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Show Dryer selects ASUU administrative assistants fill - W fiHtfa? fed MimlLM mmm them with various information and to make decisions in my name." Gunn was born and raised in Salt Lake, has attended Olympus High School and Utah State University. Uni-versity. Presently majoring in business management, he is a Delta Phi Kappa and has served as a member of Leadership Training Train-ing Committee, chairman of the Student Services Committee and chairman of the Carnival Committee Commit-tee of U-Days. Hayes, a junior majoring in political science) has worked on Advisory Cabinet, Phi Eta Sig Secretary-Treasurer, Skull and Bones Treasurer and IFC Representative Repre-sentative for Pi Kappa Alpha. Randy Dryer, Associated Students Stu-dents of the University of Utah (ASUU) studentbody president, announced the selection of Gregory Greg-ory M. Gunn and Bradd Hayes as administrative assistants Wednesday. Wednes-day. As administrative assistants, assist-ants, they will be "doing administrative admin-istrative tasks, secretarial work, answering mail, being assigned special projects in charge of setting up the studentbody president's presi-dent's conference, and handling excess "work." "A staff is invaluable since the work load of the president is so tremendous," commented Dryer, and Gunn and Hayes are hardworking, hard-working, dependable, talented, and because of their experience in student government I can trust Greg Gunn Bradd Hayes |