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Show Ml SKetcalf "" 1 H Dear friends, j( JSj HI The next of kin alone has g the right to decide whom the 1 HI funeral director shall be and HI the details of the funeral 3 service . g . No one should attempt to g influence or usurp the right If of choice in this matter. If Advice should be given only , when it is asked. The selec- f j j tion of a funeral director I J I is a very personal matter. Sj JMU Rpectfully, M : - HtytX & apH '!!lTE'AI!fw6 OOM ON prem"es e A REAL BUY! 260 Acres located 12 mile north of Milford; 74 acres alfalfa hay, 400 acre feet water right -1 well with 12" casing -1-14 mile cement ditch. Property fronting paved highway. Ideal for subdivision. Terms. ADDITIONAL 380 acre feet of water $200.00 per acre foot. Will sell all or part, with the above 260 acres, Cash. 2-BEDROOM HOME - Span-ish Span-ish style. Oil furnace, carpet and drapes, garage. So. 200 West. $13,000.00. BE YOUR OWN BOSS1I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Dewey's Diner and 4 -bed. room home. Oil and gas furn. ace. Evaporative air condl. tioner. Green house, large fenced yard. Both for only $64,950.00 or Diner can tie purchased separately for $39,950.00. LOT - 75 feet by 130 feet. Good location. $2,000.00 cash. . LOTS AND INDUSTRIAL LAND AVAILABLE Authorized Boise Cascade Dealer Come In And See Our Plain ALVA J. KIRK REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Ph. 387-2868 426 So. Main 3 8 7-5503 Milford, Utah Keeping electric power in its place amid If you're involved in an automobile . IB If someone's life depends on yo accident and a power line accidentally v removing a powe l,ne make su fas across you r ca, should you , J i you use a dry wooden pole at lea remain in the car? How could you j fahi '' get out of the car without coming in '1?J Jbwvi At Utah Power, we do everythii contact with the electric current? - i 'yfjjfiffift we can to make electricity safe f Is there any way to tell if the power 4 ; y Lf yu- Be extra safe by knowing wh line is "hot"? What if it's raining? l-f iy A to do in case of acciden Knowing the answers to these I -K'l questions could save your life. Utah ;? , A ' v Power suggests that you stay in your -S- A ..11 am. A lift car if it does come in contact with pOUJCICa llfjll any power line. Wait for a power Vvii,, ,7 CCfSlCifl' romoanv man or law enforcement KJJS J ' - oflS"o S you it's safe. TN ' 4 Shop With The Beaver County News Advertisers f ALIGNMENT V Reg. $14.95 REST OF APRIL U !' BAILEY'S CHEVRON SERVICE g : The Chevron ABOVE ALL means Serv,c8,vj ; Middle of Main Street Milford ; I "We Take Better Care of Your Carj ! ! SEE OUR FABULOUS V ITS RAINm BARGAINS r H SUPPLEMENT in today's NEWS ts. : Fabulous Spring, Summer and Fishing Buys ! JyOESliS!?a AUTO? - ; -y . Bill and Dee Kinsler, owners ; Phone 387-5504 Milford, Utah |