Show um MARTIN APOLO cl J ril kl 1 Not As Case ta c Against Him is b Set ct For 1 1 J Has Har City Councilman L D Martin made un In apology to Charles Crane Crana for using profane abusive and threatening language toward Sir lit Crane on the tho evening of the day the bond issue was decided decide by b election el The question was was frequently asked In Judge Diehls court tills this morning Tho statement stat mont had been blen given allen out that roe Joe Lippman had acted as peace maker and amI that Martin the well known American statesman had written a aletter letter of If apology to t l Mr II Crane It was and Is alleged that Martin MarUn met Crane on III Main street and because o oth the th latter tad had opposed uPP lse 1 the tho bond Issue proceeded to profanely abuse Crane Crana and threaten to knock the tho hitters block off According to the allega allea allegation tion the language used by b Martin was wai really torrid Martin was wall arrested and Atty LIpp LIppman Lippman man appeared to defend him The case was wa continued from time to t time and then thell word wort was given out that Martn had or 01 was about to apologize to Mr Crane Ernne and the case dismissed Martin was at police headquarters this morning m and had a talk with Assistant CHy Cily Atty Apparently he h hhaS haS for ho asked that the be set s t if it Or l trial on Wednesday I f L I |