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Show "J ""'i -uuy iu, J.968 G( Violators Fined Number 130 , Campaign infractions Investigated v .watt . , Sia- .;-,,.. A -.. . - . J Leon Dever went over the campaign cam-paign expenditure limit. Both Fox and Vincent insinuated that there might have been some expense padding by other candidates with such comments as "I was honest in reporting my funds." Dever went over in the primaries but was under in the finals. Jeff Fox who went $6.01 over the $20.00 limit, ran into some bad luck. He broke a stencil midway mid-way through the campaign and found it necessary to buy another. He also claimed that his Chronicle advertisements were more than he expected. Brian Swinton was fined for hand outs found on car windows. Though he claimed he knew nothing noth-ing of the incident nor authorized such action, the committee ruled that the utlimate responsibility goes to the candidate. The largest fine was $8.00 which will be deducted from the $18.00 security deposit submitted by all the candidates. It was the general concensus of all involved that the violations were very minor yet must not be ignored. By DAVE PARTEVHEIMER Chronicle Staff Writer The Student Regulations Committee Com-mittee held open court May 9 for violations of the ASUU election rules. There were only minor infringements in-fringements of the campaign ethics established by the Executive Council. Coun-cil. Fred Finlinson, chief justice, commented that the recent elections, elec-tions, April 24, were "the cleanest clean-est in ASUU history." Lorainne Isom, Elections Committee Com-mittee Chairman, acted as prosecutor. prose-cutor. Scott Miller, Kathy Warner, Laury Hammel, Kent Bullock, Pat Christ, Steve Winget, Allan Sloan, Al Walcher, and Dave Shurtz were fined for leaving their posters up past the Saturday 5:00 p.m. deadline. dead-line. Those candidates who failed to appear were termed automatically guilty. Most of those present chose to plead" guilty with extenuating circumstances such as the National Guard, debate team, and fraternity pledges. Excuses Given Verl Hunt, Kathy Warner, Harris Har-ris Vincent, Steve Winget, and Allan Al-lan Sloan were fined for late expense ex-pense reports. Winget was 25 minutes min-utes late and Verl Hunt failed to report at all since he had no expenses. ex-penses. Frank Overfelt was excused ex-cused from a late expense report charge because he put the form in the wrong box. Jeff Fox, Harris Vincent, and 'j Elections Committee Chairman, Laraine Ison (L.) K acted as prosecutor when election infraction com- plaints were brought before the Student Regulations : Committee, (L to E) Jim Brown, Melvin Mickelson, Patrica Comarell, and Chairman Fred Finlinson. |