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Show Provo High to Seek Determination Of Its - !4 Hoop Tourney Status Cougars Drill For H.Y. Invasion ini.ii ritvrf Millet anH ihiJ barnstorming B. Y. Cougars roljfci into Provo Wednesday atternoo after completing a- semi-sucqes- ful trip through Wyoming," Mon.' tana and Idaho. s Questioned about the frig Cavemen Tip ; 34-19 Murray Payson To Be Contender In Division Hoop Circuit Nebo Still painfully aware of how arbitrarily its football team was legislated out of the Class A foot-' foot-' aall play-offs by a state commit-leef commit-leef the "homeless" Provo high ichool has taken steps to avoid, if possible, a similar slap when the J itate high school tournament roils tround next March. Practically "evicted" by the Slass B schools of the Alpine division, di-vision, and unable to gain membership mem-bership this season in the up-rtate up-rtate Class A league, the Provo team defending Class A state bas-. bas-. itetball champions,, has now been ;ompelled to work out an independent inde-pendent basketball schedule. While this is not expected to prove too difficult, the question Flovd replied. "The boys PAGE 4 munity demands an answer im- about as well as I expected; 'hot1 ; mediately from the state high course. I like to win aUniy school powers, is "What does Pro- j games, but that Wyoming cteifr'M? vn hav to do to oualifv for th : 11.. ,n,.MV . v'.' 3tt - - - - . 1 1 raiij , hmai - " . PROVO. UTAH COUNTY. UTAH THURSDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1945 DAILY HERALD Definite action to obtain if possible a clear-cut answer in writing to the question was taken Monday afternoon at a raeettng of school officials and local businessmen at the high school, with Principal K. E. Weight in charge. Rasslin' Gates Triple In Post-Var Boom; Always Room For Another Champ Of the five names placed, 'the; Y came out on top thrc tiifte ! They defeated Montana JLJ.' once-" I TTCTO urt Theu 1n"'trt4Tw: (Cowboys once at Casper aj BY HAfcRY GRAYSON J again in the finals of a collegiate NEA Sports Editor : tourney at Billings.- Montana. Man Mountain Dean takes on The Cougars had hardly, over-'ballast at bis Norcross, Ga., well! ni-r iViAip "r Im' until TTlnvri'' I! 1.H .nmhpr r,rZrt H. vJas TEW YORK. Dec. 13 Joe A motion proposed by Dr. J. happy to see Rolfe Peterson in a Mondt calls up to inform all hands C. Moffitt, superintendent of suit and believes if he gets in;tn8t Man Mountain Dean shortly schools and seconded by Clayton ( Shane may aid the Cougar cause lm give wrestling another gi-Jenkins, gi-Jenkins, chamber of commerce no tittle. Baltic attraction following armv secretary, was unanimouslyi The real value of the trip, in service in his second World War.1 ..which , n faytjjg. w;.w .how,,, , .o partis jsaTsrw Vilrlratc TrmmrP $ WSiSSXW S&rgZ: If linrnfS irOUIICC written statement as to what M.in. dTianmpnt for'Pr81" . ?.fl reports loots. I - . - -v - ct ri tn aiifv for r;-xT.. -Jr:U ' iMondt. A half dozen clubs are op-i : r . 7 l-.- j '"- ""w'?"v. ... ---.trur hia-hlv aneeeaafuUv in Coach Leo -Nelson's American rone u.avemen continued 10 aern-(By pete OLSEN up to pre-season expectations, onstrate that they are again to The question mark team of! It seems that individually Pay-be Pay-be considered a power In the Nebo division play appears to be son had as good a grid team as state Class "B basketball setup, the Payson Lions. Coach Don there was in the region. The by tripping the Murray Smelter- Fuller has the potr il material trouble was that the team played ites, 34-19. on the Murray floor. jfor a classy baskt .1 aggrega- as individuals rather than a team. The smaller Smelter crew held ,oa jjUt whether it realizes its: If Coach Fuller is successful in the fast Cavemen to a i 8-5 score j potentialities is the question. building up team spirit and the in the first period. The A. F.( The Lions also had what .was! players develop a truly coopera-boys coopera-boys raised it to 25-9 at half-j considered on paper a top-notch I tive attitude, then Payson will time. The Murray team out-jfootball team, but failed to live! have much to say in regards to Vildcats Trounce pringville, 31-19 ;the state play-offs to be held in ;Ogden, March 14-16 Coach Millet revoalcd that the .Sr"V. 'f " v.r" , Cougars have one more practice rr'"r": ' r' immeaiaie acijon wgeia awe-. game Deiore leaving ir w eB.. d as jf he coald only OD. ent from the state athletic com--this is the game with Kearns f , t,ajisnn cl,,r scored the Cavemen by one point in the final half, but the decisive! a a first haH lead was too great to" 1 QVerGOilieS Peters and Durrant, with 12 1 points, and Merlin with five, led! the American Fork attack. These' three veterans are great bait players and are going to be who will represent Nebo division in the state tournament, come March 13th. Get Slow Start At the close of the 1945 hoop, season Payson developed into one. Lehf Pioneers gave followers division. Their second-half record S. F. Dons, 22-19 rough on Cavemen opposition. 'something to cheer about last was impressive to say the least.. Murrav seorintr was evonlv riiJn'ght by topping Coach Gus Coach Fuller has three regulars vided but short on quantity. ! Black's Spanish Fork Dons 22-19. from last year's squad. Quinn I rith Vern Whatcott dropping IS points in the bucket, Coach Dave Crowton's "Y" High Wild cats won 31 to 19 over bpring ment tain dates at Madison iji - 11, 1 t- - . . , t- 1 r . v - miuees wm oe sguxni, proiiauij ( tacies oi. utr, i rvt-Biur. Garden saiuraay oy rnncipai neigni. imijipt repot" tnm uiau iu ... ... The consensus of oninion ex- travel hv ar to the Harden har. 0 '- nas euiiiiiitiuucvitrvt . ; ... . "Y" gym. I 4Via fiTat thrn Uomc rtf Ppffinn . that Ha orm. ie. lainers suun ia vne ucwiusivcicu Martin Lsvy. no- the r-SO- team has won three and lost one.get rto ne J , flte of departure ,rom s . Hhc w i.'c f Sa- that to SOUth j wouiu of- u.u-.r u -f.-jaay w wni. -o.u. iMc- w - T.itlle Wolf .lark niia if irniions on frnvn Pirpm nre naturaiiv nisannoinien ai not - - " - ' ' . r-' I Tl.. D.V.. U...... k. ilii 1 mi mi" ii Am. Fork j Peters, f Madsen, f 0 Durrant, c 6 Shelby, g 1 Whitby, g 1 Smith, g 0 G. T. F. Pi i in,s IS Lenis miuai victory 6 0 0 12 &&ainsl "rsi-rate opposition, rney mainiamea a ieaa tnrougnout, ai-o ai-o 10; though were never ahead by more . 1 : .. 4 3 lUelll 1UUI I" 3 3 0 3 Hutchinson, a senior and guard is pantoin ftf thA IQiR T mno RiicmI Hiilman is a returning veteran at forward and Orin Daley has had considerable experience at center. "Crowton's sauad is the surprise, One and the first three teams of , all commercial plane reservations .'ertainers sucn is ine De Sf the ore-season circuit His the Big Seven are allowed to; Koing east. This order changes the n; the 640-pound Ma fim., three and Tst one !et into the tournament, it1 nate of departure from Christmas Bllmj,; ore-season game High Cubs last Monday whatcott waS sensational at his 'that they beat the fourth-place ; petting the plane ride, but anv of.ore. 1 ne nope oecause ne wears Whatcot was sensational at nis ... T wa r. ,1 ,mK. one covered with synthetic ic els. ff iSSm.J rilvi KSiP01"1"1 out that thc urth-place. are pientv willing to forego their a varied assortment of cow-Bob cow-Bob Bushman Pld ' ! team in either league could hard-! visit with Santa Clau? in order -boys, phony noblemen, fezzed and floor games to lead the Wildcats w be ,xpected to havc better : to catch that pullman train to the urbaned characters, contort n-to n-to victory. hv than a .500 percentage standing. bitr ritv. wis. masked marvels and hooded Springville is still hard hit by. Tq demand a bet1er percentaRe mu;t wl takr a .Tunior Vnr. villains and hoodlum?., injuries. nay , j than that from Provo in order sUy team to Cedar City Friday Three Recognised Champs nouicdvijr u igu .... -v;to qual)fy for a piay-off game antJ Saturday for a return en-. Both of The Angels -r- the Man Mountain (Dean Chandler Secure As Baseball Czar CHICAGO, Dtc. 13 (U.R) Albert B. (Happy) Chandler, assured ot his position as the most powerful' figure in organized baseball was Murray Tuckett, f . . MacMillan, f DaRontch, c Pedroza. g Ahlberg. , g . Morris, g Stauffer. c Johansen4 f G. T. F 2 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 0 0 T 1 TV : ' 0 0 dimn j , j uniur ccmer ana , Valden Hurst, the fleet alt-state R'j 1 nh (Vfitr.hell Vfltoran frtrurawA z 2' ""' . .half back in football and also a basketball letterman is on this year squad. However, rumor has it that he had better straighten led the -'ioneer attack with eight Totals 14 10 6 34 Pmts each. Paul Larson and Paul 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 m . , , t t . m . I , r cvuns looKea ueti lor ine rorKers, The Dons sophomore squad sal-' ... feu, ni.tip rfiffiM,ins or S.vaged some consolation for the j he likely wonl bc eligible to 5T,U". "J uuw,""s W1C C1U eveii handle water bov , duties. .. Sophs 27-23. I Spanish Fork G j R. Jones, f .1 D P. Jones, f .0 a Larsen, c 1 Evans, g 3 Totals 4 14 11 19; Crump, g 0 Score bv ouarters! Hales, f 1 American Fork 9 25 29 34 : Nelson, f. Murray . . Officials . . 1 but played excellent ball. Ardene; either fouVthlolace tenm Vwith he A O th h and SwedS d the S '"Sf?1". ?oda' t0 remove the .....u u ri!.-im!na!nn : ...:n, . . .... j t-.. , .tamisn wmcn nas accumulated on i:nt ns iea ine ruis jiuiiuk ,a..ij 1,. i4 cr m nut nn ' 1 1 1 . , , , j 1. :n attack with 10 points. against Provo. The team has al- aJ rv, thaf want, to ,ha. hu the commissioner s name since he The Wildcats next appearance :read defeated two Big Seven 've he ouaht to be taken east A. ,Mmt 4l. K......i.h. loc,t inc 300 ,ast AprU' champions are recognized I one ,ngs were straightened out at thc that the AlDine division schools ,Hr nf tv,ir., nu rhr final K1'' ,J 1 7J Joint meeting.' Chandler said. P have turned down a proposal that travelinff souad is announced. "-.u.it " . t "-1" i. vr,: and 1 m on the dead level to 2 Provo be allowed to compete in win oe at nome rriaay evening teams. Jordan and Earl. with thP much coveted squad. wncn tney piay a return game jt was reported by Mr. Weight intensive oractiee will be the with the houtn nign -uds Snrincville G T Miner, f Sanford. f. . Child?, c. . . . Eggertsen, g Clepg, g. .1 3 .0 2 .4 5 .0 0 .0 0 Park, f 0 0 Haws, f 0 1 Black, c 3 3 Burnson. c 0 0 Bramnicl. g 0 0 Norton, g 0 0 drosbeck. g 0 0 F 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 foo'tball at Temple, in Maryand;; T 3 5 1 2 0 0 0 9 15 19 . Ludlow and Richins. Totals 7 14 Lehi G T ! Mitchell, f 3 3 Wathen. f. . .. l 2 ' Meyers, c 3 4 Dorton. g 1 1 Peck, g 0 2 Holmstead, f 0 0 Jones, f 0 0 Anderson, c. ?T.0 1 Gray, g 0 1 Hunt, g 0 0 Roberts, f 0 0 Provo MIA Starts Hoop Schedule 0, basketball with them one more lOiseason. A counter - proposal was Oimade that Provo fill out its 0 schedule with both Nebo and Al-O'pine Al-O'pine division teams, after getting 0 all the Class A games it can ob tain. Fish and Game Violations Listed m 1.. .u . 1 : , mi! . r,f caw T aire ritv in '"' iiuiMwiuntv respectea. "V 6 dT.' at, Vf throughout the nation." Missouri, and Bob Mar.-goff of " , Chicago in Montreal. Chandlers newly-gained confi-: yL x " ' """'' can leagues yesterday. The. 16 December 19 Schedule: P. M. Eighth vs. Manavv. 8 P. M. Bonneville vs. Ninth. 9 P. M. Fifth vs. First-Seventh. Provo stake opened its M Men basketball season last night.be- Totals 8 14 fore a large crowd in thc Provtf c, k i,'Vl-i.' " high gym. with the.Nunth ward, Ist last year's champs, taking the'TV ii ueiucsi win ui nit -m; suits were: 14 18 Totals 8 14 319, B. Y. HiEh G T F P Collard. f 1 I 0 2 Bushman, f 1 0 0 2 Whatcott, c .8 2 2 IB Rawlings. g 1 2 2 4 Broadhead. g 1 4 3 3 Bills, f 0 1 0 01 S. -Broadhead, f. . . ; . . 0 0 0 0 Baird, g 0 0 0 0 The problem which concerns con-cerns tbe school officials and the community is not so much a schedule, as what attitude the state committee going go-ing to take on tournament qualifications and whether a repetition of thcdisgraceful root ball ruling might occur basketball. Six Utah county residents paid a total of 5300 into state nsn 'club-owner rinsed out their an. Frank Sexton of Buffalo is one,Rual winter meetings by rebuff-1 ot the superior workmen and inp u nor leficrnec anH cmi. ! ,and game department coffers for cards, and the . mat moguls be-iporting the congenial Kentuckian' violations during November, ac- neve tney nave anuvner mSnci:on eVery controversial question. j cording to a report released to- JSjo& aai' . nr r,. -rf .,alifid bv bouncine Jaos around "al te.st s . .Powerful figure.; f"1-' woiii 1 " " t . ----- - - . . ,nis votes ciecioen two isshpis m.; Ninth 25, Fifth 22. First-Seventh 26, Eighth 1.1. Manavu 37, Bonneville 22. ARGENTINE HEAVY KAYOES MILLICII OAKLAND, Calif., Dec. 13 U.R Argentine Heavyweight Abel . : ... . .. - , " : OX v 'Winford uray oi Lent coinriDuxea - "I'"" T " , 'eluding unlimited night baseball S200 each, with .Carter charger, - ' --"' Vc .' owners, in full respect of for unlawful shootinc of came'skl is in semi-retirement Fuller has uncovered a wel jcomc addition to his syuad in - elongated Eugene Nelson, a I senior, who has had experience 4 i playing with the Genola ward o 'M" Men. This 6-foot 2-inch , basketeer may be just what Coach Don needs. Other squad members who havc " shown considerable promise arc: ,Boyd Stewart, Reed Mney and 5 19;Dean Wilson, forwards; Don t f s partridge at center ana Jim 8Quigley and Dean Wignall at. 3 guards. 8!' .Questioned as to his starting jljlineup Coach Fuller indicated- i that he had eleven , men on his " squad. No player has a lease on Pjany spot and any of the eleven yjboys are in the thick of the fight JJlfor starting berths. n Won Two Games The Lions nave piayea inrec pre-season games. They defeated Moroni and Wasatch Academy at Payson and lost to B. Y. Wildcats at Provo. Other games on Payson's sched- ! . . 1 MnH4.40 ...ill. Wasatch Academy, B. Y. High, South Summit and Cyprus. During Dur-ing Christmas holidays Coach TP. . IU- ...ill 1 tste a tour to Grantsville, Cyprus and South Summit. We repeat that if the Lions play ball and develop real team spirit and school loyalty they will 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 22 19 22 Totals 12 11 7 31 Score by quarters: B. Y. Hi?h 9 14 22 31 Springville . 5 8 .13 19 Officials F. Dixon and P Officials School Slated Dec. 19 Thompson. r&i II "-A 't'1-' 1 f (8 ! li i 1 1 linitn m T-iU J I 1 1 CMMMW0';U" I.J 1 Ml HI All officials who expect to of- mation. $23. ficiate in Region Three basket- ball games this season will be re- , quired to attend a school for of- D.l... rgl C!nnA J ificials to be held Wednesday. POlyO XQ 3QVQQ 'Dec. 19, at 8 p. m.. at the Provo; r r. high chool .according to Eugene OJ 1 Will TUIId Hiilman of Payson. Tests on the rules will be given and official TWIN FALLS, Dec. 12 interpretations of the rules as Ear! Bolyard. 33. former they will be carried out this sea son will be presented. $200 . . i h i inHrrment KnrvkoH him in fK i?ame ski is iu feiui-ieutrnirm ai ',,i,Jtt j L i . w'x:j''":r.:.r:i:,'..":-.:, international rn- Minn., home.""" -"fl. u,",ur eau.-" d to. mner MSiiurai " ',"'V,-"fr"r. ,'Aa' te hi.lPOMW which the commissioner Finlayson, Provo. no license, a; - ""J- --. ' ,:rh " .had termed "obnoxious." "illegal- Robert Smith, Cedar Fort, tailure -VV,DW " - '' to check at elk checking station, California but d Lew is is a p-t,.i p-t,.i . t-v..-.. n? .. Dft-rinc at least three nights a I-.:,, 'BmVhi week after 30 years or $23: William Wilkins, Rt. 2, Provo,1 hcaa cracK,n-violation cracK,n-violation of fish and trame nrocla- Lewis Is Lone Survivor and "unfair' during the minors meeting at Columbus, Ohio, last "ore JJiweek. more of "The meetins was one of the best I've ever attended." Chand ler said. The owners went right' Fifth ward was in the game the Cestac 222. knocked out "News- whole time, and it was only dur- boy" Millich, 190, Sacramento, ing the last 15 seconds that the; Calif., m the fourth round of a Ninth gained the three-point scheduled 10-round fight last margin they held at the finish, night at Oakland auditorium. Both teams played a well-fbal- anced game, although Ninth was iv strf.ft ri.nTHf lemerae as real contenders for the off form at the basket. K. Dia-. CHICAGO Increased action I crown which Coach Gus Black's mend was outstanding for Fifth. ;m tnc middleweight division is I Spanish Fork Dons have worn for First-Seventh had little trouble expected now that Champ'ion Tonyjthe Pa8t three seasons. uith Eighth, despite outstanding Zale is out of the service. t play by Simpson and Christensen for the latter. Basketball Scores Chi- By L'NITED PRESS Illinois Institute Tech 48, cago 3. St. John's Univ 46, Utah Univ. 43 (overtime) Strangler Lewis, still a fine tig-, along with my decision ure of a man at an admitted 53.! is the only active survivor of the so-called golden era of sports in ,the '20s. When you think of base-j ball, you think of Babe Ruth.; jWhen you speak of boxing, you speak of Jack Dempsey, golf 01. R; Bobby Jones and tennis Bill' minor TUden. league star and a navy overseas Lewis, like Dempsey, lists his. veteran, has been signed to man- learnings in the millions. f 8 Twin Falls Cowboy team ; Bj E(1 of the hadjock general- ln.ih Plonepr lca8"e- , , . Iv is rated the g.eatest heavr-M. heavr-M. J. Doerr. Cowboy club presi- weight wrestler ever developed in dent, announcer Bolyard s selec- ,his country. and Gama the In-tion In-tion after a long distance call to- dl8n js the oniv foreigner favor- Manavu displayed old-time form in their win over Bonneville, and will be a team to watch this year. Bonneville played a good floor game, and will be hard to beat if they can start connecting w ith the basket. RENT A CAR By the Hour, Week or Month! Hertz Drlv-ur-Self System P. E. ASHTON CO. 191 So. Univ. Ave. Phone 155 The Christmas Gift Custom Built SEAT COVERS Made to Fit Your Car ASHTON'S 191 South University day from Joe Devine. New York abiv cornpared with him .ax,AeC t,,,r, .n i w-uuL uU strangler Lewis is additional : a now at the major league meet- t JkJ nevidenc, of why a bloke ; ner In fn I'Hitn The ( AM-linvt: have V?. . " . . . Columbia 74. Brooklyn Poly. 32 a 0w0rkin2 agreement with the ,say 1' nrao Larnera-snouw Pomell 69. Nianara 36 "8 agreement wlth tne have shied away from boxing and A I r 48 Amherst 44 , . .. , . . stuck to wrestling. a. i to. Amnersi tt Bolyard has lor thc last two 1A. t , , , t, Westminster 56. Carnegie Tech ye8rs been in charge of thc US.' lts not nearly as n3rd on the 6;T . , in"y ahlec program in British j 8 vst?m , U. S. Coast Guard 34, Sampson !Samoa. He was a chief .necialhd.1 " Naval Center 32 anH was oktant manaer rf ttio I Whitingfield 52 Maxwell Field iGreat Lake8 Naval training center Indiana State 54, Hamlin 43 Cochrane for one year and under Western Michigan 77, Calvin o0 Johnny Rigney for a year. Princeton 49. Rutgers 40 1 Harvard 40, U. S. Coast Guard ; 20 ! CAMBRIDGE BEATS OXFORD Rice 46, Southwestern 32 LONDON, Dec. 13 U.R) Su- Rider College 53, Lakehurst periority in the forward, wall Naval 46 'gave Cambridge university an 11 St. Francis 50, Cathedral Col-; to 8 victory over Oxford yester- lege 37 iday in their 64th annual rugby John Hopkins 51, Gallaudet 38! football match, which was at-Denver at-Denver 48, Loras 45 tended by King George, Queen Oklahoma A & M 49, Long Elizabeth and Princess Elizabeth. Island Univ. 33. WANTED ALL KINDS OF HIDES! Highest Pricea raid for BONES WOOL HIDES PELTS FUSS and dead and useless animal. Pelt prices for dead and useless use-less sheep. Prompt Service UTAH HIDE & TALLOW CO. 3 Miles West of Spanish Fork Phone S8 Money For Your Christmas Needs AMOUNT $ 50 $51.50 $26.13 $17.68 $100 ktuwrali $150 154501 713M XXI SIM 3535 Loans up to $250 and Mra j UJilUomVctm Blended Whiskey U ptof, U grata attmil iplrils OOODERHAM 4 WORTS LTD.! i. WE KtllFG WAT IS, ALWAYS SHARP RC'DLADC TO ne-suAtiPErj N. 12 CHIST, ihnm plubc fcut-Utf fcut-Utf aa4 twilT auonadl atwl bU4a. Sopmnta Comptraneoc wooeka cbest. Ouataadiaf Mt for tny job. . . .SI. SO W. 9t CHIST, ib last ord in X-ACTO kahn. Tbice bitratbd Jamioam hsadles tad rlT toned neel bltdct, Scpant compuenrst woodea chest , Sl.et AW m mm f I i i No. 1 KNIH. libt earring. Hudie tad 1 bltda S0 duty ttrrio. Htadlt tad 1 bltdt M No. 11 KNIFI StT.BAflcUa aad m ejaottrd blade for liabt cuttiag ud carriag.tt No. KNIH SIT.buxU and tis aetoned fcladat for bT7 duty curias . .. .$1.M No. 42 KIT, two bumUm tad 12 hiadet for til t)f vuctiax tad arriar. Compicta IJ.tS "USVeZ A DULL DLADC GESSfORD'S, Inc., 47 North University Avenue Phone S3 vkRc WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Qu BOn BOMBSHELLS SSL Steering KnobN Tire Pumps I -6 Hose Longer Lasting J V " y 49c J V 0n'y l yo'Eith ELECTK1C SHJELD jT JrQ RejnerS f DEFROSTER )( SuttTClum, ) I Swith Included jf - Only A Only Each A f Car Batteries GIass Roaster f Just Arrived No. I Case Oven Glass. Guaranteed for 2 years J Now j 2g Exchange . J 0nl.v QQ Each f Kitchen Step Stools J f Car Floor Mats ) w 2 Steps Red or Blue A AU Size Prc-War QuaUty J V . Only J p Each J V Now j To 3 -ym BOW & ARROW SETS 1.98 BIZZY BUILDING BLOCKS 98c PLASTIC TOY DISHES ... .49c to 1.98 MOLDING CLAY 49c DcLUXE DOLL . 6.95 COMB & BRUSH SETS ... 39c to 1.98 TRACTOR 1.39 SHAVING SETS 69c to 1.98 STEAM SHOVEL 1.79 COLOGNE 59c POWDER MITS 1.00 Many Other Items To Choose From SHOP NOW at 214 WEST CENTER PHONE 121 |