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Show I oociety c ews Birthday Dinner Compliments Henry Vogel House-to-HoQse BdndWorkersitar,sJa '. ; v i r-v brated his eightieth birthday an- Gontinuinq Through DecemberislSras-fiS-sas; v, entertained a noon dinner. , "f)vr fh TVn" huf still ftn th SAllintr nn to hem1 The hirthdav anniversary of Provo city reach its quota of $400,000 in E-series bonds, j Mr. Saxey was also irated . . . i . , tt ? a ' j a . i on this occasion. Mrs. Bertha V. me women worKers on xne v icwry urive urge aKain u!Durnell was a gt, also, . again to "BUY THAT EXTRA BOND. . " i Mr. Vogel keeps well in health Approximately $165,000 was turned into the victory' and is active in LDS church work tTaA Va 1 jmia4 jv1 ti oa o nvooearo Vi Iftwntnwn In the ThirH ward. hoMlnff the f ftPrwiVia onrl RoKv -Rnrl tinrkora nnrl "Mrs irtnr J.ICfe of a high priest. He is .par- Bird, chairman of the city house-to-house canvass, reports that her large corp. of workers are still making contacts with the residents in their d is-1 trlcts in the hope of boosting that total, the Bilateral Leg Amputee club Of America, Inc., are in charge of Mrs. Melvin Fillmore, through whose efforts nearly $2000 has been turned over to the Blaca representatives at Bushnell hospital. Women who have been assist' ticularly interested in genealogt cal work, and does work in the Self Lake temple twice "a" "Week; Until his retirement 10 years ago. Mr. Vogel was an employe of the Startup Candy company. He has three sons and one daughter, Oscar Vogel of Thistle. Walter and Arnold Vogel of Los Angeles and Mrs. Bertha Durnell Also, he has six grandchildren. Those who wish to purchase additional Victory bonds are asked ask-ed to contact their block worker and she will make all transactions. Girls' To' dollar Pt into Victory bonds will M"- J. Nichoi. u n u a , w , T -dothe frick.' -KfrHi. Mrs! " Laron Andrus, l1 ' ' WSJ . Prnvo-. Z a w on, h rH n ?;'?. Walter Tueller. Mrs. u. I Amid a lovely Yuletidc setting, hit; Trnlri fn imiMM h.'.t Z.Z Co,onls in,the houe-to-houe thelr mothers will be guests at have turned tn 165,000. DUt we onnvaM inoliirio Mrs Owiree BsUll. , T r u D. ?L Jr ?L northwest district- Mrs. Pierce ters. tea Fridav aftemoon In the VL? erthe? 200,000 mark. she. Norton, southeast: Mr?. L. N.'ichool library from 2 to 4 o'clock! The. Victory House will be op- southwest and Mrs. L. U Culll-: A .KSSStaS en irway from I to p.m. ana .more and Mr. Zola Peterson. "J " 1 'r,ri iVwVV ii M-- Stanley M, Clark, Mrs two afternoons a weeK untu tne northeast. thl Bueti c ; . ' George W. Wotthen, Mrs. Dallas frdlAher?""?51- ...P.lr!?0"se.e" This affair is oresentedeachTear H- Young, Mr Wayne B. Hales, n. l. ivieiiaej, uiau euuiny viwjr-. win cuniinue xnrougn mt enu ui . . . , . . ...uu Mrs. J K Mvp Mrc r.pnro-p R i iu ci.uuoiiii Kina anu inuiiivi tt - - - - - - - ' . their teachers and friends: it is "on v,. iern, mrs UtahSbrosis ! Women Feted ; By Phfle Teras : With the Utah Sorosis club members as guests, members of Phile Teras of Sorosis entertained at a lovely Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Grant Fisher Wednesday Wed-nesday evening. Mrs. Jack Allen, vice president, presided? and welcomed the group of women, and introduced Mrs. A!lie Clark, who presented an unusually delightful program of music. ' Mrs. Clark opened with a talk which emphasized why America ! is - recognized as 'first' in music today. A group of her students favored with beautiful vocal solos and duets. They were Kenneth Martin,. Gae Peterson, Joy Tan-gren, Tan-gren, Mrs. Elsie Bradshaw and Gladys Tippetts. The accompanists (were Mrs. Ralph Britsch, Isabelie David and Isabel Hales. Mrs. Harold Bandley and Miss Melva McDonald were joint hostesses with Mrs. Fisher. Decorations Decor-ations were attractive', and were in keeping with the season. Lighted Light-ed red candles, in candelabra, were on the piano and tables, and were banked with pine boughs, tinsel ornaments and other motifs Of the Yule season. Orem Legion Post Makes, Plans For Benefit Dance Gala Preparations are being made by the American Legion Post 72, of Orem, for th benefit dance which the post is sponsoring sponsor-ing Friday evening at the "Lincoln "Lin-coln high gym. Free barbecued elk sandwiches will be served and the committee announces that 20 or more valuable valu-able prizes' are to be given away during the evening. Everyone is cordially invited to join the legionnaires and their friends in this delightful Christ mas dance. Kl Dentists, Wives At Yule Dinner With their wives . as guests, members of the Provo Dental Society So-ciety held a delightfully arranged Christmas party at Valley Tavern in Springville, Wednesday .evening. .even-ing. Artistic centerpieces for the ta ble were arranged from red roses, holly and red tapers, and as favors, fav-ors, the women were presented with dainty handkerchiefs. Dr. Reed Holdaway of Spring- Delicious refreshments were j . Worlton of AmVrfcan served. lt , . . j Fork, acted as master .of cere-Included cere-Included amonz the Utah Soro- a j p.f,r '"i women faculty members and girls'!5!Ls.,Kue YWC , rk' 1 b' Mlss Jcnna Vec Beck.- and man of-the women's division, who the year, Mrs. Bird reports, ' s putting forth ever' effort. - along with members of the men'sni r K J division of the city to push Provo rlOHS VQae Q 'over the top. . ' n x. Mrs. Russel Traher is chairman, VQTQrQ 1S rQ Pi V S of the downtown booths, and her, ' workers have done a fine job in Meetint? at the home of -tWmnS during the business hours, presidents. Mrs. George H. Hen rtjsu, uicj jictyc uccu O5:ouii8 aerson, memDers oi with the bond sales in connection auxiliary enioved with the Treasure Hunt, conduct-.party- Tuesday evening. the s.v)n.ored bv the Girls' orcaniza-lV. L. Jacksor, Mrs. Percival, Mrs. tion senior captains. 'Joseph Clark. Mrs. J. J. Weight, Vocal groups, under the diiec-;Mr. I. E. Brockbank, Mrs. Rich-tion Rich-tion of Ernest Paxman. and string mond Young, Mrs. Dan Keeler, quartets under the direction ofjMrs. Zola Peterson and Mrs. Alex ;John Hilgendroff will be included Hedquist. , in the program. Members present were Mrs. Sophomores and their mothers red Ahlander, Mrs. Rue Swindle two solos were sung by Golden Hansen of Springville. accompan ied by Robert Thome. In attendance were Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Merrill, Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Hansen, Dr and Mrs L. E. McKelJ, Dr and Mrs. W. D. Tuel-ler. Tuel-ler. Dr. and Mrs. Allen G. Brockbank, Dr. A. E. Paxman, and Mrs. Eveiyn Knight, of Pro- i vo. Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Jones. Dr. and Mrs. Reed Holdaway and Dr. and Mrs. L E Ottesen of Spring iiK aerson, members of the itn r Ak,. LP Psf5 frnm tWo until 2:4.v hurstl Mr. r. Kninrir Mr. "i,v VJL' r. , ed by the retail merchants' com-' Christmas carols were ju'niors. 2:45 until 3:10; seniors. Paul Sirfimons, Miss Juncce Hed-jot Lehi and Dr. and Mrs. James j:h until tour, it tne gins are . quist, jwrs. jbck Allen, Mrs. Ralply; s .Chadwick of American Fork Sl,n unable to aMend at that time, they Olsen. Mrs. Barney Clark and . ; 4 n r-1! Tn M nun;. n , ... ...... JMMLVunkteyl.Vh7 Creed Brimhal,. nt th Rihv RnnMi hnnHc fnr ... t- : .u- ur.u! -cbiiiic uu - - - w.. J . . . . w " - DU 1 1 Lf, LIC KiVCTIl LU1 UJl' 1 T ' I J i 1 i . , c - - t I till uie- oauy duhus uwnus party to be given tor tne babies born after Pearl Harbor.; Field Artillery veterans who have! ana ner committee wonted aiong'returned home, the affair to be Health Talk twitn tne-eouse-to-nouse canvass- held Dec. 28 Aft n - I - i , rveiresumems w ere- ki vcu iui . . The Blaca bonds F-seriesjMrs. Roy Passey, Mrs. Eucjene A f OF ( jh bonds purchased by the Provo Liddiard. Mrs. A. D. Scott. Mrs. ' Xl v-l women's cluos ana presented to'joel T. Brown, Mrs. Golden Woolf 'Here From Coast; jls Entertained iCards Follow :Dinner Party Mrs. J. R. McAffee was hostess I at a dinner and card party for ! Mrs. Alta Alger entertained for the JFF club members Wednes- iher daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dex' day evening at her home. 'Mrs. William Johnson. Miss Ven- "iieaitn problems ana com-iAlffer. who is here from s n municable Diseases," was thelnieffo. Calif., at a dinner nartv ! j j i ti pi 11 mumc-HDie u 1&&&W&i8ft1&&Mrs RalDh , M n Mn Croi of an int"estin8 talk lven at the Alger home, the occasion mjAmmmtmiIrs. Ralph Mar gsn M r. o;by Miss Mildred Allred. district Wing her birthday anniversary. Georee L Wood j nurse, at the O r club meeting The table was decorated with i " . J ;held at the home of Mrs. Clay jwhJte candles and a large white j . Dunn Wednesday evening. .Mrthday cake with r"d trimmings. IRk- f-irv-ur-i ! Mrs. Julia Fronk was co-hostess. Those present were Mr. and i DCI I jUl I Ml I Delicious refreshments were; Mrs. Keith Alger, Mr. and Mrs. ' served later to Miss Allred, and'Almo Alcer. Mr. and Mrs. Dunne Mr. and Mrs. Alma J. Johnson hc following members: Mrs. Glen;Alger. Mr. and Mrs. Dex Alger,! Erickson, Mrs announce the engagement of their i"' lvirs- "w mis. Airs. Alta Alger ana Marrlene and daughter. Norma, to Don L. Richard Brewer, Mrs. Dale I.ar- Kenny Alger. iBraithwaite, son of Mr. and Mrs. ?fn- Mrs. Harold Peterson. Mrs cards rounded out the delight- Gene Braithwaite of Pay son. The'.V .Ven"' .in i:tu'c.l'tul evening. marriage, will take place Dec. 12 I Mrs. Merlin Finch, Mrs. Wood-! 'CAROLING 4 in Gift lot ANGEL i . . run .tpnpii Mini hi r Lri f i l iiiii' in ine bogan lempie ana a rec-ty- tion will be given in their honor on Dec. 14 at the Benjamin - aishopnFrank Wride is at the Cllb CalcuddP Payson hospital where he under- 1 -jry AUXILLRY i went a major operation recently.' rhrirtma. naHv has Wn t Edward Thompson underwent ZXnt hB pw C1UD 81 ner n?"le luesaay even- CANDLESjan operation at the St. Marks ninr: .ain?er bcln8 tolIowe3 Dinner, Sewing ;Club Diversions ! Mrs. Paul Ream was hostess to i members of the Bonnie Thais club at her home Tuesday even- High score prize went to Mrs. Edwin Allen, Mrs. Eccles Cameron Cam-eron took second honors and Mrs. Ralph Morgan, traveling favor. Christmas decorations were all about, adding a cheery note to the occasion. Mrs. William Halladay was a guest and members present were Mrs. George Bills, Mrs. Clinton Ralph Morgan, Mrs. Eccles Cameron, Mrs. Le Grande Anderson. Mrs. James Judd, Mrs. Edwin Allen, Mrs. Earl Fehr, Mrs. Vivian Harrison and Mrs. Paul Stewart, Wed 63 Years;' To Be Honored PAYSON Mr. and Mrs. Jcjbn Done, one of Payson's oldest and best known couples, will celebrate their 63rd wedding anniversary Friday at their home in the Firsti ward. The observance will be in elude a family dinner for their children and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Done and Thomas H. Wilson are the only survivors of six couples from Payson who were married in the old LDS En dowment house in Salt Lake City, Dee. 14, 1882. The six couples journeyed to Salt Laxe in three covered wagons and tne trip required two days. They all returned to Payson. es tablished homes and spent their entire lives here and all took prominent parts in community me. Mr. Done was born in Payson, August 7, 1861, a son of John and Sarah Barker Done. He has been a farmer all his life and still op erates nis own farm. He was a well known musician and was a member of the city band and dance orchestra for many years. He was the organist and his brother broth-er was director of the first Nebo stake choir. He was also organist in the old First ward for many years and held other positions of i trust-Mary trust-Mary Jane Wilson Done was jborn September 12, 1862 in Pay-ison, Pay-ison, a daughter of David and 'Priscilla WUsi. She has been prominent in church activities, i particularly in the Relief society and the Daughters of Utah Pio-: Pio-: neers. Three of their seven children ,arc living, John L. Done and Mrs. liner Barney jot Payson and Ray Done of Portland, Ore. Three of their grown children died in the space of a few years. They also ihave 12 grandchildren and seven ! great-grandchildren. Mrs. Geneva jB. Pickering, a niece of Mrs. Done, was raised as their foster daughter and she has five children. Dancing Friends' Semi-Formal Set The Dancing Friends are holding hold-ing another of their delightful series of winter dances, this evening ev-ening at the Joseph Smith building. build-ing. The affair will be semi-formal. Refreshments will be served. DAILY HERALD : PROVO, UTAH COUNTS. tJT AH THURSDAY. DECEMBER IS. 194S PAGE 9 OES Holds Annual Election At the regular meeting of Valley Val-ley chapter No. 3, OES, helttTues-day helttTues-day . evening at the Masonic temple, the following officers were elected: Mrs. Evelyn Carle, worthy matron; Mr. LeRoy Chap-pell, Chap-pell, worthy patron; Mrs. Ann Ray, associate matron; Joseph Roach, associate patron; Mrs. Verona HalberEleben, secretary; Mrs. Velda Small, treasurer; Mrs. Nellie Leander, conductress; Mrs. Georgia Roach, associate conductress; conduc-tress; and J. C. Halbersleben, three year trustee. Following the meeting, delicious refreshments were served in the banquet room by Mrs. Alice Scherer and her committee. The long tables were beautiful with white candles and Christmas decorations. I Lovely Gifts At Shower A shower was given by Irs; Frank Goold Wednesday evening at her home for her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Robert Goold, the former form-er Marian Tllton, a recent bride The entertaining rooms were bright with colors and motifs of the Yuletide season. Mrs. Duane Mikkelson entertained enter-tained the guests with piano selections, se-lections, Max Stubbs sang and played accordion numbers and a toast, "To the Bride," was given by Mrs. Ole E. Olsen. Games were played under the direction of Mrs. a. uraeni ana Mrs. uie Anderson, An-derson, prizes going to Mrs. Clifton Clif-ton Thatcher and Mrs. Arnold Johnson. ' A tasty lunch was served tn 45 relatives and friends, who 'show- 'ercd' the bride with useful and beautiful gifts. 3 for your children's lunch ! One tin of soup,plu one tin of milk or water makes four portions delicious soup. 5 vassal v c-rn Try It As A Sauce Base for meatkaf, spaghetti, eggs, rm.!.i Fjt scsiooo. a oigk, ncn una zesry. There no better sauce ! ASe hnsnitnl nn Mnnrfav ner 3rH ' "V ' 1 V flTl-V. -4 Vu handWOrK 1 -- - ria eveniriK ui o u tiuin ai tut: V W , mjr , T T " Mr. ana wrs. r ran none an- , Veterans' Service Center. A 47 North University Ave. PHONE 53 . nounce the marriage of their son. The ahnll servintr tahtes were ' i"r?I! decorated with poinscttas. and: L. . rf F I hi u i t ii trsijiiiiruia will Lt , - . . neth.toWUdaBissellofPay.: g d . bjzr 1. to tc .jgJSe Sr?,aMg; Mrs. Edith Hawkins entertained OMF f " ' Mr. Spencer Meldrum. Mr.: j the B. L. Bridge club on Friday J Mrs. Eleanore Terry and Mrs.!Grifflth ""i Cle tus An-j might. Mrs. Winnie Hawkins re-lMarjorie Thatcher are entertain-j de""; M,rs- p- ;Gelz Mrf Z , ' leelved the hich score orize and!in the (IMF rUth momhri hi erick Hoffman, Mrs. Francis Hazel i Mrs. Mary Clark the cut prize, j evening at the Thatcher home. Mrs. Begene Peay attended theiE M C adult training school at Loganj Members of the EMC club from Nov. 28 to Dec. 5 under 'will hold a Christmas party at ,the direction of the U. S. A. C. the home of Mrs. Ruby Saxey and Mrs. Max Bills. Need A New Electric Iron? Used fats are needed to help make them. Also in making washing machines and many other home items ... as well as soaps. rum is row asm fatsi Extension service. Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. omsff mm) ? ft r.tlAtt Rotrigr otio5 The Hew RED STAR DRY YEAST Tbis amaziog new yeast is granulated . . . comes in small envelopes. It really urks u otufers for you Try it yourself" You'll be amazed at bow quick aod easy it is ... at tbe wonderful results you get. Just ask your grocer for tbe new Red Star Dry Yeast. STAR RECIPE FOR REFRIGERATOR ROLLS k At x cud iwstr ait milk 3 Ubltspeenj ;listtn(rf 1 U bMttn 3) ciwi stM U-pmHo tour. Dissolve thoroughly I teaspooo sugar to luk-irm luk-irm mater. Add contents 1 package Red Star Drv Veatt. Let staod 10 minutes. Stir ell. Scald milk. Add remaioiog sugar, short, mini? aod salt. Cool to lukewarm. Add yeast mixture, beaten egg aod half of the flour. Beat well. Add remaining flour. Mi tbor. oughlv. Brush top of dough lightly with shortening. Place in large greased bowl. Cover with damp towel between 2 sheets waxed paper. Store in ( refrigerator until needed. (Temperature of refrigerator not .above 5 r. ) About two hours before baking remove desired atnouot of dough from refrigerator. refrig-erator. Shape into rolls aod arrange oo greased peas.. Cover, let rise until double to bulk (about 1 H hours). -Bake in moderately hot oven (400F.) for 20 minutes. Makes about .4 dozen rolls. , Note: I his dougb w ill keep A or. 5 days. Unused Un-used dough should be punched down daily and returned to refrigerator. f GIFT LIST Definition of the perfect Christmas Gift: Something she wants very much but wouldn't buy for herself and that's what these gifts are! These are gifts we know she'll love and love you for giving them to her! SLIPS 3.98 to 6.95 NEGLIGEES . . . 6.95 to 19.50 BLOUSES 2.98 and up GOWNS ........ 3.98 and up Stunning Hand Bags of the Luxury Type FASHION NEW GLOVES 4l V V.r. . &rV5 i --" L. , awT- m0 y-aT PIGSKIN KID SUEDE CLOTH 2.98 Many other itema to choose from. Select the Perfect Gift from bur Accessory Department! Glorias Frock Shop 66 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE Genuine Lamb-Ettes of California Sheepskin lining with padded leather soles. Warm wool upper with soft sponge rubber, wedge soles. Zipper Zip-per fastener front. PRICED FROM 1.98 to 3.49 1 n i 'rw'Tii nfi i ii i i mill |