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Show JuSED CAR DEALS THAT WILL MAKE, )) ws mm d OUTOFYOU K 1 The Valley Car Corral is featuring some good, extra nice four and five-year old cars in good mechani. V cal condition. ) '69 FORD LTD SlOOC )) New Overhaul, Candy I Vj Apple Red, Air-cond. Jl '69 CHEVE IMPALA UU )) ( '69 CHEVE I MP ALA J2!L!M (( 1 2-Dr.Hdtp. I fl Q V )l f Both have new paint, new rubber. IW 71 , ll '69 RAMBLER AMBASS. $Q(M' (( Like new, nice appearing. J )) ECONOM) 'CARS ( 71 Pinto . . $ 500 ) White, air-cond. I 72 Pinto PRICED RIGHT ( Red Paint, deluxe inside and out, 4-speed mag wheels. ' V 73 Ford Courier Pickup 4 -Speed, 4 Cylinder. r ) PLUS SEVERAL MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ( 74 Torino ..... $3395 , Radials, two -tone blue and white, 'air-cond. 74 Nova Hatchback $3395 2-Dr., 18,000 actual miles. Blue with air-cond. Special Price y CARS 173 LTD Brougham . . . $3295 Radial Tires, electric seats, windows, stereo. 73 Cheve Impala ... $3 1 95 Beautiful brown and light beige. All'thetrim-mings, All'thetrim-mings, like new inside and out. (PROPERTIES MAIN STREET BUILDING Ideal for office. Good location. lo-cation. $11,500. Small down I j payment. Terms. I ; ; 3-BEDROOM HOME, So. 200 ' j West. Lare- Viiily room with fiVVoil furnace ; j - pai CV?,aneled. $10,600. j I Small payment. Bal. on easy j terms. ji 2 -BEDROOM HOME, elec- i trie heat, carpet, drapes, ! i partly paneled. W. 600 So. !; $15,500.00. Shown by ap- j j. ' pointment only. i 1 1 2 -BEDROOM SPANISH style i home. Oil furnace, garage, carpet, drapes, So. 200 W. $12,000.00. Shown by appointment ap-pointment only. HORN SILVER HOTEL 40 rooms, 4 commercial rentals, rent-als, 2 apartment rentals. Includes In-cludes linens, carts, vacuums. vac-uums. Rooms furnished for hotel use. $60,000.00. Terms. ! 40 ACRES uncultivated land NE of Milford. 54 acre feet . water right. $350 per acre. Terms. 5-ACRE RANCHOS - South Milford. 8 acre feet water right. Starting at $4,450.00. Close to town. Beautiful view. ! 4.87 ACRES located in the mouth of Beaver Canyon, Beaver, Utah. Ideal spot for a summer home. Quiet and ; peaceful. $20,000.00. Terms. CORNER LOT with 3 mobile ' , I : hook-ups. Located in city jj limits, So. 100 East. Cement pads. Good income produc- ', : j ing property. $4, 500.00. ! Terms. ! 1 ' ' 3 LOTS, 100 ft. x 142 Ft., j No. 600 West. $3,000.00 per . lot. . LOT 100 ft. x 130 ft., No. 500 West. $3,000.00. i BUSINESS LOT Corner I lot located on Mllford's Main Street. 100 ft. x 115 ft. $25,- 000.00. Terms. j Colonist I) ( ) Soft, natural leather ? j f and bold styling ... for - ) ( ( ) the fashion and durability ( J your active lifestyle demands. mom Qwnii --) men f A Many Styles To Choose From VVUUlSJJjVmL MEN Cedar Cify, Utah J ' 1 TIME FOR A CLOSEOUT n Self-contained I TERRY TRAVEL TRAILERS I Weve a Good Selection Good Selection of 2 and 4 Wheel Drive Pickups I '67 JEEP WAGONEER I 66'000 actl miles, air-cond. 6 brak6S' steering,' A i S,bs,newtiA $70O 1 CaH Ben, Adrain or Kent - 586-8680 i fiiisi 1 ,o0 N Main st liwfifiQt l Phone 586-8680 S- .Cedar City, Utah ) j HANSEN'S "iwiwiDEl CARPET CLEANERS ! "The Professional Cleaners" !! WiN be in Milford the week of Aug 25fh ii STEAM-CONVENTIONAL- j ROTARY -DRY -FURNITURE fTO i: j 20 years experience Member IICUC J FORMERLY HANSEN RUG CLEANERS ' Z'? ) I j LEAVE NAMES AT NEWS OR DAISY'S HOTEL ! ( i ) BUILDING LOTS, j I INDUSTRIAL LAND AVAILABLE Alva J. Kirk Salesman Res. 387-2868 J. Delmar Kirk 426 So. Main 387-5503 Milford, Utah j |