Show TO CONTINUE OLD WORLD INDUSTRIES IN THE NEW Nw York Jutes June HAI o who are 10 interested In titO I 11 Ul t 01 II itt Amour ice o of the old world end thu ot of II lr 1091 loss Iy by tile Iho or of ar Ito tho 1110 Ihl ito groat army artay ot of workers ILC uie In 11 iii the lb efforts torl o of hare lina nt at Rome I IrOle or of I time he work ut of laJ Italy Ind director or of Ihl thu lemma lann In Now New Yok york who IM limes Just jUPI ro lume to 10 etty IS trout lly Italy t ie con cen nul liar hur wor In tIme Iha NUlO New York ork a About two Iwo r yours Lr mean ft A hare teen started 11 at ties the set el lemel house ly n it frey New York woo we non amen who lout III at heal heart tue tho welfare nurn ot of tIme Iho women itt In title The Tho Id 1 was M II In nil AH I It hid had hlO bean Ioto done In Itah where wore in 11 Ie keep Ih lieu talent from ties ancient whose beautiful wont ice ho serum Heen franc time II to tinie II iii exhibitIons time bet patterns were wre witti Wlm 1011 gothic Ind and I Ihl the rul result we Ihl lAce a er eru til modem A committee to 10 ties ot of tilt wits with n Mal of at Italy il fr ls Its Front 11 itt lt hf tito society lel Inc In ume l A 11 11 came to 10 New York Yock itt In Ih lice winter ot of 1006 tO 10 a le hOD I similar to 10 Ihn o In Italy Haly Miss Amount brought with her flue pat I turin lern lt of 11 nil styles nHI nail Ie I it of 1111 were rl hint tot tor Ihl if tIt work or err 11 Patterns ar ore us mm Iu in the Now school chool NiI York nrc Ih the Iho work ot of th time Nm New lock pupils Item iii hen been put it I Pit I OX lion 11 at anti ld shoWn nt nl the Iho 11 Ihn work Is lone Irn mite n neil mOn to 10 the comfort or of thee Th Thin enric room I to well clean nn and 1111 1111 the Iho who II is al sic the tho dl or her Iler I it An encouraging mulct 0 IS are uro paid I nl and guns u r to 10 U I mm week tt thou regular wok when they lal |