WASHINGTON PROGRAM Mens nits The Second ward M. L A. gave a program Tuesday evening to ce!e- i"6rate thefirst il. l -a." mTtnirTrf the new chapel. The program num- j bera Included: Talk. "Washington's iFtlends and Enemies, Roy Fonts; j ! one-act play. Beth Drysdale; song, j ! Harold Clark, and reading. Sue Grua.. After the program the evening, . was spent In games and dancing. 7 1 1 V - IV ) gp.IL 11. i Thome's Clothes Shop I r |