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Show PRO VrO. (V T AH) E VE N LN & II E HAlt D, EM-ESDA-Y,- JANUARY'S,. BSD gno, Vi HOUSEHOLD HELPS y BUSINESS TOPICS ?; HOLIDAY. SUGGESTIONS - SCHOOL & CHILDREN, DECORATIVE- HINTS . 3 TREND OF FASHION jm - .- ' f ' : f) .... www m ,. w m mm w m r m i - m x I'M: r VXi- Fine Program' Planned For r en A. meeting of members of the B. "Y. U Women's organization, will be held Saturday at: 3 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. George Wortben. " JdiBA Mary Ollerton. will give a paper on "Revolution - In Ruisii Education and a fine musical pro g-ram' is being-arranged , under the . direction, of Prof. Franklin Mad-sen. Mad-sen. Luncheon-will be served. ; The assisting hostesses- are Mrs. Christen Jensen, Miss Mary J. Ollerton, Mrs. La Voir Jensen, Mrs. Cerritt De Jong, Mrs. IL R. Mer rill and Mrs. Ott Romney.. ' A fuIT attendance of members Is 'rdesired. . - - - & & t? - x G enealogl cat . ,' Society Notice -v A meeting of the. Grand View j ward uenoBiogicai society, wm oe - hll Thursday evenlnsr at 8 o'clock . at the. residence of Mr. and Mrs. J I Andrew Johnson. U A splendid program has been J prepared. All members and friends! ;; inieresitu are corujaiiy. invueu w "be present. ' She Spends 00 Just "on a-Single ' 2 Danced Fixick vvnen tne snow Ja piled high -in , A firm of Kansas City.undertak-: Men' make: love to blonds . fea-s t ThM- w i Knonnn n nu vr i a e.,".,. aIjl.:. " llgion-li making more progress now than. 'everi:bef ore. Something cf the sortwas to be' expected with f rent of the garage door and - the i battery Is- dead there Isn't- much that any- of . President Hoover's commissions can do about it. - ers offer to bury all policemen! free. Youmight cut-this out and hand it to the cop whof gave you a parking park-ing ticket the other day. ' " R color specialist and - marry bru- f lo years old in this country In 1020 nets' . - Statistics also probably show that brunets - can' shoot straighter than blonds. who could ont speak English. Probably Prob-ably the influence of the , sports pagcs.'v- v". . .. - ..7 V - ' . ' ..J --'v ' I .A - Jr. Card Party-For ' F. BT. Members Mr. and Mrs. Ora N.' Davis will . be hostess to members of the F. their home. . . '. . Cards. , music ' and luncheon will f L be the diversions. Alt members are J - cordially Invited to be present. V t I V i-. -any,.. a girl f ; tmnks she'AJuck r' If she can ' spend i, $1500. on , clothes in an entire year, " bvit. Mrs. Albreda j Herrick, wealthy . London landown- r, v twining j oi spenaing that sum for 5 n e frock; Ih- the pio- . ture, the May fair- j Ite is wearing a ) 11. VIA irnvrM ' .i,A- 1 www QUC 1 bought in, Vienna, j wore-a couple of J times pnH Htc ! r . ' cardtd.- It is cov. r erea wltn rare old lace. .., Wsfflssf ilttilifiiiii - ' ' ' v , . . v . X. . . - - .... . - - . i E)LeGGGG j v 15 Silk ahdjtayon Dresses in Women's sizes. Formerly val- ? ues to $10.00. Come early and s get . ope of these at only . : if 1 ' -niii'nHJt 1 v . This Three Day event is unusually at- ' 1 'V 50 Women's and Children; 'Air Wool Coals dn, assorted r styles. pegular' values to $12.50, Dollar Day . pnly 1 . . : . Mrs. Rawlingff To vEniertaln Club i M i s s i o n a r ies "Afternoon Bridge club members - m. . 'will be tendered, a. jarty FVJday ' A ' . TT afternoon at th. home of Mrs. -TIlI I dlltit; L XJL , Cards, , music and, luncheon will C - 0 I fce the features of entertainment, U U t 1 Cll and' a cordial Invitation Is extended J to all members. . Delightful v Wnrrl Dnnre AU members of the organization An enjoyable ume was spent, oyi are ureed to be in attendance?;-" ' those In attendance at the dance In tr. ... . . t V Mil I . . - the sunn wara arnuacmcui.. T i TT.Lv. ' av Tuesday evening- The affair was JLYUVcU lClillUUr wHwn mmHinteIv followlne th I . ' . - . . 11.. 1 If T A n..i 'AMnMMt' i : ' ' r lose oi me itguw . ivyjL 4VliiCl.iv.cl. A social affair will be given by the "Y" Ladies Missionary club, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. E. Allen, 390 East Center street. Saturday Bridge. Party ing. tt 'Royal Neighbors of America will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the Pioneer Daughters' l p. o. f. ham . . P., .'. i l" J A full attdndance of officers and Meeting Postponed ? jn1"13" wul be. appreciated. The meeUng or the urana view 1 1 r1t ' f camp of the Daughters of Utah I V aiieV VirCie Pioneers scheduled for Thursday afternoon, has been postponed until un-til Thursday afternoon, January JS, '.rt which time It will be ; held, at the residence ofMrs.- Arthur Tanner. :k'4 ' Sunday School Skating Party - Officers ' and teachers of the First ward Sunday school, will entertain all Sunday v-hool and Mutual mem bers of -the ward, at a skating party at Glengarry Thursday evening. , .Those desiring to join the party are requested to meet at the home of W. O. Creer at- 7:30 o'clock .Transportation will be furnished '.for those who hav no cars of their Each Year More x h Mothers Treat The Danger of "Dosing" Colds . Now Avoided by Use of Mod- - ern Vaporltlng Oint-. " . ment. . V When Vlclc VapoRub -was intro duced, mothers ..especially, were ruick to appreciate it, because it is just rubbed on' and cannot upset children's ' delicate - stomachs, -;as . "dosing" is so apt to do. Today, the whole trend of modern medicine is away from needless "dosing. As more and more mothers adopt- , ed this modern external treatment. the fame of Vicks spread until' today to-day it is the standby for colds I atlulta' as well as . children'sIn ; over CO countries. "... - H; . Just rubbed on throat and chest, , Vicks acts through the skin like a - plaster; and. at the same time Its medicated : vapors, released by. the lody heat, are Inhaled direct to the inflamed air-passages, loosening , he phlegm and easing the difficult breathing. ' - Ever-increasing, demand for this "better method of treating colds is rhofn in the familiar Vick slogan. Made famous when Vicks reached 1-17 Million Jars Used- Yearly" later raised to "21 Million" there Weeting Postponed Owing' to lUness, the Misses. Nora and .Lottie Redf ield ".will be unable .to-; entertain ' members of Valley Circle Thursday evening at their home. Further announcement will be made. . - HefeV First Queen -of Northland V Mrs. Paul Davis- will - be hostess to mombers of the Saturday After- non Bridge club. Satvday at her home. In Fay son. All members are cordially invit ed to be present. - Mrs. Cannon Jones To Be Club Hostess l"Just-"A-Mer'e club members will be eutertained Saturday afternoon I a' Keeleys, by. Mrs. Cannon Jones. 1 A. cordial invitation is extended! I t all. members. y ; " Ladiesr Aid Elects New . ? Officers ' . . . - . : ( Mrs. - R. E:: Knapp vwas elected president of the Ladies' Aid of the Provo , Community ' church, at a meeting held Tuesday afternoon in Meno Trope hall. Other , officers elected at this time were Mrs. John Reynolds, vice president; Mrs. J.' W. Menkes, sec .retary; Mrs;: Charles Chamberlain treasurer. . . ; . r . A -octal following the business session, .during, which a delicious luncheon was served to 30. . -. . ta i m. V ti T V s w vr ,-. -j ltV (lu v, ltliVl sJ Vi - r- - - r.,,,,. ,. T , ,. . , ... : PURE SILK HOSE : "" I inmart apparel. We've re-grouped Regular $1 LADIES' IlOSii in all new colors. Full fashioned, Of - and. ref-pHCd merchandise III all de Sizesjls to lO. 12 new colors. ; Q1 Regular $1.50 ; Dotfar Day Special.-;1, vl partments. "It's a bargain feast of 2 PAtfi FOR . : . ; V ' WOMENHOUSE-DRESSES QaI?t?l S?10 tom.6Prow1 d : V $1.65 CORSO BELTS wuiYiiiiiN ituudrr.jJKoofio. share m this great store-wide sale! ; with Lominfli mtWTt wnnrWfni 04 ; In Fast Color Perca'.es and Gingham ' ; t 0 X ' afn'.PPt- Voncrful PI Neatly trimmed; regiirar $1.00; 01 '. - 1 ' " . ' ' " l, fitting garment. Dollar Day. Special " -Dollar. Day 2 te K T)nn. -An Y TO A M Kaiser Maryelray' Bloomers Fancy Raon Combinations V wi wpwii at iy.r.v4i. . in new . hade rmerIy -i with-Brassiere topv Pink, .peach- . :j 01 ' V-v..;; : ti,... ; .M .f?- Pced to $1.75; Dollar Days arid flesh.' Regular $1.50, Dollar Day V' ; 6 ncy Lace "Collars, bollarJ)ai,;.L;ti,00 3 SLIP-OVER SWEATERS FANCY BAGS ahd PURSES $1.6 Patent teatherTBoston Bags, special $r.00: In'Silk and Wool. for Misses; and Ladies , . x .( - ' ' . -r $1.95 tb $2.50 values; ' , '' ' .. 01 A new shipment just receivdyalues OI , $1.95 Art Pillows,. in alTstyles $1.00 Extra Special ;v V to $3.00. . Dollar Day Special r. . . . V ; 'r1.-1 . :'- ''- . m : "'' '."' 'V T--- - - - $1.50. Kayser ChamQiselte 01oves..u......w. S1.00 DTUATT?n ctrTrrc LADIES FLANNEL GOWNS I $2. 50 Flannel' Pajamas, . special v. ........;....' Sjl;89 I A new shipment", of fancy butterfly ' of fine quality outingV Warm and Q1X ' a 'm.Jt PnJot,e 0ni , ' : - Plated; Skirts in assorted colors; 01 comfy.. $1.75 values, Dollar Days.: Ql V'68 fnnelPajamasy .apecaal:.... gl.00 $2.0Q-Values, Dollar Days 0 1 Many I Other - Dollar Day Bargains ' Await: A Yoti aC This 'Store Come and See! Afternoon Social Cluhp?arty Mrs. Ixjo Morgan will eniertain 'at'her home, Friday afternoon for members of - the Friday Afternoon Social club. A- fuir attendance of members is desired; - " Thedter Party For Provonas Members A' theater party, ; followed- by luncheon at Keeleys, will be tender ed members of. the Provonas club Friday afternoon by Mrs.' Caleb-W, Haws. - . V -; : . A cordial invitation Is extended to all men-jbrs."" , ' A juror in New York was found to be "deaf after a trial had pro- J gressed several hours. v It must be very naru. to rind out whether or not a juror Is deaf.'-- - : i Prize beauties bloom 'midst ice and snow, it seems, for Helga Thor-steinsen Thor-steinsen of Reykjavik (say it all fast!), has been chosen "Miss Iceland"" Ice-land"" in a hotly contested beauty competition in her frigid country Arizona - means to keep her dinosaur di-nosaur tracks. "That 'ought to Inspire In-spire Kansas and Texas to frame their jack-rabbit footprints. ..Mi. r-. "bin Hmiht IVinf Innir Vitali- lrnmlrarl ere now "Over ziunon -------- - -0 v.,. T'coil Y.ir!v."r-Adv. tne juoscs.coia. v etmiiKi boxes, acund with l.lu J OUT THEY GOr 250 BEAUTIFUL Mjuui&iiiy a 1 11 1 in tip it, rw j -.-v ai SELLING AT.'-.- t ir .... PRICE, AiNTD LESS Sport Coats , - Travel Coats Dresa Coats v Thlo.i finnl p1paMiirpr hHilfra IHa hisf rnnt , values 4tJ of theryear.r Buy. .now. i Regular, and, Stoutslzes.: r great- savings' : event ef beautif uf New presses.. This - 3 Day Sale rrbrings t you hundreds of J styles. ? Many just received ! ' Prices far : below brditary. Clearing our enOre slock;.. Silk Crepes, Satins, Sizes for Wo ; and Misses Valiifis CQ 7C . to $25.0Q VUiIU Valued kQtQ 7K to $45 VN'N 529.50 Values con cn Values t ?100 $47.50 AU' Other Coats w " N : ut similar , a'--.reductions Prices Slashed men . t - t : : . 1 3 ' ! S 1 a . I I I- I .... .... . . 1 ' r 1 Now Selling at Less Than - Wholescde.Costl ': "rr'.i 1 i--1 : -T sman nead - sizes. 5200 beautiful "V new hats. Formerly priced to $6.00. wuceu lor mis special event; : . DOLlxAR DAY SPECIAL: .L ;.l . 1: V jr - 5S1 . Other Hats, Values to $10.00 .Values :t CO QC'.' to $7.95 i JU ; . Values '9flqK . Values.:; C7i1K h to ?15.pft OJ.iJ to $20,00 VyiJw. Values to $30- ' ; Val; to O Hi - 4 1 ah nih-"Tir.K fr rn . . ". - . at similar ; l 'f ivvl'" ; reductions : , -L- U . ' ..'. :.' V. If i No Charges C. 0:D.'s or Refunds ;. During Thih Sale -' - D' A Y no & LadiedStbrG - i A Y tUOJ UfcWlS. MGR. ': 4C 3 Banner Days! ' Thursday Friday - Saturday oih the Cro ivds! r ( i REGULAR MARRIED FOLIC . - THURSDAY VALTZMITE - Win the Prize Waltz - j' L A. f ' c |