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Show PROVO (UTAH) EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, JANUA R Y 8, 1 930. PAGE SEVEJ: 1 t 1 I I! ! I I I I i I t I I 1 I t ! I I I I i I I I I i ! i I I I I I i I I I I I I I 1 I i 1 1 i 1 1 I ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! i ! I ! I I ! I i i i I I I I I I ' I j i I i 1 I t i ! I I t I I i I TTV MO m r V BEGIN HERE TODAY JUDITH CAJEERON. typist In a New York publhjhlng oftfco, at tracts th.3 Inten ut of - ARTHUR KNIGIIT, executive of the- firm. Knight is a widower, lonely since . his daughter, TONY, 18, and son, JUNIOR, 18, spend most of tfieir time away from home. Judith fascinates fas-cinates Knight. He takes bsr to dinners and concerts. Meanwhilo - the girl continues to krp mysterious - appointments with' a young man known only ri "DAN." KATHRYN TUTPER, office ex ecutlve, has acquired a dl&llko for the girl locauso cf Knight's favor. .Miss Topper gives Judith the most distasteful tasks. At the end vf whirlwind courtship Knight asks Judi'j'a to marry xilm and she accept ac-cept The next evening she is nervous ner-vous and distracted and tells him she has something to confbss. He -sss SMfrJss ssjk sUi 4ttssft tSk sift -4sA StfbkSstt-tfSb Ass tl II II !! II II II II II II I! II DON'T WASTE A Jnst send it P-1 Prices Reduced On All Our Used Cars January 1st 1929 Ford Tudor 1929 De Sota Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Dodsre Coupe 1928 Studebaker Sedan 1923 Buick Sedan ; Naylor Auto Ca we go get ems i dayo nit Srvice TEIXUREDE MOTOR CO. ! PROVO MOTOR CO. u . Variety of Used Cars PHONE 1405 : Phone'' '".ci.ng' j" . s - 1 j ladiest gHoo 3iDyDr. M. Ghristensen II . 1 Y r nw modern i , Y D. S. C. J I neihod no nails O no' wire no tche J -no" stiff nesVD THE ECONOJUY SHOE SHOP Phone 267 J. S90 West Center UTAH COUNTY MATTRESS FACTORY Wool and Cotton Mattr rises. and Cotton Batts M i Old Mattresses made like new. fiance ana zactory coi .w 2 xmo. rhone 34aTV CHARLES BURROWS, Prop. The Central Service Shell Products, Grease Jobs, Tires. Prompt Courteous Service RALPH C. DUNN, Prop. Phone SSd Fourth West and Center St. if 1 1 1 1 ti DANIELS AUTO WRECKAGE We hav or can get any part Tor I any car. tO to 85 per cent saved. I on parts. ) Satisfaction or Money Baca 3rd S. and iJnlv. Ave. Phone 6a . . . . - BIADSEN CLEANING COMPANY DOWN AND FANCY QUILTS, COUCH COVERS AND POR-v ITER3 CLEANED without fading or shrinkage. ' Goamntmi Phone 473 . We Also Clean Rugs 119 North UnlT. Ave Get That New Roof Now! Terms to -suit your convenience. ASPHALT ROOF AND SHINGLE COMPANY Phone 1157 43 North Provo, Utah 3rd West fj STOVE REPAIRING.' ?hS?e ,iIwVETHE XliJLLL COLLECTIONS Send us your, delinquent accounts ac-counts now No collections, no j J charfM. 14- years of service. PROVO r.IERCANTILLi AGENCY, INC " Rooms S-12, F. & ' 'v,Bank Bids. H. Jucnlrc Lifer- Co- Hadiatora and Welding ; Eody and Fender T7orl: . 170 North University Ave. . '. Phono 175-:;;-: AUTOMOBILE HEATERS, SHUTTERS, WEED CHAINS, WEED HORNS ETC. ; 1 We carefully and cheerfuUy complete service for winier "S"3 PROVO AUTO P. L. LARGER plcmhmg r.npAc: rona a epccialtt ,1L CeitXS FICTION 1-AlinA lf1l BR00KMAN laughs and refuses to listen. They plant a six weeks honeymoon in Bermuda. Knight supplies the money for an elaborate trouweau. They 'are married on a sararaay ' morning. Wbsn they I ard the liner to sail Judith is proud and tfirilled. Suddenly in tho crowd bn the dock she sees Dan. Tears come into her eyes. NOW GO ON WITH TIDS STORY. CHAPTER VI Sailing: down-New York harbor' was thrilling to Judith. "She stood close to her husband, leaning against . the rail. Sharp breezes buffeted her skirts and whipped crimson Into her cheeks; Knight frowned .(the sun shone in his eyes) as he pointed out familiar beacons of the skyline. - The yellow light hit the water and sparkled back again. It caught up diamonds In the spray and sst sjhLv salt sss ss4ss ss jsst sssaasjtodssflstsss sbb ssasfcsjssvss) ii it SINGLE THING! ii to one of thee it ITS H O PS HEINDSELMAN OPTICAL AND -r JEWELRY. CO. Official watch in spectors for U J., and D. . R. G. Railroad II uuueeb of watches repaired M Phone SR6-W 120 W Onter fU j C , : II OSCAR CARLSON Sporting Goods Co. ii KEY and LOCK Work ol Anj Kinr Sporting Good rhuae 83 lit N. Cnlv. Ave Battery Charging KtOVO SUPER SERVICE J y PERKINS BROS, Props. U. f. Tires - Expert Auto II tl !J II 13 II II tl f! W 14 Washing and Greasing Phone 813 - 3rd West & Center GRAHAM-PAIGE - AGENCY Prices Cut In Half 145 NORTH UNIVERSITY ChlmptKllHt Font 8ps !H l-j For Appointments Phone 1010 hi from I t. m. to I p. m J j 170 W. Center. Pruto. Utah j ; U i) ' Broken ' Windshields and' Car Doors Replaced . Provo Paint . Glass Co, Phone 63. 110 West Center. GEORGE BILLINGS COAL CO. Famous Blue Blase Coal High heat free from rock and j j clinker SO per cent less ash than II other coaL Home Phone 49IJ J Yard Phone 491-W. 485, W. 5 S SEE US ABOUT TOUK jj TITLES 1 fUti. sTV.-fl ' Notary Puhlir ; ' H. F.THOMAS ABSTILACT CO. 214 W. Center Provo, Utah j ; ; 11 11 11 tl 11 11 11 f! !! 11 11 it 11 11 11 CALLAHAN HARDWARE CO. ' BUILDERS HARHWARS -Klectrte Wtrtng . aid ' CnitnfUuu Paints, Oils and -KahwmlB Phone 625 62 W. Center j 11 SmSa If II II II II GENERAL SHOP II II Ii House and Sign Painting, Paper Hanging, Calclrnining. Jk I PHONE 812-W ii 817 NO. NINTH WEST; II II Auto Plate Glass I! 11 Installed While You Walt Seasonable Prices v AHLANDER MFG. CO. ,: Phone 182 , 473 South University Avenue 1 1 it 11 1 1 ii 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii I! I I I I I I !! I I 1 I I I I I I 1 TYPEWRITERS Typewriters Bought, Sold, Repaired and - Rented, v 4 1,7. Taylor Pppcr Co. J f v.:':'. ' r : S3 North Univ. Ave. Phone 15 I I I I check your car and render 11 anvin ai no cos; w you. SUPPLY & centS 4th West 1 1 I I '3 7czX Ceuki trcc flung long shadows on the ivory whiteness of the decks. Lower- Manhattan. Those amazing, amaz-ing, pompous turrets. Telephone building, pyre like --Mankers' Trust structure, . Wool worth, " Equitable Trust, a dozen others. How they glared down - on the ' murky river snorting, wheeling , lit Us tugboats, ferries and freight barges I Past Brooklyn. Past the untiring Goddess . who symbolized'' freedom. On past Staien Island and'' then: at last onto the gray AtlanUc. Judith"; long; long after, could shut her eyes and stiU see clearly the panorama of the harbor unfold ing just as it had that morning. The morning of her marriage to Arthur Knight. ' ' -- . - K - r Ke told her so much - as they stood against the rail, anticipating questions before she asked them, delivering an elementary lecture on seamanship. The pair were among the last, to leave the deck and go inside. " -. " 4 ' - l Judith was wearing her- broad tail coat and the Agnes turban. She looked Parisian with the aided dash of independent American girlhood. girl-hood. From topmost tip -of the turban to narrow black juede toes she wa'a groomed saaartly. Valley lilies poise i , upon her shoulder tied with white ribbons. Thoy wore her wedding bouquet. . v . sf. . Arthur .' led the way'' to y their cabin. ' A-bright facsd young Flewr ards obligingly assisted. ' A! ship cabin?" A veritable bower bow-er of baskets and boxes of roses in-i stead. -- -' - ?'Why Arthur! .; He wheeled. Diplomatically ; the steward had ducked into, the cor- Airs. West was vivacious, generally popular, and she urged her j frfoiMfehin tirw.n jiiriith 1 ridor. Arthur Knight and his bride were alone at last. .. . . -' Judith found herself in her hus. band's arms, Arthur's shoulder so comforting Arthur's kisses ardent and comforting, too. Arthur roughing rough-ing her 'hair with clumsy, caeees-ing caeees-ing fingers, whispering his adora tion. - x A prayer at that instant ' arose from the inmost comer of Judith Knight's heart "Dear God," ithe prayer . said, "teach me to love my husband." She wanted to love Arthur Knight. With all her soul the girl wanted to love him. -' Sh A raised her blue eyes then to the fervent brown ones. j "Dearest!", said Judith. . She was quite unaware ' that this was the first time she had ever addressed ad-dressed Arthur Knight with a term of affection. ? ' -' " ". Nj" ;; "- Try ( Your Ford ')ealer TT?TrTrr FOR USED CARS in Best Condition arid Lowest in Price 1927 Ford Coupe 1925 Ford Coupe 191 Ford Coupe ' . 1926 Ford Touring: 1925 Ford Picktip 1929 Ford A A Truck 1928 Nash Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Chevrolet Coach .' .. 1926 Studebaker 1926 Dodge Touring : Judith and Knight were both delighted de-lighted to discover, as the trip wore on, that the girt was a natural sailor. sail-or. There were stiff winds before the ship ' reached the gulf stream. The sea became sd rough that portholes port-holes had to be closed. Sea legs were as natural as land ones to Arthur Knight. Now he found that,: no matter how ;the sea might pitch and roar,. Judith was good for five times around 'the sun deck each morning. Sh- enjoyed lazy afternoons in her steamer chair, well tucked np in blankets. Sometimes they braysd tne gaia along the ship's railing and ttied to count the flying 'fish. It was a eamc in which the wli ) counted the most fish could decide whether they should go into the lounge and have tea there pr, hunt up another couple for bridge., . , WNen Knight won i he said "bridge. When Judith was abriter she voted "tea." . , They had their meals at the capUhow she felt after they had reached tain's table, and Judith thought the slim, sharp-featured efficer unusually un-usually interesting. He. had little to say but his words had such point. She was equally attracted by the ruddy;'' weathe retained bronze of his-face.- - t v Arthur Knight picKod up " acquaintances. ac-quaintances. He knew th. ship's officers, found one or two men with whom- he had had business : relations, rela-tions, and he. brouiit them all to Judith. . ' Knight fairly radia'cd pride when oher men ' paid his pr-itty young bride compliments. The fact Ihft Mrs. Knight was so constantly snr-rounded snr-rounded by masculia attention st tongues goingn many a.;ttrictly V i e Xv I :: .. :j 4 ;x...::, 4 ,4 'V - 1 W: y--;..-:----''-i y- J feminine circle of bmyhodei, " There were several other honey- moonersbn board. " There wa3 cne l other couple just married wna sat I at the captain's tabic. Then there - it was almost no time before she were two middle-aged sisters, there and Arthur sat. behind -'a, pair-of who affected the brightest of spoit fottnsr. hordes hitched to an , old-clothes; old-clothes; There was a solitary elder- ' fashioned flat-topped carriage and ly gentleman whom ro one seemed were driven by a soft-spoken col- to know much about. There was a Germanic young man who said he was enjoying his ' first vacation in scveh years. There was the" verjy attractive ; Mrs. Franklin Monroe West and her less obtrusive hus band. Mrs. West was a flamboyant bru- net, probably 35, though looking nearlv 10 Years less. Her gowns were as perfect a3 Judith Knrght's and th wore far . more leweiry. Mrs. West was vivacious, generally popular, and she owrged her friend ship upon Judith. 1926 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck (Stake body); The , midlde-aged sisters were snebbish. ' The young brides with their youthful 1 husbands somehow locked askance at Judith (or so she thought-. She turned to Mrs. West gratefully. : s y? s 'My dear," the1 olderwoman said to v her the second evening, "eince -it's your first trip you. really must Met me take you about. Its sofear- f ullv Important meeting the right people. Do you know, actually I have a friend who came down alone last season 'who had the most awful experience! She didnt know anyone any-one on the ship and 'picked up an acquaintance with a young girt who seemed very attractive., imagine tiamiiion ana sne leaixieu. w was a' hotel employe! Others who had known it all the while cut her utterly. Mildred stayed four .days and took the boat back. Nowadays vou simply can't avoid them. These shop girls and stenographers are, everywhere! . Judith started to , speak, then caught her lip. e - ; IL. promised . o meety my husband," hus-band," she said. "Heavens! I'm so late he'Jl be turning in a report." Sorry tdTdash off, Mrs. West V , - Though she tried very hard to be friendly' andsociable, Judith liked that part of each day j,best when she and her husband strolled together to-gether tor sat side by side on th3 un denk.' Then she could slip her hand wlyly under his heavier one and they 'could . have long, sober talks. The house on Long Island, for instance, was to be reopened again upon their return. -Arthur had asked Judith if she wanted to look it over and set a decorator at work before they sailed. The girl was awed by the suggestion, told him she-was much too busy assembling her trousseau to commute to Long Island. Besides, hadn't ; he liked; th place just as it was? . ' Yes, Arthur Knight liked it all right but if there were any changes at all his wife wanted, they could be made. "Very well, until she had seen the place it should remain unchanged: un-changed: v , Then there were the children Tcny and, Arthur, Junior. lx . - Their father spoke of them repeatedly. re-peatedly. .Judith was convinced, there never had been a more devoted de-voted parent. As yet Knight , had not even confided to them his marriage. mar-riage. ,H'ftHe was gay and careless in ex- tolaming this: "You see. Judith," he said, "the-f kids are going to te crazy about you. now uu x jviiuvy 1.1,0 . . wv- j cause they're smart Kias.Ana De-1 cause im looKmg ai you inis w- stant. girl. Theyll fall for you just like thetrdaddy;! want them, to. Only for six weeks 1 warn 10 ior- I get everything else in the world 1 -Iitur rrT a Tl rwAVk J W. J vv.vm... - even with the Hoodlums."- "The Hoodlums" v was a name Tony and Junior had acquired in their babyhood. , , . r , .: N , It seemed such a short tlme ur.til Monday morning when, with bands plaving and flags flying, they aocKea ai nammon. The day was warm, actually like, summer, As the liner made its way slowlv Aarnone the -innumerable (small ' islands. Judith hucrcred the ship s rail, calling! out excitedly ; to Arthur to. look quickly at this and at. that. There were merry salutes from the sailboats and - launches which played and circled about the ship. From Bill-tops and, all aIorg me waLer ironi came waves ana cheers. i. The lowness : of the structures. their ' pastel coloring, in . contrast -with the-gorgeous blueness of skv and; sea, quite overpowered Judith Knight. . ?t? impcrite your There are at least four mistakes in the to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing 7"1 rlr"J . , - T- . - ..' y "l . 1 . ;-comeovk s V : zi, l: SrWV I WANT TO . . , them. Then look at the scrambled word below and unscramble it, by ..'.Joeated 633 N. 1 East, JS svitching the letters afound. Grade yourself 20 for each of the mistakes " ' . " ' a,';-r-; you find, and 20 for the word If you : unscramble it. On rPage 8 today ! Nice 2 room apt. private bath, we'll explain the mistakes and tell you"' the word. Then' you can see prourid floor, garage, 'close in. 390 ak Here Every Day fob EjnrrmiirisimD Warm sleeping rooms. 45 West 2nd. South. il3 2 room apt. 320 E. 1 North. ; J13 Newly, furnished bed rooms in modern home. Board if desired. 900 North University Avenue, " J3 3 room mod. apt in the Truman. Phone 226. : r ' . . . J10 , New partly fur. 4 room r&part ment. garage, near B. Y. U. inquire 911 N. 1 ast Phono 206J. ' J9 Or unfurn heated- apt. Phone 529J. . J9 "".Bedroom. Board if desired., 320 Ea3t 1 North. . J23 Mod. rooms. Board. No children. 160 So. 3 East. ? j9 .- 3 room semi-basement apt.' 190 East 5th South. Phone 708W. J9 - Furnished or ' - unfurnished rooms: and : bath,, screened porch with or without heat. 53 No 2 W Mod. apt 3 rooms, steam heat. 286 No. 3 East. ' . - 18 4 room fur. apt and a 6 room fur. house, both mod. For information informa-tion call at 844 Milton Ave . : il4 Bedrooms. 357 East Center J28 4 One large and one ' small 2 room apt, heat furnished. 115 So. 3 Wi 310 1 - ' r ..... .. -r ' 5 room mod. home and small apt. 180 E. 5 South. J10 ored driver on. their way "to their hotel, . What a' drive! '' Overhanging Overhang-ing tropical shade tres lined the chalkv roadl Cvervwnera s-Iant oleanders seemed to be loaded with nink and white blosso.s. Hibiscus, flowering as though withScarlet rosettes, were nearly asjjiumerous. Rambling purple . morning glories and a dozen kindsof - wildflowers which Judith" had hever seen before added splashing coior- notes. . 1 J- "Arthurjudlth spoke ' tremu lously, x"Ive never, never, been so happyi'- , . His eyes were her answer. There was some delay about teaching their room and getting the baggage. Arthur returned 1 down stairs to consult the . clerk and found himself forced to exchange pleasantries with - Mrs. - Franklin Monroe West. - "OK Mr. Knight!" the woman cried exuberantly VI've got the most ridiculous thing to tell- -you.1 Miss Squibbs -you remember Miia Squibbs - - on ' shipboard 1 well, GUESS what she .said this morn- 'rig!'.' ; ; y .. ? " 4 wunoui waiun ior a repiy jara. Wtest continued: . 1 v , "She pointed you and your wife out and she said, 'I DO think that,! Mr. Knight and his daughter are so distinguished looking.' 1 Isn't it de- licious?" - ' . , . , (To,Be Continued) . CRrEP CAUSES DKATH . ST. ANTHONY,' Idaho, rjan. 8. (U.Rv -Grief, .brought on by the deaths of ;two sons last fall,' one who was murdered, and the other a suicide, was given as the cause for "the death yesterday 6f Ephriam -WV Jenkins, Sr., 83, one of the early settlers of this region. 1 David Jenkins' was murdered, and John Jenkins committed sui cide Until the death of his sons, the elderly - man was in good headth, but his strength - broke December De-cember 20 with news of ', John's suicide reached him. ; ? : : ' .' The . elder Jenkins came to tfye St.' An thony region 40 years ago. ' : 4tkti&in. above picture. They may pertain or whatnot. See If you can fini I BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL . . . Cabinet Builders, : Oak Floors, ' and Interior Finishers Broken furniture repaired and refreshed. Reference given. All 'work 'guaranteed. vWe will appreciate ap-preciate your, patronages. fS ;: R. L. WILLIAMS t(V5 N. Fifth West. Phone 1378-W : neW tNi iLiXii t61US"" .357 W. Center. Phone tiS We Btty, For Cash . -We Sell For Cash We buy and sell Used Furniture any kind or quantity, at any time or place. - tf PROVO BRICK A Til K CO. ' Manufacturers of The Finest Pressed Brick In all Colors. Phone 296. . Provo, Utah. FOUNDRY General i Foundry and Machine Work. Electrical and Acetylene Welding. : PROVO FOUNDRY AND . MACHINE COMPANY. PLUMBING AND HEATING For prompt service for your PLUMBING & HEATING,: Call JBL O. MOB. CO. . ' Phone748. Res. Phone 187-J y 53 NoHh First Wert ICE COLD STORAGE ' ' all kinds Cacaplty 150 cars Bring yourr products to us . PROVO ICE A STORAGE CO. Provo t : Utah MONEY TO LOAN - Seven per cent on Afarm and city property. . Provo Realty Company. 124 West Center St. Phone 6SS. tf. TV' YOU CAN BORROW to pay your current bills and repay th loan from your salary. Columbia Bond & Mortgage Company. 64 North university Ave. Ground floor, tf. i a WELDING : V A YRES WELDING WORKS Ace tylene and Electrlo Weldinsr. We weia. anvtnlnc mni rt mf at North 4th WesL'! i ' tf; - USED PIANOS v .tuutuAuxs . in rermished used Pianos. . Taylor ' Bros. Co. Piano APU , . "U. BOARD AIID EOOU . Board and room. Phone 1305 W. 290 No. 4 East. , 10 For girls 434, N 2 East. Phone 7Z8J. v J8 With steam heat 160iEast Center Board and room $25. Phone C98W. J17 FOR SALE SHOES See our Ladles' and Misses' Shoe bargain tablesTaylor Bros. Co. t . -ILOST Boy's Iver Johnson blcvcle. Color ued, number 478318, Model 87M iteward. Phone 688. J, : P. Clayton WANTED UnSCELLANEOUS WiH pay? cash for Provo Build 4ng and Loan stock. Phone 1325. 113 ' ' Office or stenographic ' work Wrie Eva. Farny, 259 No. Second East, Springville. Utah. '. jlC Woman wants any kind of, work except in office. C58 S. 7 E. J? ..Wanted One '; single' heavy ex4 . - - r-- r ' - v' 1 . j Woman wants work. Nursing pre ferred: Phone 1340W. ' J20 Highest price paid for chickens H. J. GERBEIt, Phone 10SR. J13 TOR REOT-UirFURNISIIED 4 room mod. home home on 7th No. l East. 71 Ekins Court.. J12 .. Home garage 511 East 5 J12 North. Fur. or ur. "rooms at '142 No. 9th West. -J12 room apt, good location. Cell 578W, . p-jio. Partly fur. apt. Phone 171 J. J10 . .5 room mod. bungalow, reasonr able to right party." Phone U35J.V J9 Keen 4 room apt, mod Id every respect. Phone 1099. ! . a Nw 3 room apartment, nicely LAND BARGAINS! 5 A. 3 R. Brk, Coops $!- 3 Ji.. New. Brk, TRADE -....JCOJ 2 Apts. Rented ... ..570 Mo. Incom 92 A. Dairy Farm, Improved. 40 A. 2000 Bu peach crop, improve 2 Homes' Rent $35. Mo contract J-' Pool equipment complete ... $450 0 Grocery Stock and Fixtures. ; . $30 New Mod. Brk real value ...J3?:, 15 A. improved . $G.V 70 A. Imp Income property. $23.ro 3 R. large Lot, Bargain . . . . .512". W A. 3 R.. South part ...... $12r. A. Brk Home..,, ......Jl.yv 4 A. Home , . ... ........... ft 2 1 0 4 A., pasture, fruits . . . . . ...$1C" SPECIAL 4 R. Mod., cost $2C,r Now $2000.00 s Also Business Proposition. , ' $12,000 annual gross" Income. v Phone 1099 f JVillard L. Sowards 39 W. Second North. Provo, Utah i Probatq and Guard- Notices Consult County acrk or the J Respectue Signer f or Fruther j I Information,' -x --- ; v ::::Ay'' NOTICE ' ."' In . the Fourth Judicial D!trlc Court In and . for the County of Utah, State of Utah. In the matter of the liquidation of the Peoples Bank of Lchl. ... To. the Peoples; Bank.-of Lehi, it; officers, stockholders and creditorn. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE; that on Monday, January, 13th, 1930, at the Court House, in Provo, Utah County, Utah, before the Honorable A. V;; Wat kins. Judge of the above intitlcd court, at ten o'clock A. M. or aa soon thereafter on said dny is the matter may be heard, th undersigned will cull up for healing, heal-ing, his Petition now on file 'with the cleric of the above cntitl.j court, praying for an order terminating termin-ating the liquidation proceedinc of the Peoples Bank of Lehl, and for an order, relieving, rcVeasinj: and discharging. . the . undei-Klgno.i froni' further duty, obligation or liability in connection with! ti property, business and affairs of said bank, whU:h sinco May 4th. 1921 has been in process of liquidation liquida-tion under the laws ofttlie jState of Utah .relating to the suspension- and ; liquidation of -banks. . . I : - VV. II. JlAULULl UI5 DlttH Ui UUU-. Wiilcy & WJlloy, Attorneya. ' '""- ' Piib.'tlwtos Dec 31, Jan. 2, 3, ft, 7, 3, 9, 10 find, 12, 1030. - ? FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS ' i. . . i . . . . - . . ... ri -innriJiVmjuu Home made quilts, made of new matcrlalv Inquire ,at 8D8 N. 1 K. . ":"' :",:';' '"' J13 'Extra leafy alfplfa hay for cows, and poultry. Hay, E. Law. Thono 269J3 Mapleton. . " '113 Apples, Delicious, Greenlns!1', Bananas, homes. Sweet Cider 3o gal. Thomas. C72 No. 5 West. Phnn XOiS. .. ' - j:o Must sacrifice 6 room mod.' brick home. Full basement with fiirnaco, large lot, garage, chicken cooia tor 300 chickens, slao roomy bam. Small down payment' or trade.-033 East 4 South. ' . p First lass leafy aifalfa hay. livered or in stack Phone shll... J13 , At ; the N ovolty' Mach. & Bha rp Shop we have Jus installed tho lew Foley machine! for filing and jetting v V 11 kindi of saws, hand band circle also meat miter and Ut fact all saws that can be filed, print ihop saws filed as the factory fil'o thom. All work guaranteed. C. R .Whislejv 131 N. Univ. Ave, Prov Utan. V;V'V;--.-.'. '. . ); , J20 Stover grain grinder, like new, n real abrgain. If interested see Wo;? Icy R. Harding, Vineyard. ' X Combination gas. and coal ransr'. First class condition. Phone 8171. ; --.v.;V;,. ' V ,; JiD Good third crop alfalfa 15 delivered. de-livered. Phone 277W. f jio " ' ? . .-' :' '..'.- FOR SALE .COWS Thoroughbred Jersey cow. Will freshen this week. 1130 West Center. . ' - x , A young milk cow. Will freshen soon Call 139J. FOR SALE OR TRADE .Splendid Ilolstein regfstred bull calf 9 mos. old. Will consider trade on good team. Call Merrill N. Warnlck, PI, Grove. -Utah J13 Automobile JLioans Cash Paid for late model used cars v V. II. TUFT W 210 No; 3rd West Provo. ' Phone 1C5-J how near a hundred you bat, ' West 1st North, J12 |