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Show Hard wonto main HK Dqqg A letter signed by the Millard County Commission and the Mayors of the cities and towns of Millard County was hand carried to Washington Wash-ington D.C. last week, and presented to the Utah Congressional Cong-ressional Delegation, making mak-ing a case for the Main Utah AF Base to be located locat-ed near Delta. The letter states that Millard Mil-lard County will host 60 of the missiles and shelters, shel-ters, and provides the best access to shelters in Beaver Beav-er and Juab counties, and that Delta will need the economic eco-nomic benefits of the base to offset the impacts of construction. con-struction. Noting that Millard Co. residents had been extremely extreme-ly vocal against MX, but that they now want the base for the economic benefits it may contribute. The letter does not support MX as such, but If it Is constructed con-structed makes a pitch for the base. |