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Show ' I ! ! t . . MARIANNE WISNER OUTSTANDING LEADER WINS NEW YORK TRIP Marianne Wisner, daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Wisner, Wis-ner, was selected to represent repre-sent Milford High School as an outstanding young leader lead-er at the Annual Youth Leadership Lead-ership Foundation Seminar on the Economy. The Seminar, Sem-inar, sponsored by the Utah Jaycees, was held in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Tri-Arc Tri-Arc Convention Center. Marianne was sponsored by the Salt Lake City Chapter of Jaycees. She is the first student to attend the State Seminar from Milford and was one of the few students i who participated from South -' era Utah. The seminar has been held only twice in Utah. A Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation Foun-dation Certificate was presented pre-sented to Marianne in recognition rec-ognition of her outstanding leadership potential. Marianne competed with other students in the state for the honor of representing represent-ing Utah at the National 1975 Youth Foundation Leadership Leader-ship Seminar on the Economy Econo-my to be held this April in New York City. |