Show L I r 1 tHE Te Ten I Great n EMI Countr Country H tl WEEKLY Y fr i ri X j r N NEWS E s West i I t it i l I ed Mo Mondays d s and p t d Al the tha Cream of d th and Saturday News New iS Zions Co Coc rd c 1 IY 4 per pcr cant 01 on i F MITH President A 1 IL L UND LUND jl O 0 C DEEDE Cashier fi f j fJ COMA CO COi COr i r i All l kinds oC Coal I Lt r rJ J WiY wily NOT DARN SIX PER CENT fl t l f i Wo pa pay six per 1 ont per annum 1 bi ou our pail paid UI stock Shares ft J 10 Money can be withdrawn i on 30 days daye notice Every dollar Is Isi i I J by mortgages on an go rood 1 teal estate l t f x M D SEmI r I p No 1 18 East South Temple St RI 2 N plit L Hugh J 1 1 j 1 j Cannon onnon vice Ico president Quayle Can f to 4 non on O 0 C Deel treasurer I POl FOR A M 8 Usually treated a a sprained d ankle vIll disable the Injured person for lor a wi month or morn hul I bY Cham and the with each bolio bottle a CUr euro ma a hl ha In man ninny Clae caes In InI Inless I less s than ono one time Thin lint men Is 1 a 10 I Tr It for tor n a or bruise brulI or when lall bitt Ut uli with chronIc or muscular rhou rheu and YOU ou are c to b d ds lighted with 11 the prompt relIef which I It a For sale Bale h ni nil I Follow olow tho ho crowd to i lUt f I Do O Ii A has 1 o en lt TrentIn re U f j IO Atlas lok l 0 1 I SPECIAL BALE BALD FRAMED PlC PIC j 2 Per Iler len cent wk f WAIL WAid I i i I eo Co 8 33 I fl ht 1st 4 ALT LJ ROYAl FAMILY c 11 has new tin loaf Illar hl lour bat I Is tw thc bread ti como corno nun frn Iho lt lt the Iho 1 faking J its InI awl and 11 itu freshness J is not nol Iy by Iny any ther 1011 Ild und I IN only by y the other that come from uA th tl bijur that bios Inar VIle h label with the Crown al oi V ry l ic your our grocer for tor loot loaf I till I lt i II 11 So fl Co G Sut Su 21 South 4 I s j yOU 1 CA CAN TJ rJ Jut Just exactly the CAca o t your rheu m hut but nu know YOU ou have II it Do YOU OU know that wi will the th pain the antI and limbers the tho joint ant s a 10 o that you 01 wi wIll be beAN AN and well in aa yOU ever cre wel AOa aM U ti 00 For For into bY bYC 7 C M 1 Dent 1 ii and li Bo South th Main Street ti Ilc co tonIght H PIO I TIC grocer front from 66 W 3rd ll Ho to lo Ho 2nd E anti CheM cheese Cheap eM l el Phone Hak Iceo races f S HO S RII ON lAS GAS th Next Ten en DIH Dayi CO 13 So ral Temple St t BICYCLE EXCURSION To Ogden Jun June via Oregon Shut Short tIne trip loo 00 Train nt at 6 1 1 p m III Irl altar the races racca GOING TO NEW We Ve mi cart Rive you rl reduced rates for board and rooms lt s un on ot of New lew York Yorks lat centrally locate Ijo ho til dreN C 1 14 News Nowa McCoy atoll phones 81 HOI Irot tino SAIL Ik Iele T Cu l 48 chard l I TEMPLE NOTICES I ITh Th The SlUt Lake temple wi wIlt on Thursday avening 26 and Ye re opell tho first In t OJen JOSEPH F SMITH The SI templo wi wilt elo close o on June 26 6 on 00 Tuesday Al 2 23 DAVID hL H CANNON Pret Tho temple wil Wilt clos cios on J FrI rl Jul July 1 17 and reupen on AlI Aug 26 25 LI WIB S 8 AD lJ Prest Prest The Thc J lan I wi will clasI close n fl Fri Frida da ilay Jul July 31 31 Sept I DUDGE President POOR lIt lItlo be for tor lo TM often thought to Rn nn Infants loo loss In or poor heath health Th The onus cause t ts that 1001 the tho child hM ha worms They Thoy Ret get tha t In the tool and tue tho bab baby actually starves Ianes Cream the tho worms worm and flour flourishes the tho child sure uro Ind and safe ae Price For b by Z 7 C d I I Drug Dept I U nod 14 Street D 11 Tandem match mutch ruce tonight hl II F NOTICES I Thc Tho stake neler hold their conference In the TwentIeth ward Juno June 26 6 There Thore wi will ho two beginnIng It at IOn 10 n I in and 2 p m in inThe The regular monthly meeting of at lh the Salt tage wIll bf b hold held I iii the Fourteenth assembly hail Saturday June 27 nt at 2 A 4 largo large attendance is IH desired TIlE JEAn II Is of 01 tw two and the hl big bighead head hend that comes comeR from n a sick alck headache Does your head ever 01 feel Ika like a gourd anti and our brain feel lose loose and sore soro You Youcan ou In can cure curo It In 10 no b by acting Oi on your our liver wih with I it worth trying for the tho nb absolute and cor thin relief youl ge get For or sale le D fly Z c C CM M I Drug Dept 12 11 and 14 South MaIn Street D 13 DoaR cure constipation tone tono the stomach the liver promote digestion end appetIte und and easy passages of the AsIc ARlt your drug druggist druggist gist for them 25 2 cents 0 a box 1015 Chicago to Cleveland and return via NIckel Plate to July lat inclusive Extended return limit August rites wil will ho mode made for Hh of oC Jul Ever Ivery inca on every traIn In dining to 10 TIcket Adams St Chicago and Depot Depot at Van Buren and La La Sale Salle Sta Tunes llanos 23 West let 1st South bIcycle races tonight Wo We wi will move to our new location St 61 ent east Third South Jul July 1 W V B 13 Rush Rushmer Rushmer mer manufacturing optician 73 3 west First South AND HATING Sewer and water connections made madeJ J C 18 W IV nd 2nd So Pure Drugs and Prescriptions our specialty Drug Company JOI JOHN X N Piano nOk 7 Main St md Ind 9 CHEAP EXCURSION EAST Juno y 1 th For particulars C A Walker Genral Agent Northwest ern em ny fly 38 S West ft 2nd nd South Quality Papers That describes our tine Is wih with us W A DUVALL Doth fleth phones 10 W 2nd So MRS nus JOl JOhN 1 E HANSEN De to announce that aha sh Is making the I leur Fleur ro Ls Lis Dainties an pure line of oC Chocolates They can h had at the tho Street Streel Phar Drug Co Hal Haul I day Drug Store The Smoke and The Rialto Cigar Store per Ib per Ib Four flour and II Daie halley Sons Co 63 East 2nd South SQ F FT OF FLOOR SPACE OccupIed b by Thc Tho lost Sue Suc I StatIonery Store In the Vet Vest Our new buildIng Is completed como coma anti amI sea seo It mU DEN OFFICE SUPPLY CO COto COCo to Co west Second South St flax x Materials oI of Al All Bailey Sons Co 68 63 East 2nd South G GS SPECIAl ON GAS nA RANGES GI For the tho Next Ten Days UTAH LIHT LIGHT HAlWAY CO Basement So Vest Temple Templo st Tiny Grain and Poultry Supplies Daley Dailey Sus Co CI East 2nd South SIX BEST BOOK for MR May According to reports from Irom the lead leadIng Ing honk book sellers of oC the tho cOln country tr to thu she si hooks books which have hao sold best bost In the tho or orIe Ie of f demand c during the month are r 1 2 The Tho Dag 50 3 TIto Tho Burnett 4 Old Wives WIes for tor Now New PhIllIps 50 I 5 The Tho Lady tC of thu tho Decoration LIttle t C The Fair Moon Ionn of oC flath Dalh Bis hIlls In addItIon to the wu wo have 1 a large stock of oC othor popular books of oC thu ho dl day Dl NEWS DOOC STOl STORE 6 MaIn fi fir St r i NI ShEET i j i TItON i WEST VEST South lint air furnaces turnac foot II leg I Cornice elc etc j i J iT 1 I X t G J 3 hi w Jt 1st Vine lne line of nt watches and j iti lis NI n n S 0 t co III Estimates eH fre O 1 Market st nel y n hid u I w V co steam and hot water contractors 67 47 Tast Street STONE CO InI 1 Ind 67 87 OffIce under lat latI I i n HOME ArU Jon VOlt CONFINS SkIllful care car and attention shiM dOII d ent 3rd North Hel s ci i j j jIrIM IrIM ON O kInds kina of at Cement Work flood UY Fud Frd U O U 33 N Si Bt Iel 1111 u LI ji Qi I Y 1 S 1 x i l 1 Your Tour wants before betom th the tai read 1 1 erR the News NeR and learn he value of the News i 1 s want columns r If want Is ft reasonable one your our 11 Odd In Inthe the News wi will bring you OU re sull suIts Tr Try It 1 f D B C D B W lc n WY Ihy WYo o T Ii W J 3 o oo volt o t m CORNEll L LOT ON I FIlLS mST NI W 1 1 a brIck residence ato store e wih with t I rods front and n 7 rods bR back k kNE NE NEW HOOI tRICK F SOrD h by owner 1161 Cleveland Avenue loek Block A Apply 31 and 32 Latimer aE SEED rIm GO GOeI eI FOP rl FARM LAND 9 0 per 14 mie milo luth south ot of cly city A L L Scott colt 31 I EAst n t WE BL REA REAL ST ot 04 D F Walker U 11 YOt rot HAVE TO list wih with Connol Cannon Cannon Connon IS 18 ES E S 1 T nET BEST GAnDEN LAND IN N UTAH Dan Muir Cros Bell COtt AND TH DAR gain aln man when you 01 want to bu buy 0 oi m rell J r real al F r 1 Rooms 2 Ind and 13 CommercIal mock Block FOR IN H AI ESTATE ESE sm SEE ARSON co South Main SI 81 WI ESTATE Ti THA ni TUIe D os re red hall signs II WANT NT A FAR FARM OR fA come to 10 the tho reton alley Idaho all UnImproved no 10 to 10 15 Improved farms 20 to Sr per acre FIrst water Ater right timber range Write rIte for tor circular and prim list John lolio D 0 Jr Sal Salt Lake Stone t Pamer Palmer 5 52 West South HE HAS nAS TIlE THE BARGAINS WIL WILt Sf SELL rt YOU AT T A t HARAI lots a or it model house houseIn In an shy part o of the cIty Ie IC Slaw Co 0 01 over J Main Street FOI FOR RENT LANDLORDS List houses wih with our nl Renting I I 1 Bureau BURT DURI CARLQUIST No 7 So Main SI St Phones D 11 19 1 9 Hel E Loann al and Insurance HOUSE LARGE nod small mal barzi large lot lot flowing wel well suitable for tor poultry raisIng Enquire at at Novelty oel Utility Agency Agene 66 Postoffice II Ilace c GROO noog PRESSED DATU pantry clothes closets el celar cellar wah wash washhouse house barn lawn shade Est East and South Apply Aly J 1 G 0 McDonald t Cand 9 WI W 3rd South St 1 LARGE PADDED VANs AND ND GOOD Ipac space In a a clean warehouse by Smith Transfer Co 1 West ost 2nd South Ind hod 1007 Bel hell hISO J A hANDSOME N NEW W TWO STORY building ground and upper foor floor on Street ph Deseret News BookStore Store 6 MaIn St Bt YOUNG DROS BROS 2 B W lot So rOI IOU UE TWO IWO NIE NICE APARTMENTS TS UHN for light PARIE 17 1750 GO ad and 1460 Location host In the tho alt city No 9 endal AND ANI ROI ROOM 2 73 3 AVE 2 1 BLOCKS I L D S Hospital Del Itch phone WANTE GIUS GIRlS WAN ANTED D TO XO DO wOrk We o have opportunities for tor labor ar rs outside or of town We would like worK I ICor Cor br young oun men during the tho summer Pre Pre PresidIng sidIng ps Office 1 14 North SIAI Street EXPERIENCED LADIES IADUS CLOTHES Ironers Troy roy Laundry 41 So East Eust St S t WE SELl ON COMMISSION anything you OU have hae to sell l larn harness s iad 11 dies trunks guns ete etc Give GIe U us n a chaco chance to hIl bid The COop Store S 8 State St 81 In En giman Mgr Del Bell phone md Ind dUo YOUR lr dry at Go pound nel Bell IrnI ME AND WOMEN TO LEARN DAR BAR BARber ber trod only low few weeks week Special Inducements now particulars tree free Colee College 6 62 I 11 lt 1st SQ C CAll H pets loves bicycles Star Slur FurnIture Co State Street Streel Tel I UTAH JUNK JUNIe CO HaU hIGhEST ST InC PRICE br Iron rags holtes rubber copper brass etc elc 63 E So Phones 29 HEP lIEu WA A COPPER BLAST FURNACE MAN AN feeder briquette machine operator electrician wih with IH aN mechanic State experIence tuly fully care ot of News 1 hELl l GOOD FOR FOn GENERAL hOUSE hOUSEwork work no washing good oa wages close clos In l Must cook 68 51 F 13 ht 1st North SITuATION a homo home or Olt out nel Bell phone LOST DARK JERSEY Y COW HE turn or report to R fl n Ii Taylor W hod nd North hell 2074 IW s LADIES AND O GENTS Saddle Jor horses el for HIre Utro Phone R SIGNS Sn iND J fO SCENERY N i Ch ChaN H 20 tt oth phones lra Brass gass Ind 1104 Ilma OS I COi iNI Nn im imn n IF YOU WANT A HoNE ON terms see aM mo me M M IS RinK King HI 21 Const nel Bell 13 1784 In md 11 I eQ rear K E So Bell phone 6 53 Ini Ind Goodwin Mn N City Scavengers g Ic Co i l IMir el A t Mgr ii Rr CO O C Place lad Ind 18 a 61 Im w MAIER f AND m 1111 Pairs steam baior tanks smoke moke stacks te r r 16 W S e Phone iu i G ANI w J ALT CLOTH lug Af vale hut best I Prices U 21 COI Coin hiL I H postal curd card hone k ki i IA I rm but beet 1 ed shop In Hal Halt city n 41 f 13 W Tom Tern had Ind Phone not 1204 Rr j i CASTINGS AND ANU IT In hy bY Al AI Vestern Foundry Ji Blon J Fon su suCA FOR FOIl Y lUND IUND O OP CA LVER Aaen ller Supply Co gO 60 gOi 0 i o I nt at Gl Wl West t It 1st North St Sti i TF TENT TF mm heart cO cost t 00 lit litI tet It S Inch It I er I 1 Id I J Murt Clear le Soldier Summit Utah NEW V lEiA ci theler State Strett OO GOOD I AST n i FOIl OH per month Del Bell SOME AND Lf also S Izo l Enquire It at corner East and South In hod l on li I 7 0 taGs EGOS 1600 00 lER 90 00 cents IJ setting Several City dol delivery VOl lt Brook Drook Ranch Hanch Phone For Forn Forest est n ONE TON OF IN to 10 sul suit buyer huer nt at 10 per er pound Cali ut at tile tho Job NCI News NEW AND S COND HAND I FURNI anti ho H or sel sell nn any old thing FurnIture Co 36 West est 1st South Del Bell SM md 15 SEVEn If LATE MODEL 1 x at every ono teed Terms Ir IC desired Shanon Sherman Ato Co West Sest South Temple Templo St SI SIA StA A DARGAI ELECTRIC MOTOR new direct current current v volts now rheostat and controller Suit Hull 0 blo a for press or anY uny machinery Where hero speed Is require Al Au I Pack care of Deseret Now News BILLIARD AND POOl POOI AND Street W y L 50 Richards OLD NEWS FOR Foil ping etc etc I 1 celt n a pound In 25 G I lb bundle oundle Apply rut at this otlee office Lower glen for and lbs Ibs STORE LINt GET lT MY I W v L GO 50 Richards St t MEXICAN LANDS SNAps IN MEXICAN LA LANDS DS SOME of our stoCks mi may interest you HenY Van nn Noy CommercIal Dk HAT A AND l nY STaCIe OF LADES LADIES hATS AND OLD hats hata made mado over oer dyed or cleaned every everything thing In trimmings carried reasonable prices gents hats and n a spa South Main St Del Bell HAT i iSai Sai Salt Lake lint Factory Latest style styleE E 1st So St Hats nt at factory prices hints r remodeled bleached n l FUR UH IA BItING mUNG IN YOUR FOR H modelIng repairing cleaning dyeing and storage Export Expert highest prices prieM paid for furs I 11 St Fur Co Ca 79 E B 3rd S St mi OSTRICH iCI Lir C CLEANING NiNG OSTRICH cleaned and curled F A Carter Fr Fur Co fl W let 1st So go FLORIST TIlE THE l FLOWER FLOW ers era and designs Under Nat Bank ot of Republic COAL COL A ANI n KINDLING E B P PEAL DEAL Coal Kindling and Dock Block BlockWood Wood 1 E B Third South Both th Phones IA TJ J ANI TILES s BRICK AND WOOD MANTELS IS Mosaic floors interior marble marblo Utah Ulah Tie Tile Marble Co S State Bol Bell 1 1174 H SECONDHAND STORE lAD FRANK JENSON V 1st SO SODell Dol Dell Goods and sold OK I Furniture Co buys or Dr exchanges l goods State Doth Both phones NEW AND SECONDHAND SECOND oo GOODS bought sold oll and N Lach W 1st South DES T 1 PRICES SECOND HAND goods bought and sold State EVANS BUY AND ANDs s sell now new ad antI second hand furniture Fair treatment 1 to all 13 SoUth WOt West Temple hOUSEhOLD GOODS nOUGHT sold old Llrsen Larsen Nealson South State DPI Bell Phone Phon 2123 13 k HIGHEST PRICE PAth PAID FOR SEC SECondhand household gools State Slate St Tel k 0 NOTICES TIlE THE SALT RAVI IKE SECURITY Tru Trust 1 company hiI has declared Il its regular dividend at tue tho rate roto ot of seven soven 7 7 per percent r a cent per annum payable on July I 2 1908 at at the tho of the corn com 4 Main Street Salt Sail Lake an City Ulah Utah to ot record June 20 1008 F U E President I F s BASCOM Vice Ico PresIdent President JOHN VIce President It E D WOODRUFF 1 DW ThOM m H HIt HC It C GEMMELL W A EDW EDWARD AnD Directors J E 11 CROW ORIGINAL MANUFACturer of at the celebrated Crow Harness nn and Saddles Repairing 1 it specialIty 13 West Temple Street STRAYED On OR STO STOLEN N NI I 1 GIA Y MAItE fAm BRANDED Y ON left lott shoulder Return to 10 A Sr of at Sni Salt Lake or A Mends Jr of oC i Ao ts n 11 W SO HO OSH NATIONAL ASH OS as OScar clr car sales aleH for Utah Ex Expert pert regIster repairing No 21 Main ANI SCALES I WILL SA SAVE VI YOU MONY ON ANY kInd oI of an elevator or wagon scale Vm So Ha Hoth 0 ChINA TWIN TWINNING JO WADD IL TEM TEMpleton E illS 11 and or orders erH KEYS ERYS LATHE WORK arch ard Brazing Street Walter ll I Jones Iah MAIN COTTI COTTEN 8 33 S W T tItled b hi phone InS phone 18 1781 1 IWO O V AND CARPET T 6 W Temple honl 1010 l XI had 2109 I l ld N OG n 1 t |