Show SOCIAL AND I PERSONAL I Mrs Mra Abble announce 81 the engagement ot of Mr her daughter June to toC toC C L Clayton the marriage to take place pe In June Mrs banes Read Had has halt returned from wh re she h has hall leer n visiting with th h her r mother mothr and Iste at Palo Alto It MM M Elizabeth O ha r re returned turned a trip to lu southern the Ih ball by th 1 t OI uden hilt IrI ight waa S a SW a lar number being In attendance and Inti hig II a delightful Hul of f Dances 11 putt pat 10 rua were 11 and Mis II A J JDa Da Mt Mr cud Ir it H P C Pond Ponti II Ir r I Ira 1 lIal Ital ld end eft II and AUti Mrs Mr lV H I ad TI rhe Furls or nr the ul UI ue Lil iI lie Ha Cum N ItI 1110 Any 1 Mary Ita I J Jn ug ill 41 b na i n Mohan y Lh lm e eton ton II unit nfl 1 lv Houte a I K E T r 11 toil HI Mr II orIlO Av wll eI dt II t n m or nr thi Ihl k nt et n g gI I I in honor of e airs I 1 J I U truing Mrs Mr J 19 W a t T Tha ha hat laud laft ibm r f I I n t Thursday at t 1 July home Mil M It 19 Y T nl l Ih members of Ih the Jolly rh at a d peel the rooms In m 1 heln ln r In rut I 1 end nd potted f tt t And rOil four r I nl l 1 bP be being ing played TAe 11 prier nos eon n by rR S Y T Taylor 1 end nd the h tl were e MIR MIsi Jay and Merle Talar a Mrs I r Cumminas will enter loin th the Jolly Twelve club lub next nUl Thurs Thur Thursday day dllY at her hor h the tbt York YorkA A delightful affair tit of FrIday WR was wasn n banquet given n b by Mord and faculty of Af the Lowell to supt and the eu u and ad Mr Thomas Thoma and J T Hammond of the board beard The rant nt tank tok place In the kindergarten r which was 1 decorated I In rc ch blossoms the oln a with II Its profusion tit I fragrant fruit no flowers The place fI tn In peach blossoms end and were wereth th Ih work ot of the th pupils Them Ive r souvenir menu cards ard with print III Inc III done by the tho pupil A tiro 11 of toasts was wa given and te re noell being made by bv a number of th the guests Another feature was the program given Iven during the ban luct solo 01 by Ut with piano aa h by hll hl sister II Ella Lowen lowenstein stein vocal oa solos 01 by Alton Kent and plan eola by Mla 1 Purefoy Miss 1 It n n of r the school gave a te recitation elI Covers were laid for M Ie and the thO teach Pt ore or of the school 1 assisted In serving and entertaining A number of Salt lake LAkI pee peo II went nt to On to attend II a terse retention b by the Womans club many of them begin belli member of the Salt kit lAke Woman auxiliary The features of oC the even Ius lur were fre music mule ca cards and contests and the affair was wa enjoyed by h bout about 16 15 postal cirk and their I ladies the Salt kit Lake cru tl 1 were rr Mn L A Houghton Will Mrs c A Locke ok Florence Locke Mt Mr and Mrs Mr 1 Levland land Mr and Mrs fr W n 11 Mr and Mrs A J Ar Arnason nuon nason Mr Ir and Mrs Mn F Y F Allen AHEn Allena a Th The Womans 1 Pries viii meet Int II t the nt next Thur dl at and the paper will HI ire be given b by Mrs Mr while Current Events will lie be re fC reviewed viewed by bv lire Hattie C Jenson The work of two club eta Mrs Mil Ruth M Fox FOil and n nel Mrs Ell R Shipp will is bt during the afternoon Emma Broberg rc ha has guns to Thong Beach Cal to Join juht her slater M Mice roberc Broberg Miss kisses Viola Allen and RhUa Tay Ta entertained about 10 girl rl of oC the theL J L D S 8 1 et t an Orpheum tr PArty fol b by a luncheon at the Linn Llon Hu Hut House t the hf table being prettily decorated with flowers and anet ribbon Ia 10 the gold and blue The guests were re Flor 1101 u ure Langford Valets Jenson Jenon Kato Smith Lenore Are Mary Horne L Lou Loudl i dl Cannon Hannon Annie Annl Cannon orre Alice Dunford Danford and Mice Alice Weiler I |