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Show SOUTH MILFORD Mrs. Clair Gillins Ph. 387-2612 Mr. Lonny Wellingham, a former South Milford resident resi-dent who now resides in Calif., was here last week visiting his sister, Maude Veazey and son Bob. They also visited a day in Salt Lake with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Puffer and children have moved here from Las Vegas and are living In one of the homes of Gail VanTassell. Nathan Barnes returned to his home In Rialto, Calif. Tuesday. He has been visiting visit-ing here with his mother,' Florence Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey Bail-ey are proud grandparents of a new baby girl born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dalton of Hatch. They have another daughter at home. Mrs. .Bailey spent the week with the" baltons. Mrs.J"Maurine Yardleyhas been in Salt Lake the past several days with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McCulley and new son, and also visiting other family members. Mrs. .Jill. Puffer and Barbara Bar-bara Jean Wright attended the Heart Association Convention Con-vention in Salt Lake last week. The convention was held at the new Hilton Hotel. which has just recently been opened. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mayer May-er were in Salt Lake last week with their son, Joel, who had surgery at the Pri-' mary Childrens Medical Center. They are home now and Joel is doing real good. |