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Show PAST NOBLE GRANDS MEET The Rebekah Past Noble Grands Club me ton Wednesday Wednes-day evening at the home of Mrs. Cree Elmer, with Mrs. Frances Smlthson as co-hostess. co-hostess. Mrs. Verna Tomsik presided pre-sided over the business meeting. Those present at the meeting meet-ing besides the co -hostesses were; Florence Barnes, Iola Carter, Bertha Cottrell, Helen Cook, Garnet Garfield, Emma Griffiths, Sarah Griffiths, Grif-fiths, Gertrude Jefferson, Dora Johnson, Neva Kinross, Dora Pool, Geneive Price, Pearl Tolley, and Nora Wright. Following the meeting, delicious de-licious refreshments were served by the hostesses, and then everyone enjoyed visiting. visit-ing. Next hostesses will be Mae Colborn and Lela Gilliam. |