Show RAIlROAD LOSES LOSS A wu rendered on Sat hardly afternoon ateo b by Col Co IL II M ri 1 r of the Uni United te land lb 18 tk lb e cam of the Wor Morgn n Argentine Mining company nt Ih the Union Pacific Uc I is adverse dv W to the h company Th Thaul Thu aul suit arose 10 through the railroad corn com IM sill aU of U II tn fown II i north r range S a aast to situated In II county aLy which hii by byI byth th above ve mining Ia company u tn b i miss min minI I I land The Th c cane hu baa bell bees beesa a ains to tor o a rest ye but the 1 shows th lb contention ot of otti ti this lt company to h have been ur urla the la being 10 ow rI as snore or valle its for Ia it mineral Ih |