Show BASEBALL Lt ARRANGED 1 FOR CONGRESS TIME IME There thero will wiil bo he baseball enough and to spate during the tho two weeks ot tho Sl month National Irrigation Congress and l Sj International Imposition ExpositIon Lion Sept Ii J to Oct OCI 10 Big prizes have been beon hung hun up Ul mid find giants WIn will contest So SiJ tiLt tar toUr teams have entered and an more mote will u Ill report leport before tha th entrances close cloe Sept ii I learns entered arc El 11 Paso Tc rex Globe Ariz iO ris and Hagerman and N 11 I 1 aio alo enough for alt ail exciting tournament oven even without tho UIO three teams yet jet et to 10 report Tour IouI purses of or the first Hist class 20 ate aio as follows follow First prize 1000 second iQ o third KM 30 10 These aio mo spot cash and amI no discount on the they day of final In foul foot purses of or JIM 1 7 M 4 Mand M Mand and i 23 are 1110 offered for lor a I collegiate Ie tout tour tournament Entries I for this event so fat fai are arc University of ot New Mexico que Government Indian Albu Territorial Military school with tho the Territorial Agricultural tural College Co leAe Las LlIs Cruces to hear from fromIn In each class every cI rY team must play piny the thue otheta s and tho titu of games will bo be determined by lot lob The Tho umpire will bo he talen from flom ono one of tho the western leagues and ho Ito must DO po an nn umpire oJ o otho tho tim season of 1908 1008 The Tho whole southwest is interested in itt these tournaments The Tho local ors eis ate arC nUl of o them Wem mind and baseball lana fans are aie saving up their time to witness thu tho thoI I sport port Speaking of tho the event the Iho LI El Paso TOA TOx Times says LI El 1 POse Paso will bo Ie represented in the baseball tournament at lit by hY bythe bythe the Tobin So Sox Sex according to plans plaits now being considered end and Johnny Johnn Sulli Sullivan van the tho popular El 11 Paso O pitcher who made ma c good goo with Waco this tills season will nave have of the tho XI El J I Paso team CaIn Sullivan has hus already received r a ci number 01 0 from good baseball 1 players pla ers who wahl to go g with him to t que and if he ho succeeds In getting tho tIm support he Ite asks ho lie promises to utica lake to a II team that will riI win good place In the Ohe meet The lIme 11 Sox Sot have been entertain entertained ed iii In itt the tho tournament bj by h Muna er Craw foil who hips has turned toe nO team oyer to for foi organization and amid Is IH enthusiastic about what JIB will ac tie nt at n I the tho congress Ho lie Hosa sa says 11 s i he lie can get a II a hunch of ot ball bali players plu ers that will wIlt play rings around any nn anythIng thing thai hits has appeared in tie tUc tI e south southwest west wet this thin season and nd he be proposes to t get rpt to work ork on his hils plans plaits at once For these games gamos time several teams have hao boon strengthened m materially will be he surprises in itt every match El ElPaSo PaSo raso Is not lint the th only team that lint has Ims tak taken en on on big timber Nobody Noho need noel slav stav at lit home humo on Oil account of railway tare rite Tho Santa Fe has fix fixed I IId ed Id Joint tariff rates rotes so mm low that riding will wll bo ho cheaper than bait staying sta jn at home I |